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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 133
The Witch by bloodruns
Ghost, aberrations, witches, all seem to fall in the same paranormal grouping so here is a witch story. Summer came like a wanted pleasure. The sun gently caressing down as dew began to absorb into a rich earth which began to spew forth hope. Blazing green shards of grass fought to cover the dyin...
Mormor: My Great Grandma by 2bornt2b
In 2009, My Great Grandma (who, might I add, was Swedish. Great Grandma in Swedish is Mormor) died. She was 85. I was devastated. My Great Grandma and I were very close. I was not allowed at her funeral, although my mother was. This angered me and I felt that I was neglected. Now, as this will be...
Is It Real Or In My Head by goosefabah
I'd like to start by saying, I have always been a very open minded person and love the idea of the paranormal but will always look for a rational explanation to situations before jumping to the idea of the paranormal. And before I start into the 'issue' I'm having, I feel I need to give you a bit of...
A Messenger For A Friend by xdreamerx
Two years ago I was living with my friend and his family. I was told by my friend's family that it was haunted. When I was told this I kind of just shrugged it off. Not saying I don't believe in ghosts or any of the paranormal stuff, but I shrugged it off to get my mind cleared that night so I could...
Cutting The Tie That Binds by Seraphina
This story isn't chilling or dramatic, but it's the kind of thing I experience once in a while. It will probably seem familiar to you, since you're all YGS readers, but I'm always looking for reassurances that others share these types of experiences. I hope you'll write some comments about things li...
Still Terrified 3 by JennaK
It's me once again! I am still currently living with my parents for the most part (weekends I go to my boyfriend's). I naturally thought my last bad case with this "man" was as scary it could get. I stood my ground, tried cleansing and felt extremely confident that I was doing well. Lately my health...
Spirit Of A Toddler by Slowmogo
I've never had any sort of major paranormal experience myself, and I kind of hope I never do, but this story does involve me as a sort of ancillary character. I say this because I was way too young to remember anything, but both of my parents tell me this occurred: It started with my great grandm...
A Haunted Mirror? by Nooko
This is my first story. I've never really considered myself a believer in the supernatural...I've just always thought there must be a rational explanation somewhere. However, recently this belief has been challenged because something happened to me that I can't explain and it scared me a lot. This i...
Confussing by luxuriaMod
First of I want to say that I am sorry if my English isn't proper, but I really need help with this. I want to share an experience I had when I was about 14 years old. I don't really know what to think of it so I want to ask for your opinion. Me and my parents were camping and it happened the...
House On Patton Dr. by indyguy123
I am not the best at describing things or narrating but I'll give this a go. About 13 years ago, when I was about 8 years old, my family bought, or more like rented because my dad was scammed, our first family home. While living here, my family started to experience what might have been paranorm...
My Experience With A Ghost Detector by AARisTHEbest
A few weeks ago, I downloaded a ghost detector app and it was proven to really work. I sat on my sofa with my tablet turned on, ready to try it out. I opened up the app and it gave me a warning and stuff that it isn't a game. I started talking and it gave me a few answers. I asked, "What are you cal...
Ghosts At One Of My Workplaces by Vigilant
I am new to this place, have read a lot of stories, but this time is the first time I myself publish something. (Please note: I am from Sweden, and my grammar and choice of words can perhaps be a bit... You know... Outlandishly funny/strange.) Anyway, I work as a mental health carer in various p...
The Presence In The Room by godhatesfigs
My particular experience took place 3 years ago in my dorm room at Urbana University in Urbana, Ohio. I have never shared this story as it still horrifies me and I have feared "it" would come back. Allow me to set the stage for said event: I (20 years old) had just returned to my dorm room, a humble...
Blanket And Jacket Standing By Themselves by aoesterling
In no way am I making this up. I have no time to be talking about something that didn't happen. This did happen to me. I was cleaning the house one day and was washing my bed clothes. My daughter, at the time age 2, went to lay in the bed for a nap, only there were a few blankets on the bed. I w...
Douppleganger... Need Help? by darling13
I've tried to post this twice now, all I need to know is what is this thing that is messing with my neighbors. I was the first one to see it, it looks exactly like Zack. This happened months ago, when I was walking up the driveway, I looked into the kitchen window. I could have sworn that he was ...
Who Is This Little Girl Following Me? by Sarahlove2014
Before I start, I admit I feel strange talking about it, but it will feel good after. No one believes me in everyone I tell this to but I am sure some of you will, and if you can please help. (Also, then my parents were separated so I was alone with my dad.) It started when I was 10. Then, with ...
Have I Seen A Wormhole? by summerrain
My goal with this post is to find someone who has seen something similar, or may have an explanation. It's been a few years since it occurred, but never left my mind. One night I was sitting behind my computer, and in the corner of my eye I see this very bright blue moving circle about the size o...
In The Corner Of My Eye, And Misbehaving Doors by Piedpiper
I am still confused, and unsure of whether or not to believe in the existence of ghosts. My religion teaches that once you are out of your body, you are either in Heaven or Hell; there is no in between limbo state. Perhaps all that people are seeing are angels and demons messing around with their mi...
Hit With A Book In The Dark by Lacy-Dawn
I think I was about 13 years old when the following event happened to me. It was on a winter night and I had just gotten into bed and covered myself with my heavy blanket. I had my door shut as I always had so my cats wouldn't wake me up at night by walking all over me. I was just laying there on m...
The Smokey Room by UndisclosedWiccan
I guess my first post on here will be a relatively long one as there is so much to say but I will try and keep it as short and interesting as possible. To begin with I think its best to say that I and my mum are both mediums who live in the same household. My mother is more active than me in her ...
A Silhouette Of An Unknown by BasSilLeosS
The reason I registered in this website was a long conversation between me and a friend about Malaysian ghosts that I'll not talk about now at this moment, but Google send me here due to lots of Malaysian horror stories. I still didn't read them, though I'm searching on it. But the weird part is I s...
Contacted By A Spirit? by robbied42
Until about a few months ago I never really believed that ghosts or any other type of paranormal existed. I have had strange things happen such as hearing footsteps, hearing as if someone is knocking on a wall, and even hearing objects fall for no reason in the middle of the night. But when small th...
Not My Brother by Afraidnolonger
I just wanted to share a set of odd occurrences that still baffle me, and slightly creep me out. I am definitely open to any ideas of what this thing was. I would have been between the ages of 5-7 at the time (a time in my life when supernatural things started happening to me, but I really didn't...
Mind Your Ps And Qs by CrossroadsDog
I've moved around a lot in my life, but a few years ago my husband and I moved to a new state and made the decision to buy our first house. Like most of the houses in the area the one we were looking at was fairly old, but had seen some renovations since originally being built. During our tour of th...
Missing Money by SoniahCano
We've lived in the same house for about twelve years now. We're a family of five. It's my father, mother, my two sisters and I. My dad's a big time money saver, he loves saving his money. He puts his money in envelopes and organizes it by 100s, 50s, and 20s. And he counts the amount of money in ...
My House Is Haunted Apparently by Captainnosebleed
My name is Robert Chapman. I'm 16 and I've been interested in the paranormal for years but recently I've been having some real evidence that my house is haunted. I'd like all of your opinions too, if you feel so kind. I've always heard odd noises in my house that's almost 100 years old. It's an o...
Strange Things Happen In My Mom's Apartment by RavenAngelvX
I'm going to go ahead and say I have never actually seen a spirit (as far as I can remember) aside from orbs in photographs and on videos. This story is just a series of random events that my mother and I have experienced in her apartment. At one point, I played with a Ouija board in my room, fr...
Visitation From My Brother by amberlynn
I have always believed in ghosts/spirits but had no experiences to back this up until my brother passed away. Dewey died 7/24/05. Dewey, his wife and their 2 children had came up to my parents' house for the weekend, since I was celebrating my 21st birthday on the 23rd. Everything had been fine, I w...
Spiritually Gifted? by aaliyahs_mommy72
I want to start off by saying I do not believe in "ghosts", the correct term is spirits/demons. I've grown up in a Christian environment. Always went to church, praise God the whole 9-yards. Growing up as a little girl, my mother was into the heavy drugs up until I was 11-12. She turned her life aro...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Else by symphony
I'd like to share my story on this page as it puzzles and scares me until today, and is very real in my mind. I would appreciate any helpful comments on what it could mean. I'm a mother of three. I was sleeping on a mattress in my children's bedroom. They were unwell and it was easier to attend ...
Just Some Of My Experiences by pixiedust95
A few years ago when I was about 15, I came home from school and my mum and her boyfriend were still at work so I was home alone. I always enjoyed being alone despite the uncomfortable feeling I sometimes got; like I was being watched or as if I wasn't the only one in there house. I was tidying ...
Dark Figure In Our House by missbsb8
I'm a 19 year old girl and I live with my parents and my twin sister in Denmark. This is the first time I share an experience with anyone beside my family. Last night I was home by myself and was sitting in my room. I began to hear footsteps coming from the kitchen, living room and utility room. ...
A Bit Of A Bother by freddysgirl1984
I've returned again for yet another story on my infamous house ghost of mine! This occurred only around a week ago, so nothing is being exaggerated due to time's sake. It's the favorite months of any teen: June, July, and August. I had just recently returned back from a twelve day trip to Japan, ...
Haunted In Vermont by lostmaplegirl
Recently I have moved 1000 miles away from where this is happening, but my coworker and close friend is still having experiences with this. Not too long ago I lived in Vermont and worked for a property management company. I worked in an area with a lot of tourists and obviously ski mountains. So...
My Sister's Friend's Ghost by thelittlee103
I wasn't one to believe in the paranormal at all. Since this weird encountering it hasn't left my mind since. Years ago when I was about eight to ten (I cannot remember), a close friend of my sister's thought her life was that bad (personal reasons) and hanged herself. It took me weeks or month t...
Bad Tarot Card Experience by stargazer_44
As far back as I can remember (around three and four) I've had experiences with the supernatural. My dad isn't a strong believer but my mother and her father are very religious and are constantly warning my siblings and me about the spirit side. Even though my father isn't really a believer, my sibl...
Palace Of Westminster by gjs1967
Being a serving police officer, I'm usually quiet sceptical when it comes to farfetched stories. But as this happened to me twice, I can't discount it as my imagination or being overtired. After a long shift with on 7 hours before the next one started, I decided to stay over at work. We have a ba...
My Mother's House by LenLen900
Before I was born, my three brothers and my mother lived in a house, it was on a slope in a very quiet street, there were other houses not too far. Normally I would be skeptical about this kind of thing, until recently I started having strange experiences. Before I was born and my mother had met ...
A 40-year Haunting And An Attack by SanguineConscripte
In the comments of a previous story that I posted about an entity bothering me while on a religious retreat, several readers voiced their concern that I was involved in a cult and that this "thing" may be trying to warn me. While I don't know quite what to make of the group, I believe that this enti...
The Ghost Who Follows Me Everywhere by FreakyGirl13
We teenagers always have ghost encounters, but adults are never ready to believe it. Whatever it is, I am sharing this experience (well, the experience is still not over). I am a 13 year old girl (please don't consider my story as fake or something). I live in India, Maharashtra, in a flat. Befo...
The Toy Train by chelseamari19
I guess it started when I was little. My mom and I have always been a little more... Open... To the things unexplainable. I was about 5 years old, making my brothers 4 and 3. My brother who was 3 is autistic, and his 'tick' was trains. My mother would hear his toy train go off (it made choo choo noi...
Four Demonic Looking Men In Bedroom Please Help by deidrej24
my name is Deidre I am 25 years old and was born and raised in Winston-Salem, NC. This is my first time sharing a story on here. I recently found the site and thought maybe I could get some answers or ideas from others about my experiences. I have had quite a few experiences with the spirit worl...
Who Is The Kiss From? by smile_is_beauty
This is going to be a really short story, but I'm very curious, so here it goes. One early morning, I was sleeping. I woke up to the sound of my door opening, I didn't open my eyes because I thought it was mom who was checking up on me. I felt the presence coming closer and closer, but the whole ...
The Face In The Door by AlliciaJayne
I was about 6 when I saw this face in the glass door on Christmas morning. My old house was always spooky and I would also hear and see the odd thing but I never thought I would see this face in the door. At first I thought it was the reflection of lights hitting the door at the time until it st...
Ghost In The Computer by Granpa
About four years ago my closest childhood friend died. He was living a little over 200 miles away at the time. For reasons only known to her, his wife notified none of his friends or her relatives. She had no open funeral or memorial service. He had been a successful corporate attorney and remained ...
Guardian Angel In 1965 by Frances23
This is a story that my mother told me about a paranormal experience she had when she was a child. My mom and I are very close, so she's opened up to me about many painful secrets of the abuse she endured in her childhood. Her environment was very dangerous during her early years... And I always bel...
My New Old Home by Hamrammr
My wife and I bought a run-down house about two years ago. It had a nice large yard and established garden with a swimming pool and a one bedroom flat at the back of the yard. For the first year we stayed in the flat while fixing the home. We had quite a few strange occurrences happening in the ...
Our Haunted Hotel And The Ghost Of Mr. Oxford by unmyeong
I should start off by saying I'm fairly new to this site and when I came across it and enjoyed reading other's experiences before eventually making an account of my own just recently. It made me feel like I could post my own little encounter on here with little judgement (I hope) since I was quite y...
A Strange, Short Story by chicagomike
While I have always had an interest in the paranormal, I have never seen anything that convinced me that ghosts and spirits are real. And quite honestly, even after what happened early this morning, I'm still not convinced. However, what happened was "odd", and it may be paranormal, or it may not be...
Bad Energy And Nightmare by TMel
My boyfriend and I just had a strange experience last night. I must start by saying that my boyfriend is very sensitive in sensing and seeing spirits (mostly in orb forms - floating balls or blobs of different colors). Last night I was particularly tired. We were both laying in bed and I fell as...
It Might Have Been A Mistake by Shadowinthenight
My name is Ricardo and I'm 23. I'm from a small town in Oregon. All my life I have believed in ghosts and paranormal activity. I have experienced a few encounters but none like this. I live in a duplex apt that's next to an abandoned home. Many times I hear strange noises throughout the night, w...
My Sleepless Nights by jazzdecker
For the past 2 months my family and I have been experiencing some strange incidents at night. Mainly it has been affecting me. I happen to be a big fan of Ghost Adventures and watch it it enough to know when something isn't right and the experiences are definitely otherworldly. It all started on...
Heather The Westie by mollypup
I took my mum and her little dog Heather to the vet's in November 2013. Heather had been taking fits and the vet said she had a brain tumor. We made the sad decision to end her life as nothing more could be done for her. We left her in the room with the vet and said our goodbyes. I have felt terribl...
Running Shadow Dog by madesinative
This happened to me, personally, when I was about 10 years old and it's something that I put in the back of my mind until recently because of a similar situation with my little sister. I woke up around 1:00am in my grandparent's home, where I lived at the time. There were no lights on in the room I ...
Central Tree by HelpingBeacon
As I said on my page, the things I publish won't be mine alone. But I feel it will be fitting to start off with my first encounter with the paranormal. It happened when I was seven years old. Actually, on my birthday. I was very excited and was jumping around eager for my party, even though I ha...
Spirits In St. Augustine by searchingforspirits
I live in St. Augustine, FL, where I attend Flagler College. While the dorm I live in is said to be haunted by numerous ghosts, my friends and I have had very few encounters. There are many ghost stories surrounding the girls dorm, the Ponce de Leon, the first of several hotels built by our namesake...
My First Unexplained Encounter by angels898
My name is Angel and I live in a small town in Kentucky. I guess I should start by saying I don't usually get on sites like this. I believe in spirits and demons but before today I've never experienced anything I couldn't explain. Everything that I'm writing is real. It will seem really small compar...
Old Lady Laughs At Me by Smokedank
I do not plan to write a very long story. This takes place about four months ago. I didn't know who to ask about my experiences. One August night around 3 am, I was in my room watching television. I was bored, so I turned off my TV and sat down to use my computer. Right before I opened Google...
Strange Experiences In The 90 Year Old House by xdreamerx
Back at the age 17 I never really believed in ghosts until I lived in this 90 year old house. I had many strange experiences in this house. I have been physically punched and felt like the air was taken right out of me. And I would have really strange dreams. One dream I remembered having at lea...
Pendulum Scare by thatkidmina
My boyfriend took me to his friend's house because I wanted someone to use the Ouija board with me. They would not let me inside the house with it. I had to leave it on the porch. They finally let me bring it inside a little later. They explained to me how their house was haunted and they consta...
Dancer On The Roof by gamerx
In Indian dances, the dancer wears an ornament which creates sounds like small bells tied together to form one sound. So this story was told to me by my father. At the time when my grandmother and grandfather moved in with their son, my house had one floor then roof on the top like most other ho...
Smoke And Cold Spots- A Ghostly Encounter? by KaalaLilee
Before I start, I would just like to say that this is my first time posting on this specific site. I have used its sister site, Psychic-Experiences, on a few occasions, and although I would in no way call myself a spiritualist, I have had a little experience with the paranormal. I have been told ...
Dad Is Still Making The Rounds by SnowBunny
Sooo, I'm super psyched to see so many people have supernatural/paranormal experiences and I'm not the only one. Quick history to my stories, both sides of my family have really strong intuition. I wouldn't say we're psychic or mediums or anything like that, but parents/aunts/uncles/cousins have all...
Is Nan Really Watching Over Me? by whitehart
My story that I am about to tell happened in 2003. I was born in Germany and moved to England on my 8th birthday in 1991 along with my younger sister and two brothers. Myself and my sister could not speak any English. Both my brothers were able to speak a little English but were not very good at it....
Strange Whispers by shakeandbake6
As a young child, I have always been somewhat sensitive to "otherworldly beings". I had seen several ghosts in my old house when I was a child that I still remember to this day. There were times that I would walk into an old house and immediately got a bad feeling inside. I was told later that t...
My And My Daughter's Experiences by LadyJasaya
I have never really believed much in "ghost" stories, so I'm not sure what to make of some strange experiences myself and my daughter have had. I have four children, and have lived in our current house since 2000. The house is about 30 years old, and we have not experienced anything strange until...
My Uncles Being There by emmz
My name is Emma Martin and I'm 13 years old. For the past 3 or 4 years I have been experiencing people that are dead. I did experience this when I was younger, but it had stopped for a while then it all happened again. On the year I was born, my daddy's brother named Eugene died in a car crash. ...
Unknown Presence Haunting Woods by Cetnik
This happened on the 30/12/2013 during the hours of 2:30am - 4:00am. I would like to stress that what I express in this story is not of imagination or of games, but of something evil and mysterious myself and two friends had encountered. I would like to note that we were under the influence of weed,...
Very Strange Occurrences In My House by GarrettB
After experiencing strange occurrences on and off for over 10 years, I have decided to tell others' about it. My Uncle died when I was 5 years old (I'm 15 now) of a brain aneurism. I was there when it happened as well. He died in my house before the medics could arrive. I was heartbroken and shocked...
First Paranomal Experience by cyberjack
Just thought of sharing an incident which happened in Tirupathi long back. I was around 8 years old back then. My parents were not in good terms with relatives and moved to a house which is at one corner of town. I still remember the house and vicinity. It was two independent house compound at th...
Possible Continued Haunting by infiltrating_sun
My wife and I were vacationing at a cabin my parents own in the North Georgia mountains one weekend and we had quite an experience. My wife and I have had mild experiences with the paranormal before so at the time this happened we both knew there were things out there but this is the most horrified ...
The Jockey by Arwen1957
As most of you know, I work at a nursing home in Illinois. Some postings on YGS have me thinking about two incidents that happened almost 12 years ago. The first incident was odd. At that time I was still working in the housekeeping department rather than the activity department I work in now. I...
Man, Cat And Noises by MissSkeptical
I don't have a very strong opinion as to whether ghosts are real or not as I haven't experienced much myself, but here's some things I've experienced. My mum has told me several times of something weird that used to happen in our old house. I was about 2 years old at the time and my dad was worki...
My First Encounter With The Paranormal by Aomni
I have read many stories on this site over the past few days since finding it and have decided to share one of my personal stories about an encounter that I had when I was a little boy. I cannot remember exactly what age I was but I must have been 7 or 8, and to my knowledge this is the first encoun...
Is There Something Or Someone In My Place? by mylittlerabbits
It's been a little while since I last posted. I live in an in-law in Daly City. Let me describe my place a little. I have to go into the garage to go into my in-law unit. Once I open the front door there is the living room and you just have to take about 3 steps and turn right and the bathroom is th...
No Eyes by jeremyatticus
As you're reading this, keep in mind, I don't remember any of the stuff in the trailer. Everything that happened there is what my mom has talked to me about. I remember everything I have experienced in the house I moved to. I'm sharing this to get answers, I guess. Or to give people a good chill. ...
A Black Figure And Sleep Paralysis by SerenAgate
I am publishing this story because it correlates to a couple of the other stories I have read. Phase 1 In 2012 I was sleeping in my daughter's bottom bunk bed, she was away from home that night. I suddenly felt this great sense of dread and a presence. It didn't want me in the room and I felt...
Whistling Ghost by nickr97
So I'm sat downstairs in my house, just about to go up to bed. Everyone else is upstairs and I hear this very distinctive tune coming from the kitchen. I was naturally freaked out by this at first but me, wanting to just rationalise everything, I merely said it was the wind or my brother whistling u...
Night Encounter With An Entity Who Spoke To Me by mangoushi
This experience just happened tonight. Well, to be more accurate, this morning at around 3AM. I had fallen asleep at 8PM but later woke up at midnight. I didn't feel like going back to sleep, so I browsed the internet, listened to music, and watched YouTube videos on my phone. Within three hours, I ...
A Deal With The Devil by Heath_McCloy
I was a third generation miner, and proud to be. But in the summer of 2010, the 135 year old company closed its door and locked its gate. I was crushed. Having grown-up as a miner, I felt as if I had little to offer the workforce. Besides this, I am from eastern Kentucky and there is very little wor...
Ghost In Under-construction Home by boagart
I am hoping to get some feedback from someone who understands this kind of phenomena more than I do. My story has changed my life, beliefs and understanding of reality. It was a bright and sunny day in Burlington, Ontario in the upscale suburban neighbourhood of Millcroft. It was just after 4pm m...
An Untold Tale by Haema
Lending a helping hand in solving problems especially for a friend is always recognised as a good deed. But what if luck is not on your side and that problem becomes your problem. This is tale from my past which was horrifying and beyond anyone's wildest imagination, buried in me for so, so many ye...
Poppy's Friend by spiritwolfdancer
I wrote some time ago about different strange things that go on in my 125 year old house. These strange things don't bother me as they do not happen all the time. Just last July I got my daughter a puppy she called Poppy, she is a miniature Jack Russell, we took her home and she settled in well wi...
Hauntings At Work? by CarysPugh
This is my first post on here so bear with me! I'm 20 years old and I live and work in London. I have had paranormal experiences in the past but they have never been in my own home. I have been working in my current job since July 2013 (a sales job in a publishing house in Clapham) and the first few...
Sleep Paralysis, Supine Position, Cloaked Figure by Ijustwannameowatyou
I was visiting my boyfriend in Kennewick, WA and this wasn't an uncommon thing. I visit all the time. This one night we went to sleep and suddenly I had this awful feeling that something very bad was going to happen. I was laying on my back (supine position) with the end of the bed facing the do...
Basement Ghosts by Tinpy
My family and I had moved into the house were currently living in a few months back. This house belonged to our old landlady and our friend and we had always liked it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I didn't feel any negative energy whatsoever. It started yesterday, my little sister had to ...
We Called An Angry Entity... And Made Friends by kitfoxpup
I live in Southern CA, in the city of Burbank. I used to live in a house on the street of Andover, the address of which I'll keep separate, simply because I don't live there anymore and I can't quite get their permission to disclose it. The night before my family and I were going to move into th...
A Ghost Murderer by MysteryForever
It happened just now, which was January 8, 2014 at 4 PM local time. I'm a very hardworking student, not to boast, so I was working on my Toefl studies when my cat came in through the half-closed door. Her name was Mi Mi. She came in and jumped on my table where I had my studying books and some s...
Unexpected Visitor At Grandma's House by RellieBoo1
My ghost story starts at my grandmother's house when I was about 12 years old. Let me give you a minor description of the back room (TV room) I was in at the time. The back room is an add-on extension. There's a back door with the laundry room to the right, an armoire on the wall beside that, and a ...
A Weird Ouija Board Experience by Elizabeth_L
So, even though I've tried many times, I've never been able to actually make a connection with a Ouija board. The strangest thing happened about 10-15 minutes ago, though. I was sitting in my dining room and decided to get my old board out. Now, normally I wouldn't do this in the middle of the day, ...
The Lady In Blue by Emmalove
I am currently visiting a friend in Islamorada, FL and we decided to take a trip to Key West for a day. After wandering around for a couple of hours we decided to grab a drink at a bar called Captain Tony's Saloon. This bar has quite the history. There is a tree growing right through the roof th...
Several Weird Events by shadibadoo
I don't believe in Ghosts, neither as the souls of dead people nor an imprint of their consciousness. I do, however, believe in the Djinn theory for how so many people experience so many different phenomena. That is, that either free/bound Djinn influence the senses of susceptible people to give the...
Me And My Family's Ghost Stories by AnneChloeV
I have an old account "Ghostie016" I posted my first story there, last June 2013. I had trouble signing in, so I made a new one to share my and my family's ghost stories. Please don't consider this as fake because it's not. These stories happened in different houses. I'm not good at English, so plea...
A Hand In The Depths by AzraelX
What I am about to narrate is not my own experience, but my late mother's. My mother had died when I was in 6th Grade. My mom's house is in a little village in the state of Kerala, in India. The house was situated on the bank of a small river (it is the tributary to one of the bigger rivers in Ke...
Little Girl by bonnybird
I was asleep in my bed one night when I woke up, it was around 12:00am and I had this "off-feeling", so I decided to sit up in my bed. After I sat up I heard the voice of a little girl, she spoke to me... She was warning me. Her exact words were "watch out, there's a ghost". It was pitch black in th...
The Excited Call by ad_victoriam
My father died on the 23rd of July, 2007, a few minutes before 2 am, a day after my niece's 14th birthday celebration. He had too much, too many alcohol in his system considering the event that came to pass and maybe his kidney failed. I really don't know. Our mother found him inside the comfort roo...
Ghost Pretending To Be Girlfriend by superblok
I was staying over at my girlfriend's house and woke up at about 4 a.m. I looked up and saw a face staring at me. It looked like my girlfriend with her glasses on, but the face was a bit different and kind of creepy. I just stared at it for a few seconds but it disappeared. It seemed like she was st...
Sleep Paralysis Or Not by KiraLS
I am not really sure how to describe what it was that happened to me but I will try my best. It started when I was sixteen years old, after I had moved in with my mother. For the first few months nothing happened and everything was great. But then there was one night that I woke up in the middle...
Pain Has Faded, Touches Return by triden07
To all readers, new and accustomed to my stories, this is about the 2 guardian spirits in my home, Gran and Charlie. After going through recovery from my operation in November, I had really started missing being able to feel Charlie or Gran with me, instead of just hearing them make little noises...
It's Not Just A Game, It's A Twisted Reality by kenneth-chipman
It all starts with me as a young boy. I would often times awake at night in need of a refreshment (I still do to this day). To inform you, this was every night. I would open my door and start walking down the hallway. This creature appearing to be a demonic version of "Crash Bandicoot" himself. ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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