I have a task that I am asking everyone to help me with. As you may know from my previous stories, If I don't have a place to investigate the Paranormal, I go "Haunt" a cemetery. I usually look for Photographic and Audio Evidence. Mainly, Audio evidence.
I have been working on a piece of equipment to help improve my EVPs during an investigation. Will you guys be ever so kind as to listen to the attached 6 EVP's? Clips four and five were recorded with my new / experimental equipment. They are softer but do they sound better? Do they sound clearer? I can Amp them up if anyone would like me to do that. These are straight off of the recorder.
I thank you in advance for your help. A side note. I recorded 6 minutes with the new equipment and six without. I caught the two EVPs with the new and nothing on the "Normal" equipment.