My poppy died on a Tuesday June 13th 2006. The whole family was devastated because we didn't think he was going to go so fast. We all got ready and went to the funeral home where my poppy was resting. Before my poppy passed away he was sick and frail. He looked like he was 90 when he was only 58. When we saw him he looked like the old poppy, warm to the touch and he just looked like himself before he got sick.
The next day we went to the funeral home again. Flowers were everywhere and we were about to go downstairs for something to eat and drink, when my grandfather's brother walked in. He wasn't around at all while my grandfather was alive, which upset my poppy deeply. His brother laid a vase of flowers on a pedestal in the room and left. As we were getting ready to leave, the flowers literally flew off the stand and onto the floor. All we could do was laugh because it was like my poppy was saying you weren't here when I was alive, you sure as hell aren't welcome here when I'm dead.
The day of my poppy's funeral was a day I will ALWAYS remember. My Aunt Karen got up and said a beautiful speech and when she was done the pastor got up and started to talk about my Poppy. She said Ronald was always a funny man, he always liked to tell a joke and pull a prank. She was about to say something else when my poppy's nametag on his casket popped off and landed at her feet. Everyone in the room was shocked at what they saw but soon laughed it off.
The pastor continued talking about my poppy, about how he was a hard worker, a good husband and a first class grandfather and soon to be great grandfather because his first granddaughter (me) was 4 months pregnant with his first great grandchild. When she turned and looked at me, the candles that were lit on both sides of my poppy's casket blew out.
It was nice to know my Poppy was there with us all the day we had to say goodbye. Little did we know it wasn't goodbye it was see "ya" later!