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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter F: Page 1
F St. Victorian, Eureka, California by BeagleMom
When we were first married in 1966, we moved to Eureka for college. Our apartment was on the ground floor, (front 4 rooms) of a Victorian "mansion". I always called it a Victorian tract house because of there being a short row of them, all alike, on F street. The house was stately in its day, and wa...
Face Behind the Curtains by kimberly
This happened last night on 3/24/07. It was about 1:30 a.m. My cousin and I couldn't go to sleep because of the noises and things we saw. My uncle and aunt were sleeping. We were the only ones awake and we were alone in the living room. My older cousin was working. My younger cousin and I were telli...
Face Behinde The Couch by Nelly93
My name is Pernilla and I live in Sweden. This is my first story here. It's not the best one, but enjoy. Sorry if my English is a bit weird, English is my second language. Anyway, let's start with the story. It all happened when I was around 6-7 years old. It was a Saturday morning,...
Face In The Ceiling by ico
This story takes place when I was young, in the early 90's. I don't really know how long this happened for because I experienced this more than once. I would be lying in my bed and look at the ceiling and see a face. It wouldn't just be a two-dimensional shape of a face, it would actually stick ...
Face In The Curtains by Abshers
My family and I are Spiritual people that attend church weekly and try to live a good and honorable life. I consider myself somewhat of a skeptic on ghosts. That doesn't mean I don't believe in them, though. I've had an experience with something that defies explanation. It's taken me nearly 30 years...
Face In The Mirror by princess123
Can I just say thank you all for your help on my past few stories. So here is my next story. This happened when I was getting ready for school. It was a Tuesday morning I was brushing my hair when I saw a face in the top right hand corner of the mirror. The face was very pale in fact white and it...
Face in the Mirror by Skeptical
My boyfriends house has a lot of history in it. His brothers, and sister, as well as his parents have all had unexplained things happen. Weird feelings, seeing things out of the corner of your eye, and so on. I've also had a few strange things happen to me. But the one that stands out most is the on...
Face in the Window by osavith
This happened recently so it's still fresh in my mind. I had recently moved into a new house with an upstairs that's very beautiful, and for a full two weeks I hadn't noticed anything odd about the house, until about the third week when I would hear low whispering sounds at night. It was so low I wa...
Face in the Window by fizzypulp
This is my first post and a very brief story of an occurrence that happened to me. I was about 14 years old and was leaving my house at approx 8am to go to school. My brother was at college and my sister at university. Both parents had gone to work (they worked together so left at the same time). ...
Face Of Evil by GothamsReckoning
I was ten years old, growing up in Liverpool, England. I was a pretty normal child with a good set of friends and a loving family. My Dad had been taken to hospital for an operation on his legs. My mum and me went up every day to see him, and the medical staff used to let us stay most of the day...
Face On A Wall by melvindarsingh
Location: Bintulu, Sarawak Year: 200X This is a story from my sister's first hand experience. It is by far one of the scariest story I heard to date. So, I guess I have the duty to share this story in her place. It was a normal and typical night where the weather was hot, the air was humid an...
Faceless Apparition - Longstanton, Cambridge by Robbo1
This relates to a time when I moved from my hometown in Doncaster, South Yorkshire to Cambridge after graduating at Sheffield University in business. I started a trainee managers position with a well known British retailer in Bar hill, Cambridge and moved into my girlfriends parents house. After ...
Faceless Gray Creature by Thelawshh77
One night my family and I were eating dinner and my back was to the kitchen. It sounded like a cutting board fell out of the cabinet behind me, and I didn't think much of it. However my mom looked over and screamed, so I turned to look, and hunched on all fours between the island counter and the cou...
Faceless Mannequins by Jake141
Over the last two weeks, I've been experiencing things which I need help with. It started two weeks ago when I was at my girlfriend's house. We where laying in bed, nothing sexual, just trying to sleep. I sleep round there often as my parents aren't too fond of me. I was still awake when I s...
Faceless Mannequins 2 by Jake141
I wrote a story a while ago about me seeing a faceless mannequin following me. If you want to see it just look at my profile and read it. So, it's been about 3 months since the mannequin started to follow me. After taking some massive TLC time off, the appearances started to become more further a...
Faceless Suitor by Mazzmarach
This is a first time post, and it concerns my girlfriend. I'm an easily-spooked person, and I dread the day I have to face any malevolent entities. To start, my girlfriend's family is full of people who can see entities; and, consequently, these entities like to seek them out. However, there are mem...
Faceless With Stripe Dress by ssexyca
This will be a quick and bizarre one. For better imagination of the situation, think of a rectangle, the living room is located at the West end while the extended outside kitchen is located on the East end of the house. One night last year, my family and I decided to karaoke after dinner. I reme...
Faces by LisaP
I have been reading this site for quite sometime now and I finally had the courage to tell one of my stories. Ever since I was a young girl I was very aware of the other plane. We shall put it that way. And being a young child seeing certain things would scare me and give me nightmares. For examp...
Faces In The Daycare Window by SugarySweetGirl
This is the second story I have and is more frightning (imo) to me. It happened, once again, when I was in High School. Four friends (Melonie, Lauren, Freddie and Ash, my best friend) and I were being bad kids and ditching one of our classes. There was a day care right across the street that wa...
Faces On The Wall by The_Black_Claymore
How do you do? I shall begin by introducing myself. My name is Clayre Sans-Cour. I would enjoy telling you all about an experience when I was a child. When I was around Eight years old I was in my room with my older sister, trying to sleep, when I heard voices all around me. They were whisper...
Facing My Demons by CanadaLynx
This story is a true account of what happened to me, On 11 June, 2010 I will try and relay the events of that night as best I can through text, but the enormity of the true horror of that night will haunt me for the rest of my life, nevertheless I will try and tell you My Story. I had underta...
Facing Your Fears by Nikki
I submitted a story called Party gone wrong a while back and this is pretty well a follow to that. I was over at Cassie's house (where I spend most of my time) and her mom asked us to walk to the store, a short distance away, to pick up a few things for her. If we had taken the path by the old house...
Factory Protector by Reaper666343
Now... In my past stories except for the ones about my pets, the entities I have encountered are and have been dark and creepy. This one seems different. I just recently started a new job in a factory, and for privacy reasons I will not specify which company. This spirit is a prankster. I am not...
Fading Footprints on Deck by Michelle D.
Boating is a very popular past time in the town where I grew up. Many people have cabins on islands "out the bay", one of which is called Swan Island. Swan Island was once inhabited by Beothuk Indians, all of which were killed by diseases or murdered by white people. There is a confirmed Indian Buri...
Faerie Visitation by Nambocttr
Not a ghost story but still a tale of spiritual entities so hope this is still relevant as I have been searching my whole life for an explanation of the following. I have submitted this event to a few sites and forums, I have read a few books on such subjects but have never read of another similar e...
Faint Footsteps At The Bottom Of The Basement Stairs by megz2011
A few years ago, my family and I lived in a small town called Windsor, Missouri. It was an old town with really old spooky houses. My home was not one of the spooky looking ones. It was actually quite cute with a sunshine yellow color. This house had a nice aura from the outside, but what lurked ins...
Fairies, Orbs, Spirits, What Could They Be? by believer21
I need some help in identifying what I am currently dealing with. I have never seen it/them but my son, J, does. One seems "good" the other "evil". My husband and I assume they are light orbs of some kind because our son's reaction to my husband's light sabers is the same as to whatever he is se...
Fairies... Maybe? by Briannalynn
So this experience didn't actually happen to me personally. This happened to my friend but she would never come on here and submit it. So I'm doing it because I am curious if anyone else has witnessed anything like this! She was sitting outside with her kids, her niece, and her nephew just enjoy...
Fairy In The Woods by Wildstar
My boyfriend and I were working for an environmental organization in Eugene, Oregon. One evening, we attended a work gathering in the woods outside of the city. The woods were owned by on old Dead-head with long flaming red hair who loved to spout nonsense and walked around with an intricately carve...
Fairy Lights by valkricry
As most of you who have read my submissions know, I've had a lot of experiences with the paranormal. I'm not saying that as a form of bragging or to impress, it's just a statement of fact. However, until recently, I thought I had not encountered the most commonly claimed; that of seeing orbs. Not in...
Fairy Lights And Black Mass by BattleScars
As a child around the ages of 4 until 9, I would wake up early in the morning and I would always hear whispering in a different language, giggling, a buzzing feeling in my chest. I would also see shades of blue, yellow and green blinking lights. I told my family and they said they were fairies or pi...
Fairy? by midnighthade
I moved to NY from Tulsa OK back in 2007. I only told a few people what I have seen back in 2011. I was 27 at the time. Just so you know I do not drink or do drugs. I am about to share with you the strange events that happened a few days apart. The first two days the only thing I seen was a smal...
Fall Down The Stairs by Searching_Stars
This is the only encounter I can think of that I have been physically pushed by a ghost. It's actually a very strange story. My family had only lived in our new house for about 2 years. My father and sister had stayed home from shopping that day while my mother and I ran to Wal-mart (in a city about...
Fallen Angel Experience? by rk2
This happened a few years ago, yet this situation has puzzled me even until now. At that time, I was extremely interested in the supernatural. Almost obsessed. I would continuously watch videos or use the internet to find out more about ghosts. Even if I was doing something else, I would be drawn ba...
Fallen Farmer by Mystic
This story takes place in 1992, in springhill, louisiana. I was 9 years old. My mom, dad, and I had moved into this cute little house on some beautiful land in the country. The lady who owned the house had told my mom that the old man who lived there before us had walked in the door, one day after w...
Falling Ghost? by devildogx
This event adds to the growing list of odd and unexplainable experiences at my home. The other night I was enjoying a cigar on the back deck as the sun was going down. I normally sit out there in the evenings, weather permitting, and have a cigar and a glass of wine while reading a book or working o...
Falling Objects by spookie1
Some of the people on the website know me and here is my story. I'm a 16-year-old male who lives in Pretoria, South Africa. This happened late last year. I love the paranormal. This story includes me, my uncle and 2 sisters before one of them passed away earlier this year (look at my other story "Ex...
Falling Photos And The White Teddy Bear by Fergie
On the morning of 17th February 2014, I received mail from our eldest daughter Nicky. The header to the email was "Strange..." I read with interest; this is the story that emerged. Shenay, our nine-year-old granddaughter had just spent a weekend with us - nothing unusual in that. We had fetched S...
Falling Shadows On My Sister's Bed by IveySage
When I was about twelve years old my family decided we were going to move to another town. My parents had bought some property out in the middle of nowhere and while we waited for them to complete the construction on our home, we moved into my grandparent's home. My grandparents were only in state...
Falling Woman? What Does She Want? by Hack-Generation
I'm currently studying overseas in Japan. Visiting my relatives and all that jazz. They live 3 kilometers from the infamous Suicide Forest. To make sense of this story I'd probably have to go back to 4 days earlier. My grandmother had been insisting on my visit for a long time because I'm in...
Falstaffs Missing Pen by paranormaltours
We've done hundreds of investigations over the UK and one of the experiences that I really remember was at a location called The Falstaff's Experience in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. This experience occurred in the first room that you enter the barn. I was sat there ...
Familiarity Breeds Contempt by xKalmuneiu
So... I have told you all about my childhood home. When I was 16, we made quite a big move to London. (The opposite end of the country, so quite a huge change for all of us.) I hated the house almost instantly. I put my feelings of uneasiness down to the fact that I have lived in the same house ...
Family Beyond The Grave by allisonbeckert23
I'm convinced that spirits manifest themselves around loved ones they're concerned about, and I've had several experiences that seem to confirm that. One of these happened at a meeting. It was business, and one of the young men who had just been working at a new leadership position was speaking....
Family Cemetary Ghost Face by hportallstar
My ghost story occurred a few days before Halloween of 2010 on October 26th, 2010, and my family and I decided that it would be fun to visit a local family cemetery that had looked to have been abandoned for a long time just to do a fun "ghost hunt" to get in the mood for Halloween. So we arrived at...
Family Cemetery by LeAnn
My father's family cemetery is located at the foot of two mountains in a hollow. The cemetery is divided into 4 family groups. One enclosed cemetery has a tombstone that vibrates when you touch it. My father told me this story and one day I had him take me to it. I put a bottle of water on top on th...
Family Connections by ms_st0308
I've submitted a really nice, heartwarming story but this one is not so much. I said in my first story (He Watches Over Me), that I've never had a real live ghost encounter; but once I started thinking about it, I have had some strange experiences that I can't really explain. Maybe more about that l...
Family Connections 2 by ms_st0308
This story is sort of a continuation of my previous story, Family Connections. I had talked about some very similar but separate experiences that my grandmother, her brother, and my mother had all had about 30-40 years ago. I am sort of remembering things from my childhood as I write these stories, ...
Family Encounter by thechosen1
One of my first experiences with the paranormal occurred about ten years ago, when visiting my mother's home town of Mixtlan, Jalisco, Mexico for the second time. On my first trip to Mexico, I had the opportunity to meet my great grandmother. My great grandmother had just turned 100 years old and wa...
Family Encounters by lanapoll96
My brother, Matthew, was in the attic sorting out a bunch of Christmas decorations and stuff for my Mum. She was at the foot of the ladder on the landing, waiting for him to pass boxes down to her. Suddenly, there was a momentary flash of white light, and at the same time my brother screamed. He lea...
Family Experience by Dev19
The day before my grandpa's funeral was a somber one. I found myself staying in a hotel just across the street from the funeral home. I had never been close to my grandpa, my dad's father, but his passing still left a heavy weight on my heart. I couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness and loss, kno...
Family Ghost Stories by laurdav
My grandmother had 6 children, the youngest being my mother, so I have a pretty extensive family on her side. They have lived in the same house for years and raised all 6 children there, and grandchildren, so the house is very sentimental to us. I wasn't a huge ghost believer in the past, but after ...
Family Ghost Story by MOTHERPANN
This is a story that was related to me by my second cousin and then the happenings to me and my daughter in later years. My second cousin who would be in her 90's if alive today, told me her ghost story. When she was in her 20's she and her current boyfriend were talking about death and being contac...
Family Ghost? by Mezzie93
This is my first story I'm submitting, and so not to sure how to go about it (not the best writer) Anyway. My family (Immediate and extended) have always had run ins with spirits and ghosts and so on they seem to be nothing much to most of us. But by no means do we consider ourselves experts on the...
Family Ghost? Part 1 by Bambi
When my grandfather was a boy growing up in Fiji in the mid-late 1950's, he and his siblings experienced some strange occurrences on our family land. They lived in a 1 storey house on the estate and every day they had to go down to the river to get buckets of fresh water. Every now and then my grand...
Family Ghost? Part 2 by Bambi
This is a story my mother told me after the strange incidents that happened in my old room. As mentioned in my previous post, I live in a 3 storey Heritage House in Sydney, Australia. It's old and almost every member of my family has lived here at one point or another, and they ALL have their own st...
Family Ghosts And Other Odd Occurences by Burrrandii
Myself and my family have had some odd experiences over the course of my life and I thought it would be interesting to share them with you guys. The first that I can remember is when my grandmother passed away, around the time that I would have been about three or four years old. She was diabetic...
Family Guardian by aussiedaz
When I was seven years old I'd shared a bedroom with my two brothers. There were three beds positioned side by side in a average size room, which made our sleeping quarters a little tight for comfort. My bed was positioned in the middle of the room between my two brothers and positioned directly und...
Family Guest by tellanizer
Since I was 5 years old I've always had weird and unexplained things happen to me. If that was the case before then I will never know, but it was only after I turned 5 that I started to take note that I was seeing and hearing things other people could not. The one experience that I had was one day w...
Family Guest 2 by tellanizer2
I wish to start off this story by saying that this is a follow up on a previous story I had published on this website in 2011-11-01. I have unfortunately lost all my login details and the password help function wasn't successful. Thus, I have created a new account. For those who wish to read my prev...
Family Haunting by Stef1609
This "ghost story" begins before I was born; it was my mother who first had experiences when she was young. I live in a relatively small town that dates back at least 1000 years, and has more than its fair share of ghosts and other paranormal goings on. When my mother was about 10 she began to ex...
Family Hauntings Around my Home by Kevan
I'm about to tell you two things that have happened in or around my home, the first one being when I was seven years old. It's about my uncle Eugene. Eugen was always my hero from when I was two, until I was seven. My mother passed away when I was two years old, so I moved in with my grandparents an...
Family History by CBguy1983
My whole family can see spirits. I choose not to, in a attempt to keep my sanity. The encounters that stand out in my mind involves grandma and my mother. First up is my grandma. She passed on due to cancer. Over the following months I had heard my other family having encounters with her spirit. ...
Family Home by kristy38
We lived in this home, I am going to tell you about the place first, when you come in the front door, you had the living room and on the right was the kitchen, on the left was a hallway, you go throw the hall on the right is one bedroom and next on the right was the bathroom and them the big bedroom...
Family House by Kassidymay
The first house was my great grandparents in Orem. My mom was young when this happened. She would hear footsteps walking up and down the hallways and sometimes would hear voices. Everyone would hear them but never gave it any attention. So my mother asked her grandma what the sounds where. She told ...
Family House I Want To Forget by AngelaTurner001
I am sharing our experience of the super natural because it made a believer out of me; Our family house in Simonstown Western-Cape South-Africa is a large old house that we renovated after my Mother passed away in 2001. Since my sister and I were both renting at that stage we decided to share our...
Family Incidents by Fergie
A few months back I wrote about my experiences while house-sitting at our eldest daughter's home. While I was away, my husband, Ray, had an incident of his own. Ray was sitting in our lounge one night, watching DVDs on the TV. He was seated in his Lazyboy, right opposite the TV, with only the lou...
Family Light by Vonboeckmann
Dead is dead and you can only improve on it! Well that's the motto in this business and it has been improved on professionally myself for the past 37 years. Last year it was personal about as personal as it can get. Being the last 2 remaining of generation 7 you would think that one would get us...
Family Members And The Unknown 2 by falling_feathers
I'm not sure if you've read my other story, but I think this is connected to those events. I'll start with the least prominent but most common occurrence. When I roll over to go to sleep, I'll feel like someone is sitting at the end of my bed, and I often feel some one in the room watching me. They'...
Family Members And The Unkown by falling_feathers
My name is Imogen I'm from Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. I live with my mother, brother, sister and my mother's boyfriend. Most of my family has experienced paranormal happenings. I've experienced the little things like objects moving & orbs etc. My mother has seen people so has my older b...
Family Of Night Terrors by chanelle5
I have been a believer of the paranormal since I was a little girl. Now, I need answers because I am concerned that something is effecting our children. My story may be a little lengthy so please be patient. I will start with I recently had a little boy. While I was pregnant with him I started se...
Family Of Sensitives Or Are We All Haunted? by alwaysbeen
I wanted to share with you some experiences we are having at our home and actually have had for a number of years. I have to say I am a little hesitant to talk about this for many reasons but lately we have seen an increase in activity and I am not sure why. We live in a normal suburban home buil...
Family Of Third Eyes by warlington
In my country, a "tambalan" is a person or group of persons helping people with problems related to spirits and demons and up to the present, there are a still a lot of "tambalans". For generations, my family is a "tambalan". They helped with demon possessed people and other stuff. Somehow, when...
Family Paranormal Experiences by jessica93096
I don't know if every one of these are paranormal phenomenon but most of them are. These are some things that my father, mother, older brother and I have all experienced. My mother's stories My mom grew up in Colorado and moved around a lot. At one point in her life she lived in a very old h...
Family Photos by always-up
One of my friends ("Jane") recently lost a child (lets call him lee) in a car crash. He was killed by a drunk driver. It was a horrible thing. Two kids killed, one scarred for life in many ways, and another was sent to prison. My friend was having a very hard time dealing with the loss of the son. A...
Family Protector by geetha50
A person like me who is interested in the paranormal, it's always nice to hear what other people experience. If not for the fun of it, at least to valid what you experienced is not crazy and as zzzgranny would say, become a loony! It's especially fun to hear stories that are related to your family. ...
Family Reunions Are Not Always Fun by chelsea
This always happens to me. First off, I used to work in nursing homes, and whenever someone died, I would always have a dream about that person. Not even that they died, just they were a significant part of my dream. Even when I was on vacation in chicago for a week and someone died suddenly at work...
Family Spirits by RedWolf
My grandfather was a wonderful man, a tile setter by trade. He taught me how to set tile and paint. He also taught me how to drive and other life lessons as well. He had a heart attack and needed a pace maker when my daughter was a toddler. When my oldest son was just over 10 months old he had anoth...
Family Spirits 2 by RedWolf
My mother died Mothers' Day 2008, just a few minutes before midnight. She had been in the hospital for weeks because of lung cancer and emphysema. My mom did not want to die anywhere around May 5th because that is my oldest sons' birthday and my father died 3 years before on May 3rd. I know this bec...
Family Ties by WelshmanTrezise
Having a rich Celtic background of Welsh, Cornish, and Breton, ghosts and the paranormal show up in every family story and folklore. My family tells me that I have second sight and I believe it, seeing and sensing my relatives has been a common thing for me, ever since I was a wee lad. My Dad told m...
Family Visiting? by Avery
This is my first experience and it was when I was about 12 or 13 years old. I was in Colorado visiting my great-grandmother, grandfather, aunt, cousin, and other family. We all had fun then went to my grandmother's house. As soon as I walked in I knew something was up. I walked past the hallway ...
Family's Experience by LittleRara
There's a few stories so this post may be long. My nan and grandad played the Ouija board when my mum and her siblings were in bed. I don't know whether they believed in it or just did it to mess about. One night my nan and grandad were going out and my mum and siblings were sent to bed before th...
Familys Encounters And Other Bits And Pieces by MissHill
Years ago my Aunty and Grandparents lived in a house in a place called McLaughlin's Beach in Victoria, Australia. My Aunts, and Grandparents experiences all happened in the same house. The house had been moved there from Yallourn Victoria by my grandparents. There was a kitchen and lounge room a...
Familys Encounters And Other Bits And Pieces 2 by MissHill
If you remember my last post at the end I was talking about hearing things I wasn't sure if I had heard or not. Well there have been a few others, and I will list them all, these have happened over a few months, and as I said I don't know what to think of them 1. Metal- This has happened a few ti...
Famous Toys R Us Ghost in Sunnyville by 4u_allie
I went to Sunnyville, California to visit their Toys 'R' Us store. I'm a ghost hunter. I went there with three of my cousins: Jess, Kayla, Sierra. We went inside the store to buy a couple of stuff to show the family when we would go back to Utah. As I went through the doll aisle, a doll came out of ...
Fans And Freezing Rooms by whitebuffalo
The back door to our house is really supposed to be the front door. As you walk in our back door (we call this room the "mudroom"), you walk past the washer and dryer, a small wall, the furnace, water softener (which we do not use) and a deep freeze. When you walk through the door way into the h...
Farewell From Dad by annie16
Just a bit of background. My dad was a wonderful person. While growing up my dad worked in construction so was away from home on many occasions but when home, he always made time for his children. Dad and I were very close and I was considered the "apple of his eye". My parents lived in Delmas an...
Farewell From Grandpa by annie16
I am new to the site. I have had four distinctly different experiences but the following story was the first. My ex-husband's grandfather lived in Melville, Johannesburg and in 1987 he became very ill. My mother-in-law decided to take him to live with them in Vereeniging (approx. 70km from Johann...
Farewell Old House by applerose
One of my many regrets in my 52 years would be selling my house on 1318 Smokey Road... Even though it was spook central. It has been 15 years since the move and I still dream about the house. I find myself going room to room as if I'm checking on things in my dreams. I really never felt scared l...
Fariya Palace by Fariya
After living in apartments for so many years, my father decided that we should get our own home. So, we bought a nice piece of land 11 kilometers from Badlapur city which I have mentioned in my previous stories. There's this place called Goregaon, Vangani. It's away from the city. No human life to b...
Farm House Haunting by MrsHood
I'm actually writing into this to find out whether or not you all think there is something going on in our home. We live in a big farm house built in 1887 or 97 I can't remember exactly. I know for certain that there's been 2 people pass away in our home. One was the daughter of the family that owne...
Farm House Horror by lost_one21
Let me just say that everything I am about to tell you is completely true and in no way some paranoid fantasy, I am not the only one who had experienced things. My parents decided we needed a bigger place because my youngest sister was just born so they moved us into an old farm house (cliché ri...
Farm House In The Karoo by Fergie
I would like to share with you, another account from my Uncle Norman. This must have taken place in 1950/1, as Norm had bought a 'new' car, a grey Vanguard. He was delighted to have 'wheels' for the first time in his life; eager to try it out on a road trip. Norm and a friend (I honestly can't...
Farm Town Spooks by stephanie24
November 2010, I'm nearly 7 months pregnant and looking to move out of my parents house. My mothers best friend tells us that her brother in law has a house for rent right outside of town. I thought, perfect. Now I have always lived in farm town, but I have also always lived in the middle of town ...
Farmer's Cart by ErinT
This happened 5 months ago (roundabout). I live in the country. One night I'm driving down a country road (called the Causeway) to my (then) boyfriend's house. My ex boyfriend was driving in front of me (we had taken both our cars to my house) but being a typical guy, he speed off ahead. I carri...
Farmhouse Haunting by skull_666
It had been 2 years since I had left Nepal and traveled to Europe to pursue my higher education, finally settling down in London. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I became addicted to cannabis and other drugs. Well, I have to admit that time was both fun and had some dark moments. Nonetheless,...
Farmhouse Shadow by willie75
I have not really had much contact with the spirit world until I moved into an old farm house in Scottsville, Ky. Everyone told me before I moved in that there was something wrong with the house and that everyone who lived their had reported strange happenings of seeing A black like shadow lurking a...
Fascinated And Shook by Linjahaha
I just 'had' to submit this as it happened this past Tuesday on 2/6/2024. I was driving to the credit union early in the morning. I had just gotten off of work, and wanted to take care of a bill, and draw a little money out. The road I take is called Rocky River Drive. It takes me to Brookpark roa...
Fast-food Ghost by drkn56n
When I was 19 years old, I got a job at a local fast food joint. I worked the morning shift than would attend college at night. My manager and I would meet up at the same time every morning, 8am, he would unlock the doors, let us in, than lock the store back up behind us. I would start preparing all...
Father / Son Trauma by Ohiowatha
This is a story my uncle related to me one summer when it became clear that certain members of our family seemed to have a sense for things paranormal. It is well-known that my late grandmother on my mother's side often had prophetic dreams and had encountered ghosts, not only at home in Ohio, but a...
Father Christmas Ghost by Magda
I am Magda and now I am 14 years old. When I was seven, I was in Poland with my family (that being where I come from!) I couldn't sleep that night because it was Christmas Eve and like many other children, I was too excited to fall asleep. My mind was going crazy! But after midnight passing by, I de...
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