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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 10
My Epiphany by Annabellee
In 1983 I began playing clarinet in my elementary school band. In the morning before classes we would meet in the band room. This room was located underneath the stage, and you had to walk across the gymnasium, then down a flight of stairs to get to the door. I purposely avoided being the first pe...
My Erotic Dreams by Scarleteen_6
Before I start whatever I am saying may seem quite "dreamy" or whatever you do please don't name it as one of my fake teen "fantasies". I will be obliged if you agree to that! It started from the day of my fourteenth birthday, I guess? Okay... So yeah, and as every little young teenager I was VER...
My Evil Room by Mika888
This is my first time writing up this story and I am very pleased to be able to share this experience for the first time. The experience occurred in the house at which my family and I still reside. It is a medium sized semi-detached house in Jesmond, a suburb in the city of Newcastle, England. B...
My Ex Was A Satanist by lovesoljah
I originally submitted my story at your psychic experience not knowing about this site. I believe my story is more appropriate over here than there. Here is my story: I keep having spiritual attacks almost every night since October 4, 2010. My ex was a Satanist. He had allowed himself to be possess...
My Ex's Brother by RainbowBrite79
A couple of years ago around the beginning of Spring I woke up from a very strange dream. So strange in fact that it really disturbed me and I couldn't get back to sleep. I had dreamed that I could see my ex-husband's brother's face in the sky. It was high up, like the sun or the moon. The only ...
My Exorcism by DJ
When I was 13, I was living in Northern London. We lived in a small flat at the time. I was happy because I had a pretty good life at the time. One of my very best friends, Cristina, loved to stay over, and was over often. One night, I took off my necklace, a present from my mother, and started to ...
My Experience by tonycourchaine35
We live in a small town of about 10, 943 people in Marinette, WI. I have been noticing strange noises and sights. This has been going on for years now. Pictures would fall off the wall, lights will turn on, and we used to have a clock radio in our bathroom for music while we take a shower that w...
My Experience At Aunt And Uncle's House by majikmind
My name is Derek. My story took place in Frankfort, Indiana in my aunt and uncle's house in 1994. It has been a long time ago but I still remember it like it happened yesterday. I was living with my aunt, uncle, and cousins while my parents were in between selling our old house and buying a new ...
My Experience At The Cemetery by GrimlinGod
I was walking in Decatur, Illinois, Greenwood Cemetery's path when I saw two figures which I could've sworn were two people smoking a cigarette and I was in need of one. So I asked the people (figures) if they had a cigarette they could spare. One of them turned around and all I saw was a dark shado...
My Experience At Work by Dev19
Working at Food City in Mesa, Arizona was both mundane and chaotic. As a part-time employee, I had seen my fair share of strange occurrences within the store's walls. But nothing could have prepared me for the series of events that took place one fateful day. It was a typical afternoon shift and I w...
My Experience In A Dream And Afterwards by Ghostlyaxe
I had a dream recently. The date was March 3, 2010. The dream I had was short but it is all I have been thinking about since last night and it's really starting to bother me. Well, as I remember I was sitting in a chair in front of a desk with my mother at the other end with a few other people. ...
My Experience While Staying In Iran by Kerry110
I went to Iran September 2016, I went to see my husband's family well his moms side. Me and my 3 children stayed there for a few weeks or so. The first few nights was ok sleeping, but then I felt spirits trying to contact me. It seems it's always when I go in to a relaxed state just before going int...
My Experience With A Ghost Detector by AARisTHEbest
A few weeks ago, I downloaded a ghost detector app and it was proven to really work. I sat on my sofa with my tablet turned on, ready to try it out. I opened up the app and it gave me a warning and stuff that it isn't a game. I started talking and it gave me a few answers. I asked, "What are you cal...
My Experience with a Three Dimensional Shadow Person by NickTrop
I guess shadow people are real. I never thought about talking about what I saw until I happened to read a story about them. I had always considered our house to be a haunted place, but in a strange way that most houses aren't. Our house is to this day only 14 years old and was built on 'new' ground....
My Experience with Demon Attacks by joelolo
One morning after a hard night of partying (before I became a Christian and learned how to deal with this), I awoke to the most horrible smell making me think that the sewer had backed up into my house. When I tried to move I could not! I tried to call for my brother but I could not speak either. I ...
My Experience With John Edwards by HarlowMortis
About 4 months ago my phone rang... It was my mother. I answer like normal. "Sonja, guess what?!?" What mom? "John Edwards is coming to Oklahoma City. Remember you promised me when you were 16 you would take me." I kind of just laughed it off and we finished with our conversation. I got to think...
My Experience With Negative Energy In My House by Trix
I'm not sure on how I'm going to write about my experience or if YGS will even publish it. I'm going to try my best, because the person that helped me through it told me that my experience and actions can help other people without this type of knowledge too. I feel he is right so I'm going to share ...
My Experience With Ouija Boards by Valentine19
When I was 17 me and a group of friends found out about an old abandoned building that was near to an old unused mental health hospital or care home (I can't really remember which it was but the name was Winterton and it was in a village called Sedgefield). We thought it would be a cool place to han...
My Experience With Spirits And Corey by xartandmusiclifex
It all started a little over a year ago at my current best friend's house. We were being taught how to contact spirits through candles and necklaces by another friend who was spending the night with us. To make a long story short, my best friend and I both successfully contacted spirits whom we have...
My Experience With The Ouija by tiny
My name is Teresa and I guess my story starts when I was still in high school. I always thought the Ouija game always sounded kind of neat so I borrowed a friends game for a couple of days and me and another one of my friends played together at my house just the two of us. We asked various questions...
My Experiences by Vinne
I'm going to write my first experience. Well first I should tell you a bit about me. I am right now 14 and half. We are Muslim and my family is very small, like I have only one brother and he is 2 years younger than me. I won't tell real names of anyone so yeah, nicknames. My brother name is Nomi. M...
My Experiences by Erin78
As long as I can remember there have always been strange things happen or the feelings of someone watching you. My mom has told my sisters and me about some strange things that happened to her when she was younger. There is one story that she told us that took place when my aunt had passed away. ...
My Experiences - To Date by laniparis
Although, I've always been interested in reading ghost stories, I must admit I have never actually seen a ghost but, I have felt and heard them... When I was about thirteen years old, I was at home with my older sister and her partner (while my parents were out shopping); they both went downstair...
My Experiences Ever Since My Childhood by ChewyFudgeBrownie
The house on Broadview: When I was five years old I had my first experience (that I can remember anyway). When I was about three years old we moved into the house on Broadview. My Great-Grandmother Kyle passed away and my dad inherited the house. One night I was wide awake just laying in bed....
My Experiences In Childhood Locations by BethIsabella
I don't really know how to start this but here it goes. It first started in my childhood house. We moved when I was 10 just before my 11th birthday and I'm 16 now. I never really thought about all this stuff all that much before me and my brother were talking the other day and he said that he al...
My Experiences In My Childhood Home by Brittani1123
This is my first post here! So I decided I would just go through all my personal experiences that I can remember. These are in no particular order, I'm just going to write them as they come to me. (Some names have been changed to protect people's identities) My parents divorced when I was pretty...
My Experiences In My First House by Morpheus55
I didn't know if my house was haunted at first until I started to get a bit more experiences over the last few years. It started when my grandparents came for a visit from Bryan, TX to Dallas, TX. I had to sleep in my younger brother's room so they could sleep in my room. I ended up sleeping on the ...
My Experiences In Our First Home by Vanessanda
My first experience, as far as I can recall, was in our first home in Adelaide, South Australia. We were renting in the city centre. A lot of the buildings in Australia in those days had been built by English convicts. I don't know if that's relevant or not. In the old flat there was a small livi...
My Experiences In The Childhood Home by Horun
I present to you my very first publish of one of the few occurrences that I've bared witness to. A little about myself, I'm 23 and a native of California. I am a practicing Wiccan, and also dabble a bit in the Druid teachings of my motherland. I've been serving in the Navy, and have not had the chan...
My Experiences Including An Odd Recording And by -Holly-
This is my first time posting my experiences online so please bear with me if it's too long/short etc. I have had a few experiences in my life so far, I wouldn't say I'm 'sensitive' to this kind of thing, but I do tend to see things a lot. My first experience was when I was 8 years old at my dad...
My Experiences Over The Years by jazzy981
I'm not sure if I'll get a response on this story but I just wanted to share some of my paranormal experiences and how they have evolved over the years. Some quite terrifying and scary the rest happen while I'm in the in-between stages of astral travel and dozing off to sleep. My very first experien...
My Experiences Past And Present by DeanC
I remember seeing "shadowy" figures at a very young age, around 8-9. I remember one quite vividly; it was one morning as I was leaving my house for school. As I exited my house through the side gate as normal, as clear as day, I saw a black figure peering round the corner and I vaguely remember it s...
My Experiences Since I Was A Teenager by BeachBunny
I have been reading this site for quite a while; the paranormal has always fascinated me. I have had several minor experiences, but nothing to really brag about. I think I became more aware of odd things (maybe it's just me! Once I became a teenager, and it has continued into present day, at 26 year...
My Experiences So Far Of The Unexplained by kl_ellis
So I'll begin from when it started, at the age of around 3. I was an only child up until the age of 11 and quite enjoyed my own company, so I'd often play upstairs on the landing (as my bedroom then was very small) and my mum would find me talking, as she assumed, to myself. But the strange thing ab...
My Experiences Throughout My Childhood by Paranormal98
Hey guys, thanks to those of you who took the time to read my other post "Albert"! I wanted to share some of my paranormal experiences in my childhood. It seems that now I've left puberty and my adolescent years, I haven't experienced anything for a couple of years, sadly. I do remember feeling l...
My Experiences With Black Magic by Rajine
Where I come from we do believe that there are people around us that are capable of doing stuff to harm us, cause rifts in our family, drop us down financially and lastly even cause death in some cases. In this submission I will write about some of the experiences I've had and even a close brush wit...
My Experiences With Disembodied Voices And Shadow People by Rajine
For as long and as young as I can remember I've always had some paranormal experience, the most prominent being hearing voices and seeing shadows. I would (especially when I was alone) hear a voice calling out my name, loud and clear as day. One time my cousin had come to stay over, and that night w...
My Experiences With My Mom And Something Else by jolynn1976
my mom passed away April 8 2009 at approx the first time I had an episode was when I was at my dad's place sleeping on the floor on a air mattress as I did many time at my moms, and I just felt very sad all of a sudden. My child was also with me she was asleep so I lay down and my cat sta...
My Experiences With Shadow People by Eya96
This is my first time opening up about these experiences on the internet, so I chose this website because I love reading the experiences on here and how you all help each other. I realise because I am 15 many of you will have doubts about whether this is true or not because of the stories teens have...
My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis by Adventure_Ms_Aqua
I've had three experiences with sleep paralysis so far in my lifetime, and they all have occurred this year. My first encounter was in a dream. It was the middle of the night, and I dreamt that I just went to bed. I woke up in my dream seeing some text floating on the ceiling. It was a prophesy. ...
My Experiences With Spirits by sensitivetoenergy
My family moved to an old trailer home when I was just starting high school. From the beginning there were some odd things, but we ignored them for the most part. The doorbell would go off for no apparent reason, but we rationalized it was a faulty system. Things we couldn't explain were the feeling...
My Experiences With Spirits And Energies by Jigoku6Shojo
THE REAL STORY Let me tell you the real story. As a child, I used to see ghosts every day at my house. It was natural to me. Nothing special, just black shadows walking around, showing themselves whenever they wanted to. It started to change when I was a teenager. At the age of 15, I face...
My Experiences With The Supernatural by Stephanie061490
My name is Stephanie and I have had a few ghostly encounters. The first ghost I saw was back in 2006. My best friend and I were playing Ouija board and this spirit brought us all the way to the cemetery. Once we got to the cemetery I saw a little girl in a white dress and a blue hood. She was cry...
My Experiences With The Unexplainable by RoLeLu
I am a young adult from South Africa and I have had many unexplainable experiences over my 20+ years of life. In this story I will mention some of my experiences and leave it to the reader to decide whether or not they believe me; either way I don't really care. I first experienced the "paranormal" ...
My Extreme Haunting by Deniserose
A couple years back I had sat down with my family at our new house. Someone had brought up the house we had just moved from being haunted which I, of course, knew and told everyone but no one would admit to believe me in hopes I would not go live with my dad. I really should have known they knew see...
My Eyes Don't Lie by JuggaloJohn
I grew up in a suburban neighborhood where the houses were built brand new. The land was farmland before they built the houses and belonged to the Rancocas Indians before that. When I was a child, I would say around 5 or 6 years old, I had my first ghost encounter. It was Christmas Eve, I was sl...
My Fair Share Of The Paranormal by abbykay_luv
Thanks for deciding to read my story, I really appreciate it. Ok, this is my first story here, although I have been following YGS for ages. I really love this site. Errrrm, sorry if a post unnecessary details. It's my first submission. All these occurrences happened in one house. We stayed there for...
My Faithful Dog by raingrl01
I read somewhere that an animal that is very close to their owner knows when it is their time to go. They can sense when they are needed in their owners life and then again when they aren't. My mother got us a cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle mix) when I was eight years old. She was the best ...
My Family - The Farmboy And A Lot Of Ghosts by 18711
My family has lived in Kansas for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a small town with only a few thousand people living in it and we were one of the richest families around. Mainly because my great- grandparents had founded the town and it was even named after us. As you can imagine there was ...
My Family And Our House by Han
I am 20 years old and I live in Heswall in an ordinary house with my family it's a small house it's not big or scary or that old. I moved to Heswall in 1996 with my family, I have 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters a mum and dad and my dog. We moved in to Heswall in 1996 and it was about a y...
My Family Attracts Something Everwhere We Go by Jenna5689
I come from a Christian family who believes that there can be supernatural occurrences in this world which cannot always be explained. That said, growing up I had a few experiences with possible "ghosts" but I was probably just being a kid, easily spooked. My husband has told me of experiences he ha...
My Family Ghost Stories by Missmelanie04
I come from a long line of hauntings and many members of my family claim to have been haunted. My Great Aunt Helen told me about a house in Garvin, Oklahoma. She moved with her brother and sister-in-law. She told me that they would always hear children laughing and crying in the woods near the ho...
My Family Ghost Stories by clarkrose91
I am currently 20 years old. My father had always told me the family "ghost stories." Since I am very interested in the paranormal I believed the stories, but I also thought he was fooling around with me. So for confirmation I asked my mother about all of these and she told me they were true. I will...
My Family Home by earthangel67
The story of how I came to live at my current address is a story in itself, but I will briefly outline events. My marriage had come to an end and I needed somewhere safe for my two sons to live. At the time, they still saw their father (previous ex-husband to the one I am leaving), who lived with hi...
My Family Makes A Sick Call: Part I by Seraphina
I've hesitated to offer these experiences on YGS because some readers would probably classify them as dreams or hallucinations. Although I understand why someone might come to that conclusion, I personally can't think of my experiences as anything but interactions with some of my deceased family mem...
My Family Makes A Sick Call: Part Ii by Seraphina
The first part of my story left off in the winter of 1976, when I was a twenty-seven-year-old divorced mother and grad student. Some supposedly minor surgery had resulted in life-threatening complications. The hematoma near my surgery site burst without warning. I'd been trying to slowly get out ...
My Family... Or Not? by AK24573
Dear readers! I am a regular reader of this site. I always got fascinated by horror stories. So, I decided to post my own one. This happened few months ago. My uncle, aunt and my cousins had gone to a relative's. I live with my cousins as here in Haryana, good educational opportunities are ava...
My Family's Encounters by iSaeKaren
Sometime last year, not entirely sure which month, every single one of us (mainly myself) has been experiencing some ghostly encounters. The ones that never seemed to be bothered with was my step-brother (Craig) and step-dad. But anyway, before I begin explaining what has happened to my family, I...
My Family's Experiences by spiritscout
My family lives in a house built in 1902, it used to be a school. We also think there was a graveyard in the land our house is on. We know more places in our town that are haunted. It all started on the first night we moved into our house, that was before I was born. Since then many things have h...
My Family's Experiences by jzinck
When I was younger the paranormal interested me then, and still does to this day. My grandparents were gyspies and used to travel all over Canada when my mom was just a little one. Some of the stories she and my grandmother used to share leave me in stock, thinking to myself. Thank God this does not...
My Family's Haunted House by Pilotpaul
'Springfield' was one of a row of 3 cottages built by my great-great grandfather on Locks Road which was then a quiet country lane in a small village on the south coast of Hampshire. The initial white-painted detached house known as 'Dorcas Cottage' being my great-great-grandfather's family home wit...
My Family's Haunted Life by livinit2
For as long as I can remember, paranormal things have been happening. I wanted to share a few of these experiences with you not just involving me, but my family as well. My house is 102 years old. So, being standing as long as it has, you would think that at least one person has died in or around th...
My Family's Horrific Experience by Believer622
This story is still about my grandfather. In my first story, I mentioned that my grandfather died of liver cancer. And I also mentioned that that was according to the doctor's diagnosis. This story is what happened before my grandfather died. I have been told this story by my parents, and even my...
My Family's Story And The Bird-thing by AuroraRosa
I have two stories to share, so I might as well lump them together. The first one has been in my family for several generations now and has probably been embellished quite a bit over the years, but I'll put it in anyway. My mother's father's father (my great-grandpa) was walking home from school...
My Family's Weird And Horrifying House by AllysonSummers
I and my three little siblings live in an old house in San Fransisco, CA. We've only lived there for a few months now, but I've never slept there before, I live in my own apartment somewhere nearby. Both parents are away in Paris for a couple of weeks so I'm babysitting my two sisters and brother. ...
My Father After His Death by Hsilva
All of this started with my father's death. My father was 71 year old when he left us and he was a heart patient for few years. My father was a very calm and quiet gentlemen and he had nothing against the world and had zero enemies. No matter how good he was to the world, my mother was never in ...
My Father Provoked Them by lebanese
In these past couple of weeks, I have become a bit concerned with the things going on at my parents' house. I know this is a bit long, but I provided detail for any ideas you may have. I would really like some help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My parents have lived in the same house ...
My Father Sent Me 3 Messages by Ainhoa
This story is about three incidents which occured in 2012-2013, after I lost my father. In 2012, I became entitled to study in Spain for a year. I remember that my father was so proud of me. Not long after, my dad had a heart attack in the end of August. I left for Spain with a huge grief in my h...
My Father The Lizard by sandieshun
My knight-in-shining-armour and confidante was taken away from me so quickly that I was left feeling dizzy, empty and heart-broken. Why did God have to take my father from me? Yes, he had to manage with one good leg and a stump but he was so vibrant, so hilarious and entertaining, so much alive! Why...
My Father Visited One Day... Years After His Passing by m4dm1nnes0tan
If you read my other stories about my parents, you will know that my parents loved my siblings and me to the fullest. Never once did a day go by without them telling us they loved us. It was about 5 years after my father had passed away, just a few weeks after his anniversary of his passing. My ...
My Father-in-Law by whitebuffalo
I would like to start out by saying that I do not know if this is a ghost story, angel account or a hallucination brought on by the grips of the late stages of lung cancer. To me it has been a comfort as well as a confusing instance. To make it even more interesting, this happened on the very first ...
My Father? Possibly by BadJuuJuu
I was around 14 when this started and 18 when it ended. It's rather uncomfortable, so bear with me on this. When I was 14 or so, my dad started looking at me in a way I didn't like. Anytime I was in the same room as him, he was staring like I was, well, not his daughter. I spent a lot of time out...
My Father's Cousin's Weird House by x10
I would like to share this one since this has been one of my favorite ones. My father's cousin was an elementary school teacher and this story is about their house built 10 years ago. Her husband was a seaman so they earned enough to make this enormous house. It has been a local tradition that...
My Father's Experience by Lexiluca
My father is really the only one I feel comfortable talking to in my family about paranormal and supernatural activity - as he has had his own experiences that have been just as intense as my own. He's shared with me a couple of quick experiences he's had over the course of his life and I would like...
My Father's First Experience by elnoraemily
Though my father has experienced a lot of activity in his life, this is the first one he ever told me about. This one is fairly short (I have mentioned it briefly on here before) and I tend to forget it in contrast to his other experiences. In the small town he lives in, there are only so many j...
My Father's Friend, our Enemy by Heather
I have lived, in my opinion, an unordinary life. If you have read my other story Visitor in the Dark, you know that I have bounced from place to place. I can't stand the ordinary! After I moved in with my father at the age of 17, he and his family had just moved from a home in Tremoton Utah to my fa...
My Father's Ghost by princess2
This actually happened to my daughter and her cousin. We were all at the funeral home. My dad had died of a brain aneurysm a couple of days earlier. My daughter and her cousin were sitting out on the swing on the front porch of the funeral home. They were just sitting there talking when they loo...
My Father's Ghost 2 by princess2
My dad has been seen on numerous occasions since he died. Especially around the old home place, where he spent the majority of his live. Matter of fact he died in one of the bedrooms in this old house. This place is located on a lonely old country road, with neighbors about four miles away. My si...
My Father's Healing Hands? by Serenflipppity
I'd been thinking about my own experiences (few, far between and very recently started) and how and when I was going to submit them to YGS (having submitted my first March 30th, 2018) when I realised - hold on a minute, I've had other experiences before - shortly after my father died - at least I th...
My Father's Home by shhh_im_sleeping
My Mom passed away in January 2011. I stay with my Dad just about every night. He's afraid to stay in the house alone (he worries about burglars). I sleep in the living room on the couch. One evening about a week after my Mom passed away I was pulling into the driveway with my car, stopped at th...
My Father's Hometown by unknownymous05
We also lived in my father's hometown at San Carlos City, Pangasinan from 1998-2000. The first house that we move in was demolished in 1998 because the government of Marikina have a project to make a road connecting Marcos Highway and C-5 road. They will build the highway on the riverside and have t...
My Father's Hometown 2: The 7:00 Pm Habit by unknownymous05
I will tell you the hauntings that only occurred every 7:00 pm in the evening. (Read my first story "My Father's Hometown" where I described and told the features of the house.) The first was when my father was the one who accompanied us. This was happen when the country was in rainy season, betwe...
My Father's Hometown 2: Trees At The Back by unknownymous05
"I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree." But when the night has come to thee, the trees are not lovely. They are scary. Now, I will tell you hauntings happened at the back of the house where many trees were there. Banana Tree This is the story of my sister and I about what we sa...
My Father's Hometown 4: My Hand Floating by unknownymous05
This was happened on the first 6 months of our stayed in the house year 1998. We used to sleep on the second part of the second floor where the big old mirror was. My sisters slept on two combined bed near the wall with a single sliding capiz window. If the window was opened, you could see the stair...
My Father's Hometown 5: Our Grandfather by unknownymous05
This was happened to my eldest sister (1st sibling) November 1, 1998. November 1 and 2 every year in the Philippines is celebration of remembering of our love ones who already passed away. We usually celebrate by cooking sticky foods for the souls, going to cemetery and light a candle on the tomb, ...
My Father's Hometown 6: The Haunted House by unknownymous05
There was a haunted house 4 blocks away from our house on the right side. To think, it was in the middle of our street. That haunted house was similar feature of our house like sliding capiz window, the first floor was stone, second floor was made of wood, and surrounded by many trees. Our playmates...
My Father's Hometown 7: The Dead River by unknownymous05
I learned here that a river if dead, was full of trees in each banks, no flowing water, polluted and have trees and plants inside the river. And if the banks of the river was full of trees, some of the trees have their own occupants. I told from my first story of my father's hometown that our house...
My Father's House by thedeathofme
When ever I told my father that something strange would happen, he would shake it off, make an excuse. Up until recently my father has convinced me that he doesn't believe in anything paranormal. I've experienced several things over the years but nothing that scared me. I often hear footsteps and kn...
My Father's Story by Katiebug
Maybe it's just that my family's memories are like elephants, but at this year's family Christmas party, the talk ultimately turned to ghosts that the family has experienced. My Aunt Linda chuckled over her ghost being on 'the web' and my mother acted a little proud and embarrassed to acknowledg...
My Father's Story - Confusing A Skeptic by elnoraemily
This story is not my own. It is my father's, who I believe to be credible. I am an atheist/skeptic (hold the preaching, it's not what this site is for) and I've spent a while debunking nearly every ghost story I've heard or read simply with very obvious real world examples. For example, if you wak...
My Father's Uncle by Kaylee
Our entire family has been plagued by a ghost of some sort for awhile, because it seem almost impossible to fall down the stairs, even if you start to, you're always able to stop. However, if you go up the stairs at least 45% of the time you trip! Sometimes I go up the stairs and I KNOW I've cleared...
My Father's Unrest by Tek
My mother comes from a country where even until today things are still old fashioned and secluded from the city. All her life she has been followed by occurrences, experiences, sightings that cannot be explained. She is not a stranger to seeing ghosts, entities. But this is by far one experience I a...
My Father's Visit After Death by chocolata
It all started on June 20 2004 on my daughter's fourth birthday. The day before my husband had mentioned to me that my father was stupid and selfish for not thinking of his kids, since my father had committed suicide 3 years prior. Before my father committed suicide he was trying to repent for all t...
My Father's Visitor by LostGirl
This account happened to my dad, but (with his permission) I felt I had to share it. It terrified me to say the least! Just over a year ago, my dad went on a trip to Scotland. I can't remember the name of the place he visited, but it was a beautiful manor beside a loch. He had a room to himsel...
My Father's Younger Experiences by OnlyTruth
This is my second story posted on here. This is a story that was told to me from my dad from when he was younger. My dad's father died in a car accident when he was about 12 or so. This story happened sometime after he died, although there is no evidence that this was his father doing these thing...
My Fathers Presence by Sleeping-with-steve
My family moved into the house my mother still lives in 40 years ago. I was about 13 years old when we all moved in. I have so many beautiful memories growing up in my mothers house. My father had a lot of beautiful chickens, quails and ducks and loved them dearly. He fussed over them every day b...
My Favourite Patient by Nurse1992
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Nursing. For our first year, we had a placement at a rest home where we were allowed to interact with patients and nurses alike to help us learn new skills. Among all of our duties, we each had one patient who we were to care for throughout the duration of our s...
My Fellow Spirit by SheytheNotsoBrave
Ever since I was a young child, I have been terrified of the unexplained. I would see shadows and hear footsteps in my kitchen, bedroom, and guest bedroom. I would tell my parents what I would hear and see, but they always told me it was nothing but my imagination. As I got older and into my teen...
My Fiance's Experiences by elnoraemily
My fiance grew up in a house his parents built. It was on old ranch land in the local Bosque (wooded area near a river). It was a huge house- five bedrooms upstairs, a huge dining and living area downstairs. It was all tile floors with high ceilings, so sound spread easily through the house. His...
My First by The_Puffin
Thinking back to my younger years I have always had a few events that happened shortly before I moved that never sat quite right with me. I was very young at the time, around the time I turned 8 or shortly before, so even when I told others they wrote it off as nothing more than an odd occurrence. ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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- Getting A Sak Yant In A Haunted Temple
- Always Close Your Portals Kids
- What Is 10:36 And Angel Numbers
- Waikumete Cemetery
- Our Unknown Tenants
- My Doppelganger Incidents
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