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Real Ghost Stories

Sapi (possession)


I remembered when I was still eight or nine years old, it was May of 2004 when my uncle (father's side) told me that we are going to the province (Pangasinan) tomorrow because of unexpected things happening in their house. I heard him talking to my grandmother that one of our cousins there suddenly fell unconscious, and after some time became violent to the point they needed someone to restrain her.

We left our house in Antipolo at around 5:00am, hoping to get there as early as possible before night comes. On our way, I got curious and ask my uncle what is happening, and told me that my cousin, Rachel, (which is a year or two years older than me) got possessed, as they believe, by demons (because my uncle is a Born-Again Christian and is a developing pastor). I told him that's weird because I do not believe in possessions and it sounds absurd.

It was around 2:00 in the afternoon when we arrived at my grandma's house. I saw them in this arrangement: my cousin was laying in bed (I think she was asleep), with both arms and feet restrained by cloth (probably t-shirt), my grandma and my father's sister at the side of the bed standing, they were holding an open bible, reciting Hail Mary, and my uncle who was told by my grandmother to call an albularyo (faith healer) to help. Since I was just a kid, I was told that to remain still and behave.

Upon arrival of the faith healer, she started to pray, rub some oil to the forehead of my cousin in a cross motion, and suddenly my cousin woke. She start kicking everything hard, and shouting hard including my grandma, and my aunt who were holding her feet. She started laughing like an insane person. I was shocked because I have known this cousin to be very frail and shy. How come she was as strong as a wild animal at this moment? I do not know. After some time of prayers and struggling, my cousin goes calm, and she started to cry, and started to sing a Christian song.

I stayed in that house for three more days, and my cousin has a random episode of self-conscious, then becoming violent suddenly. I was just told to never get near my cousin as I can get hurt.

The morning of my third day of stay, I decided to play on the huge mango tree near our grandma's house. I was once told that this tree is more than 50 years old. I was not scared because I just love being on that tree especially since it's cool here, and I like to be alone playing. After some time, I was fixated at the bark of the branch where I was sitting, and stared at it for some time. It indeed looks like a gnome or a demon, with a defined face (It was not etched, but rather the natural texture of the bark). That moment, I felt chills and decided to go back to our house to rather have some snack because I felt drained of energy suddenly. That night, I was burning with fever. That's when my grandmother decided to pray one round of rosary.

The day after, my fever is gone. My uncle told me that according to my grandma, it is possible that I attracted the entity that possessed my cousin, and I should also refrain from playing alone, especially because I was new to the house and my curiosity may attract some unknown beings. Luckily I had not been possessed.

Up to this day that memory is still fresh, and that day I indeed witnessed a "sapi".

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nesty_khuletz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
1 hour ago (2024-10-15)
Possession is quite real and scary, I've had my fair share of witnessing possession, it happens for a lot of reasons from random spirits attaching themselves to certain jealous people causing harm to others.
nesty_khuletz (4 stories) (7 posts)
10 hours ago (2024-10-15)
Hi lady-glow, I still cannot explain how I got this fever, and I think yes one possibility might be that I was infected. As for my cousin, I do not know any details how it started, one thing I know is that it happened before she had converted to Born-Again Christian. I can say she's gloomy and not so sociable person by then.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3188 posts)
18 hours ago (2024-10-15)
Didn't they take you to see a doctor in case the fever was health related? Perhaps a mild infection or something else?

If not, in my opinion, it's difficult to say if you were under the attack of an invisible entity, or under the attack of a microscopic organism.

Likewise, it's hard to say if praying the Rosary was the cure, or if it was only a minor illness following it's normal course.

As for your cousin, I'm glad to know she's fine. Any idea how and why she got possessed?

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