It was about the year 1989 and I and my then fiancé' had gone on a camping trip. Well, the winds were so bad they tore a hole in the tent and we had to go to a hotel. Personally, I had no problem with that.
When we first got there I had a really odd feeling. I saw a bunch of leaves spiraling in front of the hotel door. I had never felt ghosts before but something was truly *off* about this Best Western. We took our things in and got settled for the night.
About two thirty in the morning, I woke up. I was facing the wall. In front of the wall was this massive dark figure. It stared at me and I stared at it for about one minute. Then, out of nowhere... The words "You shouldn't be here" came to my mind. Like an arrow to my brain. I don't know if it was me thinking it or that horrible dark entity. As soon as the words were psychically enchained, this darkness rose STRAIGHT UP into the air, detaching itself from the rest of the darkness in the room.
I was horrified! I turned over and threw my arms around my fiancé and said the Lords Prayer over and over in my head until I fell asleep.
To this day I will never forget the very first spirit I saw with my very own eyes. It was the scariest thing I had ever encountered.