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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 5

More Weird Stuff by bbydoll

So things have kind of calmed down, the dogs are being left alone and stuff is not being moved around as much. But there is more poltergeist activity. About two weeks ago my son was getting dinner and we were standing in the kitchen talking and his bowl gets slapped (how he described it) out of ...

Morecambe Winter Gardens by Simplyghostnights

This lovely old building sits proudly nestled along the promenade of Morecambe looking over the bay, the building is a testament to Britain's imperial past of the 19th century. We arrived and were greeted by both Andy and Pete who helped make sure the nights events ran so smoothly, and easily. Af...

Mormor: My Great Grandma by 2bornt2b

In 2009, My Great Grandma (who, might I add, was Swedish. Great Grandma in Swedish is Mormor) died. She was 85. I was devastated. My Great Grandma and I were very close. I was not allowed at her funeral, although my mother was. This angered me and I felt that I was neglected. Now, as this will be...

Morning Guests by SoulSeeker

It was a cold, dark winter morning in Bremerton, WA in the year 2002. I wake up to my alarm at 6:00am and begin getting ready for school. I was in the 7th grade and it had been 8 years since my last encounter. The house I lived in was built in the 70s with floral wallpaper, orange carpet and a we...

Morningside Road by Wspmn

Morningside Road was Morningside Farm back in the day. I believe a family had to deal with a few deaths on this farm and they are still present today. The first is a man that walks around the house I grew up in. He used to show himself to my brother before he would go to bed and he would stand in th...

Morse Hall Happenings by mandalyn05

I am getting ready to complete my second, and last, year of living in Morse Hall, one of the dormitories at my college. Before moving here, I had never heard about any ghost stories or other strange happenings. After moving in, I started hearing stories of students who have died naturally, accident...

Mortuary Affairs by wth_devildog

This is my first account of possible paranormal activity I've experienced in my life. This story takes place in Brigham City, UT during the winter of 2003. My wife and I (and our two cats) had moved to a new rental house across town a few months prior. Almost directly across the street from our hous...

Most Haunted by ranger

If you are looking for the most haunted, I'd say this place I used to rent in Paranaque is the one. It is a big house situated in a subdivision. I transferred there with my girlfriend and her son (she's a single mom). The neighborhood was all smiling when we meet them just simple hi and hellos but y...

Most Haunted Wisconsin? by gabriellesnotes

Alright, so I am not sure where to start so I will start with a little background on my story. This was in 2012, in Rothschild Wisconsin, I had found out that the original "idea" for the movie poltergeist was based on a house a block over from mine. It explained a lot of phenomenon that happened...

Most Houses Can Get that Strange Feeling by PrincessKatie

Hi my name is Katie, just telling you about a strange feelings you can get in houses. I believe that ghosts do live in houses because they don't know they're dead and they think your house is their house. Have you experienced anything strange in your house or anyone else's house? Most houses you ...

Motel 6 And Anna by WintersAzazel

In my early teens, I began seeing spirits. Maybe I had been seeing them before, and simply brushing them off as figments of my overactive imagination, but all I know is my early teens is when I remember them really becoming noticeable. They started off as blurs barely distinguishable from the co...

Moth Man Or Devil Bird? by Laxe

Has anyone out there ever experienced, or know of someone who has experienced, seeing a large, black, winged figure flying around and then having a close relative pass away after seeing this thing? There was a movie, based on true events, starring Richard Gere called "The Mothman Prophecies" that wa...

Mother And Daughter by triden07

This story is linked to others in my profile, such as "My frantic Mother & Now we all know". And it's about my mom and her mother, one of our guardian spirits. My mom has had health problems for a few years now. In February this year, she moved to Mozambique with my dad. Seeing as how that area i...

Mother And Daughter's Love by JeunaBella

This story took place awhile ago when I was nursing a young girl who was diagnosed with brain tumor. In my high school years, I used to earn extra pocket money by babysitting or walking the dogs/caring for pets in my neighbourhood area. One weekend I was required to nurse a young girl who was te...

Mother Daughter by Rashmibandana

This is a major incident and true to the core which happened in my Mother's life. Now my Mom used to live in a joint family with her parents, grandmother, two brothers and their wives, five sisters and nephews and nieces. Her two elder sisters were married. Her's was a big happy family. Now my M...

Mother Dearest by Dixie_Diva

I am going to say I am new to this; I have never posted one of my experiences before. I am going to start off my saying I have always been a little sensitive to the paranormal. It has never been an issue until lately. When I was younger I took care of my mother she was my best friend growing up. Whe...

Mother Experiences by m-d-v

Fist off, yes I believe in ghosts but at the same time I do make sure nothing else is the cause of it. That is why I am so confused. You see, my family and I have lived in the same house for twelve years. I remember the first night we stayed in it I constantly felt like I was being watched, some...

Mother Finally Opened Up To Me About Spirits! by terranigma

I will try to word this the best I can. I have so many words and stories flying around my head it is so hard to focus because I want these stories documented and recorded so that others may learn from what has come before. I am sorry this is a collection of a few stories but they all relate to each ...

Mother Ghost Thinking I'm Her Daughter by heyjayy10395

You have to understand a few things to understand this story. I'm a child of five, the middle. At the time of living in this house, I was 9 and 10 years old. And my parents aren't married. My dad had to get out of my mother's house fast. One of my sister's friends from dance were moving and their c...

Mother In Law Appears To Both by Morticia1

I have been reading others stories here for some time and thought it about time to maybe share a few of my own, some of which include our late pets. Some will include or be my partners as he's had a few experiences himself even a couple we have shared and one of which I will share now. A bit of b...

Mother Like Daugter by ciaravzqz22

This is a story about when I was only about 8 and my cousin was about 9. She lived in N.Y at this moment in a visible but low key neighborhood. It all took place in a two story condominium (small), I was taken to her house one morning to spend the night with her, but our parents had to leave us soon...

Mother-in-law Talks To Ghosts by Always-Wondering

This situation centers on my mother-in-law, who happens to be Vietnamese. Although it doesn't directly affect me, I might have had an experience that's related to her. Just a brief background on my in-laws. My wife and her family came over from Vietnam in the early 90s. I'm not very close to my m...

Mother, Son Dies, Same Day, Same Cause by Henleys

My maternal grandparents are the only grandparents I remember (my paternal grandparents had died before I was born). Ma and Pa is how we all referred to them, and we only saw them when we visited occasionally because they lived in another small town in Tennessee. The main thing I remember about ...

Mother's Doppleganger by sbst_gh

This incident happened a few months ago in my bedroom, where most of my encounters have been. I always get an uneasy feeling in the bedroom, like someone's there with me. First, the light in the cupboard. Then, the door opening by itself. This incident confirmed that something was in my bedroom. ...

Mother's Final Goodbye? by TheWhisperSilence

This all started when I was 10-yearsold. We had just had a power outage, so the only electrical thing we had were some flashlights so we could see. My father suddenly yelled for me to come into the room. It was pitch black. "Hayleigh, this flashlight just flickered on and off by itself!" At first I ...

Mother's Stories by Meeko

Let me start by stating how glad I am that I was able to find a site like this. It's nice to read people's stories and experiences... I am Christian. I believe in God, the devil, angels, and demons. As far as normal ghost I can't really say. I also happen to know that young children and animals can ...

Mother's Warning by Panda517

First I would like to say I do have several stories in connection with my mom. It was April 11, 1996 when my mother passed away. I was a senior in high school and 18 years old. My mom was a spiritual person and so am I. About 6 months had passed and by now I have already heard stories about othe...

Mothering Ghost? by misfitsdoll

I have tried countless times to find any information about the paranormal activity at Ingestre Hall in Staffordshire England, but sadly to no avail, I can only provide you with the experience I had as a child. I have visited Ingestre Hall twice as a child with my school as an activity week, my first...

Motherly Apparition Or A More Sinister Entity by Shinigami0

This story takes place about 5 years ago, before I moved to Florida. At the time, however, I lived in Claremore, Oklahoma. It started as a usual night before bed; I took my dogs out to go do their business, came back inside, and tucked myself in for the night. I honestly can't remember exactly w...

Mothers Always Know by libertybelle

I've come to the conclusion that Macbeth is innocent of the charge of having murdered sleep. No, the real culprit is the Army, as I discovered on my younger son's first deployment to Iraq. I rediscovered it on the second, but it's the third that almost did for me--and a lot of others, too. Mark h...

Mothers Final Visit? by buzz073042

I recently lost my Mom, who passed away last October 15, 2016. We were very close in life, so I was not totally shocked or surprised by her visit after her physical death. In April, 2017, while watching television, a sudden bright, amber flash, similar at first to a huge strike of a match, appeare...

Motor Cycle Ride In The Rain by KimSouthO

It was the middle of August and the harsh wind blew hot and humid, kicking up a storm for the evening hours. Off to the north the black clouds had started to brew and roll. It was about 6:30 PM and my date was late. He would not tell me where he planned to take me, it was a surprise. Now, being 30 m...

Motorcycle Accident by Pasindu

Everyone, first of all, sorry for English and I will try the best to describe the situation which happened to a Brother of one of my friends. It's much of a boring story but try to enjoy it. This victim's name is Gihan and my friend's name is Shan. Shan used to work with me and then he went joi...

Mountain Ghost by hydee

When I was young my parents owned a couple of airstream trailers that were set up near the Sequoia National Forest. I don't know if that mountain community had a name, I never noticed. There were four or five blocks of houses, big rambling blocks up steep streets. On the edge of one of these blo...

Mountain Man by ceciline

So about a month ago I took a road trip with my boyfriend. We stopped by a really cool looking mountain along the side of the really empty road. He decided to climb it and see what was on the other side, but I was too scared I'd fall so I stayed by the car. As he climbed it, I heard a really fai...

Mounting Evidence by Vember

So you know how a lot of people come to the conclusion that they're being haunted when a few minor things happen? They hear a slight knocking... Maybe something is misplaced, and all of the sudden it must be a spirit from beyond trying to make itself known. Most would consider that jumping to conclu...

Mouse Apparition Pushing A Protective Shield by CantunSEEit

This story is from our current home that we purchased September 2020. This home was built in the early 1990s; it's partially remodeled. It has newer fake wood floors that look good, but they SNAP and CRACK all the time, day and night because they were installed improperly. The first couple of weeks ...

Moved Into Our First Apartment Together by Marilynanguiano

I don't know how to start, I found this page all because of my recent scare, I Googled a lot to set my mind at ease. When I realized I wasn't the only one experiencing things, I decided to post my story to try to at least figure out why these things are happening and what to do. A little about me is...

Movement Downstairs by themiss

This happened to me about three years ago. I was about sixteen years old at the time. I don't remember the exact day or date that this took place on but I just know that it was in the evening. My grandma was dropping me off at my house, where I was home alone that night. I think my mom was out of...

Movements From Spirits by Enchanted_Sisters101

This is Bella and my story is: Usually when I'm in my room I feel a presence, and it's very uncomfortable. One night I was sitting on my bed doing my homework when I heard knocking on my door. I thought it was my sister, Marie, but it wasn't. After the third knock I heard I got up and opened the do...

Movie Night by ashlcoopa

After going 90 miles a minute all week long, my boyfriend and I wanted to stay home and relax. What better way then to watch movies? So, we get the air mattress out and set it up in front of the TV in the middle of the living room. Which I might add is all open; has vaulted ceilings, connects to the...

Moving Alarm Clock by alarmscared

My daughter and I have, as of today, lived in our duplex for a year now. Living by myself terrifies me in general, but nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. My fears are more along the lines of burglars and home invasion than ghosts. The past couple of weeks though, when my alarm clock goes...

Moving Around by JarMan

My family and I moved around a lot when I was a child, this was not due to the part of paranormal events that may or may not have taken place in our family's lifetime, as my stepfather was a huge sceptic and would rather be swallowed by the void then to admit there was a haunting. It was kind of int...

Moving Bar Of Soap by AmandaB227

I live in Spokane Washington and have been living in my home for about a year now. When I first moved here I had extremely weird feelings, the feeling like someone was watching and just the feeling of unwanted. We decided it was a good idea to paint our new house (since the previous occupants de...

Moving Before Sleep Paralysis? by Celess19

These stories are from a while ago, I'd say... 7 years ago, I'm 25 years old now... And I just found this website, and just wanted to tell my stories to have different opinions... Are sleep paralysis scientific experiences or are they of demonic or just paranormal nature? My first sleep paralysis...

Moving Cross by Inspector145

December 26th was a confirming that there is a spirit in my house. The wife and kids woke me up as they were getting ready for church. I had been telling myself to attend more church services but that morning I just wanted to sleep in. My dad's TV wouldn't let me sleep so I got out of bed to take ...

Moving Curtain by lovebite23

First time I'm writing my story here. So my brother passed away 21 may 2015 at the age of 18. I'm still mourning him and missing him a lot. Last week the 17 june 2015 around 9 o'clock I was sitting with my family in the living room they were talking about my brother now whenever they talk bout...

Moving Curtains by blueladybird73

My husband died a couple of years ago, he was particularly close to my now 13 year old daughter. After he died my daughter was in my bed and said she saw the curtains move. I tried to reassure her and told her it was probably because she was tired. About two years later she told me about her curtain...

Moving From One Strange House To Another by Mandee

The experiences in this particular house weren't nearly as obvious as something in my previous home moving dolls around but a few small things did happen. Myself, my partner, and my daughter moved into a house shortly before I gave birth to my son. The house seemed ordinary until we had been there...

Moving Furniture And The Man In The Window by mable1127

I have lived in my current home for just over a year and a half. The first year, I saw nothing. This was actually strange to me considering I have had paranormal experiences in three of the last four places I have lived. About three months ago a door knob turned on its own. I dismissed it as a figme...

Moving Glass by Joe132

I am 15, and a few months ago something happened to me that emotionally affected me deeply. I just finished drinking a glass of water, and was playing a game on my computer when the empty water glass started to move across the desk. I sat there staring at it with a heavy feeling in my chest. It ...

Moving In To Grandparents House by janny

My first experience was many years ago. I was in my mid-twenties and recently married. We had moved into my husband grandpa's house. Sometimes, at night when the house was quiet, we would hear noises of footsteps, which sounded like someone entering the backdoor and walking into the bathroom and bac...

Moving Objects by jimmy1

my name is rob, I have had many paranormal things happen to me as a child I'm now 30 and nothing go's on anymore but back when I was around 9 things started. I must add my mum was very into spiritual stuff, mediums and things. The first things to start were little things like tapping on doors an...

Moving Objects & Ghost Dogs by Vorhv

This took place at my parent's house in Fayetteville, Arkansas back when I was a senior in high school. We had just moved into this house in Arkansas to be a little closer to family after we had lived in North Carolina for a few years. The home is fairly average, in an average neighbourhood and was ...

Moving Objects, Touching And Voices by MailOrderNinja

I have to tell somebody about these things so I decided to go ahead and put it on this site. I don't tell my wife about them because I don't want her to get scared, and I don't tell my co-workers or friends about them because I don't want them to think I'm crazy. Just a little background: I'm twe...

Moving Out by NellyPerks

Everything started when I was a teenage girl. My parents decided I needed my own room so I moved to a room in the house that used to be a storage room. I didn't really like it because I was used to sleeping with my brothers and that room was spooky. I felt alone in that room, but I didn't want to...

Moving Pictures by hippiesiren

Since the majority of the responses I have received on this site have been helpful, I am going to add this story to what I have already said. It is something that I have been trying to explain away from the time I was about 9 or 10 years old. The pictures that I am in move. Not the subjects. The ...

Moving Skull In Our Backyard by Hamza_arshad

I belong to a small village in the north-eastern area of Pakistan, adjacent to Indian border. Before Partition of Subcontinent, many Hindus used to live in our area. They continued to live side by side with Muslims for centuries without any strife. But after Partition, Hindu families opted to migrat...

Moving Things by savannercx

I actually would like some advice or help because this happened recently. I was out and since it's fall, the trees are pretty colors. I decided to take a picture. That's the last time I took a picture that day, nobody else had my phone. Later on that night I went to go see the pictures again...

Moving To Georgia by Shizuka_Hio

The first start of my life in the USA was living in Michigan at my grandparent's house. While my dad was station in Ft.Benning, Georgia in the Army. My dad made my grandpa promise not to spend the money he send to him because it was for a house. But in the end when my dad came back to Michigan from ...

Moving with Shadows by TTerrible

It all started when I was very little. I moved around a lot ever since I was a baby. When my family moved to Saudi Arabia, the nightmare started. It started when I sneaked into my sister's room while she was having her slumber party. She was telling ghost stories and joking around. She told so many ...

Mr 10:30 by TJYAKI

Short story This happened on my 16th birthday. October 30th. I was working nights with my mom. Got out of the van to put papers in a box. This particular box always creeped me out simply because it was in a old neighborhood and the street lights often didn't work. So I would always look aroun...

Mr Adams Vs Mental Health Professionals by 27flowers

As an Occupational Therapy student in August 2006 my final university placement was working in a small Mental Health team specialising in Rehab and Recovery - patients varied in diagnosis but all were severe and enduring- none particularly harmful to themselves or others, most stable and just strugg...

Mr Hyde In The Snow by Illuminati322

This is Illuminati322, who has posted on here in the past. The following experience did not occur to me but to my father, during his childhood in Marinette, WI, in the 1960's. It was in the mid-60's, at night time. He was roughly 7-8 years old, and was awake and alone in the living room of his f...

Mr O'brian by anisajazz

It all started when me and my mother moved into our new home in Bradford England in 2008, I was 17. The home was a normal 2 bedroom house which needed a lot of modernising, which we did before we moved in, in the mean time we got to know our neighbours and the area. When speaking to the neighbours,...

Mr X's Story by libertybelle

This happened to my mother, and has become one of those stories that "stays" in the family, to be trotted out from time to time. This occurred before my birth, when my mother was left on her own with two little girls to support. She worked as a waitress. How or where she met a truck driver I'l...

Mr. Fire Plug by JerryB

Here's a story from when I was in the U.S. Military. My place of assignment was Baumholder, West Germany. The year was 1965: The work day was over and I was in the Day Room in my civilian clothing sitting and speaking with a friend. As you may not be aware, a Day Room is a location designated spe...

Mr. Ghostly by tabby315

So I lived in the same house until I was twelve. The entire time I lived in the house it was haunted. The earliest sign I remember is when my older sister and I were upstairs in our room talking and someone would slam our bedroom door open even though it was latched. We grew to call him Mr. Ghostly....

Mr. Intense by Siinda

I am still so angry to this day that I have no explanation for the repeated incursions that have happened in my life. When I was a little girl I used to see an un-descriptive man enter my room every night. He was much thinner than my father who in fact I could see asleep on his bed with my mothe...

Mr. Jones by ada

I listen to music everyday of my life. I keep a clear mind when I do this. I love The Counting Crows. I know, you're wondering what does this have to do anything? There is a reason why I am adding this. I have recently painted my room. Actually, I did Saturday. Well here goes. I play my CDs in m...

Mr. Karl by OCGirl

Mr. Karl is an older man (I think) that is living in my former residence where my daughter still resides. I'm not 100% sure when he showed up but it seems to be when my husband and I were going through some difficult times in our relationship and we lived apart for a few years. I remained in the hom...

Mr. No Show by Diogenes

I have a story of my own but I will save that for another day. Here is an experience involving one of my roommates. This is his story, and I am sharing it without his consent. I hope he doesn't visit, or better yet, know about this site to stumble upon this story. Just kidding--I know for a fact he ...

Mr. Nothing by infidelityoncrank

I was maybe a little older than seven years old when I saw my first ghost. It was early Easter morning. Two or three in the morning. It was cold outside, so I had wrapped myself in the warmest blankets in the house. I was startled awake by a sudden draft, so this came to a surprise to my young mind....

Mr. Riddell's Chair by cassidy132

This is my first story here and I am going to tell you about the most vivid ghost sighting I have ever had. It was the summer of 2008 and I was 14 at the time, my family and I were up at our cottage that we have had since I was 7 on Sparrow Lake. We went up there often as much as possible, I knew...

Mr. Riggs Walks by MrRiggs

On March 2, 2004 I adopted a nearly 3 year old male Miniature Schnauzer (dog) named Mugsy. He was to be a replacement for my recently passed Schnauzer, also known as Mugsy. The matching names seemed to be coincidence. That they both walked with an occasional catch in their right hip seemed to be som...

Mr. Riggs Walks 2 by MrRiggs

In November of 2017 I submitted a story to YGS regarding my departed Schnauzer, Mr. Riggs. He had returned from death to visit his home and family. Last heard from Halloween night of 2017, I thought him gone for good. Apparently I was wrong. There are indications that he has returned. This story ...

Mr. Stalker And I by DirtCreature

Mr. Stalker from previous stories has been poking his head into my business lately. However, I've decided to coexist. Earlier in the month, this particular thing happened in the evening. I was in the kitchen cooking and turned to the kitchen sink to wash some utensils. I sometimes sense a presenc...

Mr. Winfred by Wish-Not

I have been wanting to fill in some time from my last story. The last story took place around four years ago. However, I think I'm just going to start submitting sporadically through out the past four years. I titled this one "Mr. Winfred". It's about a visitor we had this past summer that was on...

Mrs Caville by samara

It all began when I was five, I would lay in bed, staring into the ceiling, I always seemed to pick out this one face, staring at me. The face was soft and round, I couldn't quite pick out anything but the head and the eyes. Sometimes I would wake-up, startled, to these foot steps in the hallway, th...

Mrs Grouch And Granny by ladyannne

I had a friend, Les, who was a mortician AND a comedian. He said it helped him keep his other job lighter. Whoosh. Les wanted to have a Halloween party, at the mortuary where he worked. Oh boy. An old friend, Steve, said he would go to the party with me. We got to the grounds but didn't see any e...

Mrs S. by diane39

This experience happened in the Summer of 1994 Rotherham South Yorkshire England, when I had the day off work. I decided I'd visit my mom and nan, who lived 10 minute's walk from me up the hill. So, as it was a lovely warm summer's day in the afternoon, I walked up to the house. As I came to the...

Mrs. Morris by Andrea22

Around the time that I was born, my parents were offered a house in Indiana. A friend of my father offered to let us use it. The friend said he would pay the rent as long as we took care of it. This friend, his mother had recently died in that house. A lot of his mother's belongings were still store...

Ms. Brown's Ghost by paigeinabook

When I was around six-years-old, my parents bought a house in Northern Virginia from an older woman who had lived in the house with her sister for years. I remember they said her name was Ms. Brown. Her sister had passed away in the house, in the master bedroom, so she decided to sell the house and ...

Ms. Unknown by urxgurlxmaraka

I'm only eleven and have already encountered a ghost. I go to my grandmother's house a lot and see "things". There used to be this rocking chair in the living room that every time at 2am, something would be rocking this chair. My grand mother is very religious and she can tell (by the coldness) when...

Mt. Lebanon Cemetery And Farmhouse by BrandonCR

Sorry I haven't posted any stories in a while, but I have been super busy lately. This is a story about a ghost hunt me and my ex girlfriend Mariel went on, and then later another ghost hunt to the same places with my Fiancee Caitlin, my friends Laurel, Colton, Kelly, and myself. Now a few years ...

Muddy Footprints by chocomad

This happened to my sister about a year ago and that particular night she was really tired and wanted a good nights sleep. My sister's name is Tennikah and like I said, she wanted a good sleep so she locked her bedroom door from the inside so nobody could get in and double checked it was locked and ...

Muizenberg Police Museum In Cape Town by James10

About 4 years ago I was in the dungeons at Muizenberg Police museum which is alleged to be haunted by myself, I thought. I was reading a story that was posted on the wall outside one of the dungeon's door about a relationship between a slave at the Cape and a Burgher, with my back to another dungeon...

Multiple Entities 2 by autumnsmommy

My house has been pretty quite for the past week maybe two until the other night. Let me go back and remind everyone that the first half of this story took place after my husband and I had been fighting for a week. I saw a dark figure, my cat, and heard my grandfather. Recently, I have noticed th...

Multiple Entities: A Cat, A Figure, And My Grandfather by autumnsmommy

My husband and I have been fighting a lot recently, and that's when I noticed all these things going on in our house. Recently we purchased a home and it needs a lot of work done to it. Trying to get that fixed, work, and take care of the kids has been putting a strain on us, so we have been fightin...

Multiple Experiences by iiKissYew

Being that its hard to find a chance on here to submit my stories, I'm going to do a few of my biggest encounters, I had an old account on here and one of my stories was 'Hockey Boy' if your interested about reading it. Just last year I got up to get ready for school, normal, and I went downstairs...

Multiple Experiences In One House by MercuryStar

When I was about nine years old, I didn't believe in ghosts. I thought that they were just characters in scary stories. When I moved into a new house I discovered that ghosts weren't just stories. I had multiple experiences with my new house. The first week we lived there I woke up in the middle of ...

Multiple Form Doppleganger by mamachong

I just recently subbmitted a story called ocassional encounters. This story is related to that story, and is in the same trailer. I recently changed jobs. I wasn't getting any hours, no raises, and I wasn't getting the hours I wanted, which was graveyard. I got a much better job, with better pay, an...

Multiple Haunting Experiences Almost Everyday by MOONxCHILD1985

Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, NY 1/8/24 9:40 pm My husband and I and our cat are residents at the Long Beach Hotel. One day my cat and I heard a knock on my door in room 325. I called out "who is it?" but nobody answered. I walked towards the door and saw no shadow underneath the door, heard no ...

Multiple Hauntings by TheJosh57

Hey guys, I promised I would tell the more interesting stories so I'm going to tell the one that is probably the most interesting and scariest. This is again at my girlfriend's old house. My girlfriend's family was just watching TV one night; it was her and her sister and her mom and their dog asl...

Multiple Occurrences In Haunted Apartment by jjohnson1710

This happened when I was about 14 years old. I lived in a small apartment with my younger sister (9) and my parents in NY. My sister and I shared a room. The apartment layout was in such a way that my bedroom served as a walk through to my parents bedroom. At one end was a door that connected to th...

Multiple Presences by Vina123

I'm not sure, but ever since I was little, in my house, I felt uneasy. Especially in the kitchen, especially when I'm alone. Extremely when I'm in the kitchen alone. I got used to it, but would run as fast as I could up the stairs, scared that something was behind me, and I still do. I was downstair...

Multiple Shadows In Room At Night And Other Phenomena by joe090306

My name is Joe, I hope my first name will be sufficient. I am a 33 year old man living in Massachusetts in my own home. Along with me is my son, age 8, and my girlfriend and her three children, ages 9, 7, and 4. The children are with us a little more than half the time, as we both share custody with...

Multiple Spirits Around The House by Aqueousdissolution

So this all began around the beginning of March. Some background: I live in Western Australia, in a suburb that has minor crime if you discount drug use. I've been living in this house for three years without much going on except one case which I may publish later... For now up until this year...

Multiple Spirits Drive Dog Mad? by curlybluedo

When I was eight years old, my family moved from Tennessee to a small town in Texas where I had, for the first time, a room of my own separate from my sister. From the very first night in our new house, I had difficulty sleeping through the night. My parents would wake up to find me lying in the kit...

Multiple Strange Happenings In My Home by cirice

This is going to be a fairly long post, so I'll give you some background first. I'm a believer although I try as hard as possible to debunk things or come up with theories as to how something happened. Also, I am a real night owl, I sleep from around 6am until 2pm, basically every day. My patio b...

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