Because of the nature of my experience and certain occurrences in my past, let me first start with a little back story on myself since I am unsure if what happened to me was a true haunting associated with a building, or just me.
Ever since I was a child, I had some weird experiences. At a very young age, my mother says several times she caught me apparently talking to someone in a room when I was the only one present. When she asked me who I was speaking with, I answered Dee Dee, which was the nickname of my great grandfather who passed away while my mother was pregnant with me.
I also suffered from some pretty intense nightmares as a child. Every once in a while I would get up in the morning feeling perfectly normal but then my parents would tell me that I awoke in the middle of the night screaming hysterically from some sort of nightmare. In my teenage years I would occasionally have very intense nightmares that as soon as I would awake, I would forget what I was dreaming instantly but then would be very emotionally distraught and confused for several hours afterwards.
Now fast forward to about 6-7 years ago. I moved into a small one bedroom apartment in Sacramento in a complex on the corner of Watt Avenue and Whitney. I cannot remember the apartment number I was in, but could probably dig it up in my records filed away. Almost instantly, I got the creepy crawly feeling from the small bedroom. It only took a few nights of sleeping in the bedroom to realize that I was experiencing a lot of nightmares which jolted me awake several times each night and also started getting a lot of sleep paralysis.
Each time I would awake to find that I could not move my body whatsoever, and several times felt like a presence in the room with me when this would occur. I did some reading up on sleep paralysis, and just thought it might be my mind not turning on my motor skills quick enough when I was waking up. However, the nightmares continued to the point that one night, I was so upset with not being able to escape the nightmare each time I fell back asleep, that I moved to the hide-a-bed on the couch in the living room. I slept the remainder of the night without incident.
I continued to sleep on the hide-a-bed nightmare free until I began getting a sore back from a bar in the hide-a-bed. So I went back to the bedroom. I wasn't even asleep an hour or two when everything started happening again. For months I played this game of sleeping on the couch until my back hurt to the point I would say screw it, and go back to the bedroom. Then the nightmares and sleep paralysis would drive me back to the couch.
Then towards the end of my six month stay in this apartment, I experienced two extremely frightening and weird things in that bedroom. The first, I was dreaming about sitting with my parents at their home. It was sunny outside but suddenly things went dark, and then it was as if something came crashing into their house and the roof crashed down on me. At this point in the dream I awoke screaming, and then quickly noticed that I felt like I had been punched in the nose pretty hard. In fact I was bleeding slightly from my nose. I moved back to the couch this night for sure.
The second incident, I awoke in the bedroom lying on my side. I as went to move and roll onto my back, it instantly felt as if someone was lying behind me in bed with their arms wrapped around my torso pinning my arms to my side and squeezing tight. This force pushed me back onto my side and would not let me move. I lay there not totally sure if I was awake or asleep and dreaming, but eventually I was able to move again after an unknown amount of time.
Obviously when my lease was up I moved out. Since I moved out I still continue to get the occasional nightmare now and then, but nothing as intense as I experienced there and also have not had any episodes of sleep paralysis since.
Since then I do still see weird things here and there, but nothing like that apartment. I think at a point it became more frustrating than frightening. I was getting really mad that I was paying for my apartment and not being able to sleep comfortably in the bedroom.
Has anyone else experienced something along these lines?
I've was searching ghost stories of sacramento on the web when I came across your Post.
I was compelled to join this website just so I could give you this bit of information.
There was a Serial Killer named Richard Trenton Chase who lived in a apartment on watt ave. I believe it was the Country Club Apartments (#15) he killed about six people in 3 different locations in the area you lived. In fact the decapited body of an infant was found in either a school or church yard at the corner of Watt & Whitney. Body parts were found in his storage space. This guy was called the "Vampire of Sacramento" This guy was Crazy and the 1987 movie "Rampage" was based on this true story that happened in the 70's.
I'm not saying that this caused your sleep paralysis, But you could be sensitive to the trauma that occured in that area.