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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 103
My Grandmother's Ring by paigeinabook
My Grandmother passed away very recently but I wanted to share this story now. My Grandmother wasn't doing very well for the past year. She was diagnosed with Dementia and went down hill very quickly. After Christmas (2011) she had a stroke and was having problems with talking and movement. She lost...
Is Sally A Demon Or Little Girl? by GhostMagnetMegan
This story may be sound completely crazy and made up. But, I swear to you it is NOT! I had 3 friends stay the night. I am the only one who had a strong belief in ghosts out of the 4 of us. I had plenty of experiences before this night. And have many since, and will probably have more. But anyways,...
My Summers With My Dad by lyssaret
Lyssaret here again, to tell you about some of the summers I spent with my dad when my parents split. You might already know my dad lives all the way across the country from me and my mother and step-father. I have one older brother and one older sister. Kristee is 15 and Lucas is 17. When I was fou...
My Oppression by Veris28
I'd rather not disclose my real name, sorry. I live in Scotland, in the country, a small town that used to be all fields, marshland and farms. Now it's a rather large country town with it's own Supermarket and shopping centre. (nb: feel free to ask about any Scottish colloquial terms I use that you ...
All Bucks County's Old Houses Are Haunted by mjames
Bucks County has a very rich history starting from the early settlers through the Revolutionary War and beyond. Needless to say there are many hauntings and haunted houses. Being born and raised there it was not unusual to hear of the many ghost stories - and there are several published accounts -- ...
Demon Girl - Need Help by DarkWingedWolf
Hey everyone. I've been having a problem with a demon type spirit for a few years now. Let me give you a little background first, as it might contribute to this demon's presence. I lived with an extremely abusive alcoholic mother for 14 years. She mentally and physically abused my sister and I unt...
Man On Queen Mary by Llamasrock88
I live in Southern California and I had never been on the Queen Mary before. My mother and friend and I all got tickets for the Haunted Encounters Tour. Once we entered the pool room, I saw in the corridor on the second floor a man with a black suit, a bowler hat and very pale skin. He was only ther...
Is This A Poltergeist Or Demon? by Eowena
I am writing this to you almost through desperation really. I shall start at the beginning and explain how I came to be here writing my experience. I have always been very spiritual. My very first memory as a child is that of a tall dark figure walking towards me as I was sat on the foot stall in...
She Still Looks Out For Us by Micha_1998
My mother had passed away when I was 3 years old. I do not remember much of her, how she looked etc., but 10 years later I still wonder about her and I know that she is always there to look out for me. It was a normal school morning and it was around 8:00 am when me, my father and my brother of 1...
Tribal Spirit by CityGal
In my previous story, I told about my mom's most memorable experience with spirits. Since that incident in Italy, my parents moved to Brazil, and my mom converted to spiritualism. For that reason, I grew up visiting spiritualist communities and doing charity work with them, studying the phenomena, a...
Please Shut The Door by herohead
I work at a nursing home, recently transferred to the oldest part of the home. It is about 50-years-old and a lot of people have passed away in that part of the building. Today at work I had just followed a resident to breakfast and was turning back to clean the room after morning toilette when ...
Shadow Creatures? by Faustess
Here goes my second post. I had previously posted a story called "Podunk Poltergeist" about my experiences in a small town outside our main city. Over the past few months I have been experiencing some strange phenomena. It started when I was at home alone about 3 months ago, as my boyfriend had ...
The Crying Boy 2 by Tasuke
This is an update to my other ghost story, The Crying Boy. Please read it if you don't understand this story. Things have become A LOT more sinister than before. Not sinister like me being hurt, but instead just me, my little brother and my dog experiencing the paranormal. It has become apparent ...
Evil Follows Me by jmcquiston
Things started happening when I was living in a trailer house in Eau Claire, WI. That was the worst of the few encounters I have had with ghosts. About four years ago, I was living in a trailer park surrounded by pine trees. I had my own room. My bed was laying on the floor partially in my closet...
Heritage Square Museum, Ca by teafortwo1922
I volunteer at a museum called Heritage Square in Pasadena, CA. I have been volunteering there for 6 years. I have always known about Heritage Square; I live right up the street from it. I grew up with it and always loved it as a kid. I only wish I had signed up sooner. I never felt anything as a gu...
First Paranormal Experience by shayla99
I'm 15 almost 16 years old. I've recently started having night terrors, they've always been severe ever since I started having them. For some reason last night was different. Now before I went to bed I had turned on the radio for music just because, but when I went to sleep (I don't know when). I ...
The Barn Haunt by Virginia4Life
My grandmother owns 2 beautiful acres of land in Delaware. On the land she has a barn. The barn is relatively new (2004) and we have had many unexplained activity happen there. One day while I was out in the barn feeding the cat, I felt someone try to push me on the ground, I immediately exited the ...
The Yellow Eyes by Serpent
I am glad that I am finally writing this down, I should have many years ago. I can't remember how old I was, but I know that I was in the second grade. I recall drawing pictures of what I had seen in class the next day. This would have been about 20 years ago now. I was living with my family in an o...
Fourth Street Visit by MaryLilac
In the autumn of 1997, I rented a friend's older small home located in mid-town Tulsa. She moved out to live and care for her elderly father. Her mother had just passed away about 2 weeks before from a long battle with cancer. Before I was to move in, my landlord friend, myself and two others (Jane...
What's In My Son's House? by murphysgone
I am posting this story in hope of some help. I will post this story in two parts since it is so long. I think what I want most is to know that this really is happening and that I'm not losing my mind. Let me give you some background on our situation. About 6 months ago, my oldest son, Mike (27 yr...
What's In My Son's House? 2 by murphysgone
So after Alan left, Mike put the Ouija boards out on the porch until he could get rid of them, which was suppose to be the next day. The next day came and went and he left the boards laying there, all but forgotten. I mentioned them to him and he mumbled that he would get rid of them "later". Needle...
Pap Doesn't Approve by monicar
In July 2011, I took my 17-year-old son Nick to West Virginia for my dad's 60th birthday. Nick does tattoos so, yes, he made some money at his own tattoo party we had for him. My pap, Paul Ray McCord, passed back in 2000. He always said for us grandkids not to tattoo his name on us. My older bro...
My Daughter's Scare by Miracles51031
One Friday morning last September as was normal, I sent my daughter a text to make sure she was up for work. Jerrica said she was and told me she got scared when she came home the previous night. She said something in our house scared her. So I walked away from my desk and called her. I asked her to...
Tiger by TheFatalSoul
I have been reading stories on this website for a while now and I thought it would be a good time to submit my own personal paranormal experience. When I was around 6-years-old (I'm now 13), I lived in a house with my mum, my stepdad (but I shall call him my dad, because he is like my own flesh a...
My Life Experiences... Looking For Encouragement by AugustaCLowe
This is all the notes I've been taking about all my ghost/ spiritual happenings throughout my life. At the end I have also added the happenings at my current residence with my children. Life experiences: Childhood- being followed my black clocked figure. Infant years I would wake up in the mid...
Weird Experience In Williamsburg by Virginia4Life
About a year and a half ago, my family traveled down to Williamsburg, Virginia. It was our average family vacation (August 2010) and we were there to have a good time. It was the Powhatan resort we stayed at, my grandparents had a timeshare. Apparently it had an old house that was haunted by a ghost...
Cleaning Out The Basement by st8mint21
My mom passed away at a fairly young age this past fall - since then we have been cleaning out our old house. We had moved when she was sick, and she was very sad about losing her house to foreclosure, though it had not actually happened yet. A few weeks ago I was sorting some things in the basement...
My Creepy Ghost Story by SteelBloodHound
This all started a few years ago when I was about 5-10 years old. I was in the back of seat of a white Neon car and was looking up at the clouds. I noticed a cloud that looked liked a doughnut. After looking at it for a few seconds, the inside of the doughnut shaped cloud swirled, showed a skull, ke...
The Old Lady In The Back Room by TheFatalSoul
As you probably already know, me and my family have had quite a few paranormal experiences. (Quite surprising really, considering that I'm only 13!) I have already told you about Tiger, so now it's time to tell you about the old lady in the back room of my auntie's house. My auntie used to live i...
Incubus Got Me Pregnant? by InsertBlank
I'm a shy person and not forcing my point on view on the reader. But I have to tell anyone I can this because I'm really really scared and overwhelmed. From the beginning: I have heavily practiced occult teachings and I was a self taught witch. I have done many things as a witch which I won't...
Strange Ghost Woke Me Up by Melime
Been a while since I wrote anything here, but nothing particular has happened, until 2 days ago. I can start by telling you all that I moved back to Sweden from Denmark with my fiancé, and we are currently renting a room in my mom's new house. The house is about 100-years-old, and is located practi...
Mirror Writing by CF
The entity had not disturbed me for a very long time, so I was surprised when I found a message written in red marker on my mirror. "Want to get rid of me? It'll never be done." So I wrote back, "Whoever you are, you should know there are a few ways to get rid of a spirit. There is always a way ...
Red Yellow Eyes Then Broken Glass by yasminechrista
One weekend I was staying at my mum's house with my boyfriend. Now let's just say she did warn us of "spirits" and "scary things." Well, now looking back more so my boyfriend because she knew I was paranormal attracted to spirits/after life etc, so I locked every door/shut every door that could expo...
My Older Brother Kept His Promise by Henleys
Before his death, my older brother invited the wife and I on an all night fishing/camping trip. Late that night, he and the wife began discussing the afterlife and had a disagreement on whether the spirits of the dead could communicate with the living. She believed that they can. He disagreed. Th...
Ouija, Bloody Mary by Mojave23
This is a true story that has been happening to me and my friend. A couple weeks ago we started messing around with Ouija board and doing Bloody Mary chants OVER AND OVER. I don't know if we have been imagining things or not but, just read this and tell me. So we both did bloody Mary for the fir...
Something A Little More by lyssaret
Lyssaret again here to tell one more of my paranormal experiences. This one takes place when I was nine and I had just moved out of my old house with my newly married mother. She had married a guy named Nick and we didn't get along very well. I used to act up in the new house a lot to get attention ...
Accident by aldana18
I live in Irving, Texas, and this past summer my family and I decided to head down to Galveston for short vacation during the Fourth of July. In total it was 7 people in our little party and we had an amazing time at the beach and surrounding areas. I completely adore history and any type of mus...
Ghost Of Ray Griffin, The Experience by adamchris
While walking home from El Torito Cafe with my friend, I experienced something I have never felt before. We where walking under the billboard on Boulder Highway and Wagon Wheel Drive. My friend was about 1 1/2 feet ahead of me when I saw a blur. It came from the ground on my left side behind me. ...
Chasing Bad Boys Away by SqueakyGirl5
When this experience first happened, I was annoyed and afraid; but now that I look back, I'm wondering if it was really poltergeist activity or a helpful spirit. Here's what happened: It was about three years ago, when I was around 16-years-old, and I invited my (now) ex-boyfriend Ryan over to m...
Who Woke Me Up? by ghost-girl22
I've seen a few ghostly shapes, shadows ect but this is the first time I've experinced something paranoramal that's actually involved being touched. About 2 years ago I went to stay with my friend Kayleigh as she was getting married that week. I was to share a bedroom with Kayleigh's 3 year old dau...
The Scruffy Man by leah666
Hey, my names Leah and I'm 16 from the UK. I have never written about my ghost experiences and only ever talk to my close friends about what I see, so I am pretty new to this kind of thing. I am going to share my most recent stories as I have lots of past stories that I am not fully able to tell in ...
Demon Like An Ink Blob by priestessblue
I posted another story awhile ago. I have had more than one odd happening in my life although that was the strangest. I would like to add that I am spiritually sensitive due to being molested as a child. Some people believe that demons may actually be transmitted to children in some way - that t...
Territorial Ghost And Bad Vibes by VSangel0309
This experience occurred between March 2010 and March 2011, in Fort Worth, TX. My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I were looking for a place close to campus where I worked and he attended classes. He was going through a rough time in graduate school (Physician Assistant program) because he was h...
Victorian Ball After Party In Pasadena Ca by teafortwo1922
I am a huge history buff. I go to as many history events in the LA and Pasadena area as I can. In Pasadena there is ball called Social Dance Irregulars, short term SDI. They have them three times a year, I used to go to all them for two years in a row. A friend of mine lived in a huge Victorian h...
Shadow Person, Duppy In Kingston, Jamaica by MsRevz80
Goodnight everyone! First of all, I have been a TOTAL fan of this site for years - and I mean YEARS! I have always been interested in ghosts and the paranormal, and I kind of stumbled upon this site a few years back and I have regularly been visiting on an almost daily basis. Anyways, I wasn't sure ...
Between Dreams And Reality by xxLady_Sativaxx
Before I begin I want people to know that over the years I have learned to believe that anything is possible. We as a species have it in our nature to ignore what can't be explained and that is a huge misjudgement on our part. I was 7 months pregnant and prone to being left by myself since my boy...
Bedroom Scares by noirheart
I would like to start off by saying that I do not use drugs, smoke or drink. I am a young wife & mother with no mental health issues. My experiences started a quite a number of years ago, before I was married. It started off quite innocently, small things such as whispers or shadows out of the co...
My Classmate, Bill, Showed Me How He Died by Henleys
I graduated high school in 1967, and the Vietnam War was nearing its peak. Many of us guys, including one of my classmates, Bill, who graduated that year almost immediately found ourselves serving in the military. Bill had entered the Marine Corps, and became an icon to all of us who knew him by bei...
The Shadow In The Bedroom by maplegunman
Greetings everyone, this is my first night as a member and I want to share my experiences with you. I am from a small Northern Canadian city and I recently turned 21, I am female and happily living with my long-term boyfriend. This story takes me back to when I was in middle school, living at ho...
The Calm Before The Storm by Minelae
I would like to share with you all my very first experience with the paranormal. It really wasn't bad. It was actually kind of nice. Small back story, otherwise it would make no sense. I moved to Moreno Valley, CA, when I was five or six. At the age of six, I made my first friend on my street. H...
Feeling That Someone Is Watching Me by RougeDiamond
Let me start off by saying I've always been sensitive to these things. My first experience was when a friend came over. My mother had recently came back from Perth and at that time I was into ghosts and spirits. She bought me a book on ghosts. It contained a Ouija bord. So me and, let's call he...
I Can See You Now, But You Were Never There Before by epic_fail
Last night was...unusual. To say the very least, that is. I felt uncomfortable in my room for the first time in a very long time, and I wanted snickers in there with me like she was the night before last. She slept pretty soundly. After that, it was a hag attack, nothing unusual about it, except I ...
The Unleashed Spirits by TS94
I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself, I'm new at this so don't laugh at me, but I do believe that there is another world out there that a lot of people don't believe. Me and my family and my twin brother all believe in this world. I believe that me and my family have the third eye, which ...
Ghost Dog And Old Lady by PebblesnBammbamm
This is a compilation of my parents' experiences. They have each given me permission to share their stories with you. My mother has had many experiences. Her first experience was when she was about 13 or 14 years old. She lived in the house mentioned in "Black Figure Appears During Storms". For t...
Little Girl Named Mary by SilverBear
After my mother remarried, we moved in with her husband. The experiences started almost immediately. You would walk though out the house and come across a cold spot. You could hear footsteps walking through the house, sometime close or when the house was empty, though no one would be there were the ...
This Was Not Sleep Paralysis by ImaGhost123
My name is Josh, I am 20-years-old and have had multiple "ghostly encounters" since I was a child and all of them were physical. The experience I'm going to mention happened about a year ago. I was staying at my father's house with my two brothers. My dad doesn't have a huge house, so he had the...
My Doll Dada by anneke8
When I was 12 years old, my aunt visiting from America, gave me a doll. I thought why she'd give me a doll... I am a big girl now and don't play with them anymore... I called her Dada for some or other reason I am not sure of. She was very pretty, unlike any doll I've ever seen. She had a face li...
Another Past And A New Experience by lyssaret
So my last paranormal experience that I can remember consisted of when I was eleven. I was at my friend Kai's house because he was having a party. It was midsummer, perfect swimming weather, so I went to go change into my bathing suit when something caught my eye in the upstairs hallway. I called ou...
What My Father Saw by Serendipity
I have two significant personal stories to tell, one of which I have told already as "A woman who wasn't there". And that story is absolutely true, unlike far too many of the others I have seen posted here which are either pure fiction or somewhere between wishful thinking and/or just without having...
The Creepy Men by lissy86
The women in my family have all had experiences with what we call creepy men. In the Early 90's, My mother had begun feeling uneasy in her bedroom and noticed a tall shadow figure who would stand in their corner watching her at night, he just became a part of life. A few years this continued on f...
The Haunted December by LizzyBoo
First off, I have lived in this house since I was around two. I am now nineteen and nothing weird had ever happened to me until last year. It only went on for three days for some reason, then stopped all together. The first night it started was in December. It had been snowing for the first time ...
Beautiful Goodbye by pharmgirl
I remember the first day I met Josh. I was in the 7th grade and had just moved to North Carolina from Georgia. I was sitting on the school bus with my friend Amelia, and a small, mildly pudgy kid with a bowl cut plops down in the seat in front of us. He was full of energy and confidence. He quickly ...
Child's Playground by godssoilders88
It was about 2 years ago and it was about a year after I had given birth to my oldest daughter Regean. We were given a baby monitor for a late baby shower gift. It was only a couple of weeks after we started experiencing weird noises over the monitor around 2:15am. I kept hearing a little boy's voic...
Paranormal Travelling by snigdhajha
This happened about 5 years back. I had just finished my schooling and was busy giving different college entrance exams. On the day of my entrance exam for MIT Institute of Design (the college I finally went to) I had to go to some school which was the exam center. I entered the classroom which ...
Kippy by Morticia1
Now this story is about Kippy who I have mentioned previously on other posts. Kippy I first knew at 2 hours old, when a neighbor's youngest daughter (who are also friends) came to let me know Daisy, Kip's mum, had had her 2nd litter. We always say we're related through our animals as Kip was only...
Is That My Mother? by shalyn03
Since this is my first time to write my own experience, please bear with me guys. My story happened in our house here in Bicol just a week ago. After checking my emails, I decided to go to bed since it was 10 pm already and I have my classes tomorrow morning. Aside from it, I was the only one in the...
I'm Scared To Sleep There by Caelyn
Ever since I was young I've been really interested in ghosts and spirits. Ever since I discovered horror movies, TV shows about ghosts and hauntings, and computer games based on true stories, I wanted to have an experience, even though I am scared of meeting, seeing or feeling an entity. Well, th...
A Sign My Uncle Was There by brchdech8809
My uncle passed suddenly in 2005. He had no obvious health problems and seemed to be in good shape for a man of 38-years-old. The day we received the news was a cloudy, rainy, depressing day. Our home phone wasn't in service at the time; every time it rained it wouldn't work. Out of nowhere my aunt ...
Happy Birthday To Me by AppleSauce27
I can remember the first time, 30 years ago, when I had a feeling of pure terror hit me like a freight train. It was my birthday May 18, 1980. I was outside running around with my friends, playing freeze tag, and waiting for my mom to bring out my Raggedy Ann cake. I had just rounded the corner ...
Who Was In The Camper? by brchdech8809
My boyfriend and I were going through some rough times so me, him, and the boys moved our camper to my parents backyard until we could get back on our feet. The camper hadn't been lived in in a few years so once we got it moved we had to give it a very good cleaning before we could actually sleep in...
Ghost Hunt At Doncaster Air Museum, With Simply Ghost Nights by Simplyghostnights
Yet again we have to say a huge thank you to both Alan and Billy from the Doncaster Air Museum for all their assistance in ensuring that the event ran smoothly and professionally. The Doncaster Air Museum is definitely one of the Simply Ghost Nights team favourite venues for spirit activity, the tea...
Is It A Ghost Or Am I Crazy? by RACHEL420
My parents moved to North Carolina when I was 4 years old. They bought a house where they still live today. I grew up in this house and had never saw or heard anything out of the ordinary. When I was about 12 I started getting really paranoid. I felt like I was never alone and always being watche...
Housekeeper's Worst Nightmare by TallyAndJinxie
Over the winter, my neighbor asked me if I could be their housekeeper for the weekend. My jobs would include feeding the family dog and making sure the house was clean. One afternoon, my best friend and I went over to the house to feed their dog, Ellie, and clean the upstairs. When we walked upsta...
The Best Friend's Haunting by DancingInTheDark
My name is Keri. My best friend Tasha and I met in the 7th grade, we're now in the 10th. We had both had weird things happen before we met, but when we actually started hanging out, that's when things got really bad. The first incident was when Tash was sleeping over at my house. In my old house...
Incubus Perhaps? by Darkwolf_101
I'm a 16 year-old-girl living in a council house and just recently have been having strange experiences. First of I'd like to say I kind of "welcomed" this being into my life, whether I'm going to regret that or not is still to be decided. It all started on a Friday night when I was laying down t...
He Has Returned To Me by freddysgirl1984
It has been awhile since I have posted a story that related to my very first encounter with a true spirit. As in my first published story, "Spiritual Encounters", I had figured that passed beings come and go throughout the living's spectrum on daily basis. This statement has become so biased for me ...
Dark And Light by lissy86
It started in my bathroom. I used to have an irrational fear of bathrooms since I was a kid. I was always worried I would see some sort of ghoul in the mirror, but as I grew up this fear went away. So it shocked me when the following events took place. I have to explain I live in an open plan ho...
Story Of My Life - Literally by Miss_Nia-Marie
I suppose I should start by supplying a bit about myself. Being only 20 years old, I completely understand why some of you won't even try to take me seriously and there's absolutely nothing I could say that would change your mind. For those of you who are willing to listen and give me a chance, I'd ...
Is It A Dream? by shalyn03
Before anything, I'm shalyn03, 15-years-old. I really don't know if I really have my third eye open, but I used to see things which I know are not ordinary. In this story which I'm about to tell you is what I consider the most strangest thing I've ever experienced. It happened 2 years ago after we m...
The Unleashed Spirits 2 by TS94
I'm back with the second part to The Unleashed spirits. All my reads can just call me Tobi. As you all know as I grew up I experienced a lot of the unknown. Alright let's get to the story; I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. As you know my stepdad took the horseshoe from under the...
Mother, Son Dies, Same Day, Same Cause by Henleys
My maternal grandparents are the only grandparents I remember (my paternal grandparents had died before I was born). Ma and Pa is how we all referred to them, and we only saw them when we visited occasionally because they lived in another small town in Tennessee. The main thing I remember about ...
Is There A Ghost In The House? by Fergie
On November 1, 1971, we moved into our OWN house. We had watched it being built, and were so excited when we moved in. I admit, it was a 'council house', but my husband was working for the municipality, and was allowed to buy it. Our three girls shared a bedroom at first, until everything could be...
House Of True Horror by acuteangles
This event took place from 2007 to 2009, when I was living with my boyfriend at the time, let's call him Fred. We rented the most adorable (or so I thought) two story about an hours drive from Portland. It was everything I wanted in a place to put down roots: decent amount of land, nice area, nice l...
My New House For A Fresh Start by Ihaveseen99
I'm not for sure where to start but here we go. I was 24 years old making good money living in an apartment in Denton Texas, when I decided that I was going to start looking into buying a house. I had looked for a couple weeks when I ran across new homes being built. I set up a time to meet and ende...
Spirit In The Hospital Hallway by princess2
Ever been walking down the hospital corridors, for no reason you get a feeling someone's there that you can't see? Maybe you feel a unexpected soft breeze, was that the air conditioner or did something just walk by me? It's enough to make a person turn around and look to see if someone is behind...
Octagon Barn And House by teneki
Before I begin, I know that I was in the wrong in parts of this account. I know that I should have not just followed suit with what my friend wanted. At the same time, however, she could have practically told me to stand in a fire and I would have done it, I was so smitten by her. I mention this not...
Dawn Breaker by snigdhajha
About two years back, I'd gone to Kasauli with my family for a vacation. Kasauli is a hill station in Himachal Pradesh, India. Hill stations in India, especially this one is famous for hauntings, so naturally when we decided to go there I was rather excited about some kind of paranormal experience. ...
Demon Following My Boyfriend by kantonelli3
First off I would like to thank all of you who are going to read this because after a turn of events this morning I am forced to take immediate action. Any help for the following story will be GREATLY appreciated. Okay I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months now. His name is Joe. We first lived...
I Heard It by my_favorite_number
This happened two days ago. It was at 1 am I think, after me and my brother came in after going out with our dog. I went to go to sleep (I sleep on the couch). It was only me, our cat sleeping above my head on a table and our dog sleeping on the floor. I tried to sleep but then I heard the steps on ...
Series Of Unexplained Incidents by JackalLantern
I've been reading accounts on this site for years and I've finally decided to share my story. Before I begin I would like to say that, unlike nearly every other person on this site, I have no 'sensitivity' of any kinds relating to ghosts or other spiritual energies. I do have a keen interest in the ...
A Very Bad Girl by cutiestangelrockxbab
I live in a house in NJ that was built in the 1970s. My family and I have always believed that our house was haunted due to several occurrences that have happened over the course of the last 10 years. From hearing footsteps (when we're all in bed) to feeling taps on our shoulders and backs, to inexp...
My Own Funeral by Akumu9989
I did as suggested and searched what a raven means to the cherokees as recommended by another user, and discovered they meant death. This concerns me. If you haven't read my first post, please read it before this. The man I described in that post appeared in another one of my dreams. I have a feelin...
Growling In The Night by EMMA-M
I have not submitted a story for a long time as my episodes of Sleep Paralysis/spooky real life experiences seemed to have disappeared for a long time. Well maybe I had a few OBEs but nothing major. But recently I have experienced some scary experiences both at night time and during the day. The ...
Uncle Bob's Light by Fergie
I grew up as "Daddy's Girl"! I think, because I had no mother, my dad loved and cosseted me twice as much. I never lacked for anything, least of all, love! I grew up in a house full of adults; I was a rather precocious child. My dad worked hard, he worked as a shaft carpenter in the Kimberley dia...
GA House Guest by Ceraby21
My parents had the house I grew up in, in Lawrenceville, GA built in 1986. My father has always been very OCD about locking down the house. My mom worked mornings and my brother and I would be at school during the day on weekdays. My father worked nights, so he would be alone at the house most of th...
A Dark Summoning by Vox_Animae
First of as of late I've been very interested in the Pagan and Wicca Religions. I've even gone as far as getting copies of rare Grimoires. Something happened to me last night. Still not really sure what, but something. The eve of this happening I was reading a particular Grimoire by the name of "...
Traveling Shadow Spirit Visitors by WhisperingWind
To start off, my name is Christen and I'm from Oklahoma. I have always been open-minded about ghosts, but never really knew much about "shadow people" or "shadow spirits". I first heard about shadow spirits in 2006, after my husband turned me onto listening to coasttocoastam, a radio program that di...
The Spirit That Lives In My House by CAROLEJEAN
I purchased my home 10 years ago. It was built in 1880. I did not notice anything unusual in a paranormal way, until I had lived there for about 7 years. I would hear static and words I could not understand, like an old radio broadcast. I thought it was the neighbors, or a car going by. I was st...
Shadow With Changing Eyes by LonerD
I have read most of the accounts on this shadow with red eyes and I believe that I have been followed my whole life by something similar. When I was a child, I used to be found talking to the ceiling in my bedroom and my parents said I described my "friend" as black with red eyes. They told me a...
Frightful Appearance by drakoniss
All names have been avoided to protect the identities of those I love, and wish to avoid causing them any more stress then they already have to deal with. I am going to begin with some background information. January 2009, I was at my concert choir practice on a Saturday morning when I found out ...
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