I was around 8 or 9 when this happened. It happened in my parents house. My nan had died when I was 3 and I was worried as growing up watching stuff like ghost hunters, I feared she'd come visit me in spirit/ghost. This is not fiction so this is true.
The first thing that happened to me was when I was mucking about with my dog. We went and played in the corridor, until my dog stopped dead cold. I said "what's the mater boy?" He didn't bark he didn't even move. He was just staring at the wall. I was like "Whats the matter?" My first move was trying to get of the corridor with my dog. I ran out to the living room and told my dog to come with me. My dog backed away still staring at the wall. He then dashed and stayed behind me.
On the exact same day it had turned night. Nothing unusual had happened since my dog and that thing. Nothing unusual until night came. I was in my bed, my film had finished, and I was reading a book as I am someone who doesn't go to sleep straight away. I like to read before I fall asleep. I finished the book and tryed getting to sleep. I lay awake for a while, until I saw a lady sitting in a rocking-chair looking at me. I didn't know who this person was so I tried as hard as I could to cast my mind back in case it was someone I knew. I couldn't think of anyone.
This next experience happened to my brother. It was my nans aniversary. It was deep into the night and everyone was asleep everyone except my brother. He couldn't sleep. It was all peacful until a piercing scream coming from my brothers room broke the peacfulness. I awoke and so did my parents. I saw my brother rush to my parents room and say his lights were turning on and off. My Dad looked to my mum and said do you know what that means? She coming back to see them.
I need help with my experience. Is it just my nan? Or is it someone or something else.