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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 3
Haunted Prison in West Virginia by Shane
Located in Moundsville West Virginia is the old West Virginia State maximum security prison. Now this prison has a long and sometimes violent history. Prisoners were murdered in their cells by other inmates, during riots, and most notably, they were put to death in the electric chair, "old sparky", ...
The Portal of my Life by aryan
I guess when I was born, I got this gift, a gift that I couldn't face until I was 10. The reason why I couldn't face my problem was that some were good and some very bad, and I was small and I had no one to talk to. Even if I did, no one would understand me, it truly is a small world for some of us....
A Ghost on my Sister's Bed by silentoption
I'm 31 years old, but back when I was 16 years old, I lived with my parents along with my two brothers (I'm a triplet), and two sisters in a New York City apartment Upper Manhattan. I was in my bedroom finishing up my homework. There was one math equation I could not figure out. Since my sister Pame...
Glass Shattering Spirit? by Charlie
I live in California with my brother. I've been living with him for two-years and only recently have been experiencing paranormal activity. A few months ago, I was sitting here, at the desk, and all of a sudden the light fixture on the ceiling exploded. I was lucky to have been some feet away from i...
Little Boy Crying by canadian123
Back in 1987, my sister and her husband used to live in an apartment. Her husband's mother lived upstairs and this was in a house but both apartments were separate from each other. One day, when my sister was home alone, she went down to the basement during the day to do some laundry and she heard a...
The Park Street Apartment by Kodak
My older sister Sam rented a two-bedroom apartment on South Park Street (Park House Apartment) in Madison, Wisconsin during her junior year at UW-Madison. There was a beautiful corner window in the living room but a huge pine tree blocked the window from the busy street. Whenever Sam called me, sh...
The Furry Fingers by Kodak
When I was in the second grade, the family and I lived in a really creepy old house. I always thought it was neat though because I wasn't scared of anything when I was younger. One night, I had a dream that I had the urgency of using the bathroom. So I got up and walked down the hallway and to th...
Incident at the River by unguided_traveler
This happened to me last summer. I was sitting at home alone because all of my friends were out of town. I was getting pretty bored so I decided to ride my bike out to a nearby park. When I got there, I saw that no sports teams were having practices and no one was out playing. Finding myself alone, ...
The Flowing Figure by Tallah Wilson
This happened the summer of 2006, we were on a family vacation at oak island North Carolina. We were staying at a house owned by my aunt and uncle and this house was the creepiest house there ever was. One day, me and my sisters were playing in the drive way and the window of the room downstairs sta...
My Little Brother's Guardian by Orla
This happened in the summer of 2006. It was during the day, I'd say around 3:35pm at least, I'm guessing. The sun was out, and there was a lot of traffic and kids playing around outside. My little brother had a few friends over to play. My mom was busy talking to some of the neighbors, and my dad wa...
The Irish Holiday Ghost by Buttons4me
Just 3 years ago, in 2004, me and my family went on a two weeks holiday to the Holiday center in Cork. Anyone from Ireland will know Trabolgan, the holiday center. We arrived there, and our little cottage-like house we had to stay in wasn't cleaned at all properly from the maids and it looked like a...
Staring Ghost by Buttons4me
This happened I was about six, and my brother Dave wasn't even born. I lived in a flat, and me and my family all slept in the same room. I slept on the bottom bunk bed, my brother Paul on the top, and my mom and dad were over on the double bed. The window was facing my bed. About 5:00 am in the morn...
Encounter With my Uncle's Ghost by Heather
I have a couple stories, I know it's long, but trust me, they're worth reading. When I lived at my dad's house, I could never sleep in my own room because I was scared, I knew that his house was haunted so I would sleep with him in his bed. When I was about 10, I think, I started to actually see gho...
J. Timothy's Taverne by SUNisRISINGforACE
Just recently, I was at J. Timothy's Tavern in Plainville, CT with a friend. We were standing in the entry/exit way, waiting to be seated when she pointed to someone standing by the fireplace. I couldn't hear what she said, but I noticed a single, solitary man standing alone, staring off into the ...
Friend Not Moving On by SUNisRISINGforACE
When I was younger, my cousin Felix was killed while serving in Iraq. Ever since then, strange things have happened at his mother's house... The first events started one night at a get together. All of Felix's friends, my aunt, and my sister were sharing stories of him when he was little. A beer ...
Two Girls Bickering by sweetascandy9264
One day me, my sister Jessie, and my two friends Heather and Jenna were up in my sister's room. My dad was making us dinner at the time. Before we all used to talk to candles and we asked if there was a ghost. We said "flame go up if your here" and it went up really high. So we asked if its name was...
Ghost Ruining my Party by Brigitte
It was 12:00 at night and me and my friend Amanda had just got out of the shower (we have 2 showers). My parents were gone for the weekend in Hawaii. Amanda and I decided we would throw an awesome party that night. We invited the whole freshman class. Let's face it, a party isn't really a cool party...
The Walls by gabby
One day, I was home alone with my little cousin, Colleen, while her mom was at the store. I hadn't showered that day, so I told her I was going to take a shower and that I'd be back in 30 minutes. About 10 minutes into my shower, Colleen came bursting through the door, crying hysterically. She said ...
Strange Things Happening in my Apartment by CJ
Here in Guam, I live in an apartment with my parents. Sometimes, very strange things happen and it's as if I feel a presence with me. Here are a few of those times: Every night, my dad always goes outside to check on my rabbits and usually knocks on my window because he needs my bedroom light t...
The Little Girl in the Window by Buttons4me
I was about 13 or 14, and yes odd stuff always happens to me. No one in my family believe in ghosts at all. I went to stay in my cousin's house for two nights, her birthday party was the day after the first night there. Her house was very old, cold, and it was built in the late 19th century. However...
I Saw my Dead Grandpa! by treanibean
It was late at night February 4th, 2001. My grandpa had been very sick lately, so we put him in the hospital. That night, I could not fall asleep, for I was worried for my poor grandpa. But then, I heard a loud banging coming from under my bed. Like any kid, I just laid in bed with the blankets ove...
My Friend Sally by CJ
My name is Ana and this happened to me when I was around 9 years old. I moved from Japan to LA when I was 7 with my two older brothers and sister, my little brother Jun and our mom. (My parents weren't divorced. My dad had to stay back because of his job but arrived a year later.) One day, my mom...
A Child Haunting in North Highlands by PaulDaleRoberts
As I left my home, I threw on the X-Files theme song, because I knew I was headed for a ghost hunt. This time around I engaged my ghost hunting activities with the S.P.S. (Sacramento Paranormal Society). I drove to Donovan Turner's home. Donovan Turner is the founder/paranormal investigator/leader o...
New House Apparition by Buttons4me
Me and my family recently moved, it was just the day before christmas eve in 2006. I have finally moved out of that house where I saw my brother's guardian, and where I saw other strange things or should I say, heard. What happened isn't at all an over the top phenomenon, but it really scared me any...
The Car Accident by Kodak
My cousin, his best friend and their girlfriends were taking a road trip from California to Wisconsin several years ago. My cousin and his girlfriend sat in the back of the small Honda Hatchback. The next thing he remembered was waking up in a hospital room. His friend and his girlfriend were sta...
The Devil Riding my Back by valerie p loch
Ever since I was young, I have always been told about the devil riding your back but never believed it. This event happened 7 years ago, I was then 12, going on 13. I woke up one night and I couldn't move. I felt a weight on me, but saw no one, the only thing I can do was look around. Lord knows if ...
The Lilydale Police Officer by Lee
My brother picked me from work one night. It was a Friday night, we were getting ready to hit the clubs and meet some friends. To hype us, he cranked up the volume and turned on the bass in the car. We were dancing and being really rowdy. The next thing I knew, red and blue lights were flashing b...
A Message to my Mother by Buttons4me
One night, me and my mom were talking about ghosts, and whether or not she believes in them. She told me this story. Years and years ago, when I was very little, my mom and dad didn't get on very well, mostly because his mother didn't approve of her. One day, my mom couldn't find my father anywhere,...
Voices by Shane
I currently work on a tropical island that some people would pay to be at, but it's a military base and only those who work or are stationed here are allowed. The island has a rich history and it has its ghost stories as well. I have only experienced one kind of paranormal event while here, but I am...
Friends Visiting in Dream by Carla
About a month ago, my baby daughter was in hospital with bronchitis and I stayed over in hospital with her. I was very distressed about her situation and I cried constantly in hospital. That evening, I fell asleep and I saw in my dream an old friend of mine that had died ten years ago. Her head was...
The Man Outside by msmeghan2
I was home alone with my older sister. We where watching t.v. when my sister decided she was hungry so she went to the kitchen. I was left alone on the couch. All of a sudden, the lights started to flicker. Jordan came running and screaming out of the kitchen and I was a little freaked out too. She ...
A Man and a Dog by msmeghan2
I think my house is haunted. About 7 or 6 years ago, my grandpa passed away in my house from cancer. In 2006, my dog max was hit by a car and died. Before this happened, every thing was fine. One time, I was sleeping and something tapped me so across. I woke up, looked and saw a tall man wearing jea...
Ghost in Apartment by Judy
I always thought that the apartment that my husband and I were living in was haunted. All he did was call me crazy, but all the time I heard noises from the kitchen and the door opening and closing. So I always just ignored it but one day, my husband and I were going to go out for a while. He told m...
The Girl in my Room by Ghostlover
One day I was up in my room, doing homework. I went back to get a snack. I came back and my room was a mess. I was sure I was alone. So I cleaned up my room and did my homework. I am an only child, so nobody could of done this. By 10:00 pm, I was in my room watching Family Guy. I heard a noise from...
The Backdoor by carissa
One time, I was at my friend's house. There was me and my 3 other friends, shay, sarah and ashley. Me and shay were in her room, sarah was on the couch in the living room and ashley was in the kitchen. The door to the garage is in the kitchen and the way that the couch is sitting, it is facing the b...
The Shadow by Roy Flores
I was around 12 years old or so and I had spent the night at my mother's (I lived with my grandma but I go to my mom's when it's the weekend) and everyone in the house was asleep. I was sleeping in the living room and it was dark (not that dark because of the light that was in the kitchen) and I wok...
Shadow People by unguided_traveler
Most people who read this will remember my story about the incident at the river... well, this is just one of the recurring encounters that I have in my bedroom every night without fail. Every night, when I get into my room to sleep, (which I never really get a chance to do) I will always find so...
Hearing Footsteps by canadian123
In 1989, my aunt lived in a older house and there had been strange things that would happen there. She heard footsteps going up her staircase, both day and night, and it would happen off and on. Once, her niece stayed the night and wasn't aware of any of this! Her aunt didn't want to scare her. When...
A Song of Innocence by Stephie
I have lived in my current residence for a little over 6 years now. It's a small, costly, yellow brick house. It has a rather large back yard. The first night I stayed there, I had strange dreams about a young girl. She was no younger than at least 6. I only had these dreams for a day or two, but...
The Pink Pumps by Kodak
We lived in a very old and big house back when we were young. Young, as I was in pre-school and my eldest sibling was in the forth grade. My siblings and I loved wearing my mother's pink high heels. Whenever I wore it, I'd pretend I was a famous tap dancer because the pumps made a beautiful clink ...
The Evil Spirit by the Mango Tree by valerie l
In Cambodia, it has been said that if you walk at night during a certain hour, you shouldn't think of anything evil or else it will happen! A group of kids was hungry (this was during khmer rouge regime) so they decided to go look for food in the woods. There was a mango tree with a lot of fresh man...
Children See The Darndest Things by Ashley_Marie
I used to baby sit a lot when I was in high school. In our small town, which is consider a Hamlet, there is a huge house in the center of it. Some lady bought it, used it for a bed & breakfast for about 10 years and her family lived there. Her husband was sick and had passed away. A couple years aft...
Port Macquarie Freak house by Jamal
I was on a holiday near Port Macquarie Australia at a friends house, my friend was left the house (in a will) when his grandma recently died. I came in the house for the first time and I felt uneasy, I ignored it at first, but I couldn't stand it until something really paranormal happened. I had sta...
Top Hat Boy by Emma
I was once in my house on my own, my parents had gone out for the night, when I walked through the hallway into the living room and I saw this little boy standing over my dog, and my dog was looking up at him, he was sort of stroking my dog, and he was wearing a top hat. I doubled checked and he was...
The Fake Wall in the Walk In Closet by jerimiah
I moved to a new house because my dad was laid off. We got an old 2 stories house and I had a basement room that was old and smelled of mildew. I was packing my things in and I kept hearing these knockings on the wall. I told my dad, but he said it was old pipes. One day, I told my brother mike to c...
Water Heater Materialization by jessy
I haven't had too many experiences with the spiritual world, but A LOT of people who I know have. There are just a few random things I'd like to share just to see what others think. I am convinced there is a spirit of some sort living in my Dad's house. He is not sure if there is one or not, but ...
My Dead Cats by strawberrybabe2010
For a couple of weeks, I've been feeling my old black cat's presence. She has been dead over four years now. I got two more cats. Last night at exactly 3:34 am, I woke up because the lights were on in my house. I got scared so I prayed to God to put an angel at my bedroom door. I looked out the bedr...
Country Horrors by mikeking
I was fifteen when this occurred. It was in an old farm house in Burford Ontario. I went to visit my friend and his family for a week in the summer of 2001, they had recently bought a farm house that needed some work. The house had some disturbing history, the previous owner had hung himself in the ...
House of Horror by mommy4
When I was 14, we moved into a an old cpr house. Things were good for the first 2 nights, then it started. My brother's rocking chair would move by itself, at first, just for a few minutes, then it started to go all day. We were not allowed to enter the basement, but my brother and I went down anywa...
The Squatter, the Pacer, Bride & Groom and the Dark One by PaulDaleRoberts
There is a full moon out this night. I can only wonder what is in store for me this evening as I get together with H.P.I. (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California. H.P.I. will be headed down to Brookdale Lodge in the Santa Cruz mountains sometime in the future to conduct an i...
Dream of the Devil by Lacey
I would like to share a "dream" I had one night. I can't remember all of the details, it happened months ago, but it really creeped me out.. yet made me a stronger believer in religious faith. In my dream, I only remember that I was on the computer and about to turn it on. You know how you can see y...
Young Children by Lauren
It was a while back, when I was about 12 or 13 (I am 14 now), and I was in my kitchen eating a blueberry muffin when I saw a young boy with blonde hair, no older than 9 or 10, wearing a blue shirt, ran up my stairs. I thought it was my brother or his friend (he had a sleep over that night) so I went...
Electrical Appliances Turning On and Off by HannahE
This happened about an hour ago and has been recurring for the last hour. Meaning it's still going on. But it has been stopped for about 10 minutes. I was on my computer doing some research for my homework and I had my phone off because my friend kept calling me. I seriously turned it off, I mean I ...
Orb by Shane
I said that I would post another story as I get the chance, well how about a photo of an orb taken yesterday in my room. I was taking some photos in my room for my wife when I noticed an orb over my left shoulder in a self photo I had just taken. I then snapped another photo within a few seconds of ...
My Son Has a Ghost Friend by susan
My son, who just turned 4 last month, has told me in the past about having a ghost friend. I have asked many questions about his friend but my son never really tells me anything that's consistent so I brush it off. Yesterday, he was in his bed room watching a movie and I went into his room to che...
Ghost in the Tub by weirdedout
I think there is a ghost following my family. Ever since I was about seven or eight years old, I would get a weird feeling whenever I would walk into my bathroom. And this was in any place that my family and I live in or visited. Whenever I would enter the bathroom and the lights were off, I would h...
Early Hauntings by unguided_traveler
My mother and I were talking last night and I happened to mention something odd that had occurred in my room recently. Well, one thing led to another and we found ourselves discussing some of the experiences the entire family had had when we lived in a decrepit trailer in Valdez, AK (we moved away w...
Baby in the House by accuevas
This happened to me on friday, march 2, 2007. I was sleeping in my room with my door opened, as well as the hallway door, which wasn't very long. I woke up and saw my little 1 year old sister, natalie, standing near the sofa. I got up to get her. I was close to the door of the living room when I hea...
The Autistic Child Who See Spirits by jessy
My Dad has a friend, and I think his friends daughter sees spirits. Here are a few things that have happened to her. She is seven years old and autistic. She is also going deaf, she can hear somewhat okay right now, but as time goes on, doctors say she will go completely deaf. If you have read ...
Something Attacks Me Before Falling Asleep by JacobsT
Last night, it happened again. Goshhh, it is scary! I was sleeping over at my boyfriend's place. We fell asleep at about 24:00 pm. At about 1:30 am it happened. Something woke me up and I was lying in bed frustrated because of waking up. As I started dozing off to wonderland, I heard a hollow, loud ...
The Ghost in the Living Room by Southern Monkey
Me and my dad swear this house is haunted. Of course, my mom won't have any idea of it. My dad was asleep and he heard high heels walking across the room. I know it's true because I've heard them too. My dad thought it was my mom trying to scare him. He waited until it got really close to him. He fe...
Floating Eyes by southern Monkey
When he was young, my grandpa he was a wild man, he drank all the time and cussed. Him and his cousin Wade were going coon hunting on a old road that they lived on. It was out in the middle of the woods. As you know, it's dark when you go coon hunting. Well, my grandpa and Wade were driving my grand...
The Falling Lunchbox by socketboy
Where do I begin? This is the first in a series of occurrence that have happened to me and my family. We had moved into a new house in Chippewa falls Wisconsin. The place seemed nice enough, and we hadn't heard anything bad about it or its past. One night, my family (mom, dad and me) were woken u...
The Whispering Girl by Shazzam
It was a cold and chilly night when I was walking home from a party along a deserted road. There's this old church called the old Pink Church. There, people say that if you walk by it something will follow you. Well, I didn't exactly believe that story so I walked by. When all of a sudden, I felt so...
Look Alike Figure by strawberrybabe2010
Hi I'm courtney, I just want to tell you all about a couple of my stories I have encountered. One was when I was asleep in my living room chair. My little sister is about 13 now and she had a friend stay the night with her. They were outside getting ready to come in and something made them stop and ...
The Backyard Aura by socketboy
This is another story about the house my folks and I lived in, in Chippewa falls. It deals with the same staircase that the lunchbox fell down (see "the falling lunchbox"). One night after watching some t.v. with my parents, I decided to go to bed early because I was really tired. I said goodnig...
Tickled Feet by sophia
When my mum was in Kenya and my dad was still alive, one day he had to go on this work project. That night, my mum had this horrid nightmare, she said "I dreamt I was in a land rover and it was night time, there was me and about three other people and the driver. Suddenly there was a massive thump a...
Nightmare or Ghost? by divachick
It's crazy to hear how many people have had this scary feeling happen to them while sleeping. I just had my second occurrence happen last night. I couldn't sleep and finally around 4:30 a.m., I started drowsing off when I felt something sit on the edge of my bed. I opened my eyes to see what it was ...
Big Eyes by dylan bean
When I was trying to find my big brother, I looked around the house outside and I saw a door shut. I went in the house and went through the bathroom door. I left it open a creak and I looked to the corner of my eye and I saw two big eyes so I turned around and said my brother's name and said "Gotchy...
A Girl Standing Behind the Old Office by mathy
At first I would like you to forgive me for my english, I'm actually from Malaysia. A few years back, around 1989 (I was 12 years old, now 30) I was living in my dad's house (office, later was converted to a house). The house was owned by his boss. This incident happened on saturday evening about 2:...
Little Boy Running by JOHN2257
I had just moved into my new house. It has a swimming pool and my brother and I were swimming. I looked away and saw a little boy run by. I only have nieces. I didn't tell anyone. Then about two weeks later, two of my friends came over. One of them is very sensitive to spirits and such, both of them...
Ghosts Are Real by trisha777
It was a warm summer night in mid July, and my cousin and I lay snuggled in bed together. The crickets were chanting outside; I could see the lightning bugs flashing through the air as I lay quietly gazing out of the window into the darkness. Suddenly, as I was absorbing the tranquility, I heard foo...
The Mysterious Shadows by night
It was a hot June at my grandparents house and very boring. I desperately needed something to do. It is such a joy staying with old people. The town she lives in isn't that big. It is called Kermit. I really didn't think anything cool was going to happen that summer. I gave up all hope of fun or exc...
White Christmas Spirit by strawberrybabe2010
Hi, this is another one of my other story. I was in my room being bored so I decided to read. I was laying on my bed and the house I live in now is new, nobody else has lived in it. I was laying there, reading with my legs up and my book resting on them. I had this feeling that something just told m...
The Little Boy in my House by Matty Ruggiero
To tell this story, I have to begin by saying ghosts are very real. In my home, there is the spirit of a little boy. At night, you can hear him walking around the house, making noises, playing with my little sister's toys. When trying to sleep, he would shake my bed. This has happened many times bef...
Strange And Unexplainable Occurences In My Home by Adhelia1116
Hi, this is the first time I've ever asked for advice or comments on what I have experienced. Until now, I have just prayed and tried to move on with my life thinking that these incidents have some sort of rational explanation. I never sought other people's comments since I thought that I was the on...
Strange Voices and Objects Moving by leanne
I've lived in my home now for 5 years and nothing happened at first. But after a year of living here, I wake up with my bedroom lamp on every night until I unplugged it. Nothing happened for a while, until I was in the bathroom one night and I heard voices right in my ear, but I was to scared to lis...
Bob, my Sister's Friend by night
When I was younger, my family and I used to live in an apartment in El Paso. Every night my little sister would go into the corners and talk to a guy named Bob. She told us Bob used to live here, but I thought it was just her imagination. Then, really late at night, I heard voices. My little sister ...
The Fort by MInJohnAnn
When I was about twelve years old, I went to visit my dad, who lived in Washington at the time. We went to visit this fort, forgive me for forgetting the name. When we went into the fort, my dad, step mom, grandparents and I all went into one of the fort's rooms and after all of my family left the r...
Babysitting Night by Emili
One Saturday night, I was babysitting this little boy. I told him it was time to go to bed and put him in his room. As soon as I placed him in the bed, he started bawling, so I said I'll stay in there until he falls asleep. He wouldn't stop talking, then he just stopped and stared at the window. He ...
Cold Shadow by Cody Saunders
Me and my friend Jacob were playing in my basement with all the lights off and only the smallest gleam of light. I was standing behind a hot water heater and Jacob was coming toward me, but he was crouching. I couldn't see him, and didn't know he was there, but then I saw a shadowy figure slowly wal...
A Grandmother's Promise and the Ghost Girl by Tara07D
When I was 16, my grandmother took really ill, she was 95, so I quit my studies to look after her. My parents died when I was very young, I don't remember them, it was always me, my brother and my grandmother. Sitting up late in hospital one night talking, I told her I was afraid if she died because...
Angelic Dream and Devilish Presence by sferro
A few months ago I had a dream where I felt a presence in the room. It was so real. In the dream it felt like there was an angel at the right foot of my bed and roaring sound. Also, a presence on top of me that felt it was the devil. It was scary! When I hear a clear word I could make out from the c...
Too Much for Me to Take by gillo
Hi, my name is Brian and I'm from Swords, in Dublin. I've lived in my parents house for the past 19 years and a lot of strange stuff has happened during that time, from lights flashing on and off to radio stations tuning themselves in. I'm 21 now and it seams that most of the stuff that has happened...
Apparitions of my Grandfather by Rebecca S
My grandpa died right before I was born and he couldn't wait until I was born, he died 3 days before. Way back when my mom had a room mate, she was at work one day and her roommate julie was on the couch watching T.V. She heard noises in my mom's bathroom and thought my mom was home so julie yelled ...
Moving with Shadows by TTerrible
It all started when I was very little. I moved around a lot ever since I was a baby. When my family moved to Saudi Arabia, the nightmare started. It started when I sneaked into my sister's room while she was having her slumber party. She was telling ghost stories and joking around. She told so many ...
The Pain and the Dream by IcryTOmakeTHEpainSTOP
Once or maybe twice a month, I get this pain in my shoulder. I'm not sick or anything, I just get this really spiritual / psychic pain. It's nothing like I have felt before. It all started two months ago in january, I was checking my mail then all of a sudden I felt as if someone was pushing right t...
The Cooinda Ghost by Thomas
Cooinda is only 225 km from Pine Creek, in the N.T, in Australia. I was camping out there for my last night on a fishing safari and ready to take the long drive back to my home town, Katherine, which is 300 odd kms or more. It was probably 3:00 in the morning when I heard someone shout out "Holy Shi...
Succubus by SonofaRV108
I have been going through these sleep paralysis states lately. I will start off with the first one I had, as embarrassing it is to me. I'm almost 100% sure I had an out of body experience. I got up from my bed. Everything had this light bluish color. I didn't recognize anything wrong, it was aro...
Gun Alley by Kyle
Gun Alley. Home to one of the most famous people in the N.T, who sadly died not long ago. He owned a business there, Gun Alley Gold Mining. It was very successfully, until he died! His wife claims she can feel him, his presence in the business, but I did not believe her at all. So, I decided to inve...
Min Min Lights by Kyle
Min Min Lights have to be the most frightening experience ever yet. Around the Boulia region in south-west Queensland, mystical orbs roam the country side, scaring cattlemen and causing major accidents to drivers and truckies. My experience goes like this. I was driving from Innamincka, which ...
Two Ghosts in my Room by laurajane_01
This is really weird for me to tell, as everything happened so fast. All this is true, and it means a lot to me that I think I should share it with people. When I first moved into this house I was fully aware the last owners were an old couple who lived here and both died. I have the master bedroom ...
Grandfather's Ghost Saved the Day by peejee
This is the first time I've actually sat down and written about the experiences that I've had, and I tend to ramble on so I apologize in advance. I'll start off by saying that I am a believer in spirits, and have been since I was quite young despite my parents trying to get me not to as a child. ...
Someone Saying My Name by strawberrybabe2010
I was getting ready for bed the other night and I was checking to see if my little sister was ok and asleep. I went and told my parents goodnight because they were already in bed. I took my dog with me and I went to bed. I was getting all comfy and it was all quiet and all and I was laying there on ...
Friendly Ghost Walking Around my Bedroom by colin mcafee
The other week I had just got in bed when I felt the covers around my legs get really tight and my body went very cold. I could see the covers being pressed down and I saw two hand prints at the end of my bed on one side. I kept on looking towards the end of my bed and then saw a figure looking stra...
The Abandoned Mine in the Mendenhall Valley by unguided_traveler
Most of the paranormal encounters I've shared have occurred in my home. This one, however, took place miles from my home and only I was the witness. I live in the Mendenhall Valley in Juneau, and the high school I attend is downtown, so it's quite a ride just to get to school and back. Sometimes, my...
Ghost Shadows on the Wall by Tammy1
I am desperate for answers, I hope someone out there can give me some feedback on their thoughts of my event. This is the first time I have visited a site like this as I have been trying to find a similar story or some photos perhaps. Here's what happened: A couple of nights ago my mother and I w...
Strange Man and a Little Girl by roxygurl79
I was home one afternoon by myself, watching TV. I thought I had heard something in the kitchen, so I looked up and I froze... There stood a man that I had never seen before, yet he seemed very familiar to me. I couldn't move, or say anything. I'm not sure how long I sat there staring at this man, b...
Photos with Orbs by Cathy
I was flipping through photos attempting to find pictures to update my web site with. Take a look at what I found. The first set of pictures were taken by my husband on 2-3-06 at 9:33 PM within seconds of each other attempting to capture Diesel running. Take a look at the background and you will see...
Ghostly Phenomenons by toastymarshy
I've never really thought anything of ghosts but that was until this happened. One night, I had my friend over for a sleep over, she goes to the toilet, I'm half way up the stairs looking at the bathroom door when it slammed shut! I assumed it was my friend until she asked "did you shut the door?". ...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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