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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 26

The Ghost Who Follows by WRB

I'm 16 and I wanted to write this to get it out there and to see if anyone can help me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Okay so to set the stage I'll explain how my living situation works. I originally live in San Antonio, Texas. I am a Sophomore and started online courses in order to gr...

The Ghost In The Corner by ashtonmichele

I live in a small house in Georgia. The house a circle shape, and the kitchen is in the dead center of the house to where you can see all the hallways and the living and dining room. The only hallway you can't see is the hall to the front door past my mom's bedroom. There have been multiple exper...

What Did I See In My House? by destiinyy

A few years ago when I first moved to my current city, something really weird happened. My parents were at work, and I was walking around outside, trying to get used to the new neighborhood. I was making my way back home and my house came into view. The front door was wide open, and I know for a...

Unexplainable Things Happening In Our Home by mommy7195

In the last few days things seem to be getting weird around our home. The Sunday after Friday the 13th, my 15yr old daughter was asleep in her room when a little stuffed bear she got from the fair a few weeks before hand started to just make noises for no reason. It was on her dresser nowhere near h...

Death Or Shadow by bluejean

I was 13 years of age when I experienced my first ghost. I was at my grandma's house about to celebrate by uncle's birthday. Let it be known that it was during the day around 1:30 pm. My aunt had gone to go buy food to celebrate my uncle's birthday. When she arrived at my grandma's house I went ...

Black Figures And White Eyes by TheLastRavenMocker

I have seen things all around me that no one else can ever see but me for as long as I remember. For most of my life the things I have always seen have been black shadow-like figures. Well, I shouldn't say shadow-like, cause they are always solid black. All of them... Except for two. I used to only ...

I Saw The House Ghosts by Lolly1

I was very young when I had my fist paranormal experience. It happened at my nan's and granddad's house, I would say I was about 6-8 years old (I can't remember exactly). I was staying at their house for about a week and they live in a bungalow. They share a bedroom and I share with my brother and s...

My Experiences Including An Odd Recording And by -Holly-

This is my first time posting my experiences online so please bear with me if it's too long/short etc. I have had a few experiences in my life so far, I wouldn't say I'm 'sensitive' to this kind of thing, but I do tend to see things a lot. My first experience was when I was 8 years old at my dad...

Doppleganger Encounter by grench

My name's Aaron and this happened to my girlfriend less than an hour ago. I found this site whilst looking up doppelganger stuff on Google immediately after the encounter. I'm more or less hoping I can get some information on the phenomena. I was sitting on the couch playing xbox (which sits loo...

The Thing In Black by andreahelp

A friend and I were driving in South Clinton, TN, it was around November, in 2001. We were the only ones on the road at that time, seeing it was after midnight on a week night. We saw what we thought was a very tall man walking on the left side of the road. The way this man moved was very strang...

Ghost Smoke by kyotesknwlkr

It was in the 1970s, I was young, with two sons. We were living in a rented house close to an air force base. The house was small. It was three bedrooms, we only used two. The kitchen was tiny, as the house was shaped like a box - two bedrooms on one side, one bedroom and bathroom on the other side,...

Friend Or Foe? by thedeathofme

I'll start off with telling you about my great grandmother. We all called her Nana Betty and she lived in a small bungalow. Four years ago in winter she fell ill and was rushed to hospital. Sadly she passed away, but not peacefully. My family and I were determined to bring justice and soon we wo...

Weird Dairy Ghost by Star5141

I am a riding instructor. I live on a farm that has been in my family for three generations. I have lived there all my life. Originally bought by my grandfather after World War One (I think), the farm had Polish people working on it. They came here and lived in sheds and old air raid shelter-typ...

Devil Dog? by Ariana102

This is my first story! Please write no mean comments like I'm lying because I really want to know what it was! Anyway, I'm going to tell you my mother's story that is linked to mine. When my mum was about 11, she was in her bed all cuddled up because she had school the next day. She told me that...

My Father's House by thedeathofme

When ever I told my father that something strange would happen, he would shake it off, make an excuse. Up until recently my father has convinced me that he doesn't believe in anything paranormal. I've experienced several things over the years but nothing that scared me. I often hear footsteps and kn...

Black Long Hair by Pcv007

What's a horror flick without long black hair and a scary girl in a white dress. Cliche? Well, I wish my experience was a bad dream or a fake scene for a movie. My story starts off when I was at my mom's house. We were chatting about dreams and how weird it is when you know you're dreaming and yo...

The Big Man by Kayla_Lynn

In a previous submission, Held Down By Unknown Force, I mentioned an encounter in a comment about seeing a man in my grandmother's living room. I said that I would share it, so here we go. This took place perhaps about a year ago, give or take. My ex-boyfriend and I had just returned to my grandm...

Over The Phone by larkascending39

I was home alone one day, working on my five essays that I needed to finish by the next day. I was down in my dad's office, which always feels off and smells weird, has varying temperatures... I hate going down there alone. Anyways. I was finishing up my analysis of Paul Revere's account of the B...

Bathroom Ghosts by Nelly93

I have no idea what these two ghosts wanted, but if they could not even leave me alone in the bathroom, they must have wanted something. The first story took place, I think, in 2008 and the second one in 2013. Here comes the first one. This happened after my parents got a divorce. I think it ...

Tending To My Flowers by auntylulu96

Aunty Lu Lu. Year 2006 After dinner (6.30 to 7.30pm), I went out to the corridor to tend to my 20 over pots of plants, so pride of them, I loosen up the soil, and tidy up the dead leaf then I notice from corner of my right eye, I saw some one tall in white went very fast into my right side neighb...

Blood Vein Jade by auntylulu96

By Aunty Lu Lu. Year 1977 (16 years old) My Ah Mm was talking about Taiwan jade and china malau (Red jade), colour that she had seem but one that caught my attention was the jade bangle with blood veins in it. Actually I don't really believe it unless I see with my own eye. A person have to w...

Paralysis by kunwarkh

I am 21, from Delhi, India, currently pursuing my Chartered Accountancy and working with one of the top accounting firms of the world. In my life I have had three paranormal experiences. The one I am going to tell you about through this post happened just over a year ago. I live with my mother a...

School Experience by Julestoye

My experiences centred around the time I was in junior school about 20 years ago. I loved my school but a lot of stories went around the school about the large school stage being haunted. The stage was a large platform (with a small hatch near the front) with curtains either side which led to a corr...

Hand Behind Head by Caitliiin

Earlier today, I was walking past one of my best friends' house. He was standing at the window pulling the finger at me (being his usual self) when I saw a hand from behind his head and it looked like it was about to grab or slap his face. I turned away at this point and quickly walked away, as I wa...

Scariest Foot Pursuit Ever by daveslod

September 12, 1989 I was on routine patrol in Blackford County, Indiana. I was on Lake Blue Water Road outside the city of Montpelier when I pulled into the parking lot of the Erie (real name) stone quarry. I observed someone standing near the building, I ordered the person to stop and not move. The...

Town Called Pondy by maitreyee

In my second post I had mentioned about Puducherry and its resident ghosts and spirits. First a little about Puducherry or Pondy. Pondy is a large town or small city situated 200 kms south of Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It is Union Territory and was ruled by French until its merger into India. The city o...

Those Angry Eyes by Rajen

I am Rajena and I am from India. I am currently doing my Masters in United States. And before I start, I would like to thank the admin for having such a wonderful website that let's us share real life experiences. So, it has been an interesting stay in the United States so far and I love the peo...

Security Forces Post by CharlaC

I've already submitted a story about how I've experienced things my whole life. I didn't go into a lot of detail about all of my experiences and only listed off some of the more interesting ones. And I still experience these things and have a lot of stories to tell, but I will give one that I have e...

Laughing Shadow by JaimeMGJ

I just started on this site and even though I have had many things happen to me, I'll start with the one that has scared me the most. First, just a little history. I was in Mexico, living in a town that was founded 102 years ago, and before that was only forest. I also found out that it was a rou...

My Brother's Double by Lady_Bug81

In my first post, I wrote about seeing an unknown entity mimic my mother; in my second post I'm writing about the entity taking on the form of my older brother. One day when I was a teenager, I was at home and I was reading a really good book that I didn't want to put down, but my bladder was ab...

The Midwives' House by Madisonamy28

At the age of 4 I moved into a house with my father and sister who was 6 years of age at the time. My parents had just split and we found a beautiful old house. My father bought it and we moved in within a week. After about a month of living there, strange things started happening. One night my ...

Strange Happenings, Obes, Shadow People by Andromeda33

This all started a few years back when we lived in a different home but same area. My, then, 5 year old son kept experiencing night terrors. They were so extreme that when he'd be experiencing one, there was nothing I could do except comfort him and wait for it to end. Night terrors are very dif...

Shadow In My Bedroom And Someone Outside My Door by girlymadness

Shadow in My Bedroom: This happened when I was really young. I'm not sure how old I was but it was before I started school. I was so young that it was probably one of my first memories because it was so vivid that I still remember it even today, years later. One night I was asleep in my room wit...

The Mysterious Woman by Santosh12

This is my second story and I will be telling you about one of my maternal grandmother's experiences. The particular experience made her a total believer in supernatural forces. When my Grandmother was a young girl, she was a bit rebellious by nature. My great grandfather also loved her very muc...

Orange Entity by OminousBlackSoul

I had my first ghostly encounter when I was 13, When I was 7-12 I would always go to my aunts house on the weekends and we would have a good time together. She had one puppy called Teddy and it was my main reason to go to her house. When I was 11 my aunt got a boyfriend and on 2 more years she moved...

Dark Figure by Doijio

I don't really know how to start a story but whenever I walk or hangout with friends there is always a dark figure that follows me. It's size is about 6 ft 3 and it hangs when it is there. I am not very frightened by the figure but it seems very helpful to me. One night I was walking around my n...

Spirit Playing With My Stuffed Toys by spiritwaiting

This event occurred about 6 months after I settled into the house in Del-City, Oklahoma. I was I believe 11 years old at this time. It happened about a year before the garage incident, written in another posting. My room was arranged with stuffed animals galore. I had them in particular spots, ra...

Is Anybody There? by ForestShepherd

For a long time at my mother's home many of us have experienced the entity in the home. Curious to see if it was all superstition or not I invited a friend over one night and we did a walk through the house with a voice recorder. We preceded to head for the stairs leading toward the laundry room...

Paranormal Activity In The 70's by reincarnation

I have experienced strange phenomena throughout my whole life. I was born in 1962 in San Diego. My parents had always been into paranormal and supernatural phenomena. When I was about 13 years old they got a Ouija board. They used it right away and had much fun doing so. I don't know exactly wha...

A Ghostly Man by warby1

Back in the 1990s I lived on Beech Avenue in Oldham Lancashire in the UK. When I moved into the house with my wife and four young daughters, things seemed to be working out quite well for us. But after a while strange things started to happen every morning. The house alarm would go off at 5am and it...

Who Or What Was It? by shavaughn

When I was about five years old I saw what I thought was a ghost for the first time. I lived with my parents (now divorced) in Coco, Florida. I don't know why but I was a very fearful child. I'm still scared of the dark at thirty two years old. My dad wasn't home and my mom was asleep on the cou...

A Mysterious Voice by TVishal

I am not kind of person, who believes in ghosts or dead spirits, but earlier something was happened, which will always remain a mystery for me. I am from Ludhiana and this happened when I went to meet my relatives live in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. One night, there were only five members in the ent...

Milk Experience by Anonymous2

I was in school those days. I was in 8th standard. I had an excellent academic record those days. I had no problems in life before then. I had a great family, a good position in school and friends. I had a scheduled life, I had a schedule of when to sleep, when to wake up, when to read, when to play...

Nice To Meet You, Granddad by CDubber

Side note: Since this story took place I have sadly become estranged from my father's side of the family, so this was a short yet meaningful experience. I was staying at my fraternal grandmother and father's house for a short period in January this year. Sadly my grandfather had passed away year...

Not Scary, Just Unexplainable by mad_minute

Recently I visited my grandmother with a few family members. We stayed at her house for about a week. While we were staying with her there were a few strange occurrences. The biggest thing I feel I should stress that these aren't threatening or scary. Just phenomena that none of us who experienced t...

Who's Jumping In My Bed? by LouisianaBelle

This experience happened in September 2011. One day I was sitting in my living room just watching television and I felt small shakes. I stopped for a minute and thought it could have been anything. Then I noticed they got a little more harder and kind of like a rhythm. It clicked, "My daughter is ju...

Was She Haunted? And Did It Hate Me? by LouisianaBelle

This experience begins in April 2010. I just entered a new relationship and things seemed to be fine. One night I slept at my friend's house. We were in her guest room and all of a sudden I froze because I heard the sound of a baby crying downstairs, there were no babies in the house. She asked,...

Disappearing Old Man by makyla6666

I had just gotten ready for bed when I heard dragging on my floor. I looked down from my bed and saw a shadow. I was really freaked out. I looked at the chair across my bed and an old man was staring at me. I cried myself asleep. Later that night around 3:00am, my brother ran in my room and woke...

Humanoid And The Candle Thrower by CDubber

Since my last story my mother and I have moved to a nice modern flat a block away from our old house. Here's me thinking "Ah, a nice new house. This surely won't be haunted!" Well, I was wrong. Though I can say activity has definitely decreased since living here, I believe we have some residents her...

D Is For Doppelganger by CDubber

As would be expected, a lot has happened since I was last on here, which looks to be 2 years ago! In due time I'll explain my absence, but for now I'll start with what is troubling me the most. I have been with my partner (whom we'll call Michael for privacy reasons) for nearly a year now and th...

Shadow Man In The Doorway by Queequeg

I have always been a rational, scientific person and extremely skeptical of the so called paranormal, but I had an experience when I was 12 or 13 that I knew was odd at the time but just assumed it was the worst, most realistic dream I've ever had. I'm now 44 and am thinking differently about it aft...

Skeletons Floating And Staring by shedvl357

About a month ago I fell asleep on the couch and about 3 in the morning I woke up from a flash of light. I found a skeleton floating parallel to me just staring. I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I was really awake, opened my eyes again and there were 2 more skeletons floating in the r...

Haunted Mobile Home by HauntedinArkansas

When me and my wife were first married, we bought a mobile home. I was still going to college and my wife was the only one bringing in a paycheck at the time so we didn't have many options in buying a home. A few years went by before we noticed anything strange happening. I am a very neat person,...

The Creepy Smile Part 2 by _Hunter_

Please read my first part before reading this one. As I went to Mac's place, my dad asked why I had left the house and that to so freaked out. I told everything and they said it must be my imagination because of all those video games and stuff. I told them to come now. They saw I was pretty freak...

The Creepy Smile Part 1 by _Hunter_

Let me introduce my surroundings of the place where I live. Firstly, I'm near an isolated forest-like place and our family has (name changed) my dad Sam, my mom Carol, my brother Mac and me. I live in an old 19th century type home. Typical, with 1 living room, then 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and kitche...

My Mother's Study by EchoStrung

So, it's been quite some time since I submitted my first story to this site, but I have always been lurking. I've decided it's time to document another one of my experiences. I lived in the same house in West Palm Beach with my parents from the age of 2 to about the age of 23. One semi-common occu...

Entity With The Covered Face by Basilissa

The incident I want to write about happened almost exactly six years ago. I spent part of the summer with my relatives in the UK and in August I flew back to Poland, at the other end of Europe. When I reached my parents' home I was dog tired after a night spent in planes and on the airport in betwee...

Still Terrified 2 by JennaK

So I'm still convinced this is a man. I haven't written anything in a while but what happened last night has really shaken me. I did what you guys said, "became tougher" or so to speak, and basically withdrew myself from any situation where he would usually come out. I've been staying at my pare...

Footprint And Handprints? by m4dm1nnes0tan

My siblings and I were talking at the table one night; it was raining out, so all we could hear was just rain hitting the house. The electricity had cut off so we were just sitting there talking and laughing, trying to pass the time. To others, myself and my siblings are a little different (but w...

Stranger In The Condo by Rockabilly

I had a three bedroom condo in Victorville, CA. My friend, his wife and kids were staying with me as he was looking for a job and a place for the family. It was the weekend and I had gone out to meet up with some friends for dinner and drinks. I got home around 1 am, trying mot to make a sound b...

Witch Encounter by ghostrider123

This experience took place when I was just six. I do not remember much of it though I do remember a bit of the spirit's face. As my uncle told me, I was with him walking through the creepy streets of a village at 2 o'clock at midnight in Illinois. Suddenly, I saw a woman in front of me, let me descr...

My Collection Of Small Experiences by Aishling

Hey everyone, this is my first and probably only story I'll be submitting! It's just a collection of small things that have happened to me over the years. Nothing major and possibly they can be explained away but then again possibly not, and I hope not. So I hope you guys like them and they're not t...

Things Happening To Me And People Around Me by anjarey

Let me begin with the things that happened in and around my ex house. My ex's parents had a dog and there was a certain room upstairs that when he (the dog) was in the room he couldn't come out! You would hear him walk and whimper since the room had a wooden floor and the landing upstairs had normal...

In My Place by Heyguys

A long time ago, one of my cousins fell into depression after his wife left him. He felt really bad and needed a break from reality. To get his mind of things he went on vacation to Italy for a while. He had a motorbike and liked it very much. He used to drive it all the time in Italy. One day h...

The Apologetic Ghost by zeeburger

In the 70's, as a very young girl of about 4, I had to share a bedroom with my older sister in our house in Main Road, Strand. Many a night I would see these odd monster like "faces" swarming around the room and when it got too bad to handle I would have to pluck up the courage to jump out of my bed...

Grandparents Or Something Else? by kaysie_x

As I live in England, I am not that far from London. My mum's friend (a huge Harry Potter fan like myself) had brought us tickets to the Studio Tour and I was sleeping round her flat the night before we went. Her flat (or apartment) is about 2 years old therefore is relatively new, so the occurrence...

There Something In The Tree by nina_BB

This experience of mine happened when I was still living in a small town in Camarines Norte. At the time, I was seven turning eight and my mother was pregnant with my only brother. During this certain pregnancy, my mother had a weird habit of walking around at night. (It's a small town and pretty mu...

Voice In The Basement by thelioness08

This happened to me when I was in high school, about 15 or 16. I was at my friend's place on Number One Pond. She lived in an apartment that had caged compartments in the basement for the tenants to use as storage. It was late at night and I had never been to her house before. We were in the base...

Possible Attachment Of An Entity by Aramoura

Firstly, I'll give a little background about the locations, and then I'll get right to my experience. The town is Salado, Texas. It's located along the Chisholm trail, and the creek that runs through the town shows evidence of both Paleo-Indian tribes and the Tawakoni living alongside the creek....

The Woman In Black by sabrina_25

To start off I apologize if there are any errors in my writing. These events took place in the heart of Los Angeles, California, all which happened in my aunt Mary's house. Now, the house was a very big two story home with a small back house which was divided into several apartments. The house i...

Okay Then, Who Sat On My Bed? by girlie

I haven't written a story in a while, mainly because not much as happened in a while. But this is my most recent situation to date. It was about two months ago when I got my wisdom teeth out, and if anyone knows how that goes... It wasn't fun. The pain medicine made me really sick and I could ha...

A Black Shadow by Shelby_99

I'm 14 and I've always been unsure about ghosts but the last couple of weeks I beginning to believe they are real. I moved into my new home with my mum, dad, sister and my three brothers about 2 years ago. The house was brand new and is in a fairly big street so there are lots of people. The land be...

Is It Grandpa? by Lornaroze

This is a REAL story of my personal haunting. I am a believer and would never make thinks up like this. About 2 years ago I was at my nana's house in Long Island. I was sitting in the kitchen talking to her and then, out of the blue, the trashcan lid moves by itself. Nana and I look at each othe...

Constantly Being Watched by stefanig123

I've always felt as though I was being watched since I was a child, and still to this day I feel as though I am being watched. It all started when I lived in these apartments in Clymer, Pennsylvania. I was around the age of seven or eight. I had this little beaniebaby TY, Zebra. I left it on this st...

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction by lin66127

My family moved in with me when my husband was ill and then he passed. They are still here with me. They live in the front part of the house and I in the three rooms in the back part. One morning, I awoke to see my youngest granddaughter standing at the bottom of my bed looking at me with arms t...

The Spirits In My Basement by aleahsierra22

I was hooked on playing the Ouija board talking to my dead family members and just other dead people. It was something I loved and still do. So I had two friends come over, Shelly and Kate, and we stayed up playing the board from 11 pm to 6 am and, yes, we know you're not supposed to use it in the d...

My Encounters With The Man Watching Me by Bethanyc8

This story is about one man which I think is looking after me. I love in Perth, WA. My name is Bethany and I am the only one involved in this paranormal experience. My first encounter was when I was lying in bed three months ago. It was 10:30 at night, and when I looked forward I saw a man sitti...

Something At The Window by Mishipeshu

This happened when I lived in my old house with my parents. I was lying in bed being lazy, sometime late in the morning. I had been woken up rather recently by my mom saying she was going to work/in town, but it had been long enough were I wasn't sleepy or on the edge-of-sleep by any possibility. ...

The First Ghost I Ever Saw: Dark Entity by Ell_Annabelle

I had my first paranormal experience at the house I grew up in. I was not very old, about four years old. I remember it like it was yesterday and so vivid, I often walk by the house just to reminisce. I remember that I was outside in the front garden. I had not long been outside when I looked bey...

Hooded Black Figure 2 by hmb2002

Hey everybody. Before you read this, you probably should read hooded black figure if you haven't yet. My brother has seen this figure once again. Just last weekend, we drove into town to buy groceries. Mom and dad drove separately, so that we would have more room to put things. I wasn't feeling well...

The Crying Baby by suene123

It was 2002, I was 16 at the time and we just moved to a new house in George, South Africa. It was a lovely house with a big shady garden and the first couple of months everything was fine, with no sign of any "activities" to my relief as all our previous houses had "tenants". One Sunday we had u...

Shade Or Shadow Imitates Grandfather by DirtyDishSoap

First, I'd like to say that I am posting this more out of curiosity from what my friend has told me or experienced. Judging by the way he has told me, it spooked him rather badly. So yes, this has nothing to do with me, and I'm going off of memory of what he has explained to me during our deployment...

It Looked Like My Brother And It Was Not My Brother by jennyjenn7932

This is a little strange. I was a young adult at the time this happened. I was visiting entering the gate to my mother's house to visit. Well, when I was on the outside of the yard, I saw what I thought was my little brother looking at me. I waved at him, and said hello, from a distance form the gat...

Ouija Board, Ghost And Unexplained Light by rasc25

After I made the mistake of playing with a Ouija board at my dad's house, I heard something crawling on my bedroom floor. I woke up one night and saw a man standing by my bed, I thought I was dreaming and went back to sleep. I have always thought that was a dream until later when other events change...

Mischievous Ghost Of Number 66 by FunkyPhantom

It was 1981, I was 14 and my parents had just purchased a run down town house (Number 66) in the small cathedral city of Ely which dates back to pre-Roman times The town house was in some desperate need of renovation, some of the work was undertaken by my pa...

Fairy Lights And Black Mass by BattleScars

As a child around the ages of 4 until 9, I would wake up early in the morning and I would always hear whispering in a different language, giggling, a buzzing feeling in my chest. I would also see shades of blue, yellow and green blinking lights. I told my family and they said they were fairies or pi...

Real Or Unreal by maitreyee

This is my third incident that I am going to narrate. This incident happened when I was in college. It was summer and I was staying home for my internship. Before I begin some background information. We live in a Goan Village. The area where we lived is now developing, then we had only 5-6 house...

Ghost Of Kallavva by Santosh12

The story which I am going to tell you took place in the city of Bijapur in India. I have not known the ghost personally but my grandmother and grandfather knew her very well. And due to certain incidents, the ghost became an integral part of our family as well. In India, you will find many dowr...

Black Figures In The Back Yard by IttyBittyKitty

This didn't take place too long ago, so I remember all of it quite well to tell the truth. This is not fake in anyway but I don't know if it was just the moon playing tricks on my eyes or if I really saw what I saw. Before I start I'll tell you just a bit about myself. I'm fifteen years old, and...

Weird Encounter With My Great-great-uncle by mlw5796

I traveled with my mom and my uncle to see my great-aunt and her two sons in their native country in Czech Republic on a vacation for two weeks. My uncle was going to come a few days after my mom and I. So my mom and my cousins slept in bedrooms upstairs, my great-aunt slept in her room downstai...

The Stories by abipumpkin

I can't say that my third eye is open. Somewhat open, I guess. I'm not like the kid in The Sixth Sense, at least I'm not wishing to be one. But in the past few years I have encountered a lot like ghosts and even demons. I even talked to God and dreamt of heaven and hell. I started seeing and fee...

Some Of My Childhood Experiences by heather_doolan

I am not sure if I believe in paranormal activities but I have experienced a few things over the years that I have not been able to explain. The first of my experiences is not a direct memory as I was only a small child (around 3 or 4) but something my mum has shared with me in recent years. As a...

Strange Voices by mohammad

My name is Mohammad, and I live in Iran (why isn't Iran in the country location list? I had to choose a random country... Sorry) Anyway, I thought I was just living in a normal house at my grandmother's in Qom (a city in Iran) but one night I decided to go and put a simple sound recorder in the...

First Time Away From Home by Niccanix

My boyfriend, me, and two of our friends that are couples, moved into a house together. It's my first time away from home (which had paranormal activity) and now I'm pretty convince this home is even worst! I have been there for two months and it has been quite a trip! First short story: my boyfr...

Hospital Carer And False Alarm? by Shlain

The Nun at the Hospital This is an experience that happened to an aunt of mine while she was pregnant with her second daughter. I believe, if I remember correctly, she was in hospital due to feeling unwell and the doctors insisted she stay a few days just to be safe. She was lying in a ward ro...

The Girl By The Computer by d2424

I can remember this as if it was yesterday. One night, it about 8:00 or 9:00, I was sitting at my mom's kitchens table talking to her. My daughter was six years old at the time. Mind you she was asleep on the couch and my sister was not home at the time, so it was just the three of us there: my daug...

My New College Hostel-1 by fastrack999

I never know anything about the ghosts even though I never came in contact with them so I do not care or worry what people told me about the ghosts. But I think... I am not that lucky enough and I experienced something that I will never forget about. One day I was with my friend, suddenly he star...

My Friend's Aunt's House by kally198

This happened when I was in grade 8 in January, 2011, in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. At the time, I was having a sleepover at my friend's aunt's house (because our house was getting paint and my friend agree to be with me in her aunt's house for a night). Her family decided to go out and leave...

The Ghost In The Mirror by dreamweaver3450

From the 16th to the 18th of August this summer, my mom, her boyfriend, along with my little brother and I vacationed at Ocean City, Maryland. Everything was wonderful, except for our motel named the Islander. To be honest, the room we were staying in couldn't have looked creepier. Basically, th...

Doppleganger? by Mysmarple

As I have stated before I do not believe in ghosts, but I do have a couple of stories I admit I can't explain. I don't know what it was about our house but my sister and I always had bad dreams there. One night we were sleeping in the same room and I don't know why, but I looked toward the doorf...

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