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Real Ghost Stories

Landlord Lady


This is the story of when I was in class 10th. We were living on rent and one another family was also living on rent with us (Separately). Our landlord was living with his children after the death of his wife but he would definitely come home once a day to check his house.

His wife died a lot of years ago due to some infection and we heard that after that he rented the house the renter did not stay for long. This house was her first house and she loved it very much.

A little horror thing happened with us, from the beginning but we did not think much about it. This thing started in 2010 when we took my grandfather (dad's father) from our hometown to stay with us because he was getting aged and can't take care of himself anymore. Things started deteriorating slowly... First it was fine for a few days but then Dadaji started shouting at night looking at some corner like someone is standing there, continuously screaming "go away I am not going with you, go away", it started going from here... And then his health started deteriorating.

Another incident happened when the another renter always turned off the water supply valve of our water tank to reduce the electricity bill or any thing related to the electricity. We never got why she did this. So my mother use to wake up at 4-5 am of morning to fill up the tank of water which is installed at the roof of the house. One day my mother woke up at 4 am and doing her work to filled the tank and she saw a shadow and didn't know whether it was her or not. She checked the shadow by moving her hand but that shadow still showed no movement. She got scared and started coming down from stairs and she fell on her knees, in fact some toe nails also came out. She was bleeding but forgot about her injuries, she keep screamed that someone pushed her she felt it, someone pushed her (she is non believer in ghost at that time). I can see her eyes she was very scared. We took her to the hospital and do the needed treatment.

After some days the old renter shifted and new doctor couple came in their place. They once told us they are trying to conceive but failed many times. That's when my dada's health was very bad. He was admitted to the ICU. Doctors said he is stable now and in a few days he going to be discharge.

That night mother dreamed that our landlord aunty was holding my dada in her lap, she turned towards my mother and gave a creepy smile to my mother. After 2 hours she got a call from hospital that dada ji is no more.

After that my health started deteriorating like dengue then typhoid then allergy. Going to the hospital was like my routine. One night the doctor lady dreamed about landlord aunty that she peed on bed and doctor aunty is cleaning it up and suddenly landlord aunty said "you going to be mother soon." Next day she came to us and told my mother about the dream she had last night and how she looked (although because she had not seen our landlord lady not in pictures). My Mother is surprised because of the way she described her is exact...

My mum and doctor aunty talked to our landlord uncle and said that he should get the pooja (a ritual in honour of the gods) performed either at home) done so that her soul can rest in peace. The uncle organized a huge pooja and also donated a lot.

After that we remained there for 6 months and we didn't encounter such things. After a week of pooja done doctor aunty did her test and she was pregnant. Today she is a mother of cute teenage girl.

Last month landlord uncle also died due to age factor. Till date I and my mother still think about it and try to understand was it true or just things was supposed to done like this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, imperfect, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (866 posts)
1 month ago (2024-07-25)
If it was the spirit of the landlady I wonder why she would push your mum down the stairs, but apart from this and the dream with the creepy smile the other incidents don't seem to be malevolent.
imperfect (2 stories) (9 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-23)
yes, its seems like that. She was very lovable lady, I heared from people
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-23)

It seems like the landlady considered the tenants like part of her family and enjoyed letting them know things that she knew ahead of time from the other side of the veil.

Thanks for sharing

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