First of all I would like to say that this has been happening to me for as long as I can remember. I would and still always feel as though someone is standing behind me. My boyfriend stands behind me sometimes and this presence feels quite the same as when my boyfriend stands behind me; it's very creepy. Sometimes if I walk around I feel as though someone is resting their head on my shoulder looking at me.
It's a very strong feeling too. I try my best to shake off the feeling. There have also been times where I have woken up in the morning and felt as if someone were bending over staring at me. It is really creepy because sometimes when I open my eyes I am expecting someone to be there, but all I see is the ceiling.
Here is another one of the experiences that I have recently had. It was around noon and I was taking a nap and my mother was heading off to work. I got up to say goodbye to her and to lock the door. Even though I was not sleepy I did have a migraine and I was not in the mood to sit up and make it worst.
I got into bed, rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes. I was not asleep yet and out of nowhere I heard a voice and the voice said, "Get up." The voice was very clear and sounded like a male's voice and it did not frighten me. I did not answer it right away.
I got up and looked around the house thinking that the voice that had told me to get up might be trying to show me something that I missed before going back to bed, but I found nothing. I also know for a fact that no electronics like a radio or a television was on at the time that this happened. Whatever it is seems either curious or bothersome.
I have written a lot of stories that have similar experiences in them because I like sharing my experiences with others. So thanks for sharing your experiences with me as well. And thanks Surya for posting my stories.
I'm not doubting you in any way that heard someone say "Get Up", but it could have been from your migrane.
I hope this helped!
-bumblebee55 😁