This is more of a strange feeling I get whenever I go to sleep. My parents and I sleep near the woods in some campers. My parents get there own and I get my own, but whenever I go to sleep alone I get a strange feeling unless I got the T.V running and the light on.
Sometimes I sleep on my stomach but when I do my back, I get really tingly and it only tingles that much when someone is behind me and REALLY close to me and sometimes I get the feeling that I am being watched but when I look nothing is there and I lose the feeling until I turn my head.
Another time when I was trying to get to sleep I saw the lamp above my head flicker 3 times and then it went off. Completely. The next morning I woke up and looked at the lamp (Even in the morning I get the feeling someone is watching me but not as strong as at night) I could not find anything wrong with it except that it was turned just enough that the bulb would turn off but not really come out. The freaky thing is I screwed the light bulb on so tight it would be hard to come off.
I don't know why we got the camper I live in but 5 - 6 years ago I had no problems with it for a while until we moved here. I am really spooked of the woods at night but in the afternoon I am okay. I am also really afraid to walk down the campers alone it just spooks me a lot: