So this is my first story I have written but I have been reading stories on this web site for like 6 months now and decided to create an account because I think I may have a story of my own and I always loved the thought of having an paranormal experience which I never did until now.
So my grandpa (my mom's dad) passed away in 2012 and I wasn't that close with him so I didn't really cry when he passed because I was still young and this was my first encounter with a family member passing and I didn't know what was going on I mean I did but not really.
Nothing really happened in those years after he passed until Christmas morning 2016 we had recently moved into a new house earlier that year and this was our first time having my aunt (mom's sister) and my cousin's and my dad over for Christmas all together.
We have a 4 bedroom house my aunt, and my 5 cousins came over for Christmas. My room is the closest to the living room where my aunt and 4 out of 5 of my cousins were sleeping. It was Christmas morning and as me being me I was excited for Christmas so like usual I woke up earlier then everyone else. When we were decorating for Christmas we went all out, we had Christmas decorations everywhere including a music box that sat on a table next to the Christmas tree.
I forgot where the music box came from I think maybe from a friend of my mom's it was a really cool music box and I would play it anytime I got to because it played jingle bells when you turned it on.
Anyways, I got up earlier then everyone else and went out into the living room to see if anyone was awake. They weren't everyone was fast asleep. So I went back into my room, now the walls are very thin. I went back in my room and decided to lay down and play on my phone until people get up.
I was just playing on my phone when I heard the music box go off I wasn't scared because it was a light sound but I could tell it was the music box because it played the same jingle. I just let it play out until it stopped now if you know a music box you would know the longer you turn it the longer it would play the song. The song went on for the whole jingle bell's song so it would have had to be turned all the way.
I let it past and went to play on my phone more and about 30 minutes later everyone woke up I didn't tell anyone about the music box until later that night when my aunt and cousin's left my dad stayed because he lived further then everyone else so he wasn't going home until the day after.
I told my mom the whole story, she believes in ghost almost as much as I do, and is the only one who believes me when I say I feel like there is a ghost around because she has had experiences herself. I told her about the box and she said she believes it was my grandpa telling everyone that he was there. I didn't believe her until I started thinking about it more. I haven't had any other experiences other then that, at least I don't think I have so I thought that this was the perfect story to type as it was my first experience I remember.
I just wanted to know if it was really my grandpa that morning or just my imagination.
That might very well have been your grandfather wishing you a Merry Christmas 😊
If they can teach us some lessons (and mine did) from the grave why couldn't yours pay you a visit in such a special holiday? 😉
Really enjoyed reading your experience!