When I was little, I always felt like there were ghosts around. I would feel them but would not see them. I told people in my family but they told me I was being silly. Even when the spirits would shake my bed to keep me awake, my parents would tell me to just go to sleep. I think after a long period of time I blocked it out because only one person in my family believed me.
About ten years ago, I searched into the history of my Dad's family, who is American Indian. There is a lot of psychic abilities in his mom's side. Hearing that, I thought of doing a little re-discovery of the feelings I used to feel when I was little, you know, with the spirits.
Well, nothing happened. I can say I was disappointed for a little while, then forgot about it.
In 2004 my dad died. That is when the turnabout happened. I feel him, hear him, and now it has opened up the flood gates. If I walk into a house or anywhere that a spirit occupies, I get that feeling in my gut and start to tremble from the inside out. It is then that I know something is there. I even have experienced someone sitting on my bed at times when no one else is home. I get that same feeling, the trembling the knot in my stomach.
I would like to open up more and maybe communicate with them, not just feel that they are there. Any suggestions on how I can do this, or if I even should?