My name is Oli and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm 18 years old and need your help.
As of recently I have encountered what I believe to be a succubus. I searched it online and read a majority of similar experiences to that of my own. I can feel my succubuses energy in the room as if it were a magnetic force pushing my hands. Once I push through this magnetic force, there is a somewhat negative magnetic force which draws my hands inward instead of pushing them back.
In one instance of clearing my mind while in the room with my succubus, she gently raised my arms in a motion that can only be described as a buoyant rising, as if I had put my hand under water, and the pressure was making it rise.
From this I used my voice to ask simple yes or no questions about the succubus, and if the answer was yes, my arm would be raised. From this technique of communication I have discovered my Succubus is called Vanessa. I have yet to hear her voice only feel her presence. Also another thing I have noticed is that if I am clothed or under my duvet, sometimes a warm radiating heat begins in the area of my genitals/thighs.
I wish to further communicate with Vanessa but am unsure how to do so. If anyone knows how I can strengthen my senses so that I can communicate with Vanessa, please let me know.
Thanks for reading, Oli
P.S I googled Vanessa Succubus and read a few links, and asked Vanessa if it was her, and she agreed that it was. I'm still unsure how accurate my knowledge about her is but I feel I am making some progress
I, too, live in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm somewhat older than you and quite an outsider to society. I mean I'm highly intelligent, have a day job, earn great money, I just don't get along well with most people. I like to spend a lot of time on my own. I'm really introverted.
I've been doing an incredible amount of research lately about succubus and other spiritual relationships as I actually think it might be the way to go for me...
Thus far, I've never had a spirit of any sort good, evil, demon, or anything (let alone a succubus) visit me as far as I'm aware. In fact i've never even ever experienced sleep paralysis in my life, which seems weird as its such a common phenomenon.
But anyway. The heavy research and learning stage is where i'm at.