You are here: Real Ghost Stories :: chronological order :: Page 162
Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 162
Gold Coast Activity by Tbeartuff
I have always been sensitive to the, for lack of better term, paranormal. My parents have numerous stories of me just stopping in random places and having conversations with people who are not there, and working in an older (30+ years) aged care facility I have had more than my share of experiences....
A Hooded Figure Who Calls Themselves Tristan by heaven_of_ash
Recently I went to a friend's house and used a Ouija board. When I did so I spoke to one person then chickened out. That one person called themselves 'Tristan' and was actually quite nice. I was REALLY freaked out by the whole experience but I noticed when I was using the board and speaking to h...
Something Wicked Always Came! by pheonix1895
My name is Imani and I have had so many paranormal experiences it's not even funny. First off, let me start by giving you some of my history! When I was a little girl I would have dreams that were visions but they were a sign of things to come. I remember when I was six years old I kept having a...
He Forgave Me by Kodah
I was extremely close to my grandfather when I was younger. As things started getting progressively worse than what they were between my biological father and my mother, my grandfather was someone I really looked up to as a father figure. He was extremely wise, straightforward, and despite his diffi...
College Entity 2 - Do You Believe? by NinjaPirateAssasin
This is an update from my previous story, College Entity. You can read that here if you're interested: If you're not interested in reading all that, the summary is that I'm in a college dorm with a roommate. I've felt an oppressive ...
My Second Story by NewAuthor
This is my second story I'm posting about my childhood in St. Charles, IL (STC). I've been hesitant to share it as most would think it's not paranormal, but I honestly have no explanation of how it could have happened otherwise. I'm a female engineer who's very logical and good at troubleshootin...
My Interesting Visit by Afraidnolonger
A little over two years ago my young sons and myself set off to Colorado to see my relatives for long visit. The first half of the stay, I spent at my Mother's. I left around eight in the morning. The drive was pleasant enough but it was around eleven hours or so and I was tired when I arrived. My M...
Investigation Involving 5 Year Old Kid by Goggzy
Location: Leven, Fife Scotland Type Of Entity: T-3 Case File: HOU-KY8-19-03-2016-811 Lead Researcher: George Cowan Lead Investigators: George Cowan and David Byrne Investigators: David Brown, Michele Brown, Donald Williams and James Byrne House Type: T-4 7 Room, 3 Bed Cottage Equipment Used: ...
Not Sure What Who/what This Could Be by spiritwaiting
Here's a bit of small information that will make some sense by the end of these happenings or maybe they won't, I'm still trying to figure it out. My sister and I talk frequently over the phone. About numerous things including supernatural happenings. They happen often to her, people she may be i...
Strange Presence by SilentAngel93
This takes place in the same house my dad passed away in and had been going on for as long as I can remember. I lived in that house for almost twenty years, and would always feel someone watching me wherever I went: in the living room, the kitchen, bathroom and all the bedrooms. And I know that p...
Unknown Entities In Our New House Pt. 2 by brighteyez
I am back after almost a month since my last posting. I have been trying to write another experience I have been having in my new house and was having some difficulty putting it into words. Well this is part 2 of my previous story. The past few weeks since my last posting, I have been a little a...
The Baby, The Large Lady, And The Bad Feeling by RedRaven5
Not sure how to start... I am a lady in her fifties with no supernatural/paranormal talents. I have been reading stories on this site for a couple years, so I thought it might be time for me to do my part and put my story out there for others to think and wonder about. I haven't done it sooner becau...
Legless Man In The Cemetery Part 2 by EmptyWalls
I joined last year to share my experiences from 10 years ago in regards to my encounter with an apparition I saw while out on my ATV one evening. A couple of the comments I got were that I should go back and see what I could find since it had been a long time since I had been near that place. This p...
Of Cemeteries And Portals And Possession Part 3 by rookdygin
Part 3 21 July 1988 (Thur) Time: 2130 Class was short tonight, test review, only so much to review over a soldering practical. Good thing though as it has given me time to ensure I am packed for what tonight holds. I have my cards, crystals, crosses (1 crucifix), bible (w/scriptures marked), i...
He's Really Bugging Me by amber87
I should start by saying I have always be in strong believer in the paranormal. I have had many of my own experiences, as had many of my family members. The story that I am wanting to share with you now started about two years ago. My husband and I bought our first house together in February 2013...
A Knock At The Door by Angelkiss
This incident is very recent, a week ago in fact, and although I was a bit shocked at the time, I would appreciate other peoples take on it. Okay, I don't sleep for long periods at night for a number of reasons. Firstly, my youngest son is Autistic and amongst other disabilities that go with it h...
My Blackberry And My Mom by Kindly_refrain
I am encouraged to submit my second ghost story to YGS, since people have been very kind regarding my first submission titled, "Eldon House Shoes". This submission is not the same level of encounter by far and some may even discount it completely. I will let you decide on that. This took place in Lo...
Ipanema Ghost by spooked81
My boyfriend and I are currently traveling in South America. I was unsure of submitting this story but felt compelled to after a few sleepless nights. We visited Rio de Janeiro and originally stayed at a big hotel on the main avenue of Ipanema but decided to stay longer due to the incredible wea...
Crying In The Night At Camp by TJYAKI
It was the summer of 2003. I was 11 or 12 at the time. I remember being very happy and excited because it was our annual year end girl guide camp. The year end camp is when all the girl guide units in the city come together for a big weekend camp. At night we sleep with our unit but during the day w...
Black Panthers by bev
I and my older sister had strange occurrence when I was 6 and sister 10. We lived in Portland Oregon. We slept on an army cot together in the dining room of a small house, our brother slept on the couch. I'm now 62 and sister 66. One night we had gotten up to use the bathroom. We both were seein...
Reborn by rorzy
This is my first article ever so please forgive me if there is anything wrong. The incident which am going to tell you guys is a real experience happened in the year 2006. Basically am from Chennai, India. During 2006, we lived in a apartment at the ground floor which has 1 hall, 2 bedrooms, kitc...
Haunted House In De Aar by Fergie
A few months ago, while visiting my brother in New Zealand, I coerced him into retelling me his preternatural experiences while still living in South Africa. It was like pulling teeth when he first started, but then it all came tumbling out so fast that I had to ask him to stop, while I grabbed pen ...
Under Edinburgh by Heart-of-Fire-Soul-of-Ice
I have always been brought up to believe in ghosts. My mother is quite open minded and has had many paranormal encounters herself. My mother, brother and I are all convinced that the house that my brother and I grew up in is haunted. Items flying from shelves, electronics turning themselves on and t...
From The Mouth Of Babes by Mystic25
Since a young age, I have always found myself to be different and some would say straight out odd. Though around the age of seven I began to see things I couldn't understand. I just knew that I was having a lot of what most people call deja vu. Seeing that my parents normally didn't believe me a...
The Olde Angel Inn by Kindly_refrain
This is my third story submitted to YGS. I have previously submitted occurrences titled, My Blackberry and My Mom, and also Eldon House Shoes. In 2004, my wife and I were at the (now discontinued) One Minute Film Festival in Toronto, Ontario, where we had a couple of video entries up for public a...
My Experiences Over The Years by jazzy981
I'm not sure if I'll get a response on this story but I just wanted to share some of my paranormal experiences and how they have evolved over the years. Some quite terrifying and scary the rest happen while I'm in the in-between stages of astral travel and dozing off to sleep. My very first experien...
Mysterious Singer by GoldenDragon1984
When I was a child my mother used to bring me to a Jazz Café, there was an un-named band and I quite liked the female singer of that band. I used to call her Ms. Bessie and she would blow me a kiss every time when I and my mother will leave the café. As time passes, the band members were old and I...
The Apartment: Ghost Or Poltergeist? by Blueraven
Several years ago, I had just graduated from college and began my career working full-time. I couldn't afford rent on my own yet, so some mutual friends suggested I share an apartment with a girl my same age. I agreed and it was arranged. I didn't meet her until the day we both moved in. I'll just c...
The Girl At The Foot Of My Bed by 32sami
A couple nights ago I woke up and saw this young girl standing at the foot of my bed, it scared the hell out of me. Her clothes seemed a little dated, but not. It was all quite confusing and caught me totally off guard. She appeared to me to be around 8-9 years old, maybe a little more. She seemed f...
Little Blue Eyed Boy by yomomma
From as far back as I can remember I've had paranormal experiences. I also realized at an early age, that most of time keeping those experiences to myself was the best way to go. When I was four years old, I related one of these experiences to my grandma. She was immediately offended and stated that...
Haunting Kiss by Nineball
Hanover, Pennsylvania spring of 2000 or 2001 I had just recently moved to Maryland from California. My dad was a naval officer at the time and was going to be deployed, sending me to my mother's to begin high school. Starting high school after the year had already started brought a lot of attent...
Easter Sunday by GOGETA128
First, a bit of background: my house is haunted by my landlady's late husband "Bill". This has been confirmed by a well known paranormal investigator whom we has asked to investigate because, when I first moved into the apartment, I had been experiencing some strange activity. Bill had died from...
Something Followed Me Home by Nsbf1986
When I decided to submit my stories here, I thought about doing it in chronological order. But it's impossible to do so because new things happen, or you remember an important situation that you would really like to share. For me to be more precise about this story, let me tell you a little bit ...
My Own Domovoi Spirit by Zanzibar
I've read many stories of people encountering supernatural things or just something that can't be easily explained. For me most of them looked like stories about a house spirit. In Slavic mythology there are special protective house spirits or demons called Domovoi. They care about house, family ...
Here We Go Again Family Visitors by RedWolf
In the later part of mid February my mother in-law called me a little after 9 AM. She told me that our doctor called her to get to the hospital and that she needed a blood transfusion. I had about 2 1/2 hours sleep that night because pain and hadn't gone to bed until 6 AM and didn't have nearly enou...
Night Supervisor by juanthropy
I was a newly hired staff nurse in one of the biggest hospitals in Quezon City when this happened to me. It was my first night duty on the 5th floor of the hospital and it was on Halloween. As me and my other co workers go about the routines during the night shift, we were joking around and maki...
A Sad Dream by TG1991
As I sit here at work staring at the screen, I can't help but feel a little absurd writing this. Anyway here is a little background on myself: Hello, my name is Tanner. I am a disciple and a believer and follower of Jesus Christ and of God. I have had a fascination with the paranormal since I was a ...
Long Term Haunting Type Events- Would Like Your Insight by Emma_girl
I've been wanting to talk about my experience for a long time and this seems like the right place to do it. I will have to limit some of the details quite severely as the site says it won't publish accounts that have certain aspects to them as they attract the wrong kind of people and create discord...
Red-eyed Dog by Venator_ignotarum
It was somewhere around a decade ago, though I can't recall the exact year anymore. If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere between 2004-2006, but I couldn't say for certain anymore. It was cold, I remember, though whether it was fall or winter escapes me. I was home alone, in the basement of my pa...
The Tree by juanthropy
When I was a child there is a tree in our community which I and my friends frequented. This tree (Aratilis) is located inside an abandoned house. Every day we would sneak into the property and climbed the tree. I had a nanny then who told us not to go there because the tree is home to unseen creatur...
Ghosts In My House 2! by wolfpack13
To know my experiences and a layout of the house please read my first story. These are my sister's experiences. When my sister was still going to school she stayed in the first bedroom on the right and she used to wake up to a lady calling her name like, "Susan! Susan!" She woke up to no one the...
The Black Glob by Jessicqqqq
Hey guys! This is going to be my second story on here. I'm going to give you a little background. I live in Vegas (I don't know if location has anything to do with this). So I moved back into my parents' place a month ago. Ever since then, I've been hanging out with one of my friends who's very pron...
He Leaned Thru My Dad! by victorygirl
This story happened 40 something years ago. I was 9 years old at the time. My parents and I had just moved to Berkeley, California from Lancaster, California because my older 11 year old sister had just passed from cancer. My father found us a small house which had just been built. In back of it, on...
My Paranormal Life (story 2) by yomomma
After seeing the little boy (Little Blue Eyed Boy) I told you about in my previous story, nothing of great importance happened in our home for years. We would have an item come up missing to later find it where it should have been in the first place. Such as my kitchen colander, serving forks and sp...
Kids Say The Darndest Things by SugaRoss
I'm a firm believer that children and animals can see or sense more than your average adult. Dogs growling at nothing, cats staring at something in empty space, etc. One of my memorable creepy moments was with a child. My sister's house had something in it, there was no doubt about that. Often, ...
The Bloody Footprints by naksh3121
This is Nakshatra from India. It is for the first time I am sharing these experiences in public. So all of you are most welcome for sharing your opinions. These incidents actually started 4 years back but gained prominence since the last month. I had been hearing voices many a times calling out m...
Unusual Wake Up Call by ljnvllflr
This story happened a few years back on our old house. We were renting this two-storey house located in Cavite. No one lived in this house for a couple of years because the owner migrated to the province. There was a huge mango tree that stood in front of the house that was cut down when the own...
Mountain Man by ceciline
So about a month ago I took a road trip with my boyfriend. We stopped by a really cool looking mountain along the side of the really empty road. He decided to climb it and see what was on the other side, but I was too scared I'd fall so I stayed by the car. As he climbed it, I heard a really fai...
It Smiled At Me by Crimsonhope
I am 27 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I lived in a semi-detached house with my father, mother, little sister and baby brother. We moved to that house 17 years ago, and everything was going great. I was as happy as I could have been, finally in a house with a backyard to play in, grass tic...
Something Mimicked My Mother In The Woods by intotheairwaves
After browsing this website and reading dozens of stories, I finally decided to post one of my own. I've actually had several paranormal encounters over the years, but this one has always struck me as particularly bizarre and frightening. This incident occurred sometime in the fall of 2006. I gre...
Sounds And Footsteps by chimer147
About a year ago my husband and I purchased a house in a small town. The owner before had passed away in the bedroom of the home at an elderly age about a year prior to us purchasing. At the time, my husband and I did not know that the old man had passed away inside of the house. Anyways, there ...
Angels In The Night by Leen3808
First I would request you get your coffee as this will be long. Also forgive my grammar mistakes as English is not my first language. My story goes way back when I was 8yrs. I grew up with my grandparents in large Christian family. We were so crowded with my cousins, uncles and a few homeless peo...
Paranormal Activity Child 2 Years Old by maricoetzee37
My grandson is 2 years and 3 months. It all started after a suicide in the family, first things would randomly just fall over or off the table. First the TV would switch itself on, the decoder for satellite TV would be off, but TV would be on and satellite TV channel would be on children's channel, ...
Do Your Ears Hang Low (story 3) by yomomma
After my dog attacked my daughter, we had him put down. I could not simply let another family take him knowing what he was capable of. Perhaps that's what triggered a series of more pronounced paranormal events. Several of my family members started seeing black shadowy figures. My youngest daugh...
Faceless Suitor by Mazzmarach
This is a first time post, and it concerns my girlfriend. I'm an easily-spooked person, and I dread the day I have to face any malevolent entities. To start, my girlfriend's family is full of people who can see entities; and, consequently, these entities like to seek them out. However, there are mem...
Castle Leslie Haunting by Sean7Doherty
Just got home from a 2 night stay at Castle Leslie in Co Monaghan. I was aware that there was reported hauntings prior to going but did not want to read any stories before I went, and my wife was totally unaware of any stories relating to the castle. We stayed in Normans Room and a serious of eve...
Rest Your Head by JRGurganus1998
Now, this story may not be the "scariest" or "most heart-racing" story you've ever heard, but it is a true one. However, before I begin, allow me to introduce myself. My name's John, I'm 17 years old. I'm the oldest of 5 kids, which means you hear voices and weird noises all the time, all of the...
Possible Encounter? by Harleybutton
I'm new to this website so bear with me. So I don't suffer with sleep paralysis, I don't know if that would change anything at all? Last night I was in bed lights off etc and I was half awake but I could feel that I wasn't alone. So while I was laying there I could feel a big weight on my chest ...
Did I See My Dead Friend? by rorzy
Am really overwhelmed by the response which I got from my previous post. The incident which happened 2 days back made me to post this story. If you have read my previous post you knew that I live in an apartment. Three years back we have moved to different apartment where we have spacious rooms....
Feeling Creepy In Central Florida by shampton0716
Throughout my life I have been fascinated with ghost stories, but I have never actually experienced one myself. I live in Central Florida. Four years ago, I moved in with my then boyfriend, now husband, about an hour away in a small rural town. He has lived in the home for 16 years. Before I mov...
Are There Ghosts? Is It Me? Childhood House Experiences by Tallyia-fx
Please note, I am not an expert on the paranormal and have no idea whether my experiences are connected/explainable, etc. I hardly know where to begin with my experiences. I'll start by saying that just before I was born, my parents added an extension to the house so there were enough rooms for t...
Granny by Jazzisepic
When I was about 4 years old I lived in a big house with my Mum, my little sister (who we will call Ellie), my 2 big brothers (who we will call David and James) and my Dad. Soon as we moved in, my mum could feel something wasn't right, but we moved in and loved the house. After a week of living t...
Feelings At A Funeral by notadaddysgirl
I went to a funeral the other day and I was surprised by some of the feelings that I had. The funeral was for my partner's uncle and although I knew him, we were not close so I was going as support for my partner. While we were sitting there I started to get shivers and a headache. At first I did...
The Night I Saw Lady In White by psyketz
This incident changed my mind. At that time (one and a half year ago) me, along with my little brother and parents, lived in a 4 story building just near the road. It would take two minutes to get to the road. Our building was connected to road via a narrow road only meant for two wheeler. Also the ...
New Home, New Encounters by Unorthodox
When I was 8 years old my mom and dad decided to move to a new neighborhood. Growing up in a strict Christian family meant I had many restrictions. I couldn't watch Harry Potter, go trick-or-treating, or listen to certain genres of music. After we got all of our things moved into the house, my m...
Stalker Clad In Black by DirtCreature
So there have been some recent events. Now I consider myself to be sensitive to the paranormal when it comes to hearing and feeling and even smelling sometimes. But not seeing so much. I believe that something is stalking me in a romantic way (and to be honest, I do feel a little embarrassed to admi...
Doppelganger Part 1 by Venom_Snake
I'm a long time lurker in this website and I found this entertaining since I'm a big fan of real stories and experiences with ghosts and any supernatural beings with the paranormal. I decided to share one of my many experiences. I graduated from one of the oldest universities located at the Unive...
Divine Intervention by spiritwaiting
I'm honestly not sure if this will make the cut, because it happens to be a dream turned into reality. So here goes. As of lately I have been driving my husband to work, because of his high blood pressure. The medicine he is taking tends to cause him to zone out a bit. And stay groggy for a few h...
Fort George by Kindly_refrain
I have submitted 3 stories to YGS. My story of the Olde Angel Inn spurred a reader to ask more about Fort George, which I mention in that story. So here it is. My previous stories have been personal accounts; this tale however, consists of two events recounted by family members. Fort George was b...
Doppelganger: Part 2 by Venom_Snake
This is another experience that I had with doppelgangers. Back in 2012 when I was working for an American life insurance company located in Muntinlupa City, Philippines, My co-workers and I, we're just a month or two in the company so we're newbies, experienced this strange phenomena while takin...
My Ghost Experiences In My House by ShadowCat1988
The first time happened to me when I was about ten. I was with my sister and our friend from next door, they were the same age as me. I remember we were all playing a board game in our basement when my dad - the only grown up in the house - told us he was going to leave but wouldn't be gone long. We...
The Angry Lady That Oppressed Me by littlelight
Good day YGS! Long time reader, I found this site when my experience below happened and have been reading ever since. Recently, I felt I was finally able to write it down and share it. My experience may seem not so hectic, when compared to others. However, it left me shaken for quite some time. ...
Indisputably There (obviously) by mike5ive
The wife and I had said our good nights and I was facing one way (towards a wall the other side of which is our backyard). She was facing the other way (we were back to back) in front of her a short distance was the door to enter our room. Right through the wall came a gentleman about 5 foot 11 i...
The Bingham Light Continued by Dee-J
Not too far from my hometown is a small community out in the bush (or "boondocks" as many of you may say) called, 'Bingham'. For almost 200 years it has been known that Bingham has had a paranormal phenomena popularly known as the, 'Bingham Light'. No one as of yet can explain what it really is but ...
Christmas Eve Cowboy by yomomma
I'm taking a short break from writing about the occurrences in my home. This story took place in my sister's home many years ago. There is a reason I feel the need to write about it now. I received a phone call from my sister last night. She was finally returning my calls. I had been trying to get h...
Hair Tinkled By An Orb by roylynx
It happened during a summer during the time when I was Primary Five. I used to live in an apartment with my family near Liberdade. I joined a local swimming team and had a long practice. I went home late that day since the coach asked me for a part time job to clean the swimming pool. I came home...
Mom Hears Voices by loneybone
When my mom was a young girl she used to be very close to her grandmother who used to live in Mexico. As my mother grew older she was even closer to her grandmother. One day her grandmother started to get very ill and somehow my mother expected the worse. Well she recalled being in her home in M...
The Blue Lady And Other Events by 2nd1st
It's time for me to tell you all about my experiences. First I'll tell you a little about me. I am what I call an open-minded sceptic by nature and that is how I approach all accounts of potentially paranormal events, including my own. As I do not believe that it is possible to confirm with cert...
The Tree Fort And My Invisble Cousin by Kindly_refrain
I need to preface my story with an explanation, hopefully, to fend off suggestions of "copycat" or plagiarism. My childhood story so closely resembles a recent posting, called "The Tree" that some may doubt that mine is an original story. I assure you that it is. Others may not think of it is as ...
Sensation Of Being Watched by Lucas_mclerie
This is a story about a real experience that has happened to my friend and I. Overview: This started some years ago but my friend and I will get the occasional sense that we are being watched by something not from this world. Detailed story: Some years ago, my friend came to my house for a sle...
What Stopped Me? by Heart-of-Fire-Soul-of-Ice
In my first story (Under Edinburgh), I gave a brief description of the illness from which I suffer. For you to analyse this story fully, I feel that I need to give you a deeper understanding of my health problems, so please bear with me. At 13 I started suffering from depression after my parents...
Union Missouri by Bubblebuttbetty
It is my first time writing here, but after reading some of your stories I decided to share mine. I was stationed in Missouri and had become friends with, let's just call her J. J was very into paranormal investigating and her enthusiasm was overwhelming that it attracted me to it as well. She t...
Cliche, A Bump In The Night by TG1991
Years ago my I had a friend named Josh. Josh and I had a ton of things in common such as video games, card games, running around outside and making up stories due to having overactive imaginations. We hung out most weekends and had always had a blast. His mother and father had unfortunately split ye...
A Visit From My Great-grandma by Melthetimelord
It was early in first grade that I had my experience. I went to a Catholic private school and was taken to church monthly by my teacher. The church was located across the street from my school and was an easy one minute walk from it. We walked across the small side street into the church, we fil...
Something Has Been Following Me by michaeldomigues26
I want to start off with introducing myself. My name is Michael and I am 26 years old. I was born in Los Angeles, California and am currently still living in Los Angeles, California. I want to share my story with everyone. This is the first time I have ever done this. I want to take you back to ...
Big Sandy Haunted Home 2 by CheyNTaz
My daughter recently told me something about what happened to her in her room. She said she was on her computer when she said she had a feeling of being watched. So she turned and looked into the corner of her room and saw a swirling black hole. She said it felt like hell was in that hole and there ...
I Believe It May Be Curious, But Is It Harmful by spiritwaiting
I'm still not sure where to begin with this, because this is more of a continuing of the last couple of experiences I have posted here. The experiences are more frequent, and although I am not scared of what is in my home, my body says otherwise. As of lately I have been experiencing migraines, e...
Grandparents House Sleepover by Enide98
A few years ago, when I was 15, my parents were out of town and I had to sleep at my grandparents' house. Before bed my grandmother told me to put the potted plant she had in front of the door to the room I was sleeping in. When I asked her why she told me that it was used to hold the door open. So ...
The Necklace Under The Floor by luke77
I would like to thank everyone for helping me with my past paranormal problems. This will involve both past and recent event. I've moved out of my folks' house and got married a few months back. My wife, her little sister and I are living in my grandfather's house. He died 5 years ago. My wife's...
Galloping Ghost by flowersgrowback
Growing up in a haunted home, there were several things that would happen on the regular that I just got used to. Someone sitting on the edge of my bed. Heavy, loud footsteps in the kitchen (like work boots). A little girl's giggle. But there's one instance that never matched anything else that ever...
The Girl With The Black Eyes by bearded_dragons
Earlier this week, my little brother (age five) was in his room talking to someone, so I went to see who he was talking to. There was no one there when I looked so I asked him who he was talking to, and he said the little girl with the black eyes. I was instantly freaked out. Nothing happened fo...
The "friend" by nonamejane
I moved into my house in May of 2004. At the time my sister, her husband, my niece and nephew lived with us. For about the first month everything was fine aside from a weird smell in the house. My niece (we'll call her Sam) had just turned 3 and started talking about an imaginary friend named Fr...
Typical Yet Strange by Wilting
This is going to start of pretty typical, the typical girl in the white dress. I was about fourteen years old when I saw her. I was on the couch in my lounge room and was watching the television. I had heard some footsteps on the floorboards but thought nothing of it, I had honestly thought it was o...
The Legacy Haunting by Ghostchaser76
My story I'm about to tell you is 100% true. It all started when I was working for a personal care home as a CNA. When I first started everyone was telling me that we had a ghost and it liked to follow you around the building and sometimes it would touch you, but what happened to me was on anoth...
What Came Towards Us? by offroad
So this is my first story that I post here. I have been reading stories here for about 2 years now, and decided that it's time to tell mine. So this happened to me and my friend J when we were younger, maybe 10 years ago. We lived close to each other in a smallish neighbourhood and we used to spe...
How It All Began by GhastlyGloria
Being born into a heavily military based family, I was quickly stationed with my father and mother in a small, two bedroom apartment right outside of infamous Freihung, Germany. Growing up, my father was very busy, so me and my mother traveled around the cities, looking at castles and reveling in th...
The Strange Entity by FallenAnqel13
It took me quite a while to figure out how to start this story, and thoroughly explain my point of view on what happened to me. Even to this day it baffles me and keeps me thinking at night time. Therefore, first I believe I shall tell my tale then give you all my honest thoughts. I shall start ...
Negative Energies In A New Home (neighbors Say It's Cursed) by batgrl1025
I'm new here, but have been reading for a long time. A "lurker" if you will. I have had paranormal experiences for as long as I can remember! My grandmother was straight from Russia, and also had "extra senses". I do believe I inherited whatever "gifts" I have from both her and my father (her son). ...
The Mineral Wells Hotel by ulvenNixie
My boyfriend recently broke up with me. I was having an extremely hard time with it. I loved him and I was willing to give him everything I had to offer as a person. He said he loved me too, and he lied. When it came down to it, he didn't care about me at all. He said he felt nothing. It was devasta...
Sisters In Europe by LunaEclipse
I am a 25 year old Australian who travelled around Europe last year with my younger sister (20 years old) who for this story I will just call K. K and I had been travelling for 3 months by ourselves and with friends for some parts. K and I are both interested in the supernatural so on our adventu...
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