I just got a mirror in my room that has been in my family for as long as I can remember. Explains a lot. I do not know exactly how long but I know my mom used it a lot because she used to be a hairstylist (free haircut). But now I am noticing some weird things about it.
Usually about ten to 20 minutes before bedtime I am listening to music while playing my guitar or playing air guitar. My guitar is an Electric but out of tune and a bit wrecked so I rarely play it. I am seeing things like People, Animals, and Shadowy figures. Now since most of you have read my stories you will know I have SOME experience with paranormal, not a lot.
One time I just woke up and looked into the mirror wondering if my hair is too messy or not messy enough (weird from a dude but I always have to look messy). And as I was messificationing my hair I noticed a shadow person thing fly by in the mirror. I quickly looked around my room and nothing felt out of place except my closet. Now my closet is packed with boxes because we never got around to emptying it (not that I want it emptied). As I looked around I saw a shadowy ball thing like a person in the fetal position. And it then disappeared and two boxes started to fall. I have good reflexes when I need it so I got them before they fell.
This other time I was playing my guitar (cannot remember which song I was playing). And I saw a Bird in the mirror fly across the room. We do not have birds anymore and it did not look like any of the 2 we had. The last thing I remember is I was putting my clothes away and I noticed there was a man standing at my door. My door was closed and in my house you can't go into someone's room without anyone in there noticing. It didn't even look like anyone I know or knew so I kind of got creeped out. So when I go to sleep I make sure I do not face the mirror because some lights can shine through if there is enough light outside my room.
I can also see a Lady in there probably about mid 30s I don't know can't remember what they looked like. Maybe they will show up again and I can tell you all.
Interesting story as human mythology shows a lot about mirrors being associayed with the paranormal i.e. Bloody mary, blue baby etc. Mirrors are always important symbols as they show us ourselves as we are, not waht we, or others, think we are.
As for what is causing this I really can't think right know.I'll get back to you If I come up with something