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A Spirit Came Home From The Cemetery With Me


This is just a quick story. I am a 38 year old male, 6 years in the Army and I think I am pretty grounded. As you may be able to tell by my name, I have done a lot of field research on EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena).

EVPs are voices found on a recording device that were not there when initially recorded. This is just a hobby of mine and my family (Wife 37, Son 14, Daughter 10, and Infant boy). We go to cemeteries and talk to the "Spirits" out loud. Some times you get a response, sometimes you don't.

This particular event happened last year after one of our research sessions. We went to an old Lutheran Cemetery. I found an area of about 25 graves from the mid 1800's that were written in German. I can speak German, so I asked them to talk in the Digital Recorder and I would be able to hear them later.

Shortly afterwards, we left the Cemetery and excitedly went home to review our Evidence. After checking the evidence, we found nothing out of the ordinary Sometimes you get them... Sometimes you don't).

About a week after this, we (family) were sitting at our kitchen table just talking about nothing in particular. All of a sudden my infants "Talking Pizza Elmo" went off in the next room (living room). It sings and dances a bit when the button is pressed. We all looked at each other and kind of giggled. We just thought it was low batteries, parametric pressure...etc.

It went off again after a few minutes and again a few minutes after that. (By the way, it had brand new batteries in the toy.) The third time it went off, I grabbed my digital recorder and stood about 2 feet over the singing Elmo. It went off several more time and I stopped recording. My family stood very quietly in the kitchen as I recorded.

They record as well so they know the drill. Please listen to the attached audio file. You will hear Elmo singing, then a man laughing (at me by the way). Speaking with a german accent, he said "always recording. That's so Fragile, isn't it".

He thought I was funny to jump up and record him. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. I have a bunch of EVPs and stories. I was never a believer in ghosts until we moved into a little house in town but that is another story.

Note: this story is real. We have recorded EVPs in our Van after leaving a cemetery on many occasions. Let me know if you folks would like to hear more. I like to get these out so that people know they are not crazy... Heck, I HEAR dead people...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EVPResearcher, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-22)
Man, the video is no longer available.

Hmmm... Oh well.

I am sure that there was something great on that video!

Take Care! ❤
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Darn! It said that the video is no longer available. I guess that's what I get for taking a long break from this site. Sorry about that, I would have loved to hear it and give my opinion on what I heard.

EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
ghost_watcher - To be honest, I did not uderstand this one for a long time. I can speak German. I had a Polish gentlemen that I work with review this because he speaks 4 languages. He said it was Choppy english with a German accent. I had another guy on youtube review this file and he showed me what it said. After he told me, I could understand it well and not know how I missed it
ghost_watcher (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
I heard the laughing part quite clearly, but not when the spirit spoke. Are you sure it was english with a german accent or actual german?
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-20)
That's cool, EVPresearcher! I would love to hear that. You are the expert and I look forward to learning more about this. Thanks!
TwistedWispersNeko (3 stories) (90 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-20)
I would like to hear more. I find it quite interesting. My husband is quite interested in doing evps, but we don't have the equipment.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-19)
Ohiowatha - I understand your skepticism. The next story I am trying to post on here (currently not accepting new stories) is a "Spirit" questions my daughters' comment. In other words, they are talking about the same topic. Also, of the Hundreds of EVP's that I have, I have never heard a Pepsi commercial, or a song for that matter. However, I have herad a lot of discussing a certain topic at the time. Just a quick note...
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-19)
iamnoone, I listened to the EVP you posted from and cannot find anything at all in it, let alone paranormal evidence. It sounds like people moving furniture or something. That's the problem with EVPs, unless you're THERE when they're recorded, it could be just people making noise on a recording. Not blaming you, just pointing out (obviously) that they're quite easy to fabricate.

But thanks for posting anyway!
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-19)
Shucks, I would love to hear something a little more clearly. I love evidence, of course. However, I'm usually especially skeptical about EVPs. It's amazing how many radio transmissions inaudible to the human ear show up in EVPs. There's a case of a farmer in Germany who swore that god was talking to him through a metal pole sticking out of one of his fields. Turns out the pole was picking up HAM radio operator traffic. Even the old cliche about picking up radio in someone's dental fillings has some truth to it. It turns out that the people who say they hear people talking to them in their own mouths CAN indeed actually pickup radio as the metal fillings act as conduits and receive AM/FM transmissions.

Almost all EVPs can be chalked up to errant radio transmissions which is why I put less stake in EVPs than anything. However, I'm not refuting this story, just thought it was worth mentioning that just because one records some voices that they couldn't hear at the time, it doesn't mean you've captured ghost-talk.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-18)
Wow that is very creepy! I am going to do an evp in a haunted house soon and hope I get something. But to tell you the truth I think EVP's are scarier then pictures.Isn't that wierd? Thanks again for sharring this story with us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
The author just added an EVP to the story for those who might be interested.
iamnoone (2 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
No wait. Scratch that. It's this one:

that creeps me out. A bit skeptical, but still creepy.
(Sorry, I won't spam on your comments anymore. ❤)
iamnoone (2 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
I'm really too creeped out to listen to the "scariest" in it's entirety. I usually find EVPs to be inconclusive, I guess because the ones I've heard had little response, but this is creeping me out! And I'm totally not easily scared either.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
iamnoone - I will tell the story of the second one on here. It is about an 1800's "Lunatic" house. My 14 year old son recorded that clip. It is a bunch of Nooo's and Help mes. When you put audio on youtube you lose some of the quality. If anyone wants to here these clips better, email me and I will send you the. Wav file. I have a bunch of really good ones that I am going to post here when I figure out how to get these embeded...
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
luvparanormal - I enjoy working on EVP's. You can send your audio files to:
EVPResearcher [at]
Also, I use a program called "Audacity" for reviewing evidence. Keyword search this program. It is free off of the net...
iamnoone (2 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
I checked out the last two videos you have uploaded and I can't understand anything being said. I suck! I know what the first one said (because you told us, even though I still can't make it out), but what does the "scariest" one say?
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
I am trying to get the Youtube video embeded in this story. If you cannot wait, look on Youtube and keyword my name "EVPResearcher". The video is German Accented EVP.

TwistedWispersNeko (3 stories) (90 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
Even ghost have a since of humor. 😆 I like your story. I don't think they have the audio file on here, but I can imagine it has to be pretty cool though.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
Hi EVPResearcher. I really enjoyed your story. I have to say EVP's creep me out more than anything else. I can't say why, but goose bumps follow every one I've ever heard. I love it. I can't wait to read more of your stories and hopefully hear your recordings (this one didn't come along with the story), I'm really looking forward to them. Thanks so much for telling us your tale, I really enjoyed reading it.
mpgb216 (2 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
hello there, yes, please share some of your audio files. I haven't experienced listening to any of it and I'm curious too. You're such a brave person... Cemeteries are great place to emote and meditate but I wouldn't dare to be there in the night even our cemeteries back home are like parks. Perhaps I could only be there if it's the Feast of the dead, November 1 where the cemeteries become like a Meeting Place... 😆
IBelieve (3 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to go looking like you do. I'd be afraid of more following me home, but it would be interesting to hear the EVPs.
Josh (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
EVP's are something that I would love to try! I would also love to hear some of what you have! If you need to, reply to me and we can maybe set something up! Thanks
iamnoone (2 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
Talking Elmo dolls alone are scary to me.;)

I want to hear the EVPs! Please post them!
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
Welcome, Hope you enjoy the site. I have a few recordings that I would love for you to hear I just would like to get a second opinion on what I think I hear them say. You can also read my stories so that you can have an idea of what happens in my house. I did try to listen to the recording but I don't think it came up on the attachment you might want to re-enter it.
I would also love to listen to some other ones that you have.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
Great story indeed! Thanks for joining us and sharing your experience.

I would love it if you could send the EVPs along with your text.

I'll be looking forward!
Oglegen (6 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-16)
Hi! That's a great story. I'm just looking for the audio file but I can't see it. How would I get to it?

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