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Dreaming With The Dead


When I was in my early twenties, I had a very vivid dream that my grandfather was visiting me. I remember lying in bed partially sitting up on one elbow when he came to me. When I saw him I said "Huelo, you're here!" (Huelo was the name we called him as a nick name for abuelo). He answered "Yes, I am. I have to tell you something." "But you're dead". "I know. I have to tell you something". He was his usual self that I remembered, no nonsense, straight to the point. While I'm looking at him I can see a family member, Vidal, that had long passed standing in the background waiting for my grandfather to finish. They were very close friends, not just relatives.

He told me to take care of my mother because her heart and lungs would fail her. He kept repeating "it's pulmonary. Los pulmones. It's pulmonary". He didn't mention anything more about her heart and left.

I woke up sitting halfway up resting on my elbow just as I had been in my dream. Aside from being such a freaky dream being so realistic, I could smell him, in my sheets, my night gown and my hair. At the time my only thought was that it was nothing more than a very vivid dream. I went back to sleep and in the morning I told my grandmother about it. She told me she dreamt of her parents all the time. They would ask how her health was, if she was watching her blood sugar, etc., real things that had developed long after they passed. So it's just a dream, we left it at that.

About 2 or 3 years later, my mother is having surgery. My father told me "We had a big scare with your mother today. She stopped breathing and they had to intubate her". My heart stopped andimmediately remembered that dream and my grandfather focusing on her lungs. Many years later she passed from congestive heart failure.

He visited me one other time after the birth of my daughter to tell me how beautiful she was and to take good care of her. Vidal was there too, waiting for my grandfather like before. He waved and winked, and then they were gone. Once again, when I woke up I could smell him.

Another time, I'm taking a nap and I dream that a friend of my parents that I hadn't seen in many years came to me to tell me he had died. He was so happy about it! "Guess what? I died!" I was rather shocked and just said "Oh, OK. Thanks" (because hearing that is weird). I told my parents about it and we thought it was odd, but just a dream. A few weeks later we found out that he had indeed passed around the same time as my dream.

I dreamt one night that an old boyfriend, a very bad abusive boyfriend from over 30 years ago, came to me. He was very standoffish, stammered a little and said "sorry if I hurt you, Shorty". Again I thought weird vivid dream except for I didn't feel afraid of him as I did when I would randomly see him out and about. A few months later an old friend asked me if I heard Robert Earl had died. She's extremely religious and I only said I had heard about it. If I told her the truth she would have tried to exorcise me!

Last year my cousin was going through a very difficult time and relied on her Catholic faith to get her through it. She was saying novenas day and night. Several times a week she would find random pennies around her house in areas that moments before there was none. She felt it was a sign of acknowledgment and that her brother Larry, who had passed, was somehow involved. After her crisis was over, I dreamt of him. He was playing pool with a friend - which was a favorite past time of his. He was about to take his shot when turned around and said "hi", turned back to the table, then back to me again and said "hey, tell Beck I said hi". Again just another dream. In the morning I went out to my backyard to have a smoke and what do I find? A penny.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, OCGirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-25)

I used to have dreams of only blood relatives coming to me in dreams. They would want me to take them to whatever mode of transportation they chose to use to get to the other side. One night I had dream of an elderly uncle, the next morning I called my mother and told her to call my aunt to check on him. She got a bit nasty and said he was fine. A week later I was at his wake, he died a few days after the phone call.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-07-23)
Hi OC,
I think when we're sleeping we're more open and the spirits can contact us easier. Some folks are just more open then others, and have a stronger connection. I'm glad you shared this.
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-21)
Thank you, OCGirl, for sharing these experiences with us. Reading about your dreams of departed family and friends is comforting to me because they confirm my belief that death doesn't really sever the ties between us. I bet other readers on YGS have similar feelings.
girl25 (5 stories) (28 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-21)
OCGirl I have searced this because it happened to me a few days ago, it is that the loved ones that are dead visit us in our sleep to bring us a message or inform us about something like in your case. In my realistic dream I said my gradmother to go away, I didn't let her speak to me and then thinking about it I thought maybe she visited me because it is my time to die. But I am very young I don't believe this and reading your story helped me a lot. Thank you because now I realised she wanted to tell me something but I didn't let yer.
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-19)
Hi Melb;

It was odd, that's why I was kind of taken aback, but he really was so happy! His emotions were like when someone's sharing great news like they won the lottery or a free vacation. I later learned from his daughter that he had been in a comma for a few weeks before his passing. I have heard that the spirit can leave the body when it's in this state. Maybe that was it? I don't know if is related to his visit but I had cared for his wife when she was dying from cancer about 15 years earlier.

L_Melb (220 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-19)
What freaky but also lovely experiences. There seems to be a "vivid" dream pattern - don't know I would handle such things but, yes, what response do you give to someone happily informing you of thier death? A question indeed 😕
Thanks again, great read 😊, L
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-19)
Thank you all! I have to say it's so nice to be able to come to this website & share these experiences.

Sweetsunshine, skylark, rbasireddy & ashar123, thank you for your kind words. Ashar123 - I didn't mean to scare you!

It is sad losing family members but it brings me comfort knowing they are still around in some fashion. I'm a firm believer in the afterlife and for me these are just reaffirmations.

I think it's something that may be in our family. My grandmother always dreamt of her parents on the regular and like I mentioned in my story the things they would ask her about were all health issues she had developed long after they had passed.

We also had a relative back in Spain that experienced this as well. Given the time back then - late 1800's early 1900's, they thought he was crazy and he was institutionalized. When his children came to see him to inform him that their mother, his wife had passed, he already knew because she came to tell him she died and wouldn't be able to come see him anymore. He even described her clothing (which was probably easy, back then it seems everybody wore black).

Thanks again!
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-19)
The story gave me goosebumps. The experiences are spine chilling. I am alone in the house this time and feeling the horror to the extreme. Maybe you are sensitive to these entities that's why your late relatives make a visit to you every now and then.

Thanks for sharing!
rbasireddy (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-19)
Sorry for all the deaths in your family and friends, looks like you have a special gift.
skylark574 (2 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-18)
It's really sweet that all your loved ones come into your dreams like that and inform you about future.
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-18)
Hello OCGirl,

I'm really sorry that you have to deal with the deaths of your friends and family members. Maybe you're sensitive to these things more than others and that's why they visit you more.

But that's really weird of your parent's friend to say like that though.

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,

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