As a child there was always times when I was about to sleep or asleep and found myself unable move and had to fight to breathe.
But around about July of 2008 I began to experience another kind of feeling, as I was about to go to sleep. It was a feeling of being hypnotized. My eyes seems to go into a steer and I had no control over them and when I tried to do so it felt like an electrical shock was in the temple of the left side of my head. I would wake up with a bad headache.
As this kept happening to me I didn't know what to make of it so I went to the doctor and was given medicine and the opticians to see whether something was wrong with my eyes. I kept on experiencing this. One time I felt someone was trying to kiss me on my ear and it felt evil and I began to fight it off. Another time it happened it tried to have sex with me and I could feel the evil force from it in my mind so I refused to let it in me. At time when this feeling come over me I would pray and I felt the presence of the Lord come over me to overcome this evil.
On April 28, 2009, I was watching TV lying on my side when I began to get that feeling again. I fought my way out of it and turned over on my back. As I was about to go back to sleep my eyes started to steer and I couldn't move than the one side of my face began to move and I thought to myself I must be having a stroke when all of a sudden I heard a really hard wind blowing in my closed window and it was black and some things like birds or creature landed on my bed and attacked me on my breast It was so painful until I cried out and hit at them and when I turned over they tried to have sex with me and I began to say the blood of Jesus and I woke up.
It was not a dream because when I woke up my breast was hurting so bad and my nipple was long like something was sucking on them. I also heard them when they fell on the bed. They made some noise as though they were so exciting and rejoicing to pounce on me.
I am a pastor and I have been praying and asking God to let me be his vessel before this started happening to me. When I am experiencing these experiences I sometimes see my hands are being anointing for healing and I was just wondering whether the devil is trying to stop me or something in my life I need to ask God to forgive me for.
I am glad I found your website, I haven't told anybody because I was afraid they might think I am crazy.