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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 173
A Little Privacy, Please? by DestinyGirl
One of my former offices was in one of those more environmentally friendly buildings, where the toilets flushed automatically, the sinks only came on when you put your hands in front of the sensor, etc. At first I thought what was happening to me in that building was due to mechanical malfunction, b...
The Mischievous One by Oreo1222
I moved into the apartment I currently live in the fall of 2013. The place has a very unorthodox setup. It is in the basement of a house converted into a business. The livingroom takes up the entire right side of the apartment and is quite large. Two of the bedrooms are on the left side of the apart...
Seeing Shadows by PaulR1985
I was just wondering if someone could help me. Since I was in my early teens I've had this problem where I feel like I'm being watched and it's still going on. I'm now 32 and I have dreams that I'm in a cafe next to a beach in Los Angeles. I have since googled the cafe and it's not a cafe anymore i...
The Knocks by Shar
During one hot Saturday morning, my mom decided that she wanted to go to our hot springs resort so she brought my older sister, a maid and I with her. While there, my sister and I had a huge argument. I was so angry that I left and took a shower in my brother's room. My brother's room has two doors....
I'm Sure I Never Locked The Door by kentucky_believer
This story will be short, but it freaked me out quite a bit. I'll start off by saying I'm off work for the Summer (I am a classroom assistant) and recently had surgery, so I've been spending quite a bit of time in my bed. The way my room is laid out, I can see everything from my bed; the closet door...
Scratching Symbols At My Door, Possibly Demonic? by MetallicGirl
This happened to my family about a year ago but I can remember it very clearly. It was the first of several paranormal things that after a time just went away but this one, the first, is the one that I remember the clearest. Anyway, my brother and I were in our room when we heard scratching on o...
Paranormal Or Hallucination? by bytheriver
For starters, I feel that it's important that I give a small synopsis on me and my past life before recounting this experience. I am 20 years young and a recovering addict - and have now been clean for over 15 months. I started using young and used a wide variety of substances but preferred indulgin...
A Puff Of Air by thegreenmachine
This happened when I was 15 or 16 when I was living in an old boarding house with my mother. We rented a room on the second floor. The first floor was one big square room where the kitchen, living room and dining were at. The boarding house was old and creaky. There were dark corners in the house th...
Tiny Flat, Big Presence by KatsWhiskers
I live in a small flat in Cape Town, not an old flat, I believe it used to be a garage. I have been experiencing strange occurrences my whole life, but now that I have moved out of my parent's house it seems to have increased. It could be because I am able to just be myself, I have always been sensi...
Guardian Angel Saved Us? by Angelkiss
Not posted on here for a while but have had a strange experience and would like some thoughts on it As I have mentioned before my youngest son has autism and attends a school that specialises in a wide range of differing abilites. I had attended his progress meeting and as it finished close to t...
A House On Hails Lane by almaburwell
First allow me to introduce myself. My Name is Alma. I am a mother of two sons John and Zack. At the time of this haunted happening, I was married to Paul. My story begins with a run of rather bad luck. My family and I were living in our cabin home, thinking that life was grand. That is until a...
The Breathing Spirit by Bastet
Just wanted to share my story with the Breather Spirit. First, I heard this when I was around 16, in the apartment I lived with my parents (in Latvia, Riga). I woke up around 4AM and heard the sound of breathing from the far corner. It sounded tranquil and rhythmical, like somebody is asleep. It rea...
Dead Man With A Warning! by nalchen
This happened when I was 18, in 2004. All these years, I have had multiple unexplained happenings around my life and I for some reason feel that the spirit world is true. I have seen spirits, some unexplained possessions and some heart warming send off before death. But nevertheless, the fear of com...
Unseen Entity In My Room by Soul_Edge
Over the years, myself and those around me have experienced certain things that we could not quite explain (not through rational means at any rate). As my first submission here, I will describe my most vivid experience, which also served as somewhat of a turning point in my life. Well, in connection...
A Bullet And A Hand Print by pokemon_trainer
At the start of 2017, I was experiencing odd things I couldn't explain. I would see what I was sure was a silhouetted figure in the corner of my eye, and turn to look but it would be gone. This happened several times a day whenever I was alone, no matter where I was, and it continues to happen nowad...
Doors Opening And Closing by pokemon_trainer
Two weeks ago I was at my Great Auntie's house, and she was telling me about the risky things she used to do. She told me that she used to use a Ouija board regularly in the house before her husband died. She, her husband and my grandma would all participate and they would get some frightening respo...
Black Figure With Glowing White Eyes by LaurenPotter1111
This happened in the summer of 2013. I was in bed sleeping when I woke up from a panic attack. I never woke up with a panic attack before, at least not suddenly. As I was trying to calm myself down, I felt like I was being watched. But I pushed that off as being panicky. I then went back to slee...
Dark Figure In My House by phanhrut
Greetings Friend! I have been reading YGS from quite some time and decided to share my experience with you. I am from Andhra Pradesh and settled in Bangalore, Karnataka. Please do pardon me if it is not exiting for you. Let's get in to the story. I have recently moved in to the current apa...
Haunted Jail Cells by JLopez1031
I work in jail that was built in the 1700 era. I have been employed here for a little under a year now and I have experienced multiple things on my shift. I grew up believing in ghost, it was just a thing in my family, even today I am amazed with the after life but I don't go looking for it. On...
South London Hospital For Women & Children by tinonline
I have posted this account a number of years ago but I can't find it and I'd like to share it with you. The occurrence was about 30 years ago when, as a student, I worked as a security guard in London. Although I've had quite a few strange experiences this was by far the most interesting. It w...
Rebecca's Apartment Guest by GSDLady
I have another true story to share with you that began last summer when a young woman named Rebecca moved into an apartment which is located next door to my house in Pointe-Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. One morning shortly after moving into her new place, Rebecca came over to my house and she was vi...
Someone Was Knocking At My Door by my_universe_sparkles
It was a summer's eve around six pm, my two kids and I were sitting in the family room watching television. My mom was also home having a nap in her room. I hear about three or four knocks on the door, so I get off the couch to answer. On each side of the door are windows, mind you. I ask who's ther...
The Daughter Of A Drunk by Laucd
When I was 9 years old, I lived in West Virginia with my Mom and two sisters. My grandmother lived right next door along with my 2 cousins. She had taken them in when they were a few years old. It was only about a year since we moved from the city to West Virginia, that my mother decided she didn't ...
Permanent Residents by lucygarcia
My husband inherited the house we live in, his great-grandfather built it himself and is over one hundred years old. There have been lots of deaths in this house, from suicides to murders and natural causes. One in particular was my husbands older brother who died at the age of 3. Visitors have re...
My Childhood by Kaitiebug123
First story: Throughout my life, ever since I was a young child around the age of two, I've always seen spirits. I never quite knew what the meaning behind some of them were. I remember when I was around the age of four, and I was asleep in my room. But then something/someone woke me up. It wa...
A Warning. Demonic Entity by Goggzy
As some on this site may remember I'm a paranormal investigator with years of experience this didn't help me when I needed it most. Since October I have been dealing with something dangerous and only now do I have the strength to talk about it. Back in September I did a investigation. The afterma...
Ghost In The Wind by aartis
I was about 11-12 years old. I used to live in Balaghat (a small town in MP state of India) with my mom dad and two elder siblings. My dad got transferred to another town (Rewa) as part of his job. So one of our family friends invited us for lunch before we depart. On the day we all reached their...
One Day Alone by Oceana
I was home alone one day in my English home. I was watching TV when I heard a Thump from upstairs. I just thought something had fallen off something and didn't do anything about it. Then my dog started barking randomly from the upstairs. He does this all the time anyway, purely for attention. I went...
The Necklace by kayraa
So this is just a quick background on the house I grew up in. I moved into this house when I was four just tuning five. I had one experience when I was younger which I have written about. Years went by with nothing happening. Or at least nothing major. I had this necklace my father bought me as a...
Outline Of A Person In My Door Way by MK2019
I moved to Brisbane about 6 months ago, into a fairly modern looking townhouse. At first nothing out of the ordinary happend. And then the doors started slamming upstairs and downstairs, sometimes all at the same time. I'd check all the windows and doors for a breeze but there was none. Sometim...
3rd Floor Corner Room Ghost by JustCallMeJake
First off I would like to greet every reader here! Good DAY! I'm new in sharing stories online but I've been motivated lately by reading every post here in YGS! So thanks guys! Anyway here's my story! It happened about 2 years ago when I was working in one of the BPO company here in Cebu (call ce...
Moved Into Our First Apartment Together by Marilynanguiano
I don't know how to start, I found this page all because of my recent scare, I Googled a lot to set my mind at ease. When I realized I wasn't the only one experiencing things, I decided to post my story to try to at least figure out why these things are happening and what to do. A little about me is...
Cuts On My Skin by BoredKarma
You can call me Hazel as it is my nickname. I live in São Paulo, Brazil. I am 23 years old, finishing undergraduate studies. Three weeks ago, I bought the book "Exorcist" by Thomas B. Allen. He studied the case of the exorcised boy that inspired the old film "Exorcist". The book is amazing, f...
Lifted Back Up by Yee
Alright,This experience happened when me and my brother were sleeping alone. I used to have a lot of sleep paralysis episodes but now it happens rarely, anyway I had sleep paralysis one night and when I opened my eyes to look I found that my blanket is literally floating which frightened me, So I...
Spooky Holiday Experience by Oceana
Last year, I stayed in a house rented to me by a family. It was a nice house, although I can't remember the address. The first day was fine, but the night was kind of creepy. I settled down to sleep, when I heard the front door open and two men shouting. 1:Why is she here? I don't want her here ...
The Nurse by purplegodess85
This story takes place, in NC on January 15th 2010, (the day after the birth of my youngest son) and to this day I am not really sure what I saw/experienced, Let me start with saying this... The hospital where I gave birth at is considered to be haunted, and have had many reports of strange occu...
Unexpected Seen by mhyzthie_vHee
I've been a silent reader here for a while and now I want to share my story as well. During my childhood days we've been a caretaker of this huge house in Imus, Cavite for almost 5 years. The owner is a relative who wedded a British and so they live in U.A.E and just visits during summer. The h...
1800's Child Ghost by Mitzij88
This experience happened in 2015 when I was living in a unit on Logan St Beenleigh QLD with my best friend. Many other things happened in this unit to me as well however I will just write about the relevant one. It was daytime and I was home alone standing in the kitchen washing dishes. I felt l...
Boredom Turned To Horror by DarkSerpent
This is just a short experience I had at about seventeen. A group of four friends and I were sitting at my house bored out of our minds. My buddy Joey (not his real name) was literally banging his head against a wall out of boredom. Tommy (not his real name) was reading a book he brought, his sister...
Strange Creature Spotted by scarypizza
This is a real incident experienced by me and my younger sister. We stay with our parents on the topmost floor of our building. I and my sister were home and along with us, were her friends, on one evening. It was raining heavily that time. When the clock struck 8.30 pm, the lights went off. An...
Amelia by spookie1
This started happening a week ago (Today is Monday 26th of June 2017) and I still think about it constantly. That girl still lingers in my mind, and I just can't forget her. Before I begin I would just like to give an early warning, this might sound like a short story from a book, and I know ther...
Wartime Experience In A Haunted House by Thureos
Greetings. As English is not my native language, I would like to beg your forgiveness for my dull writing. I'm willing to discuss it later in the comments, so feel free to ask. This experience happened not with me but with my grandfather, back in 1944 or 1945. At these days, he were serving Germa...
The Gold Ring by xOrbit
My husband and I moved into our first house back in October of 2011. It was a week or so before Christmas. The winter air was cool and crisp and we decided to go out to dinner with my brother in law, his wife and my sister in law. I had worked that morning and knew we would have company, so I thorou...
The Midnight Hitchhiker by Zaruje
This experience of mine happened when I was still living with my parents in Bicol. I was 15 years old at that time and my cousins from Manila had their summer vacation at our house. It was a hot night and we, me and my four cousins, couldn't really sleep well. We decided to go out and buy some...
Mothers Final Visit? by buzz073042
I recently lost my Mom, who passed away last October 15, 2016. We were very close in life, so I was not totally shocked or surprised by her visit after her physical death. In April, 2017, while watching television, a sudden bright, amber flash, similar at first to a huge strike of a match, appeare...
Unreal Death - Possession Or Self Inflicted? by nalchen
So. I wanted to save this story for later. The reason being, I was contemplating whether I should write it or not. Not that I did not want answers for my questions, but out of mere respect for my deceased friend. Nevertheless, since I have mentioned this story in one of my comments in my previous st...
The Hunchback Woman by Nifferz
I wanted to share my experience with you guys. I am not sure what it means or anything but if you do make it to the end of this story you can decide for yourself and let me know what you think. One night when I was 13, I couldn't sleep so I tried to turn the other way, on my side, to try to get mys...
The Thing Scaring My Sister by Johnnyaffiplaas
I am the oldest of 3 children, we grew up on a farm in North West, South Africa. It's a lovely farm, lots of things to do, trees to climb, places to hide and wide open fields to run in. Back then, when my dad bought the farm, I was 6, my sister was 4, and baby brother was about a year old. Th...
Kids Stuff 2 - Window Curtain by czamantha
It's been a while since my last post though I've been reading stories and comments almost every single day. I found the need to post this as it has something to do with my last post (Kids Stuff). As mentioned at my last post, I and my youngest daughter have our own room and this room is pretty sm...
Ouija Board - First Contact by pokemon_trainer
BACKGROUND: My first time using a Ouija board was Friday 16th June 2017 in my bedroom with my sister. We made sure the room was dimly lit. We wanted to "test" the board by only asking a few questions before saying goodbye, just so we could ease ourselves into a proper session afterwards. Below is...
The Terrifying Experience I Can't Remember by zaqxswcde
Even to this day, I still find this experience to be the strangest thing I've ever experienced. I don't remember how old I was, but I was pretty young. I don't remember many things from this experience, but my mother described me as always being scared, looking around as if something was there, and ...
Broken Mirror by _imscared_
I'm not really the type to write stories on this page, but what happened to me today... Was weird, and I'm hoping that maybe one of you can help. It happened this morning at approx. 8am, I was sleeping when all of a sudden I hear a loud breaking sound in my room. I woke up shocked and saw that my...
Strange Sleep Paralysis by Melintina
When I was about 11 years old my parents had split up and they moved into two separate houses. At my dad's house I got to pick my own room and I chose the master bedroom because it had a nice view of outside. I found out later on that my bedroom was the only part left of the previous house on the pr...
The Great Samsara by ScottGrant
My story took place in August 1961 when I wore a younger man's clothes. I was home on leave visiting my mother after basic training in Ft. Knox, Ky. During a sweltering, humidity filled summer night in central Michigan. Mom had recently moved into an old Victorian style home and I was trying without...
Shopping Mall Ghost by Doyle09
I own a retail store which leases a space in a shopping mall, I've been there 5 years and I have numerous stories of the ghost which resides there and has been there for some time. I was warned about the ghost which all the tenants have termed "Henry" when I moved in 5 years ago and was working late...
Aunt Melody by twilighttyger
My father's sister, Melody, died when both she and my dad were very young. He was 10, and she was 5. Our hometown is on the coast of North Carolina, and a tropical storm had rolled through the night before. She had crawled into bed with my dad, holding her Raggedy Andy doll. She told my dad that if ...
Major Marsh by twilighttyger
Since I mentioned Major Marsh in my last story about my Aunt Melody's ghost, figured I wouldn't leave you hanging! This story takes place in the late 1980s, in a small town on the coast of North Carolina. I was around 8 or so during most of the activity. My father is a huge Civil War buff, as wel...
The Practical Joker by twilighttyger
As I mentioned before in my stories about my Aunt Melody and Major Marsh, I grew up in a house that my parents built themselves. It was a pretty good house, despite it never being finished. For instance, my bedroom was missing a door until I was 13, and never had a full ceiling - just insulation cov...
The House Of Horror by Itsabbie
This is my first ever story to share with you about my childhood experiences on the supernatural. I grew up in a lively city near Davao. My family isn't well off around the time I was born which was in the 90's. But 3 years later, on the time my younger brother came, my parents decided to live a...
A Visitation In The Night by Tunedin
So this is going back 20 odd years to when I was a small child. I had a tendency to have vivid dreams and sleep walk but this experience stands out to the point that I remember every little detail. My nan died 6 years previous to me being born so I never met her, though my mum had a photograph o...
Girl? What Girl? by mhyzthie_vHee
This one still took place on our previous house in my first story. I mentioned the family who owns the house we are taking care of comes to visit only during summer. So it was that time. Around 6 in the evening the mother of the kids has a Ballroom Dance to attend to that night. The kids were ou...
Supercharged Guest by kixrox
This event is true. I will try to describe what I saw felt and heard on this night the best way I can. Back in May 2009 I was living in a town north of Dallas TX with a longtime friend and his dog in a nice house in a nice well kept neighborhood. At this time we were also babysitting a large Germa...
Encounter With The Black Spirit by HunterJack
This is my second post in YGS, and also one of the scariest experiences I had. I had many experiences about paranormal and spirits and this one is really spooky and give me cold in my veins when remember even now. This is not only my experience, my brother also experienced it. The incident was h...
The Kinder Classroom by Kest
I have had to spend some time thinking about how I wanted to begin the next chapter of ghost experiences in my life. This one occurred to me from out of nowhere and I decided that might mean it was time to share it. Once I was married and moved away from my parent's house, I hadn't really experi...
Strange Happenings In The New Home by Jazolinlea
Our house is around 35 years old, we are the third owners, but only the second to occupy the home. For unknown reasons the second homeowners owned the home for 10 years, kept it well maintained but never stayed on (nor rented) the property. The original owners died in the home of natural causes, but...
The Ghost At The Center by elt
I have a disability I would fly all the way to Pittsburgh to get my Braille skills in order. I live in the US Virgin Islands if you know where that is you know that's a far ways to fly! The center is called Blind & Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh or B.V.R.S for short. While I was ther...
Shadow Man On Nowhere Road by Chznasty
When I was 15 my best friend lived on Nowhere road in Athens Ga. It was 1995 or 1996. I had just bought the white zombie album with more human than human on it new in the store. We took a boombox down to this creek where there was a log we could sit on to listen to it. There was a "path" of sorts...
Always Afraid by alina_nefer
I don't even know how to start, this is my first time I write something on a site, I usually don't speak about what happen to me, just family and close friends know. Everything started when I was very little. My family did not tell me that I had a twin brother, but I always knew, I always felt him...
Tremors And Shakes by jayejay
I will start with some background of my reason to write this, I apologies if you do not find my story well written, but I am having difficulties finding out how to describe my experiences. I grew up in Denmark and as a kid I did not have an interest in the paranormal, except the usual, scary stor...
Reawakening And Lost In Time by FallenAngel98
A few years ago, I wrote two stories published on this site about coming to realization of awakening as a psychic medium, and my experiences and encounters with the paranormal. At the time, I was barely even a teen, which was a very sensitive state for myself, as I was caught in countless tough situ...
Figures & Anxiety by brighteyez
It was February 20, 2017, when my husband and I got a phone call from my mother-in-law letting us know that my husband's grandmother passed away. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer in early 2016, she had had the same cancer 20 years ago but it came back. The worst thing that added on to ...
Encounter With The Black Spirit 2 by HunterJack
Readers, this is my overall experience of my previous post "Encounter With The Black Spirit". I have mentioned on that post that me and my brother saw a black apparition of a girl moving on our street. One year before that incident there was a young girl may be in her 20's lived in a home just after...
Things Have Gone Downhill by Oceana
After my home alone submission, things have gone downhill. My house was rejected so I couldn't sell it, my dog has had to be moved and my I only have 3 fish in my tank after a fin rot epidemic. Sad times. Anyway, on with my experience. I was at school in detention. My teacher had gone to print so...
Hello Goodbye by adina
Back in 2010, I was attending a university where I made several friends. I grew closer to one girl, G (first letter of her name) and naturally, we took a lot of pictures together. The numerous pictures of us saved on her phone was seen by her 5 or 6 year old nephew and he developed a curiosity towar...
The Angry Thing In The Attic by The_Banker
It's been 2 or 3 months ago I guess since I last felt anything strange at home. In my previous stories I described our house and the location of my room. But let me give you guys a brief description. My room is in the end of the hallway. Before you reach the door of my room, there is a staircase goi...
English Channel Wartime Ghost Ship by Jetson
Recently I was commenting upon an wartime ghost encounter submitted on this site and relayed a story to the author which was told to me by my father many many years ago which happened to his brother who served in the Kriegsmarine during World War II. So taken with the story, a few members asked m...
Ghost Girl And The Mysterious Whispers by phantasmicrushpp
Quite a while back, around 5 years ago, I was in my house, my bedroom, I was in my bed faced to the right side of the wall. I turned around to where the entrance of my bedroom is and in the corner of the room was a full body apparition of a young girl, she had black wavy hair, and had a white puffy ...
Conversation With A Ghost by abbykay_luv
This happened a couple of years ago, somewhere 2013. I was in high school then, I was in boarding when I was in high school just because my parents felt I was too 'naughty'. Well, when I was in boarding school, I used to sneak out into town, not my fault, but my parents sent me to a boarding sch...
Moms Will Always Be There by Jtcidk407
I grew up in a small town called Oviedo, FL. It's about 30 minutes via highway from Orlando. The town is rich in history and a lot of orange groves. I have always felt ghosts, demons, etc. I feel and feed off of their emotions. For as long as I can remember I have had two demons with me but they don...
Three As One? Angel Of Death? by ShySgaile
I woke at perhaps 2am one night about 5 years ago, got up to get some water and returned to bed. I was sitting up, but there was a figure in our bedroom doorway. I thought one of our kids was coming in - perhaps not feeling well. But it was not one of our kids. The figure became clearer, and it ...
Ouija Board Gone Wrong by Slewis88
Myself and two friends decided to play an Ouija board. The first time we played with it it claimed to be my great great aunt (whom I never met but was told she supposedly killed 3 out of her 4 husbands) then after I got a bad feeling and stopped playing, it claimed to be my friend's dad. After she...
House Shopping by IwonderY
Many years ago I was shopping for my first home. A family member was with me along with the realtor. I was pleasantly surprised that the realtor found a beautiful house in my price range that had more than I hoped for in size. A few steps into the front door was the staircase to go down into the bas...
Creepy Stuffs by mhyzthie_vHee
Regarding the house that I mentioned in my earlier stories,let's go to mine and my parents stories. I've mentioned from previous comments that I believe at least some of the elements/spirits in the house maybe is guarding us or meant no harm.I'll tell my dad's story to support this. It was a usual...
Asleep Or Awake by d3b8i3
This is my first account and only experience. I stumbled upon this website by chance. My experience the other night has ignited my curiousity into the possible afterlife for which I didn't pay much attention to before and was very much a sceptic (gotta see it to believe it). Here goes nothing... ...
My Mcdonalds Is Haunted by Cman710
Despite seeing ghosts all my life I've actually had a peaceful life since I moved from my house. Until about six months ago. Three months after I started a new job. To put it bluntly, I have never seen a more active poltergeist in my life. I work at a McDonalds in a Walmart in Vegas. It's sup...
Early Morning Encounter by Aman0409
This is the narration of my First Encounter that I had after I came to Mumbai. I have been staying in Mumbai ever-since then, and have had 3 more encounters precisely. They would follow in coming posts. Before starting the story, I would like to provide a small background for this story & the charac...
Walking On Power Line by airboy07
This takes place in Houston, I was 3-4 years old with my mom and her boyfriend at the time (now 20 years married). We were in the back yard BBQing, my mother was sitting in a chair to my left and Greg sitting to the right, I was in the middle with my favorite blanket. Everything was all good, unti...
The Wide-eyed Girl by adina
The bedroom I was staying at in high school was avoided by relatives and helpers that came to stay before I moved in. They claim to get horrible nightmares about a woman in that bedroom. I personally never had any, and all my nights there had been comfortable except one particular night in 2008. ...
Weird Experience In Hotel Room by Lotus29
I've had paranormal experiences since I was a child, having a special gift of precognition and very accurate intuition. When I was younger I found these experiences frightening, but the older I get the more laid back I am about things and just find them interesting. I also have a very healthy scepti...
Newtown Wandering Ghost by Lotus29
I've lived in an old worker's semi-detached cottage in Newtown since 1993. The house is over a 100 years old, and in a historic inner-city suburb. I bought the house because it had such good and positive energy and there have never been any paranormal issues while living here. In late 2003, when...
Ghost At The Work Place? by skyebg
This is a interesting story that my granddad told me recently. I have always been interested in the paranormal ever since I was little so he decided to tell me his story with the paranormal. My granddad has always been a blacksmith and he even had his own company which he ran by himself. Well, on...
The Mummy, The Children And The Scary Man by Caylo28
When I was around 6 or 7 years old we lived in a duplex in the middle of town. My memory is a little hazy on the layout of the house because we didn't live there long due to the amount if activity but I do remember there were 3 floors. The top floor had 2 rooms, one was my parents and the other was ...
What Do Ghosts Need Money For Anyway? by Miracles51031
I've debated for several years about submitting this but decided since there have been several other stories relating to the same thing, I may as well go ahead and submit it. As with most of my shared experiences, I am relying on my Journal entries for accuracy (getting old 👵) Easter 2012: My...
Always Afraid Part Ii by alina_nefer
As I promised I will continue to write more of my stories. As I've said before I have moved to UK nearly 5 years ago and began to work as a care assistant, just nights. There I have experienced the worst things ever. My first night was horrible for me, not because I have felt something but becaus...
What Do Ghosts Need Money For Anyway? Part 2 by Miracles51031
The comments on my previous story about ghosts and money have prompted me to submit these two experiences. Both are taken from my Journal, with minor editing where clarification is needed. Thursday 3/08/12 I just walked next door to a convenience store at lunch time to get some snacks to supplem...
Portal Or Wormhole... Or Haunting? by justmenoname
When my son was younger he always saw a lot of beings. He no longer does we had the pastor came to bless the house, along with a group of 4 others (and my son never knew the pastor came to bless the house, because he came when my son was in school. And we never mentioned it to him). During those few...
The Cloak Entity by Humblekinele
It had to of been around two or three in the morning when this happened. I was asleep but I always wake up through out the night so waking up around this time isn't odd for me. As I was waking up I notice this figure standing by the window. It's whole body was covered by a cloak, and I could tell th...
The Blue Me by mhyzthie_vHee
This happened in the same creepy house we used to live in a decade ago. It happened one night during a blackout, (or in Philippines we call it a brownout). I woke up in the middle of the night with my sister beside me sleeping and I can also hear my parents talking in the living room downstairs. It...
Last Time by mhyzthie_vHee
This will be my last entry for my stories about the creepy house we used to live in. This happened days before we moved out of the house we lived in for almost 5 years. And for me... This is the creepiest encounter my parents had with the entity there. I am about to graduate from elementary in a f...
It's A Fox! by Tweed
As if! This takes place Christmas (2015), the exact date I can't be sure. Somewhere around then, but not the actual 25th. Anywhoo, let's get cracking with the Christmas spirit! Turns out my Dad has become the biggest denier of anything paranormal. This has no doubt rubbed off from my Stepmum, ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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