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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 163
The Singing Girl by popcornrox
When I was in third grade, I was invited to a sleep-over at my (then) best friend's house. Spending the night there was normal to me. I spent the night almost every weekend, so going there wasn't a big deal. Looking back though, I have to admit that that house was kind of creepy. It was small, but I...
My Clear Shadow Being Sighting by _Mustapha
I have seen shadow people many times, mostly while waking up from sleep paralysis with the feeling of someone is in the room. I don't want to make up stories or memories but many times I felt that this thing that was in the room was not human and evil. It usually looked so dark, without any defi...
The Old Lighthouse by Manafon1
The following account took place in the late summer of 1982. This is a long story but I felt background information on the history of the location helps create a clearer picture. I wrote down details of these events the day after they occurred which has helped, over the years, to keep the incidents ...
Protecting My Grandfather by PunkysMama
This is the first time I can ever recall having a paranormal experience. I was 12 years old and my mother sent me to live with my grandmother in Guayama, Puerto Rico while she tied up some loose ends in Florida, to later make the move herself. I was sent from Florida in the 6th grade 2002-2003 Sc...
Don't Make Eye Contact by PunkysMama
My then boyfriend, now husband, and I were on one of the many car rides from central Florida to Jacksonville, Florida we used to make at the beginning of our relationship when it was long distance (2 ½ hours is long when only one of you has a car and the other is in school etc.). Anyway, we got...
Those Eyes Of White by Truthfinder25
I have encountered several unusual experiences in my life. All of which have forced me to believe in something that would otherwise seem to be nothing more than campfire stories. Some of the situations I've been in have been horrifying, yet others have me curiously hoping that there is a lot more to...
Grey Sock by RedWolf
You've all read about all the antics my father in-law has pulled at my house. This is a prank he pulled on my mother in-law at her house. By the way he's been making comments I'm trying to type disappear today. I have her permission to write this story. My mother in-law was doing her laundry one ...
Do Spirits Visit Us In Our Dreams? by ItalianChick0188
My family and I were very close with my grandpa. Like them, I was really close with him, as well. I spent 21 years of going to his house every Saturday and Sunday and spending all birthdays and holidays with him, as well. He became quite ill when I was 21 (now 28) and actively was dying over a 2...
My Stepdad by Carmen_Niklaus
So my stepdad was in the hospital for heart problems and had surgery, but ended up catching two bacteria from the hospital and had to stay. He died of a GI bleed. Heh, not the way we thought he would die. Anyway, so earlier in the evening on the day he died, I had the extreme feeling of death. L...
My Backyard by brighteyez
Since my last story posting, I haven't seen or heard anything in my house since I tried the cleansing and visualization techniques which seemed to help. I am now terrified to go outside in my yard when its dark out, at least by myself. I have a pretty decent sized yard, 1/3 of an acre, it's like...
The Ghost Boy by zolamontana
I grew up in a farm house that was built in 1863. We moved to this house when I was very young. The first few years I really didn't notice anything. When I was about 13 I had a very odd thing happen. It was during the summer and like all teenagers I liked to sleep in. It was around 8:00am and I ...
The Ghosts Of The Graveyard - Three In One Experiences by CrimsonFlame
Decided after hanging around for a while, to post my own story. First off let me say - supernatural experiences are not by any means uncommon in my family. Some of us welcome it, some of us ignore it, some of us think such sensitivity little more than a curse. I'll mention a few standouts quickl...
Hawaii Ghost by MikeO
While in Hawaii on vacation, we were staying at Westin Vacation Villas, north tower room, Room 7632. We were staying in a room with our friend, who was staying in the other room in a sofa bed. In the middle of the night I got thirsty, so I went searching for a bottle of water. I thought I had a ...
Somebody Haunting Me? by naksh3121
Hope you all have read my last story 'The Bloody Footprints' and liked it. After the apparitions of those footprints and many more such abnormal experiences, our family decided to shift to another house. Luckily, my dad had got a transfer in a same moment to another city, so we shifted there. I thou...
A Dog Of A Guardian Angel? by Mac_Barbie93
I've been in India since the past few days. In Mumbai, or Bombay to be precise, visiting my grandmother who lives here. There's something about this city that intrigues me. They call it the city that never sleeps, and I have to certainly agree. A friend and me have been going for walks in the ev...
Arlington Court Lady In The Blue Dress by Somerseter
I was at Arlington Court which is a beautiful old house and estate in the county of Devon, England, which belongs to the National Trust with very large grounds covering hundred of acres of gardens and woods with several lakes and a carriage museum. I was out on a walk with my wife and three youn...
Tarot Mystery (side A) by Tweed
Divided this into two sides, as it deals with the same time frame. I began writing this around Christmas time. Between now and then there were some nasty developments. This account starts to feel less fluent around the halfway mark, due to heavy emotions at the time. In retrospect the tarot, a di...
Nature Spirits (side B) by Tweed
Carrying on from Tarot Mystery, this is about the ghosties around Mum's former rental home. To recap, there was a lot of complicated negative energy coming from the physical world all connected to her rental home being sold. When I arrived at her place in December, the energy was thick and heavy ...
Odd Rustling Sound by Zephyrin
This just happened to me last weekend. I was at my aunt's house watching her two dogs for her while she and her husband went out of town. They have a little short-legged yellowish dog named Hazel, and a fat old spaniel named Henry. I was sleeping in my aunt's room when around midnight I heard Ha...
We Never Crossed That Fence by buthaya
Originally I wanted to post this story as a comment and realized this is way better story than a part of a comment. This is about a small wooded area in my home town. I don't know the name of the place but when I was in my school years I, as well as many of my friends, had to go near those woods...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Else Maybe? by Mazzmarach
The title speaks for itself. My first story was about my girlfriend and her white spirit stalker. This one is about me and my bouts with what I believe to be sleep paralysis, and I'd like to have a second opinion. This all began one sunny weekend afternoon. I was feeling sleepy, so I took a nap i...
Whispers In The Night (story 4) by yomomma
I don't have an exact date for this next account. I do know it happened late 2008 or early 2009. When I sat down at my computer tonight (April 20, 2016) I had not planned to write this. I am not sure I ever planned to write it. This account lasted or recurred for several weeks. Shortly after the ...
The Lady In The Cemetery by MarvinScott
I have been a mortician for over 30 years and have seen and heard all sorts of things in funeral homes and cemeteries of a supernatural nature. One such event occurred when I was managing a funeral home in North Alabama in the late 1990's. In that part of the state there are many country, as wel...
Strange Activity In My Family Home by rescueblonde
I've been reading stories on this website on and off for years. I've now decided to join and share my story in hopes that maybe someone else has had the same experiences or can help shed some light on what's happening. I'll provide some background information first. I'm currently 17 years old. I...
Disappearing Mediumship by EvelynHeart47
Currently, I am 17 years old and have experienced paranormal 'things' on several occasions. I'll list a couple of the things I've gone through. Once, I was at my grandmother's house (which I'm convinced is haunted for multiple reasons other than this one), and I was about 10 or 11 years old when...
Aimless Drive by ulvenNixie
My friends and I made a plan to go out to Possum Kingdom Lake State Park recently. It's a state park that is two hours away. It was a fun drive out but the place wasn't all that great. In fact, it was fairly boring and buggy. Instead of trying to make it work there, we decided to go driving. We visi...
Care Home's Ex Residents Come To Visit by Linzell
This story happened in 1995 when I was a 15 year old girl working nights as a care assistant in a local nursing home. The nursing home was a large old stone Edwardian house with three main floors and a small fourth, housing two bedrooms in the attic (always a horrible feeling in those rooms). Set am...
The Man At My Bedroom Door by Lockett
This is my first story for this website so I'm a bit nervous posting it but I really wanted to speak of my experiences to others. I live in Northern Ireland and I am twenty years old and a lot of weird things that have happened to me occurred while I was still a teenager. Weird things started ha...
Being Watched? 2 by Kricket
So in my first post I explained how I always felt watched or could feel something on my bed or touching my hair. I have gone and gotten a second and a third opinion from several doctors. Only one of them felt I had an anxiety problem. The reason I am posting this second post is because of an exp...
Nola Experiences by elusiveproof
My experiences were tame compared to many on this site but I'm comfortable sharing them with people who also have an interest in the paranormal. I'm not sensitive to the paranormal and I'm always the first to debunk my own experiences. My interest stems from a desire for definitive proof of an after...
On My Way To Home At Night by buthaya
I don't like to see sprites, it confuse me sometimes because I am unable to identify real people and dead ones. I was a vegetarian before and I meditated a lot before. I stopped them just to stop seeing them. I protected my house from them and all I did seems to work for a while. I don't have an...
Friendly Visit by IndianaLadyGrey
When I was younger, elementary school age, I lost a friend in a car accident that I witnessed. It was very hard on me and to this days has caused unresolved emotional issues. Now for the paranormal part of this story. Right after his funeral, that I was unable to attend, I started feeling his presen...
Oma's Denial Of A House Guest by Kindly_refrain
This account involves me, my children, my sister and my mother. It took place in my mother's home in a small town near London, Ontario, Canada. I grew up in that house since I was 9 years old and while it is not the main story, I did have one odd, repeated occurrence, that happened to me. Of...
A Night I Will Never Forget! by Plthrill25
When I was 16 years old my father passed away and this caused me to waiver in my faith; I was born and raised Catholic. I wasn't really a practicing Catholic but I had my beliefs. Well, at that time I questioned why would he take my father away from me, so I was mad. I was 17 years old, just got...
Our Starnge Apartment Part I by Hemie
I'll be starting off with my most recent experiences first. I was sitting on the living room floor browsing Netflix. As I was siting there trying to figure out what to watch, I heard a click of the a door handle being turned. I looked up in time to see my bathroom door open by itself. I was the ...
The House In Olin by Barbados99
My family and I came to live to North Carolina in February 2004, used to live in a big old house in Elkin. However due to personal reasons we wanted to move closer to Statesville, so we started looking for homes in the area and we got to Olin loop, about 20 minutes away from Statesville. There w...
He Commit Suicide by Pinky16
I would like to share one of the many horror stories that I had experience. It happened when we moved to this huge house here in Manila last year 2015. I am not the kind of person who is easily frighten unless something scary happened to me. I experienced lots of horror stories that I will also ...
Just Another Ghost Story by Temilicious
I've had a few incidents happen to me since my last posts, mostly two years ago (can't believe it's been two years already), feels like all this happened less than a year ago). In 2014 I was staying in Westdene-Melville near the Westdene dam, my favourite place in Johannesburg- very artsy-fartsy ...
Who Or What Is He? by Temilicious
I'd like to hear your guys thoughts on this one because I'm clueless and no one I have told about this seems to have an idea on who or what this could be. 2012 my ex and I were visiting my sister and her fiancé who stayed in Fourways Johannesburg. It was probably around 5am because the sun hadn'...
White Lady Playing Hide And Seek by Codename_Raptor
This story was from I was still living in the Philippines when I was young. I lived in the province, in a house that is located a few minutes away from the main road. The house is made out of old wood and is styled as a Spanish period house. It was a two story house, with the lower section added on ...
The Blonde Girl by Junebug01
I'm Riley. This is the only time I think I've experienced anything paranormal. I can't remember a lot of the details because this didn't happen recently. Anyway, one day I was at my friend's house. Her bedroom is in a hallway with a bathroom and her sister's room, so if you walk by you can't see...
The Window Shadow by warpedbandicoot99
This experience I have kept to myself since 2012 but here I go as I have found this website to let this out. It all began when me and my mother were driving home from some kid's party one night and when we pulled up to the driveway I had noticed shadow-like figures in the kitchen window. We had l...
Bedtime Terror by OktaviaObinger
This happened when I was around 16 or 17 years old, at nightime. I was sleeping and I was dreaming. It was a silly dream about Ciceron, the roman guy who was a great lawyer at Rome. I had read a novel about him and that's why I was dreaming that. But the important thing is not the dream. I sudde...
Is This A Shapeshifter Attack? by TheJames
Since 2012 I have been experiencing these tingling like ticking upon my head face shoulders and legs. I've always thought it was some explainable thing happening. It is hard to describe it feels like hair sometimes or a web or like flutter from an insect. I also see like tracers and the mist or shad...
Doppelgangers Oh My (story 5) by yomomma
I can't say I've ever seen a Doppelganger. However some of my family members have. 2010 - at this time the family members residing in our home were: Our oldest daughter and her husband, our youngest son, and our youngest daughter. My husband saw the first one sometime in 2010. He came home fro...
An In-between Introduction by PhilaVeeg
I live in south Jersey and have been reading stories on here for the past couple weeks. I finally decided to post one of my own, though I only have two, after seeing a couple similar ones and just because it's fun to share the most awesome thing that's ever happened to me. My husband and I let ou...
Ghosts Seem To Follow Me by Kriak
I have seen strange things all my life, starting when I was very young, maybe 6 or so. Since then I've mostly gotten used to it; however, sometimes it still creeps me out. The following are experiences that I have had with the unknown both in my home and at various places I have worked at. I begin w...
Black & White Entities by OceaniaB
First of all I would like to apologize for my writings. I'm from Malaysia and my English isn't good. I hope it is understandable. Well the story goes like this. This happened to me after I gave birth to my son. It happened when I was still in the hospital and during labor I had complications and...
Green Room by Tweed
In the early 80's, we lived across the road from some lovely people with whom my parents were great friends. My parents lived in this house from the 70's to 80's. I loved hanging around the adjacent neighbours and being in their home but there was one room I could not stand to be in, their lounge...
Pathway To 21 by Tweed
The year was 2007. The month of October. The location a suburban house in Australia. Awash with a sea of dark, horned, cloaked figures with blackened eyes and grimaced faces. The ground rumbled with low frequencies of demonic growls. The dark figures erupted in a reactive wave adorned with inverted ...
Black Swan Of The Lake by Tweed
Ringwood Lake is a popular park in the Melbourne suburb of (surprise surprise) Ringwood. If you ever spent time there in the 80's or 90's chances are you encountered the black swan. No one knew where it came from, my parents suspect someone dumped it there. But I doubt that. This swan was the only s...
Darkerthan The Darkest! by holychants7
I have had a lot of weird experiences all my life. Some I have thought about and some I have just ignored. Some had really frightened me and some made me think deeper and differently about life and death. One such incidence happened with me last year. It was a winter night in a small town in Indi...
Dead Man Walking by Lesila0914
This is the first time I've ever submitted one of my experiences online. I'm not a writer, so please bear with me if there are any grammatical errors or if it seems like I'm rambling (just trying to describe almost everything as it happened leading up to the point of the story etc). Nor am I a confi...
Fly High by MysticFrance
My hometown is rumored for witches, or in Filipino terms "aswang". Though my mother and brother said they have experiences of hearing and seeing "tiyanak", a newborn baby witch, I wasn't afraid and have second thoughts if they're really true. Because in my opinion, the very reason why my hometown is...
The Approaching Footsteps by mm
I'd never had a firsthand experience of the supernatural until then. To be honest, you won't probably find it scary at all since it lacks originality of imagination and chills of the movies. It is simply a hand-me-down kind of horror experience of many others that I got to experience at one point of...
Apparitions From My Younger Years by Graycat5
I live in Johnson County, KS. I am here to share my ghost stories from my younger years. This particular story takes place from Pre-school - 4th Grade. My older brother would always complain about this shadow man that he would see in the room across the hall (which is now his room). He said that...
Three Knocks On The Door by Sany21
This happened only about a week or so ago. My friend Chris just very recently passed away. I won't disclose on how since it was a shock to his friends and family. My boyfriend also happened to be his best friend and Chris was living in a spare room at my boyfriend's home... So you can imagine the de...
Prissy by Squeak_the_bat
I have only had one paranormal experience in my life, when I was in my early twenties and living with my aunt in California. This had to have been somewhere between twelve and fifteen years ago, I don't remember exactly. My aunt's cat Prissy (short for Priscilla), who had been a beloved pet and ...
The Lady With Me by jaxxantos
I have had several experiences with spirits since I was small, but this one basically still gives me the chills every time I tell it to my friends. Back in 2010, I was working at UP Technohub along Commonwealth Ave. I started training there in August, our training usually ends around 1a, so we w...
Exorcism Experience by DarkRose666
Before I begin, I would like to say that this story may seem to be embellished or all-together fictional. However, this is something that truly happened to me and I am reporting it in the most factual manner possible. If you have questions, feel free to ask them. This event took place about 2 ye...
Fontana - Southridge by Allforone702
My mom bought a house on the corner of Woodcrest Drive. My brother, my sister, my brother-in-law and I have all had unexplained happenings unfold in that house. The one experience that is most prominent in my mind actually occurred to my brother. His name is "D". "D" specifically recalls seeing ...
A Sleepover And The Window by Intrigued22213
I have several stories, and I've never been just terrified of any of my personal occurrences EXCEPT for this one. *Explanation of the house set-up for later: you walk in the front door into the living room, you go left and there is her bedroom, a bathroom, and her brother's bedroom. You go right...
Kitchen Shadow Man by yomomma
I believe this next occurrence happened in 2011. It was night-time and I was home alone. Being home alone was something I had come to dread. Especially after dark. I wasn't the only one who felt this way. Both of my daughters refused to stay in the house alone. That night my husband was at work. ...
The One With The Smile by Leen3808
This goes way back in 2004 when my family was involved in a charity organization. We used to receive presents from the missionaries and my Aunt (lived with us), who was ill that time, got a a scholarship for one of her daughters who was still in primary at the moment but was to be sponsored until co...
Tree Giant by MysticFrance
The story occurred in year 2012, during on of my community outreach activities with my students called "immersion". The students have to stay for three days and two nights in one community/village with the host families assigned by the teacher and field coordinators. Host families were chosen by the...
Baby Girl Is Sensitive by PunkysMama
This is a very minor event that occurred last week, but I need to give the (slightly long) backstory so that you can understand my reaction to the event that occurred with my almost 1 ½ year old daughter. I purchased my very first home on October 16th of 2015. I fell in love with my house the fi...
Guardian Angel? Possibly by Angelspawn20
First, as far back as I can remember I've always been fascinated with the paranormal. When I was around 8 I believe (been awhile), I started seeing a blue lady out of my bedroom window. She always seemed to be walking towards our house. I thought maybe I was imagining things at the time. One nig...
A Visit From Something Evil by Mark101
Growing up, I lived in a house I'm sure was haunted by at least one benevolent ghost. I know such things aren't the norm, and I can't explain them, but I do know hauntings are quite real. It was not uncommon for things to vanish one day only to turn up in an obvious location a few days later. On...
Shadow People Update! by littlemiss
Hey guys, if you haven't read my first story Shadow people or Ghosts (, please go and read that so you know what I'm going to be talking about in this story. Thank you. This is an update on my first story and about that apartment. As yo...
My Hawaiian Grandmother And My Supernatural Life by kamalei86
My Grandmother, or tutu as we say in Hawaii, was the center of our entire family. Around 50 close relatives, and 250 extended relatives to be exact. She has always been the center of my life and there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think of her, even 17 years after her death. She was o...
No Face? - Update - Please Help by WhiteOleander
A few years ago I posted my story, about seeing the people with 'No Faces'. Things had stayed the same for all these years, and I'd gotten used to seeing them, even if it unnerved me more than a little. But now, things have changed. Not so long ago, I was taken into hospital after having a four h...
There's Something In The Hallway by mmonday01
There was a time when I shared a bedroom with my younger brother. It was 1976. I was about 7 years. Being the older one, I slept on the top bunk of our bunk bed. Our bedroom was on the main floor of our two-story house. Our parents lived upstairs. We lived in a town called Mill Valley, a small c...
Brigid by ulvenNixie
I have mentioned Brigid in at least one other experience on here. I promised I would talk about her so here's everything I have about her. I am little worried because one of my experiences with her was through astral projection and I know that there's another site for that. I did see her with my own...
His Test by ulvenNixie
It is really hard for me to remember the exact time this experience took place. I believe it was during my junior year of high school because I was dating my cousin's friend who would end up being my fiancé a short time later. It was a terrible relationship for a lot of reasons that I don't need to...
Trip To Bear Head Lake by ulvenNixie
The summer between junior year and senior year of high school, I got to take my best friend with me on a family vacation. I was really excited about it because she got to meet some of our family friends on the way up as we passed through my old home state, Iowa. I also got to take her to one of my f...
Confusing Childhood- And A Scary Night At Home by Lovely3
This is my first time writing on here. I am Elizabeth, or Liz for short, and I am 17 years old. I grow up with my grandparents in Cheshire England because when I was about 7 years old my parents got in a car accident. They died about an hour and a half after being hit, and the driver who hit them go...
Paris' Père Lachaise: Ghostly Encounter Jim Morrisons Grave by emmiloux
In August, 2015, my sister and I took a trip to Europe with a college tour group. We stopped in three cities: London, Paris, and Barcelona. While on this trip we tried our best to go on paranormal tours while we had free time. In London we did the Jack the Ripper tour, and Paris we visited the g...
A Dead Duke In The Lyndhurst Park Hotel by MDaviesEndrol
Back in the 1970's I was living in Southampton, England, and working as builder. It was a good time for me; I was earning enough money, had a good set of mates, and no family relying on me. I was young and free and enjoying life. My experience with the supernatural goes back to that time. I was o...
Reality Or Nightmare by sushantkar
Our company had expanded its operational areas so I got chance to visit new places which brings different experiences. Bitter and sweet both. In the expansion process, I along with my colleague Samar (name changed) were sent to Siwan, a district in the state of Bihar (a province in east India) t...
Is It Following Me? by Grizzman44
So when I was about thirteen years old, my friend and I had this immense fascination with the paranormal. He had a few spots on his parents vast property in Mineral Point that were eerie themselves before we ever even stumbled upon the thought that there may be spirits there. One night we were w...
Mommy by lilpeachyghost
Just for some background info, I'm only 22, I have no children and I have no younger siblings that live with me. It used to be just me and my mum who lived together while I save up some money to find my own place and move out. My fiance has also just moved in with us but at the time this story took ...
Our Family Friends by MrsFishbait
Since I could remember, weird things have always happened to my family and me. We lived in a house out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but woods. My mom told me the family moved out because the husband died in a car wreck down the road. I come to find out later my mom lied to me beca...
Ghost In My Previous House by cthdunn
We moved into a double wide mobile home. We saw a pile of trash at the back of the property and went to see what it was and we found some books on devil worshipping. To get to our closet we have to go in the bathroom to get to the closet. A few days after we moved in, I picked up my boyfriend's ...
Eldridge Terrors: Are Demons And Ufo's Related? by theprodiffenon
I have been aware of otherworldly influences in my life as far back as I can remember. One particularly unnerving experience that stands out from among the rest involves myself as a latch-key kid. Moments after arriving home from grade school each afternoon I would make a wild dash to the upstairs k...
Ticking Sound by sheld999
this story I'm going to tell you all is kind of short but I'll try to make it fit into the limit of words allowed. From around when I was 7 years of age, every time I went to bed for the night and lay there before sleep I will always here this faint sound coming from the corner of the ceiling. Th...
Unseen Amusement by scottishrose
This story is still one of the ones that baffles me. I've been unable to explain it and this isn't the only time this has happened. One morning, about a year ago (2015m I don't remember the exact date), I woke late as I am prone to do around 10:30am. Naturally, after going about my morning routin...
Odd Voices by MarvinScott
In my early days working in the funeral industry we were not allowed to go home on our call nights at the funeral home, but then again this was before cell phones and pagers. We had to be there to make death calls and embalm cases as soon as they were brought into the funeral home's care. As you...
Are You Still Awake? by WintersAzazel
So, after I posted my first story, I told my brother a little more about this site and its purpose. After hearing about the generally positive and encouraging comments on my other story, he requested I tell one of his many experiences. He's hoping that the members here can shine some light on an exp...
Tremble by icantwait48
I didn't really believe in ghosts until I saw the show "Ghost Adventures". It's weird because I've never seen a single spirit and I'm a "see-it-to-believe-it" kind of gal. In fact, growing up, I went to church every week, but still never found my faith in God. But ghosts, I believe in, even if it's ...
What Just Happened? by OmiJulesAvi14
This experience happened when I just turned 18 years old. It was really late at night and I was just walking back home from my friend who lives up the hill from me. Tell me what you think. I was walking back home with my friend Tanya and her brother (names changed for privacy). It wasn't that far...
Hiccups by Sanchez_92
When I was about 9 years of age my mom would take care of two little girls of around the age of 4 and the other about the age of 8. My mom was not working at the time that's why she was babysitting these little girls and many other kids. One day when I got back from school, the 4 year old always...
The Coachman by Ted_C
This account takes place in mid-1980's when I worked in an office on the attic floor of a converted Georgian terraced property in Northgate Street, Bury St, Edmunds, a town where tales of ghosts apparitions and underground tunnels connecting the Abbey with the town were prevalent, so it was no surpr...
Party In The Morgue by BooDuh1175
In the 90's I worked as a security guard and one of the businesses that contracted us was the local hospital. On top of the usual drunks, addicts, etc, we were also responsible for checking the "guest list" in the morgue. Every two hours we were to go through the drawers and the "meat locker" and ch...
A Full House by Lindalou
I have contacted a couple of these places and they are a joke. I hope your site will have answers for me. I live in a house in Fresno, Calif. My house was built in 1953, I have lived in this house for 5 years. It all started a few months after I moved in. At night my bed sometimes feels like...
Our Protective Ancestors by rorzy
Last week my younger sister went for a trip along with her friends to the place called Chikmangalur, Karnataka. And they stayed in the place called the THE EAGLES EYE RESORT. She showed me the pics before going there and the place is heaven. It is located on top of the mountain and actually it is a ...
Stray Dog Or Werewolf? by GuineaPig
Yesterday, at about 9:00 at night, I got up to go feed the crows. It was stuffy inside and I had been watching movies since 5:00 (my parents were out at a neighbour's wedding anniversary party) and I feed crows regularly as I find it relaxing. I don't have any siblings and so no one was with me to s...
Static Voice by Amp21190
It's been a few years since I have posted anything. I am currently living in a one bedroom with my two sons and husband. A few things have happened, but the one I would like to discuss is about this voice my husband and I heard a few times. When we first moved into our apartment, I was still pre...
The Being In My Closets by Maryr
When I was 9, my parents divorced, and my mom bought a house across town. I don't remember much about the house at that age (it was almost 11 years ago), and I spent most of my time outside. When I turned 12 or 13, I don't remember specifically, I started feeling very strange in my bedroom. It wa...
Past Unexplained Experiences by Madkeymusic
So, just a little background on myself. I am 24 and really hadn't dealt any with paranormal or unexplainable events until rather recently. In the last few years here are some of the more confusing and terrifying instances I've dealt with. I am hopeful that others can relate or perhaps provide some i...
Province House Hauntings by SansTheSkeleton
My name is Luke. I live in a big house with my girlfriend Madison at Los Angeles. I often believed in the paranormal activity because of this one big story when me and Madison visited her grandma's house at Tacloban, Philippines. When me and my girlfriend entered her Grandma's house, it was reall...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
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