My grandfather and I were very close. He took me everywhere with him, but he wasn't the nicest person in the world to others. My story takes places near the Rio Grande in Texas. My grandfather was the manager for the Dr. Pepper factory there. He always left early before the sun came out. He wanted to show me what he did. My father told him no because it was no place for a child. I was maybe 4 or 5.
He went against my father and took me anyways. He got out to unlock the gates when he saw three men walk up from the river from under the bridge. He told me to lock all the doors and stay down. He asked the man " What can I help you with?" The man was tall and had on a white suit with gold chains. I peaked my head up to see what was going on and saw this man but I also saw two other little men beside him. The tall man had no face. It was just black but you could see him smile. His teeth were really white. He asked my grandfather for a smoke. Then he said" God smokes too" At that moment I saw the two little men smile and realized they didn't have the same kind of teeth I have. Theirs were razor sharp. My grandfather stood and talked to the man.
The creatures however made their way towards the truck I was in and got on top of the car. I saw one look in and seen me. He proceeded to lick the windshield. The creature that was licking the windshield whispered, "I want you now" and was trying to open the door. I screamed and dropped to the footboard of the truck.
The man snapped his fingers and the two little men/creatures returned by his side. Then he told my grandfather he was doing a good job and to keep doing what he was doing. They went down into the river again. When we got home, we both had scratches all over our legs and I had one bite mark near my personal area. Neither my grandfather or I notice the marks and bite marks until my mother saw them.
I had so many nightmares after that. I always woke up with a bite mark near my personal area or scratches everywhere. I have no clue what happened and still to this day don't know. But I was okay until just recently. I've been waking up at 3 or 3:15 every morning and scared out of my mind. With scratches everywhere but no bite marks anywhere that I know of... Knock on wood