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Legend Of The Oni


First of all to explain what Oni is. In legends or children's stories, Oni is an imaginary human-like monster. It is said to have horns on its head, naked and wearing a loincloth made of tiger skin, and to be monstrous and wild in nature.

Oni are often imagined as monstrous creatures, but they can also appear as spiritual beings in some religions. The true identity of Oni as a spirit is human being, a him/her self. It is said that a person will become an evil spirit due to hatred and jealousy, and will transform into a form of demon, the Oni. Very famous Noh play, performs Hanya,γ€€starting as a beautiful woman and slowly transforms into a horned monstrous being because of her anger and jealousy against her lover.

Since they can be spirits, Oni is regarded as a form of fear that brings disasters to people in the same way as demons in western cultures (I am kind of more familiar with demons than Oni).

This story does not really evolve on a person changing into a demon, but rather watching a person being cursed by the Oni. From the previous story (may be a couple of stories before since I have rushed my posts during the summer) my friend's family were believed to be cursed and were not able to go to Kyoto area freely due to political problems dating back centuries ago.

"Ryujin?"my friend called to me.

"Yea? You want some snacks again?" I called back, I was in the kitchen cooking some paste sauce to keep and some for us to use. Also my friend was in her period, so she needed random snacking and munching but not too much since her stomach is weak.

She ran in the kitchen carrying our "baby", Aleshanee (actually my house cat) and began, "my cousin just sent me a message through Line (a Korean app which looks kind of like WhatsApp), saying that his family members are in trouble." Aleshanee was doing a "what?" face and that made me smile a bit. "I am not joking! Please be in the mood to think it as something paranormal!" she fussed and pulled me over to see her phone.

"Alright so... Someone got scratched? And... What happened?" I asked looking at a picture she was showing me.

"That's my cousin, he was scratched mysteriously, you know he does not have any pets? And he lives alone, and you know that scratching mark if he would have been doing it himself it would not be like that" she pointed out as many strange evidence as possible and tried to make me think of something paranormal related... That always happens and I always will debunk her "evidences".

Always, I told her every scientific possibilities, "sleep disorder", "imaginative-victimization", etc (Almost everything I heard here in this site and something else I learnt from other people). She insisted those were not the fact, and will blame it something else much more complicated.

"Alright, what about demon possession?" I answered losing my words. "Hey? You know what maybe it is kind of close? You know our family is cursed," she told me toning down a little.

OK, this always happens during our "normal" conversation, she will pick-up something about her family's curse, and blame all kinds of possible facts... Alright respect the legend so and so... GOT IT, GOT IT.

I jumped a little because there were no changes for 1 week and so, I was camping and was a little drunk, I did not really remember the conversation, but I got all the messages inside Line.

My friend sent me a message "Ryujin, my cousin's wound became worse."

"What can I do? Call a doctor," I replied.

My friend called, I barely remember what she said, and it was about some sort of curse, so I think I became a bit cranky and just cut off her call in the middle of the conversation. "Why did you cut me off?" I saw my friend's last message in the morning.

Spooky for me because I still do not remember any conversation there, but that is not the main case. Re-reading the messages in Line, and looking at my friend's cousin wound on his arm, it reminded be of a bear, for those of you familiar, you know how they leave scratch marks on trees? That is how the wound looked like, three non-perfect lines deep at one end and lighter at the other end.

I asked my friend "did your cousin go to the wild and get attacked by some sort of wild animal? I know it's a very odd question to ask someone who lives in a big city."

My friend sighed and answered, "Well, no. But that wound, at first it started to be a burn mark, than it became itchy, than he scratched until the itch is gone, than it swelled and became the claw like mark, than a scratch."

It seemed to me an infection but I do not know how and why the wound will deepen itself with no reason, perhaps it is some kind of strange bacteria? (Someone with knowledge, help me.)

What really freaked me out is that her cousin would call her middle of the night, explaining how the wound is... Like he will say that his wound would still bleed, it is always wet, things like that. BUT, he will never visit any doctors or go to the hospital.

I am not sure this long story, is even paranormal. But if it is some sort of possession, will it be better to go visit him directly and bring him to a hospital? (I am planning to visit him with my friend though). And, yes, this is still going on and it seems that he will start to have fever every night but will be cured in the morning. What do you guys think?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, blosomes, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
1 week ago (2024-10-07)
To everyone who expect to see another story related,

Well, problem kind of solved. It is not about any curse or any spiritual stuff, but my friend's cousin is cured BY the medicine and the doctor's care.

The wound is an infection, I think it was don't by his own scratching... Oh well. Everything solved and I am glad I did not have to go back to him and pull him to the hospital and drag him to another temple or shrine... It is so tiring 😨 I am cool now back to Brazil alone. I might write a different story not related to this. πŸ™„
blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-04)
True that πŸ™„
Well, I thought I had something to write about at first... But thinking back... No, not paranormal at all... Well we did go to the hospital and brought him some medicine... After that I brought them to meet up with the "professional" people, a monk from a famous temple and a priest from a famous shrine. Both had the same conclusion, stress.
Well not too surprised but my friend also asked if that relates to the curse... The answer divided.
The priest said, the person who made the wound might have sinful thoughts πŸ€”
The monk, there is no curse πŸ™„
Well, I guess different person will have different opinion after all BUT all we need is a quick medical treatment. Right?
My friend too was a little too not matured this time... I know...
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-04)
Hi blosomes,

It sounds a lot like your friends want the drama and excitement of a paranormal experience to the extent they're willing to deny any physical explanations. Immaturity and recklessness on their part. All physical explanations should be exhausted before any paranormal ones are considered. They're doing it the wrong way around. Tell the dude to go to the doctor... And maybe also tell him to grow up.
blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-02)
Oh my, your name made me smile 😁
Well we got him to do a bacterial check... Too complicated to explain, but he will need to remove some of his old skin and needed medical treatment πŸ€”
We also went to a shrine and a temple for whatever spiritual problem they have so... I think no worries for now?
But tell you what I have a story to tell and will be writing it sooner or later. πŸ˜‰
Spooderman (1 stories) (15 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-02)
Hey Blosomes,

There are many instances of itching or mysterious scratches caused by paranormal beings. However, your friend's cousin really should seek medical help at first. I personally think that these are some symptoms of inflammation or eczema. But if none of these things work, and the doctor says that there's no problem in his body, then there may be a chance that it was done by something supernatural.
blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-01)

Will be backing up with today's doctor's check.

I might be able to answer what really is happening to the wound, now I am waiting for the result.

We will also meet a monk from a temple, and a priest from a famous shrine, talk about the curse my friend's family have and so on. Hopefully this will help? (not too sure) Well, they could have done it a couple of times but just to calm them down a bit, I have done my research hopefully to help them up spiritually as well πŸ€”

I will see if I need to write another story about it, to just share this possible... Possession? πŸ™„

Gotta go
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-10-01)
Hi blosomes

I wonder why he's stalling... Maybe he's nervous about going for a check up, hospitals scare a lot of people.

True there's a lot of stuff that seems to defy logic, I will read up on these legends, it's understandable that since this isn't your personal experience that saying too much would be an invasion of privacy.
blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-29)

Yup, we are kind of trying to find a more logical way for her cousin, but I do not know why, but he seems to be escaping from medical help, this morning me and my friend reserved the hospital to do a bacterial check. He says he was busy in his work and needed to go to work... We told him to freaking just take a rest today to do a good check for his own health sake,
He says he will be going on Thursday, the day we will be going back to Hokkaido. We told him he have to go before that πŸ™„

Well one of the reason is that they are from the bloodline of one of the Ochimusha legends, one of a very famous one, about one of the generals during the Sengoku period, not going to be too detailed but you might be able to guess from your own research, you know its something very personal now a days. I know, it is very superstitious, but sometime there are coincidences that we really cannot explain 😳
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-29)
Hi blosomes the scratch marks that people get without any logical reason is quite scary, but if there's no logical reason as to why those marks appeared then it's cause for concern, but why does your friend think that they are cursed?
blosomes (21 stories) (136 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-29)
Well, we met up like yesterday evening.
My friend's cousin seems completely normal but he got his right arm wrapped because of the wound. I told him to go to the doctor, he says it's a weekend and wanted to wait until Monday, I am going to get him to go to the doctor first, before visiting any temple or any shrine... Hopefully I will not need to write up another story for this... But if there will be any updates I will try to write it up... More simple and shorter.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3188 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-29)
Hi blosomes.

The first thing to do is to go to the doctor and discard any underlying health issue. It's weird that the cousin hasn't looked for medical treatment if these wounds keep on getting worse.

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