This happened today. The Dean Head of the Board of the Faculty where I work died last month after a sudden illness. He was very loved by his students and we all were devastated. This morning, a month after his passing, the cleaning lady opened the door to the Board room to do some cleaning. She said that when she opened the door, she felt cold chills. She went into the room to turn on the lights, as the room was dark. When she turned on the lights, she froze: there, at the table, was the Dean, sitting in his chair, smiling at her. He wore a blue shirt with white stripes. He wasn't transparent or anything, he was just sitting there as if he was still made of flesh and blood. She blinked and he was gone.
The cleaning lady stormed out of the room. The Secretary of the Board, who was close to the Dean and his family, was on her way to the Board room. She saw the cleaning lady and immediately knew something was wrong. She took her to another room and trembling all over the lady related her story. It turned out that since his passing, the Dean had shown himself to 4 other people outside of the Faculty, including his wife. They guessed that he was probably waiting for the Secretary of the Board who usually went into the Board room around that time of the morning.