I decided to post my ghost experiences. It was long ago, when I was about 4/5 years old. The first is about my teddy bear.
I woke up in the morning. I was searching for my teddy bear but I lost it. A normal reaction is to look under the bed. So I did. My teddy bear was under my bed. Against the wall with its "face" looking at me. I was shocked for one moment because my bed had high wall thingy's at the sides and how can the bear fall under my bed? But that wasn't anything.
A few days later I put my teddy bear on an armchair when I went to the mall with my mother. My father was at work and my brother at a friend's house. When we were done shopping my mother put me on the staircase inside the hall because she was talking to one of our neighbours. I looked up the stairs. There was a simple closet with a half open door. My mother came in again and picked me up. I took a fast look upstairs when I noticed that the door was closed. Anyway, my mother put me in bed that evening. I noticed that my teddy bear was on the top of the closet. Which is really high. I asked my brother to pick it up for me. Then he said that the left leg of the teddy bear was missing.
A few days later my mother and I were in the kitchen. I was (trying) to play on my bro's Game boy. My mother and I felt a strong followed by a strange sound coming out of the hall. I ran to the hall (kids are always fearless) and saw something black. And guess what. I fainted.
My parents decided to move to the house where my grandmother lives. I am thankful to GOD that there aren't any ghosts anymore in my life.
I also want to ask: Is it a good idea to talk about it with my parents?
Thank you for your patience.