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What Was It God Or Satan?


This is happened when I was in my post graduation and under training during the summer vacations. Due to extreme heat, my health became very bad and I remember I remained ill for 22 days. One day my supervisor saw me and said that your face is becoming blue like you are going to die any moment.

I was not feeling well and one day in the evening, I was lying on my folding bed and my mother was ready to gone to Kirtan (the singing of prayers to god with a musical accompaniment) and told me to lock the door tightly, I told her ok but I was too weak to raise my hand so I didn't bother myself to lock the door and continue doing my work which is to sleep. I kept my face towards the wall while sleeping... After some time I felt as if someone had come to my bed. I felt like this because he was lying and his shoulder is touching with my shoulder, the space was so small for two on that bed that I have to move my hand. I felt like may be its my father or uncle, they often woke me up from my deep sleep during twilight time because in our house you are not allowed to sleep while twilight. Even though I was too weak still I opened my eyes a little and looked to the person shoulder and noticed he wore white clothes.

I did not dare at all to ask who it was because I was feeling so sick and dizzy. I turned back facing the wall again and slept... After some time my body got in relax mode my arms in distress mode which was squeezed when the person lay down. It was like the person just woke up and give me the space.

After some time, there was a knock at the door and I heard the sound of Papa's voice asking me to open the door, I just got up with sleepy eyes and dizzy head for opening the door. Then I remembered that I hadn't lock the door. When I saw my father's clothes, he was wearing a grey color kurta.

I thought that may be it was my uncle like he came early from office and then left for some other work to do. After a few seconds, my mother came from the kirtan and shortly after my uncle came from the office. He wearing his uniform white shirt and I was relieved with the thought that it was my uncle. But when I asked him I found out that he just arrived and I was alone in the house this whole time.

After few minutes everybody notices that my doggie named angel was not around and we were searching for her. She was hiding on one side of the store room and scared. I took her in my arms and comfort her. It took time but she got better... After that incident my health started getting better but until today I did not know whether it was God or Satan?... I also told my classmates about this story they felt its all my hallucination due to my medication nothing else. May be they are right but all I know that you can see things while hallucinating but can not feel things.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, imperfect, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Lost-soul (1 stories) (4 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-25)
Hey Imperfect,
Sorry but a lot of storyline here doesn't make sense in the comments, I can understand when paranormal activity doesn't make sense but your real life incidents like the police one are also not making sense and stop saying this happens in india, and which part of India are we talking about here, please tell me, if not the locality, just tell me the city's name.

Thanks for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
And what part of India is this?
Perhaps some of your countrymen members of the forum can elaborate more about this serial killer and his victims, and the unorthodox way the police force seems to work there?
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)

"I belong from that part of India where we experience black magic and ghost from little, there are many more stories from my childhood that's don't make sense but it actually happened."

Sorry, that was not the point read again. 🙄
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
May be leave because landlords already told them that we two ladies are in home... We don't know because after my mother denied to go downstairs nobody came up or force us. May be it's no make sense to you or anybody... But we live that moment. I am no writer so don't know how to puts word together. I just post that story or reply the comments to just share my experience. I belong from that part of India where we experience black magic and ghost from little, there are many more stories from my childhood that's don't make sense but it actually happened. Thank you for listening really appreciate
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
No way, it makes no sense.

As if the police moving all those resources, jeeps and 200 officers, ready to ride a house where a suspected serial killer might be hiding, would leave the place after alerting the suspect hence giving him time to flee.

I'm sorry to say it, but the plot of this story is getting harder to believe after each one of your comments. Just my opinion.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
A bunch of police at late night is a topic for gossipes, although we changed house certain times in same society so the people of society know us from past 24 years. We are glad the society came gather to help us, so it was or it is a very big topic for them and us that a serial killer living with us and we didn't know... So some time people talk about it. Which kind of give this topic a update.
Thank u
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
i know all this because the head of that police communicate with my mother and me... When my father and uncle was our hometown at night 2am our landlady call us that some police officer wants to talk us... We were living in upper floor so when we checked from banclony there was jeeps and hundreds of police officer. My mother told landlady that"i am not going to talk to anybody this late"because they are too many.
Next morning only the head and a lady constable arrived for investigation that time they said because that serial killer took some broker help to rent that house, and lack of knowledge our landlord didn't do the verification. Later on the when they findout the broker he gave this address where he was used to live. The inspector throught we are the family of that person. They verified our identity document also.
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
Hmm? Why?
I mean... How do you know all those? 🤔
Still under case? But 150 were killed? I am starting to feel that something is iffy 🙄
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
"Even once 200 police officers come to raid by help of a tip because once a serial killer lived there and maintained that address. May be he did something?"

Did this raid happen during the time you were living in that house or when?

150 deaths?!? It is time to call Bajirao Singham to solve the case.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-24)
No, police still searching him. Things are still enclose like how he did it when?why?
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-23)
150 cases!? That is a lot! Some of the cases that you experienced might have been brought in by him! Is there any news about the killer? 😨
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-23)
nobody knows what he actually do... Police is searching him until date their is only 150 cases of murder on record... Police thinks their are many more numbers of case off records.
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)

You said "a serial killer lived there", do you know what the killer really did? He may be a trigger for any spiritual activities, here in Japan they have a very good explanation call Nen, which translates into a thought or a person's feeling. Most spirits are believed to be the Nen of the person who already is dead but did not realize it. The character "Nen" itself have a self meaning "Present Heart" meaning the thoughts of presents, and by the spiritual meaning it represents the thought of that person when that person is still alive.
The serial killer may have brought something to the house, so some more research, what did the killer do? Did anything happened in the house? It is a true case? Is it on going, etc.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)
yes I do actually that's not first time I will share many more stories which was experience by me and my mother. Actually the place I am come from is popular for black magic and my mom thinks it is black magic... Some time even in a close room I experience many time that someone splash water (tiny amount)... Intially my parents didn't believe me but one day I was sat with them and suddenly water splash on my boody I show them the droplets then they believe me same think is happening with my maternal uncle (mother's brother).
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)
Did you try talking to your family about this? If it was something evil, I don't think all it would do is just lay down next to you.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)
YES, I and my mother both experience it many time there was three room. From which one room u can't sleep alone or lights off. One night when my father and mother was out of station for two days, my friend come to stay with me she just woke up at late night and lay beside me and tightly hugged me and next morning she said I am sorry I don't feel good about that place I can't stay. Even once 200 police officers come to raid by help of a tip because once a serial killer lived there and maintained that address. May be he did something?
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)
Welcome! I agree with Lady-glow that this is hard to consider if its a God or Satan himself. If you have been ill for such a long period, really hallucination is one good explanation for your experience.
But, if you said you have some other experiences I will need to ask if others experienced the same thing as you did? And is it on going? Do you know the background of the house? 🤔 It may not be high beings or any angels or demons, or anything spiritual when you know what is going on after all, calm down and try to do some research.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-22)
ok so I hate summer because I sweat a lot more than usual even after bath or laying under AC... So one of my bad habit is to on ac right after the bath which cause normally every year cold and cough... Even right now I am dealing with mild cold and cough but that time doctor also said that's normal viral and didn't gave any extra medicine... Just for fever but at that time my health keep detorting... By the way angel might fell heat but that store room was little bit upstairs and store room heated like hell because their is no shed on the roof of store room... And why she was shivering?... Although we left that house but that was not the one encounter we all feel. Their is something in that house
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-21)
Welcome to YGS.

I have some questions about your story and will appreciate any extra information you may provide.

"Due to extreme heat, my health became very bad and I remember I remained ill for 22 days"

Could you be more specific about this illness? Was it heat stroke or heat exhaustion? Were you bedbound and medicated for those 22 days?

"you can see things while hallucinating but can not feel things."

Actually, there's a condition called tactile hallucinations in which, among others, a person may experience "Feelings of being touched or kissed" and this can be a side effect of some medications, as explained in the following link:


As for Angel, she might had been sheltering from the heat?

In my opinion, it's hard to say if you experienced a paranormal encounter, much less if it was God or Satan, or if your recovery was your own body reacting to the medications and rest.
I'm glad to know you recovered fully.

Thanks for sharing.

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