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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 24
I Saw Grandma by lolita
This happened two years after my grandma died, I was 17, I'm now 27, for about a week I was dreaming of her every night, I couldn't figure out what she wanted, she kept trying to tell me something. My mother was telling me to go to church and light a candle for her because maybe she's not at peace. ...
The Beautiful Women in our Driveway by pinkroses
When I was nine years old in the late 1970's, my twin sister and I were playing in our long driveway at the very end near the back side door and garage. Our house was big and old with two stories. My parents only used the front part of the driveway to park their cars and sectioned it off by putting ...
The Friendly and the Angry Ghosts by mmeibos
I am Merwin Meibos and I live in Holland (heerenveen). From when I was young (5/6/7 years old), I encountered a variety of ghosts. I could always see them, but I lost this ability when I reached puberty. Because of this, I lost my faith in ghosts until these new ghosts appeared in my room. I say gho...
The Light of Our Way Home by twilightmary13
When I was a little girl, my cousins and I used to go to a little forest that we go around to and just mess around. We knew every step of our way to that forest. We never really got lost or got hurt there but one really gray day at about 12:00, we decided to just go out and play at the same spot we ...
Haunted Casino in Manistee by hauntedinmichigan
This past February I had a strange and somewhat terrifying experience in room 202 at the Little River Casino in Manistee, Michigan. In the suite was my brother and his wife, me and my children ages 8 and 9. I awoke around 3:30 in the morning to the sensation of a pressure on my side, kind of pushing...
Ghost Farmer by hobbyholly
I grew up in Lisle, IL. It is a smaller suburb compared to Naperville and other surrounding burbs. In the 30s it was a farming community. My grandparents, like most of the growing community members, had a house built during the 50s. My parents and I moved in with them around 1984, when I was an infa...
The House On W. Elmwood Avenue by Tek
This is a story about a house. There are many stories about this house I have to tell. This is just a few of the occurrences, incidents, sightings that went on in this house within the time I lived in it with my family. If you have read my previous story it also took place in this house. I have trie...
She Wanted Me To Come To Her by Velvet
This is a dream that I had a long time ago when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I am 26 years old now. However the dream starts like this: I was in the living room with my family on a saturday night. I was so happy and since I was the baby of the family, I was standing in front of the couch trying t...
That One Night : I'm Always With You by sweet_lonli
I know that this is not a very scary story, but I think it's very good. It's a true story. I hope that he forgives me for sharing my story with you all. Well, I think he understands. Ever since my beloved grandfather past away, I couldn't get a hold of myself for weeks. He was the one who loved m...
A Weird Vacation Picture by JerseyGirl
As I mentioned in my previous posting, last month a friend and I took a trip to Ireland. Both of us took many pictures in the ten days we were there. About two weeks ago my friend was visiting with me, and we decided to look at the pictures in my camera on the TV. My friend likes to "zoom in" on the...
They're Still Here by asher25
This is a follow up of my other post since some people have asked me if there was any other experience in this house besides the other one I had. Right now I'm feeling really creeped out but I'm still gonna continue on writing. So after that incident a lot of other things have happened. I real...
What Blew In with the Storm by MNPROPHET
My wife and I had just opened our camper that was parked on our driveway in the back, when the tornado sirens went off on May 31st in Minneapolis. We had the cover of this full size camper off and laying on the lawn. We quickly ran in too see the forecast on the local channel. We were expecting torn...
Leprechaun by Georgie252
Hi, my names Georgie and I'm from England, I'm now 19 and have since moved house. This happened to me when I was 14 and lived in another house. The house was quite big and victorian style and was always quite freaky feel about it. I always hated the night because I always felt as if something was in...
How Do You Like My House? by frenchpoet
My parents weren't sure if they wanted to sell their beautiful bungalow for a cement brick ranch on Mulberry Street. This house belonged to my Uncle Al who had recently passed away and the family offered to sell this house to them at a very low cost. I wasn't too pleased at first. I was always afrai...
My Ghost Pets by seesomeghosts
When I was five, I got a great rabbit that we named Elvis. He was a lopp rabbit with tan ears and patches of fur, a mainly white colored, and a minimal amount of black fur. I spent all of my time with him, except school, meals, and sleeping. He would run around my legs in circles, giving out little ...
Hauntings in an Abandoned Town by Kevan
This story is about a rather small abandoned town. This town is called "Old Dora..." Now, I know I have mentioned this town before, but in that story, I only talked about what was going on inside the old methodist church there. This time. I'm going to tell you some of the things that have happened i...
Unexplained Happening in the Workplace by Jedi
In the summer of 2007, I moved from Arizona to Texas to go to school. My work fortunately had an office in Irving, TX that I transferred to, so I was guaranteed a job when I moved there. The office where I worked was part of a large, three-story building located in an area of the city of Irving call...
Whispering Ghost by manuelz
This has happened to my sister, January 5, I think, 2007. Our parents were out. It was winter break for us here in Lake Worth. We recently moved without any history on where this house was built, as the development was new, too. It was about 9 PM and my siblings were playing the sims 2 while I was i...
Ghost of a Past Resident by emt91125
This is my first time posting however I love to ready everyone else's stories. I have lived in the same town on the same block my whole 25 years of life. I lived with my parents for 19 years and then purchased a home directly across the street from my parents so my son would be around his grandparen...
The Little Boy in the Haunted House by LoveforHope0226
I've been living in my house for about... 6 years, I think. And so on my birthday, I over heard my dad talking to my aunt and her fiance, and he said that when I was taking a shower, he asked my mom if she wanted something to drink for dinner, and then he just hears a little boy say, "I want coke, D...
Life of Terror: Journal of the Haunted 2 by bigmen9909
This story is a follow-up of Life of Terror: Journal of the Haunted CHAPTER 6 THE LAST NIGHT? 12/25/07 I went to take a shower when I started to fell a sharp pain down my body, I look in the mirror and I saw scratches forming on my body. So I got my clothes on and call my friend, who is a prie...
More College Street Occurances by faerielike
In my last story, Shadow People and Webby encounter I touched base with things that happened in the past. I did have doubts about the Old Hag in that story, and it has come back recently, but never in my own bed. Now I am able to wake myself and make it stop, it just doesn't have the same hold over ...
Great Grandfathers Ghostly Visit by ZUKISMOM
I was 6 years old when I saw my first ghost or spirit. I was riding my bike around in the basement of the house that we lived in which my father had built in 1961. I am an only child so I was very comfortable roaming around alone and finding things to do. My point here is even at 6 years old I did n...
Weird Happenings at Home 2 by Biemaster
This is the continuation of my previous story. A lot of things have been happening since my last post and I would like to tell them to you. The tap hasn't turned on again (thankfully) but many weird things have been happening which I can't explain. A few months ago, my mom and dad were in the livin...
Spirit Attack by Kira
I'm 17 years old and a special kind of ghost hunter. This story took place in 2001; I was about 7 years old. I had just watched the movie "The 6th Sense" with my 6 year old brother and my mother. I had asked my mom if I can sleep down here in the living room, because the house was cold and we had a ...
Ghost Of Pulau Ubin by anikenlee
This is the first time I am telling my paranormal experiences to the public. I wish that you like my story. My two friends, Ying Jie and Marcus are paranormal investigators, so am I. We always wanted to go to Pulau Ubin to find some ghosts because we went to the internet and we found some ghost enco...
Energy Loss by Rowan_Red
This related back to my other post, Feeling Voices. I've listened to all of your suggestions to try and contact this spirit that is trying so hard to get my attention. I tried a couple of times before, to verbally and mentally make contact. Since I heard these voices in my head, I thought talking ba...
Christmas Child by Mish
I was around ten years old when this occurred. Now thirteen, I've always thought that seeing a ghost must be incredibly scary. However, when I encountered meeting a ghost at the end of my bed on Christmas night 2007, now looking back, I don't get the shivers at all! It was late on Christmas nigh...
The Condo by lavont
I live in San Francisco, CA in an old section of town in a relatively new condo built in 1989. My husband brought home a charm at Christmas time, 1995 that a friend who was experimenting with dark arts made and he set it on a glass entry table. By February, 1996, the energy activated by the char...
A Dream Of The Devil by username50
One night when I was sleeping, I had a dream of a devil. It had white horns, a mark on his forehead, and a mark on his chest. Its body was all black and it was smiling at me like he wanted to kill me. When I woke up, I was sweating and I was scared to death. This happened May 2, 2008 after me and my...
Asking To See Others by bette31
lthough this is not a scary story, I need some help. I have always heard that if someone has passed that before you go to sleep at night you can ask God to let you dream of them. There is a reason for me asking help from the contributors of this sight as I have read a lot of posts that some of you ...
Thornewood Castle by ReganV
Built in 1908 by Chester A. Thorne, this 27, 000 square foot manor is of the Gothic Tudor style and is the only one of its kind on the west coast. Chester Thorne, one of the founders of the Port of Tacoma, and the first president of National Bank of Tacoma (later National Bank of Washington), built ...
Spider Web Cottage by Mataba
George finally found a place to live; a rented place of his own, and a place with the one luxury he'd not seen for the previous twelve months, his own bathroom! Spider Web cottage was tiny, so small in fact, there was a danger of falling down the circular staircase should the sleeping occupant ventu...
Whispers In The Dark by SovietRazor
About two weeks ago, my sister and I were watching television. The lights went out due to a thunder storm that had been going for about a half hour. Par for the course, I dug out some candles and my copy of Risk. About 15 minutes through the game, my sister started acting weird, cocking her head and...
The Lady Beside My Bed by colten
About five or six years back I woke up to a terrible nightmare where I was running from a lady that was calling my name as I ran I fell into a pit to hell. Right when I fell into the flames of hell I awoke in fear, still hearing my name. I checked around my house but find nothing strange, as I walke...
Night Fright by henry16
When I was really young, I was sitting up in bed when I heard bumping and knocking in the walls. I was coming from upstairs to downstairs. My room was below the kitchen. I got frightened as little kids do and I lay down in bed with the covers pulled over my head. Nothing really strange happened for ...
The Wierd Black Shadow by Biemaster
This is a story told to me by one of my teachers. We will call him Mr.Shahin. This story took place in Bangladesh, his home country, when he was about 8 years old. He is now 26 years old. This is definitely a true story because while saying this it still gives him shivers! Shahin was 8 years ...
My Time In France by Leela
I would like to apologize for my English - I'm not a native speaker. All the lines below are true as I saw that two months ago. I'm a university student and in January I left my home for France , in order to improve my French. I chose a small town in the middle of the country . I stayed with a si...
Spider Web Cottage 2 by Mataba
Things settled after the blob experience and I soon forgot the incident, daily requirements to earn a living taking precedent. The bath spiders still came, and with my assistance, went. Down at the Livingstone pub however, old Alfred remained a persistent and often annoying reminder. Each time I ven...
Unforgettable Experience by senseye
I was only 15 years old when we moved to this old fashion house in the province, everyone was very hospitable and happy. I was wondering about how they can live so simple when everything could be more exciting. I became interested in their lifestyle and started talking and asking about anything that...
What's On TV? by templer_knight
At about the age of 10, I moved from one haunted house to another haunted house. This story takes place in the second one. A little background on the house first: The house was once a hotel at which people would travel to by rail, then stay at before a horse and cart would take them out to the Waito...
The Thing In The Closet by frenchpoet
I honestly don't think that my house is haunted. I don't hear unexplained noises or see apparitions or feel the slightest bit uncomfortable anywhere in the house- even our newly finished basement. Apparently Lily does. After Suzy died suddenly in the backyard (while I was at school, of all places...
Dream Of Terror by ghostluver_aly
My best friend had a dream, in which I was in. The way she told it terrified me, because she said it was so vivid it might have been real. I might also admit that I was at her house when this happened, in case that makes a difference to the readers. She told me that late at night she 'dreamed' th...
Shadow Man in the Bushes by CHR158R332Y
A couple years ago during early July, I was spending time with my best friend. We lived in a suburban neighborhood that was built over forestland. Some of the woods were kept in backyards for private land. My friend and I were going in to the woods because we had grown bored. We walked over to the b...
Strange Happenings in Thailand by vanelle22
This is my first story share of my experiences and definitely not my last, I can start off first that my mother is from Thailand and my father is from Harlem, NYC. So my mom always told me her beliefs in the spirit world. My dad on the other hand always told me, that spirits can't hurt you physicall...
The Drummer At The Dam by ladypictureshow
Kerrvill, Tx June 2005 I have always been fascinated by ghost stories and tales of the paranormal. I've always had an open mind about that kind of thing. Especially if I feel I am in a place that could potentially have some paranormal activity. When I had the experience I'm about to share with y...
Demonic And Angelic Appearence by Kira
This Story took place Saturday, 6 June, 2008. I was laying on a car in front of my house and passed out because I was sleepy so I went to sleep on a car. As I fell asleep I felt some one slide something down my left arm, but I just thought it was the wind and slept. 10 minutes later I woke up and sa...
The Little Baby Girl by twilightmary13
This happened when I was 10 years old, when I had just moved into our new home. The house was pretty big and when I entered that house, I felt cold and I shivered. I made my way up to my new room to stay in and I finally found my bed. That night I took a shower. As I was behind the covers of the...
Demonic Group Attacks by Kira
This event happened when I was about 11. I was sleeping in my upstairs bedroom. At the time I had a bunk bed and a fear of heights. I was terrified every night thinking I would fall. This particular event still confuses me but that night I felt as if some one was watching me. I ignored the feeling b...
Into The Unknown by Ramzey
I am a 25 year old girl who absolutely loves to do paranormal investigations. I have my own group. I call us G.A.P.S. This stands for Ghostly Appalachian Paranormal Society. I started this group February of 2007. Since then, we have experienced many different things from a dancing ghost to cold touc...
Spirit Boy by keekee404
December 16, 2007 was the day that my best friend's little brother died. He was 7 years old and died in a fire. Everybody was crushed, and after many months of pain we have all learned to live without him. I will call my best friend Sidney and our other best friend Carol, also calling Sidney's broth...
The Haunted Condo by LoveforHope0226
I hope this story makes sense to the people who will read this. I'm 12 right now; I've been living in the condo for about 6 years now. When we first moved into the condo, I woke up to a guy on the foot of my bed waking me up. I thought he was my Great Grandpa. Then I forget if there was anything els...
Attacks In The Night by Onu
It seems that throughout my life, I have been subject to incidents that cannot be explained... My parents have always described it as an 'overactive' imagination; however I think it's something more. At the moment, I am 14 years old, and I would like to share with you that which I have experienced. ...
Goodnight Grandpa by Becky
I was about 15 when my grandfather passed away. It was a real loss when he went as he hadn't been ill or at least not that we knew of. He was an incredible man with class, integrity and a real knack for making people feel appreciated. My grandma had passed just a year prior of cancer and the two of ...
My Happiness Was Shattered When I Found Out My House Was Haunted by ghostgal2008
When I was little I thought of my house was the best until I realized that there were things that were un-explainable going on. I've always been interested in ghosts and paranormal activity but, I never thought that it would happen to me! The first thing that happened was when I was 10 years old. ...
At The Museum by wanderer
At the beginning of May I was offered what is to me, a dream summer job. I'm working in my town's museum, giving tours, working with the artifacts, that sort of thing. Absolutely perfect for a history lover like me. The museum is three small buildings. The first building is very small, just one room...
A Life Long Journey Of Weird Experiences by iamnoone
I really don't know where to start. This is going to be a long one. I guess I can start by saying that my parents have lived in their home for 39 years now. Growing up wasn't peachy in this household. I was the baby of the family. I came 8 years after my parents had their 3rd child. There are four o...
The House 2 by FreeSpirit
Thanks to everyone who requested more about the boogie man and about things that happened in "The House" I have very limited time to write, but I plan to post my experiences in small segments. As I mentioned before, I had my first experience when I was five, (at least that I remember). I personally ...
Possible Incubus Encounter by Chi1000springs
Ever since I was a little girl, I've felt like I was being watched. It got to the point where I refused to get changed in my bedroom. Every night, I would go to the bathroom to change into my pajamas and the same thing in the mornings. At this time, I was thinking it was along the lines of someone p...
It Was Not Sleep Paralysis by ariessa25
This story takes place 8 years ago when I was 17 years old and going through my rebellious teenage years. My best friend Lola and I worked at a Deli shop were she was the manager so we spent a lot of time together. I was hanged with the wrong crowd and doing things that I shouldn't have been doing (...
My G-maw Aka Granny by Quita12
My granny passed away in January 08. I guess you can say we were pretty close, because she stayed with us. At first, she was staying with her son. She a triple by pass surgery. We couldn't afford to take care of her at the time so my uncle took her in. Eventually, he put her out. We never knew why, ...
Our First Place Together by faerielike
As soon as I graduated from high school, my sweetie Jeff and I were hell bent to move out on our own ASAP. So we decided to move out that summer with a mutual friend of ours, we'll call him Rob. It was the summer of 1999, and the house Rob and Jeff found was an adorable two bedroom with a large kit...
Odd Spirit In Bed by Procrastina
I have read stories about people being pinned down in beds. Mine is very different, and touchy-feely, violating at times, though. I will skip my early ghost experiences and on to the recent ones. I am not sure if it's even a ghost, but I can feel real, solid hands on me, so I will assume it is. T...
Leaving Old Castle by LeanneScott999
Over the past few weeks I have moved out of Old Castle into my own place with my partner and daughter. About a week before I moved out I was in the kitchen (an original part of the house) with my brother Christopher. We were watching something on the T.V. On top of the T.V was my mobile phone. Sudde...
Whispering Women by frogginator
My first story happened when I was around 10 or 11 years old. My family was moving into a new house in Lac La Hache, British Columbia, Canada. The first day we were there, while we were still bringing all our things in, I was taking a break in the living room, which was still empty and devoid of fur...
Townhouse Apartment by senseye
I used to live for 6 years in a compound, a townhouse type apartment with one big fence/gate, big water tank and parking area that the tenants share. I know everybody because it only has 8 doors (A to H) . We use to celebrate holidays at the parking area bringing out the food and music to party ever...
Strange Sexual Experience With Spirit Being by PiscesGirl
I had an experience with a strange spirit December 28th, 2005. I will never forget it. I used to get up early because my husband had to be to work by 6am. So we would get up at 4am and I would make his breakfast, lunch and send him off. At the time I was having a really hard time with our religio...
Thoughtforms And Spirits Who Act For Others by Oglegen
I mentioned in my other story Sinister Presence During my Childhood that I had a bad time at the age of 18 and for a few years after that. I was depressed, lonely and prone to self harm due to many different factors including a longterm relationship which had just broken up and difficulties with my ...
The Sinister Presence by Ahsimpson
I have never been one to take much notice of the supernatural. I do believe in God and I know I'm somewhat protected from spirits by being saved by Christ. Still, there are times when there are other dangers than those involving your soul. I've lived in my house for many years and for the most part ...
Scared... Teen by Splyex
I am a fourteen year old teen and I live with my father and his girl friend. My dad and I have been moving around a lot and rented cheap old houses and my dad finally saved up enough money to live in a decent home. Throughout my moving I have seen pretty weird things and I didn't want my dad to ...
Who Came Home With You? by IBelieve
I have several stories to share and I will start with the first I remember being told about. This took place when I was about five years old. I'm not sure if it would be considered supernatural or not. My mother had gone to our neighbor's house,who lived about one hundred yards up the lane from ...
Something In The Back Room by katiev6661
This happened when I was about 5 or 6. It happened in the back room of our old house. We used to use that room for storage, and it was partly my dads little gym. We used to move around a lot when I was younger, and this was the first house I lived in, and grew up in. There were very many weird thing...
The Ghost That Carries The Lantern by Kevan
I'm in this band, and we thought that it was about time to take some band photos. So, we go up to my driveway and we're standing under this large street light hanging over the top part of my driveway. I set up the camera on the tripod, and we were going to stand at this fence we have up there su...
Strange Things That Happen On Hoodoo Mountain by armymp76544
This is a story that happened to my brother and me about 16 years ago. We lived at the feet of Hoodoo Mountain in northern Idaho. We did a lot of hunting so on any particular day during hunting season, when we returned from school, we would grab our rifles and head up the mountain on foot to see wha...
Candle X-ray by mpgb216
This experience happened way back in 1994-1996 at the Sultanate of Oman. Me and my friend, Kate, were around 33-34 years old. This is only a part of my encounter with ghostly entities. The Sultanate of Oman is a beautiful country, it's clean, organized and most of the locals are friendly. There a...
A Spirit Came Home From The Cemetery With Me by EVPResearcher
This is just a quick story. I am a 38 year old male, 6 years in the Army and I think I am pretty grounded. As you may be able to tell by my name, I have done a lot of field research on EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena). EVPs are voices found on a recording device that were not there when initial...
The Lady In Pink by frenchpoet
When I was four, my parents took myself and our little Shitzu, Mickey, to a cabin up north to stay with my aunt and uncle. I didn't particularly care for the cabin, as it was infested with many spiders and beetles. It wasn't clean. It was small. I was fairly high maintenance, even at the age of four...
Just Checking In by frenchpoet
Both my parents worked full-time, which left me and our two dogs, Mickey and Fritz, to fend for ourselves. It was my last summer vacation before I would begin high school, and I had marching band rehearsal every Monday and Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. My best friend and her mom would pick m...
Ghosts In Garron Tower by Niall
This experience is very recent and most details of the spirit's appearances were unfamiliar to me, making description difficult. I have not been able to narrate any of my gripping tails of paranormal adventure in a long while because of the awful reality of end of year exams in my school. I menti...
Dark Figure by LoveforHope0226
Here's a story that I hope people might be able to help me figure out concerning the thing that was in my room last night. I was sleeping downstairs with my dog since it was storming and he gets scared. So I kept the baby monitor on so I could listen for Logan, my little baby brother. I heard hi...
The Ghost On The Ship by GhostGirl3
I was on the USS Lexington, watching the Lewis and Clark movie in the theater and out of the corner of my eye I saw this sailor looking thing all in white walking around the corner. He was dressed like an old-fashioned sailor! I quickly turned toward that direction and just saw him walking around th...
Night Time Visitor by ElinaIoneki822
I have always been interested in the paranormal since I was little, however the only times I would go "looking" for it was when my parents and I went on retreats to haunted locations like ghost towns in AZ or the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. I have been visited before as a child, but I'll save my s...
Strange Attack by Nightgoddess
I have so much to say but everytime I try to write there are too many stories coming in. Anways, lately my dad has been gone during the weekends working down at the beach and leaving me at home. For a while it was the normal hearing of sounds or just a glimpse. Well one night it was different. My fr...
My Worst Night by KittyK
During college, I spent some time living at my grandparents' house. While not being the cleanest place, it was free and I was helping my grandparents out. My grandparents' house is next door to the house I grew up in; where I had had many ghost experiences I would rather forget. I had been livin...
Am I Really Crazy? by iamnoone
If you read my story "Life Long Journey of Weird Experiences" you will know I mentioned something about strange occurrences that happened when I was a teen. I don't believe they're paranormal, but it was definitely something. I've always been an angry person. I don't know why, but I used to be s...
At The Museum 2 by wanderer
I wrote earlier about my job in the local museum. If you haven't read that story, it would be a good idea to do so now, just to get an idea of the layout of the buildings, and to know what has happened so far. A few days after I had written my last story, I was sitting at my desk in the office bu...
John And Sally Doe by frenchpoet
I used to stay with my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Joe every couple of weeks or so, as I was very close to my cousin Jennifer. They had a big pool in their backyard and a really nice deck, and we would swim and "lay out" all day, playing house, pretending to be women and not two girls of six and eight yea...
The Tote by frenchpoet
While I was away at school (read Haunted Dorm at Eastern Michigan University), my mom took care of my little Yorkie, Lily Sue. Lily was a couple months old, weighing two pounds. When my mom left for work in the morning she made sure to place a gate at the end of the kitchen and the beginning of the ...
Things That Go Bump In The Evening by frenchpoet
I was trying to write a paper (a really important paper, at that) when I received an unexpected call from my mom. She didn't even bother to say "Hello". "Are you coughing?" I was a little surprised, but I told her that I had actually triggered my asthma the week before, but all symptoms had ce...
The Devil, And The Graveyard by IBelieve
This story takes place in 1986 when I was eight years old. It was June and my Grandfather had passed away a week or two before father's day. All of our family went to the graveyard after the wake like families do. Most of the grown ups were gathered at the grave and all of us kids (probably 20 of us...
Haunted Life? by TidusWave
My name is Saddie and I'm 17 years old. My family has moved around a lot but wherever we move it seems as if there is always some sort of presence that moves with us. It never has felt like an intimidating or aggressive presence, though. We have most currently moved to Ohio and the house we c...
Growing Up In A Haunted House by Joyful
I've had some odd experiences in my life but it really all started when I was 9 years old and my mother, sisters and I had just moved into a new house. My parents had divorced a few years earlier and we had been renting places to live until my Mum could afford a home of her own. I went to look a...
Hospitals Are Haunted by Ambi
As some of you know, I work as a Medical Secretary in the hospital in my town. I have been there for a year now. I'm going to share a few scary experiences with you that I have had so far into my career. First of all I have to say that I was very skeptical taking this position because visiting ...
Goodbye Grandpa by dukemanistan
I have had a few experiences with ghosts over the years. I figure I'll share one to start with, don't want to bog down the listings again (as I read they were when I joined). My earliest experience came as a child, probably about 7. I was asleep in my room, when I suddenly woke up. I could feel s...
The Lady In Door E by senseye
This is the continuation of the Townhouse Apartment. Some people are wondering how I can be so cool hearing those weird sounds. Well I wasn't, I just try to find some explanation about everything, and I'm always telling myself that maybe it is just from something or from the neighbors. Whenever ...
Strange Encounter by Sionysus
This story takes place a few years ago in my suburban home. This house probably hasn't been around more than 20 years, and nothing sinister that I know of has taken place here before us moving in. As a young boy, I was very much interested in the supernatural, and I played with Ouija boards and ...
Visited by my Relatives by candcand
This is my first story. I am not normally sensitive to these things, my mom is, though not spectacularly, but I am quite "immune" to supernatural things. But this one was real, and until now it was very clear in my mind. I was about 20 yrs old that time, living in Indonesia. One night I was sle...
Poor Little Boy Spirit by EVPResearcher
Hello paranormal people. I know some people had a problem hearing my last video. SORRY. Here is another little story with evidence attached. Briefly, I am a 38 year old male, married and father of 3. I am very normal except for the family hobby of "Ghost Hunting". Recording is more like it. We frequ...
I Need Answers by rumpoint
I am sending this story so that I may be enlightened. When I was still in my 2nd year high school (SY 1987-88), I attended this summer camp which was organized by our rector of our school. It was held in Mindoro; an island part of the Philippines. It was a 2 days travel because we have to sleep over...
Pool Party by bigpatti87
When I was in high school my girlfriend of the time was having a b-day party at another friend's house. It was late, and we were about to leave when my girl brought out the Ouija Board. We lit some candles and sat in the basement. In the room we were in you walk in the door and in the corner, ri...
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