I'll start by telling you a little about my cat. Toffee wasn't really our cat to start with, he belonged to an elderly lady 2 doors away in my street, he used to be jittery and nervous when passing through my back garden during the summer either 2009/10 (we'd moved in May 2009) any way I broke the ice and gave him some milk etc... He started to spend a lot of the day time with me when I was having a day off even coming in to the house, sending him back to his owner in the evening so she wouldn't worry.
His owner died after she was taken in to hospital and he just ended up coming to live with us, the owner's niece was very grateful to us as she's a big animal lover.
Toffee was a big boy ginger with lots of long fur but was getting very old and lost a lot of weight despite eating like a trucker and being wormed. He started having accidents. I took him to the vets with my in-laws and my eldest son in the car, my father in law stayed with me while Toffee was put down. They said it was old age and organ failure. He was a sweet heart right to the end.
After a few months we (myself and my other half) started to feel his presence like he was coming round the corner, snuggled next to me on the bed etc. About 6 months after he passed away it was quiet and suddenly my son's shape sorter ball rolled about 2 inches on the top of the arm chair seat cushion. I was sat on the couch and nothing/no one had been near it for ages, no wind or anything. It was as if he was snuggled on the chair and had moved it (it started in the center of the cushion) I didn't touch it, I was a bit freaked out to be honest and tried to keep my little one away from it. It happened again about 20 minutes later and I could hear the shapes moving at the same time as before just slightly with the small movement.
Sorry if it was long winded...
Let me know what you think.
Its nice to know they are OK after they're suffering, but I haven't senced anything for quite a while now... Not pet related anyway.