I grew up in a suburb in Natal (South Africa) by the name of Westville. It is a small suburb where everyone knows their neighbours and during the years that I was raised (I am now 43) most of the mothers were housewives. The only history I am aware of is that Indians used to reside there and have rice paddies. The rice paddies were then obviously developed. The properties were large and averaged between one and two acres.
Our home was a modest one with 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, a lounge, kitchen and dinning room. When I was born my folks decided to add on a bedroom as there were now 3 children (me and my two older sisters). Their bedroom was added on, on the other side of the house where the patio used to be. Sorry about the boring semantics, I am trying to explain how our bedrooms were on the one side of the house and my parent's room on the other.
Our house had a heavy energy to it for want of a description. We never closed our bedroom doors and the passage light was always left on. My sister used to feel and hear dripping water on her bed but when she would feel the duvet it would be dry. Nothing too dramatic that couldn't be chalked up to a child's imagination.
I must have been about 12 or 13 and my sister was 17 or so.
My eldest sister was overseas but her bedroom was always kept open for her return by my mother. The passage door between our rooms and the rest of the house was closed. It must have been about 22:00. The sounds of heavy footsteps started up and down our passage. It sounded like the person had shackles and chains around his ankles. As I am typing this I am getting goosebumps. It truly sounds like a horror movie and perhaps if my sister was not there to verify that this all happened I would have questioned if all this really did happen. I called to my sister to confirm that she was also hearing it. We were both too frightened to get out of bed. The sounds of the walking man must have continued for about 2 to 3 minutes.
Then then most malevolent and frightening voice I have ever heard said "Nooo" from our bathroom which was opposite my bedroom. I flew out of bed and ran to her room. We shared a single bed that night.
All the windows were closed, doors locked and my folks were asleep.
I am still curious as to who or what the spirit could have been and why he was there. It was definitely a male voice and was not a friendly entity. There were other incidents at that house that other family members witnessed.
I lived in that house from the time I was born until I was twenty one. I have since moved provinces and never felt the same fear as I did in that house.