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Black Seemingly Glaring Figure Causing Bodily Harm In Sleep


So. I'm shakin up, and its happening to my girlfriend not me. Il start off a bit before this started, 17 year old boy meets 22 year old girl both fall in love and become a couple who tells each other Everything. Ok so now you've got some back story.

This happened hours ago or Days ago depending on how technical you are. She calls me to say goodnight we talk for a while and we both say our I love yous and our goodnight to each other, I go in the living room and leave my phone in my room. I was only gone for 7 minutes, and I come back and have 1 unread txt and 2 missed calls. The Txt reads "Baby I'm scared" I reply "why", "baby what's wrong", "your scaring me". No replies but she calls me again. Before I get to that there is more you need to know first.

Days before this happened, my girlfriend was telling me and showing me these bruises she had on her ankles when she woke up that she did not have the night before. Then a day later she had a long cut down the side of her leg that she didn't notice until she got In the shower and the hot water hit it, then a few days later Today, she had 2 bruises on her head again all Appeared when she woke up. Me thinking she had just pissed off a small animal or something never expected what she told me. And shes never in the entire relationship made anything up or joked around about being scared.

Shes told me in the past that things in her room have 'moved' or 'fallen' I thought she was just being silly. But when I Answered her call from paragraph 2, she called almost in tears and a deep tremble in her voice explaining to me there is a dark object near her daughters play cube in her room staring at her. My heart sank and my skin went cold my eyes probably diolated. I could barely speak but I replied, "What". And she repeated a black thing was in her room and she saw it moving around and thinks its staring at her. I talked her into building up the nerve to grab her laptop and turn it on and use the light to shine at it (The light switch to her room is right next to where this 'Thing' is at the other end of her room.)

She did and it went away. She broke out in tears of terror and relief and we talked for a bit and the subject came up as if This 'Thing' was the cause of her bruises and cut. We can only assume. As we are talking she closes her laptop lid and sighs deeply then she screams and breaks out crying again saying something pulled her hair, at that point all the hair on me stuck right up and I could swear I had the power to take on anything, I got super pissed and just wanted Literally to tear this thing apart into small pieces and I Still do. That is what went through my mind, something very unlike me to think or say.

So we stayed on the phone after that she fell asleep while I stayed on the phone to make sure she was ok and nothing else happened while she slept. My battery started going dead around 12% charge I checked just before I started thinking to my self. Keep in mind I'm still on the phone with my now asleep girlfriend.

I then for some reason thought I had some psychic ability and tried sending the thing a message telling it to come at me instead and leave her alone I waited for something to happen so I then said "Yea that's right your just a powerless little b**ch" Exactly after I said powerless little b**ch the call ended I looked at my phone and I still had 8% left so it was not my phone that dropped the call.

So here I am now its 2am for me. I just want answers I just want to know shes going to be safe.

At the time being She is in kentucky, and I am in california. This happened at around 10pm-12am for me and 1am-3am for her.

If its any relevance I heard weird noises on the other end of the phone like the audio was cutting out but her voice came in fine just sounded like something playing and pausing in the background was faint like it was from outside but was almost clear as day. Kind of like it was the tone of a voice it just sounded familiar but I couldn't make out what it was. Didn't sound like a voice at all sounded almost like a vehicle.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sickened, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-29)

A single individual is now a PACK?!?

I and others asked some questions for clarification purposes and when we received answers from the O/P we made suggestions as to what may be happening... Including 'stress induced Poltergeist Activity', something you suggested yourself.

I and others also encouraged the O/P to double check and eliminate any and all 'natural/normal' things that may have caused any of the O/P's Girlfriend 'experiences'.

So 'wheres the pack?'


Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
People on this site have a pack mentality. One person comments negatively and the rest joins in the attack. We're here to support each other. Remember that!

Sickened, I'm taking your side here. You believe your girlfriend, because you have no reason not to. As you know her best its not for anyone here to say she has some kind of disorder.

This could very well be a paranormal experience. She is under stress and going through an emotional time so I'm thinking its a poltergeist. Poltergeist's do take form at times. They do bodily harm (not always). They do frightening things like pull hair etc.

If this happens to her again, and considering that the laptop's light made this entity go away, she should sleep with a light on. Even if it just brings her comfort.

Thanks for sharing and welcome to the site.
abbiegallon (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-27)
im sure your girlfriend will be safe. Maybe its the house. I'm 15 and only had the 1 experiance but maybe with losing her mum she was thinking she heard something.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-27)
Dear Sickened,
You are asking US whether your girlfriend would be safe or not!
If you are so worried for her safety, let me ask you, did you call her again after the call drop when your battery showed 8%? That could have solved your query instead of typing so long and getting the story published!

I really don't get you or your feelings!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-27)

No sleep because your 'stressed out' due to your girlfriends sad and unfortunate situation, her Mothers passing, can not be an easy thing to deal with.

But this very combination of sleeplessness, stress and grief may very well be the cause of all the 'effects' your girlfriend is experiencing. She could very well be hurting herself in her sleep and/or the bruises may be from things she has bumped into and not noticed because of her mental state as she grieves for her Mother.

I must say this...

If you've been psychic or telepathic 'sense you were a kid' (which at '18' you still are 'a kid' compared to my old 'A$$ at 43 😉) I would have hoped you asked your parents if they were either or at least done some research into what either of these things is. As you seem not to know the difference between the two of them here are the definitions of each...

Psychic: 1) relating to the human mind 2) outside the sphere of scientific knowledge 3) claiming, or believed to have, extraordinary sensitivity to nonphysical or supernatural forces 4) able, or considered able, to perceive people's unexpressed thoughts or foresee the future.

Telepathic: supposed communication directly from one person's mind to another's without speech, writing, or other signs or symbols.

So there you have it, directly from the Good Book of WEBSTER.

I am not trying to give you a 'hard time' but I feel there may be natural cause for all the things your girlfriend may be experiencing or as has been suggested by a couple of folks... Perhaps its Poltergeist Activity brought on by stress.


zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Sounds pretty scary. I too have a couple of questions and no disrespect intended; you sound a bit defensive in response to Rook's questions. It has been stated on this site time and time again by various posters, but I will state it again. Most people on this site have experienced some paranormal in their life. Also, most people on this site feels some connection to other people who have experienced paranormal also. I also believe that everyone, or mostly everyone wants to help in one way or another. Questions are a way to get more information about the experience. Now...

You state this entity that your girlfriend described was by her daughter's play cube. Where was her daughter when all of this was occurring? Where was her daughter when you were talking your girlfriend to sleep?

Also, just curious... You seem quite set on specifics such as "I was only gone for 7 minutes..." Just wondering if that has any significance?

How long have you been dating? I know that may be too personal and don't answer if you don't want to but you say..."shes never in the entire relationship made anything up..."

Thanks, zeta.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
I think your girlfriend has an over-active imagination, enjoys drama, or both, and you are willingly being drawn into it. I would urge her to seek a rational, and probably medical, explanation for what is happening. She may have a sleep disorder which is resulting in the injuries during sleep. Suspecting some kind of paranormal explanation for her injuries may have put her on high alert, which contributed to her imagining or hallucinating this black, glaring figure, which was probably just a shadow, or possibly a trick of her eyes. It only makes sense an ordinary old shadow would disappear when light was shone at it. I suggest both of you calm down and approach this from a rational perspective. A non-paranormal explanation is far from ruled out at this stage. As for your cell phone, calls can be dropped for reasons other than your battery running low and when a battery is as low as 8%, it can cut out at any point. It doesn't have to wind down to 0% before your phone dies. The behaviour of your cell phone and the noises you say you heard from it prove nothing. I do hope you have an excellent long distance plan or your cell phone bill is going to be "paranormal" in that it will be out of this world.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Mmkay, all the activity recently started, in the last week, correct? You say she's in Kentucky for her mother's funeral (condolences for her loss).
I'm wondering if she's experiencing poltergeist activity. It's usually associated with teens, but can affect anyone if they are under a lot of stress. Her current circumstances sound incredibly stressful. Poltergeists frequently cause noises and moving objects, but if the energy fueling the activity is strong enough (if the person affected is stressed out enough) physical contact can occur. Bruises, scratches, things like that. My guess is that once her emotions start to calm down, the activity will calm down. It's important that she not let these events get the better of her, but that she try to work through her grief in a healthy way.
And I wouldn't sweat that dropped call. Your phone was at 8% charge after all. Mine starts dropping calls at 10%. It's pretty normal.
Good luck and best wishes to you both.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Have you and your girlfriend ever met in person? There is relevance to this question.

Sickened (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Ok the psychic or telepathic thing, I have done sense I was a kid I do not know what it is called or why I do it. Perhaps i'm nuts or something. The small animal thing trying to lighten the mood, being on the phone with a crying girl you love is a pretty depressive mood. She is in kentucky for her mothers funeral, so shes back at her parents house.

I just found this site last night. Why would I have the intentions to dis-obey a clearly stated rule people.

I am currently 18 now shes 23. I'm sorry, just when you look for answers for things like this at 2am you arnt exactly the best of writers.

Now I have not slept so please, I don't seek your criticsm. I just want a insight into what the actual f**k is happening and why.

Otherwise just ask you questions I have got nothing but time. Ill answer to the best of my ability
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
"I then for some reason thought I had some psychic ability and tried sending the thing a message telling it to come at me instead and leave her alone I waited for something to happen..."
This "story" is a mess, all over the place and back again. There is a difference in being telepathic and being psychic. So you just up and decided that you were psychic? I'm sorry, but you don't just suddenly think you're psychic, and try to "send a message". If you can come back and explain some of the questions Rook asked about, then perhaps I can see it from a different point of view.
solibusal (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Yeah, I reckon this one's a fake too, interesting read but not really true. You said that you saw the bruises, and cuts and stuff on consecutive days near the beginning of the story, and towards the end you say that she lives in Kentucky and you live in California...hmmm, not plausible.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)

I think you will find us fairly open minded even if we do ask some very hard questions at times. Speaking of questions I'll begin with this one...

You stated...

"This happened hours ago or Days ago depending on how technical you are."

WHAT? Please clarify?

My next question is about this statement...

"Days before this happened, my girlfriend was telling me and showing me these bruises she had on her ankles when she woke up that she did not have the night before. Then a day later she had a long cut down the side of her leg that she didn't notice until she got In the shower and the hot water hit it, then a few days later Today, she had 2 bruises on her head again all Appeared when she woke up. Me thinking she had just pissed off a small animal or something..."

You thought she had 'pissed off' a small animal? OR SOMETHING? While its not 'unheard of' for hungry rats to take a 'nip' at sleeping people what kind of ANIMAL did you think was in her house that she 'pissed off'?

I have many, MANY more questions about this 'story' but I'll leave off (for now) with one about this statement...

"I then for some reason thought I had some psychic ability and tried sending the thing a message telling it to come at me instead and leave her alone I waited for something to happen so I then said "Yea that's right your just a powerless little b**ch" Exactly after I said powerless little b**ch the call ended I looked at my phone and I still had 8% left so it was not my phone that dropped the call."

You stated you are 17 years old and 'out of the blue' you 'thought' you had 'some psychic ability'? REALLY?

I'm ready to through a Blankie on this one... But if the O/P Comes back and answers my questions as well as other questions I'm sure are going to be asked concerning this 'story'...well I'll keep an open mind but for now please place me firmly on the fence...



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