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The Haunted Feeling


I was around 8 or 9 when this happened. It happened in my parents house. My nan had died when I was 3 and I was worried as growing up watching stuff like ghost hunters, I feared she'd come visit me in spirit/ghost. This is not fiction so this is true.

The first thing that happened to me was when I was mucking about with my dog. We went and played in the corridor, until my dog stopped dead cold. I said "what's the mater boy?" He didn't bark he didn't even move. He was just staring at the wall. I was like "Whats the matter?" My first move was trying to get of the corridor with my dog. I ran out to the living room and told my dog to come with me. My dog backed away still staring at the wall. He then dashed and stayed behind me.

On the exact same day it had turned night. Nothing unusual had happened since my dog and that thing. Nothing unusual until night came. I was in my bed, my film had finished, and I was reading a book as I am someone who doesn't go to sleep straight away. I like to read before I fall asleep. I finished the book and tryed getting to sleep. I lay awake for a while, until I saw a lady sitting in a rocking-chair looking at me. I didn't know who this person was so I tried as hard as I could to cast my mind back in case it was someone I knew. I couldn't think of anyone.

This next experience happened to my brother. It was my nans aniversary. It was deep into the night and everyone was asleep everyone except my brother. He couldn't sleep. It was all peacful until a piercing scream coming from my brothers room broke the peacfulness. I awoke and so did my parents. I saw my brother rush to my parents room and say his lights were turning on and off. My Dad looked to my mum and said do you know what that means? She coming back to see them.

I need help with my experience. Is it just my nan? Or is it someone or something else.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dandruff_in_hair, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Radikel0us (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
I would be very interested in reading your other experiences! I assume this is just your nan trying to visit and just stay with you, you know?
Dandruff_in_hair (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-10)
Thank you everyone for the wonderfull comments and the help I have recieved. If any of you would like to hear more from me Ill post a story called the girl who called for Emma 😊.
Dandruff_in_hair (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-06)
I totallly freaked! 😨 😲 well that was really funny. Id LOVE to see you do that!
detective3 (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-05)
I know that if I woke up and saw some random woman in my bedroom I would totally freak! Only a few days ago my uncle pranked me, in the kitchen there is this bench and there is a window across from the bench and I was cleaning up after making my dinner and when I looked up I saw this dark face with dark brown hair and I screamed and jumped out of my skin and ran away laughing because it's just a stupid nervous reaction I have but I wet my pants! When I came back my uncle was in the kitchen laughing and he apologised to me because he didn't think he was going to scare me that much! He was just outside hanging his washing on the line and saw the window and thought he'd be able to get a good kick out of me, but I know I'm going to get him back! 😆 😁 🤔
Ghostly98 (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-05)
I see where you're coming from about her following you everywhere! Maybe shes trying to protect you from the other "spirit" that may be lurking about. I think you should feel comforted that she cares enough to come back and protect you 😊 Or maybe it was your nan both times and just wanted to grab your brothers attention! 😁 I see now how you new your brother wasn't asleep, but you didn't mention it in the story so I wouldn't have known, but the whole seeing through walls thing would have been pretty cool 😉

Good Luck on everything!:)

Ghostly98 x
Dandruff_in_hair (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-05)
Ghostly:Well I dident share a room with my brother he told me he wasent asleep and when I woke up I was about to go to the bathroom and he just dashed out of his room. My brother back in those days was scared of flies,, spiders, etc. At first they are quite diffrent experiences, yes it could just be my nan, but if it is my nan would it be likely for her to follow me everywhere? I am asking that as sometimes in diffrent places I see something, it follows me as if its trying to protect me.
Ghostly98 (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-04)
Hmmmmm...thats a toughy, if you piece together the two experiences you will see they are quite different. I personally think it was your nan the first time round, just popping in to see how you were doin 😊 But the second one puzzeled me as this incident scared your brother, and I doubt your nan would want to scare her grandson, not to scare you but maybe, just maybe there could be something else there, but possibly, maybe not, she could have just wanted to get his attention.

Just one question, do you share a room with your brother, as you said you and everyone else was asleep, except your brother, the only way for you to know that is A) You share a room with him B) He told you in the morning (but you said you saw him run into your parents room) C) you can see through walls, which would be cool but unlikely a 😆
Good Luck, and god Bless:)

Ghostly98 x
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-03)

I'm not madness27 but I suggest leaveing out a digital voice recorder... Turn it on, set it up to record and then simply ask..."Nan, are you here? If so please leave a message on this recording device." Then set it down and walk away. Come back in a hour or two and play back the recorder... Listen for any voices/noises that may have been 'captured'.


Dandruff_in_hair (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-03)
madness27: Ill try not to be to worried but how can I contact her? I want to contact her but I don't know how. Should I just wait for her to contact me?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-03)

Did your 'experience' with your dog and the apparition happen on the anniversary of your 'Nan's' passing?

How long after your experience did your brothers happen?

(ok, ok two


madness27 (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-02)
I think it is just your nan. Nothing to be worried about. You should feel comforted that she is watching over you. 😊

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