As you know from my earlier post, I have the ghost of an old man that lives in my bedroom. I'm sad to say there have been no recent sightings of him, and I still do not know what he wants. Instead, I will talk about my occurrence that happened last night.
Before I tell you about my experience last night, I will tell you about one that happened about a month ago. Since my bed sheets were dirty, I decided to change them before going to bed. As I was putting on my pillow case, I had the sudden urge to look to my right.
When I did, I saw this white glowing orb at the end of my bed. I know it wasn't the light in my eyes, because it was just too round and perfect to be just light reflecting off my glasses. But instead of feeling scared, a peaceful, calm emotion came over me. In fact, it felt like I just went into a daze (you know, you feel as light as a feather and you don't really know what you're doing).
I finished up with my bed making, and it vanished. After it vanished, I felt extremely scared, and rushed out of the room. As I made it to the hallway, I saw this shadow that I know for a fact was not my own. Mostly because I saw my own shadow in the doorway. I passed it and my uneasiness faded away.
Anyways, back to the real story.
For months now, I would find myself waking up late because my alarm has been shut off. I would specifically turn it on before bed, then it somehow turning off at night. My mom says it's because I turn it of in my sleep, but I have a hard time turning it off even when I'm awake.
Well, two nights ago, I was in bed, lying so that my head was turned toward the opposite side of the room. All of a sudden, I feel an evil presence in the room. I looked up, and I saw a black mass just hanging over my bed. It was kind of just floating there, moving about above my head. But I felt another presence as well, a soft kind one, just like the presence of the floating white orb. I felt calm and peaceful, and I drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up at 7:40 (ten minutes after the time I needed to leave for school) because my alarm clock shut itself off again! I felt that it was the black mass that shut off my clock, and I'm so mad at it!
I'm wondering if the shadow I saw months ago and the black mass are the same thing. They both felt evil and unfriendly. But I am thankful to that orb. I'm pretty sure that the orb is a male, probably in his 20s or 30s. Hopefully I will be able to post more in the future!