After seeing the little boy (Little Blue Eyed Boy) I told you about in my previous story, nothing of great importance happened in our home for years. We would have an item come up missing to later find it where it should have been in the first place. Such as my kitchen colander, serving forks and spoons all of which were bright silver colored.
I often told myself I had just overlooked those things, they were there the whole time. But in the back of my mind I knew. Sometimes denial truly is the best defense.
I need you the reader, to understand this was the first home my husband and I bought together. We wanted it to be a safe haven (so to speak) for our children to grow up in. I didn't want to spoil that by telling them about the little boy or missing items. So I remained quiet and denied, denied, denied...
We bought the house in 1996, at that time it was almost 30 years old. I grew up around here so for the most part I either knew whomever lived in the house or knew of them. I can't remember anything such as a murder, fire or any other tragedy happening here. So, yes, basically I know the history of my home.
I believe the next occurrence happened in the late summer or early fall of 2008. My sister had given my daughter a puppy several years before. We were told he would be a small dog weighing no more than three pounds when fully grown. He ended up weighing around 50 lbs.
Over the next three years he more or less became my dog. I took care of him. He guarded me. I was the only person in the house that could move his food bowl while he was eating and he didn't snap at me. Over time he became more and more vicious. If we had visitors we had to kennel him. There were times he would just walk around and growl at nothing for hours. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of taking him to have him put down. But sometimes our hearts are stupid causing us to make the wrong decisions. Decisions we live to regret.
One night my youngest son, oldest daughter and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. My daughter was actually lying on the sofa. "Dog" came into the room and started his pacing and growling. She called him over and lifted her hand to pet him trying to calm him down. He growled and snapped at her face. He tore her lip so badly she had to have 14 stitches.
My husband (her father) and her husband took her to the ER. While I waited for their return I sat down at my computer. I wasn't having a very easy time dealing with what had happened. I had kept this dog that I knew was dangerous and he had hurt my child. The guilt consumed me.
As I sat there worrying about my daughter, I broke down. I kept thinking what a horrible person I was to put an animal before the safety of my family. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, it began to softly rub my back. It only lasted for a minute at most. I thought it was my husband, but then realized there was no way they could be back so soon. I turned around to see who it was... No one was there.
The dog was put down the next day. After that day there was so much paranormal activity in our house we considered having a team come in to investigate.