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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 38
Something Violently Shook My Bed Last Night by granny
I was not a believer in ghosts or the paranormal including any gods, angels, fairies, spirits or anything else of that nature until last night. I am now a bit freaked out by this experience. I was sound asleep in my bed in a house that I have lived in for 20 years. I live with my 25 year old son...
Granny This Is Jill, Jill This Is Granny by ghostlover13
"Come on guys, let's go ghost hunting. I have not had the chance to talk to granny for a while," I pleaded my friends, Kaitlan and Kayla. "Fine, Jill, but if anything happens to me, then you are paying for the funeral!" Kayla said, as she was terrified of ghost. "Kayla, just because they are ghost, ...
Ghost Through Time by eRic
It is still the clearest memory I have and if I concentrate on the details, I still get in a little state of shock. I must have been 3 years old when it happened. My mother was an actress; we lived in Hungary, maybe Veszprém at that time. (I'm not sure, we moved three times, before I got 4). ...
The Man by marchelle
This story was actually told by our priest in the church where I go. When our priest went to Dubai for a visit to a friend who is also a priest he told this story to him which he read in a newspaper there in Dubai. I don't have the exact date or location of this story but I still think it's nice to ...
Who Blew The Candle Out? by Surya
I know I am not supposed to be sleeping with candles on at night however I have recently started to sleep with one candle on. I still cannot sleep in darkness and the lamp is too bright for me. I don't light any candles I get the scented ones. Pink - rose- Red - Autumn. I have a beautiful Rose Quart...
Jingles Of The Bell by Surya
In my story the bell, I had been hearing bells for a good three weeks. I thought it was that cat but when I looked around the home Inca (out cat's names) was nowhere in sight. I am not the only to have heard this bell. My youngest son has heard it as well. However, I am not sure if he hears it now. ...
The Mala Beads by Surya
I married into a Braham Hindu family. As you know Brahmins are priests, I always thought myself privileged being married into a family like that. There was a temple in the in-laws house, the temple I was privileged enough to clean, light the candles. My ex deceased father-in-law asked me one Satur...
Evp - The Voice Of A Killer? by EVPResearcher
The following story is about a recent EVP that we have captured. Usually we review these a little more and do follow-up investigations if needed. The reason that I am putting this on here so soon is due to the nature / content of the EVP. I found what the entity said to be very significant if it is ...
Was My Mother Telling Me She Was Here? by vsps
On December 18, I underwent a difficult surgery to remove a malignant tumor under my tongue. In addition, my husband has lung cancer so you can imagine we have had our share of stress. A few days ago, I don't remember if it was before or after New Year's Day, I went downstairs to our grade level...
The Bright White Light by Jim565
I've already posted this on the physic experiences web site, but I didn't get many responses and there are a few people here that I would like to hear from and looking forward to their responses. Here is a little information about me. I suffer from sleep apnea and nearly every night I wake up not ...
My Adventure At Gravity Hill by MissAnimeOtaku
There is a place in Antioch, CA called Gravity Hill. There is an old slaughter house and an abandoned insane asylum going up a pathway to the hill. It is said that someone had escaped from the asylum and went on a massive killing spree. One time, there was a school bus filled with kids coming home f...
Signs And Weird Symptoms by knopik
Three weeks ago me and my husband moved into our new house. We are starting a family and need more room. Throughout our lives we have both been sensitive to activity and have both seen our guardian angels. I had been confident of their protection over us until last week Tuesday. I woke my husband...
My Guardian Angel's Whisper by princess123
This happened to me one night when I was lying in bed with all my lights off just watching TV. I was all rapped up in my blanket nice and warm and I was drifting off to sleep, though I was not tired for it was only about 8:30 and I was startled when I heard a strange voice whisper in my left ear, "C...
The Town House by Elliott43
For several years I lived in the country with my family, and then my dad wanted to move to town so we did. The house that we moved into was a big one. It had 3 floors, but the third floor was off limits, my sister and I soon found out why. One day my parents were and work and my big brother was at...
My Garage by steph_western
Before I start there is something you should know. I am not entirely sure that I do actually believe in ghosts. I have questioned myself many times on my beliefs. However, the fact that I am afraid there is a ghost present proves that I believe, even just a little, right? I had been asked over t...
Gravity Hills Night Out by looney85
Three of my friends and I decided to do something unforgettable for once and not stay home, watch a movie or go out to fun places like we always do. My friend Nancy mentioned that we should all go to Gravity Hill (let me just say that the time was 2:30am) and without hesitation we all agreed. As ...
Military Brat's Boogeyman by Moongrim
I was and still am a military brat. My first paranormal encounters began with my earliest memories of my life at Quonset Point Naval Base. My father was a computer analyst/programmer and as such we got to live on base in a mobile home park. Since my earliest memories were of mobile home parks, I alw...
The Door Opener by Elahie
This story is about a door opener also known as ligaru. The door opener is actually not a ghost but a person that is involved in witchcraft (high science). I am only going to refer to it as a spirit for this story. On the 9th of December 2008, that was the day before my school's cross-country, I ...
The Closet Ghost by Vintage
In the summer of 2007 I was babysitting my baby cousin, Cameron. He was only 1 or 2 years old when this happened. It was a really old house, with a ripped up old fashioned sofa in the basement. It also had an old fashioned wheelchair in a closet in the basement. Apparently, there was a man who d...
Man In Black by mulder81
Over the holidays I remembered this strange incident way back when I was younger. I worked at a gas station when I was 19, in 1979; it was an isolated place just outside of town next to the freeway. So many times it could get busy and other times it is just as desolate as it looked. I worked part...
Garden Spirits by DavidInVirginia
I don't know how to start this story but I am compelled to share it. My story is positive; we have had no negative or frightening encounters, but none the less most interesting. My partner and I purchased this house in Orange County, Virginia thirteen years ago. The house is fairly new (20 years ...
Therra's Stories by faerielike
My sister Therra (pronounced Terra) has always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to ghosts, (mainly she says because there are enough people around to not have to worry about invisible ones watching us too!) but there are two experiences she believes there is no other explanation. She has given ...
Hunting Camp by islandD
Here is some background information about me. I was born and raised in the south. Hunting, fishing and being outside is what I am all about. I have been lost alone in woods and have been in places that if one would allow it to happen, would scare anyone. 1986-Woods around Tignall Georgia. I was ...
Dead Or Ghost by SarahS
Ever since I was asked by a precious 13 year old Mexican boy if I remembered that he died in a school bus accident in Los Angeles, I've been wondering if I could have died myself. I saw and heard him one morning in Anaheim, CA. He was standing in my bedroom very happy with a happy smile on his face ...
Little Girl In My Dreams 2 by LittleDaisy
In this story I will write about the other experiences that my family and I have experienced in the house we used to live in. I will also explain some of the dreams that I am still having about that house. Most of the things that occurred in that house were strange, but not too frightening. Most ...
The Man And Dog On The Guardrail by ZUKISMOM
I have had a strange experience that has happened more than once. I work the late shift in a hospital in the city and drive home early in the mornings around 7am. I have to get on the interstate and travel for about 10 miles to my home. Close to the entrance ramp I have seen a man sitting on the gua...
Is Something In Our House? 2 by leentjehk
Before the Christmas vacation I posted a story about a ghost in our house and the problems it was causing. This is what happened next. Throughout the Christmas vacation I had absolutely no dreams. The ghost was gone too. How? On the first day of Christmas I went to the cemetery across the street ...
My First Ouija Experience by Mattrius
This is my first post on this site. It details my first contact with spirits both kind and evil. It all started last August. My brother had just gone off to college and I had an hour and half after school to myself as my mum was still at work. My friend had just got a Ouija board and me, still na...
Living In Fear by bevega1984
I have been experiencing paranormal phenomena since I was a child, approximately the age of 5. My first experience was being physically weighed down by an unseen force. I was paralyzed, I couldn't speak, let alone scream for help and I had trouble breathing. I could feel my body sinking deeper into ...
Puppy's Final Scratch by libertybelle
This is really short, and it happened just before the holiday season of 2008. Some background: Our youngest son has a thing for dogs. My husband and I prefer cats. Our son (who is NOT a little kid, but rather a serious Failure to Launch) has an uncomfortable habit of bringing dogs into our home a...
Whispers In The Basement by AngelSeeker
This is about my mom when she was around the age of about eight or so. She lived up in New York in Rockland County in a very old house at the time. If you were to ask any of her family members they'd all tell you that it was definitely haunted with more than one ghost. There were three or four of th...
Crying Female, Mysterious Door Opening, Long Lost Picture by nmg5789
This is actually three stories in one. The first one happened to my mom just recently a few weeks ago. My mom stays home with my son who's an infant while I am at work. My brother is currently home for college break, but he works all the time as does my dad so most days she is home alone for about ...
Nephi Canyon by shandi
This is my dad's story and when he told it to me Christmas Eve (yes my weird family shares ghost stories on all major holidays, it is never planned just sort of happens). This story took place in Nephi Canyon and is actually two separate experiences. One morning while driving through the canyon on ...
Signs And Weird Symptoms 2 by knopik
After I posted Signs and Weird Symptoms yesterday I went to lie down on my couch. As I was lying there and watching TV, my husband texted me and asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine, but I wasn't comfortable in the bedroom. As soon as I hit send on my phone, the couch starting shaking aroun...
An Echoy Voice by wolfpaw999
My family and I moved to a new house. We stayed in the living room because it was hot upstairs; we slept in the living room for 2 nights. We hadn't dragged up the mattresses to the second floor and we needed to stay cool. I and my family slept, but not well. My mom asked me in the morning if I h...
Déjà Vu? by zenith_vsp
I am not a guy that is easily fooled into things or by things. I look at things in a logical sense, and often try to debunk them. For the past 18 months, I have been having these weird dreams in which I myself just standing in a place that I have never seen before staring at people doing what ev...
Praying Nun by diaz94
Three years ago when I went to Mexico to visit my grand parents, I went to the plaza to hang out with my cousins. We were just chilling throwing fire crackers at the stray dogs that passed. It was getting late so I started heading of home to my grandparent's house. It was 2a. M and I was walking on ...
Night Ghost by NightGhost
This story is how I got my name. I wanted to start with my experiences backwards because going back would be like walking through history which I love, not to be confusing. I try keeping things interesting so I will start off with I love and am fascinated by old houses, especially elegant grand Vict...
My High Rise Ghost by trina
In October of 1999 I moved into a new flat. It was the fifth place I had since moving out of my parent's house two months after my 19th birthday and it is the first place that felt like home. I felt at ease as soon as I walked in and took the flat straight away. On the first New Year which was t...
Face In The Ceiling by ico
This story takes place when I was young, in the early 90's. I don't really know how long this happened for because I experienced this more than once. I would be lying in my bed and look at the ceiling and see a face. It wouldn't just be a two-dimensional shape of a face, it would actually stick ...
See Through Ghost by JoannaS
My ghostly incident happened nine or ten years ago on a hilltop in West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK. The area has belonged to Lord Dashwood's family and the National Trust in the UK for many years and there is much written about the area on the internet as it is of historical interest. Although ...
The Unknown Growl by Tre
I have been trying to astral project and so far succeeded twice. But this time I was interrupted by some type of animals noise and it ruined my focus. It was 2:30p.m just the Thursday before Christmas break I decided to try to project again. I lay down, focused my mind and cleared it only to hear t...
Did I Really See It? by ghostlover3000
I'm new to this site. When I was 5-6 years old, I was always woke up earlier then everybody in my house. One morning well I was eating my cereal, (which I think was fruit loops but it could have been something else) I felt like I was being watched so of course I looked up and I saw a "thing". I a...
Ghosts In My Residential Hostel 2 by kiran5070
After posting my first story I had another interesting experience which I encountered in my hostel soon after my home sick holidays. It was a fine but chilly night the moon appeared half eaten by the clouds. I was concentrating on my studies during study hours when our teacher made an announcemen...
Ghosts & Dwarfs by soldierstrk
From as far back as I can remember I've seen ghost not just once but I've seen them a lot of times and it doesn't matter where or what time of the day it is, I always see them, even at school. I remember seeing this girl who just appeared in mid air. She was staring at me and smiling, I didn't g...
Imaginary Friend Tom by JaimeLuv
This isn't something that I have a lot of specific details about. I didn't even remember this until recently. I was reading a comment on one of my other submissions where a remark was made about me being sensitive to the spirit in our house while my roommate was not and thought this might be somethi...
Essence Of An Evil Aura by NightGhost
I was living in Minnesota at the time. I was out and about in the world, minding my own business. Harmlessly walking down the sidewalk of my apartment complex. Some shaggy looking dude basically ran me down to talk to me. He wouldn't shut up so I listened to the creep as he said he was some head hon...
Please Help, I Do Not Want To Ever Feel This Again by mcfatty
I am a fourteen year old teenage boy who has been experiencing some weird things lately. About three months ago, I decided to sleep at the opposite end of my bed where I usually sleep. Usually my head would be facing north and my feet south. But this time my feet were facing north and my head was fa...
Just A Few Vague Encounters 2 by Samantha_Kyles
Hey, there! This is my second story. I finally decided to stop being lazy and start writing this; besides, I'm bored and don't feel like doing my homework. First, I'll go back to last year. It was around January... My best friend, Brittani, and I were (and are, still) very interested in the paran...
Ghosts Of The Somme by Angelofmusic
I'm pretty new to this site and this is my first story I have submitted. This happened to me about six months ago, so please excuse me If I get a few details wrong or if my memory is a bit hazy. This experience was not my first of a ghostly encounter. All my life I've been able to see stuff the rest...
A Spirit's Way Of Saying Farewell? by lunarpanda
Mommy Olga, a co-worker (who also happens to be a friend of mine) passed away on January 6, 2009 due to an immunity disorder called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) which led to a cardiac arrest. She has been battling this ailment for years. I searched the Internet and I found a journal that she m...
Evp Or Some Sick Joke by lostangel6959
I am not really good at writing so please bear with me. My name is Brenda and I live in Oxnard, CA. My great-grandmother, we called her nanny died in our home about 8 years ago. My grandmother we call her grandma mom was here about 2 weeks ago and placed flowers on my nanny's grave when she was here...
The Man In The Hall by Angelwing
My encounter takes place in the early '70's when I was in my early 20's. I was newly married and my husband and I rented a house a few houses down from my parent's home. This home was located in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas. My dad had purchased several houses that were run down and fixed them up f...
Visions In School by imyoproblm
I go to a middle school located in California. I have been having visions that occur at any time of the school day. No matter what I am doing, it could be eating, running, taking a nap or using the computer out of the blue things around me start to fades out. I then see what is going to happen in th...
Hands All Over My Body by ant1111
A few nights ago I was lying in bed, watching television and trying to fall asleep as usual. It was late, probably after 2am. I have set my television on a timer so it shuts off automatically so it isn't on all night long. I was lying on my left side, facing the television, drifting of to sleep ...
Strange Noises And Events by mark
Let me begin by apologizing for this long story. To preface, I'm currently 28 years old, and a devout Catholic who is very spiritual because of some of my experiences that have been going on since I was young. I never played with an Ouija board, never was into the occult, Wicca, etc. I don't know wh...
A Sea Of Voices In The Night by ant1111
I had just gotten home from a friend's house and was in my bed and cuddled up ready to go to sleep in a flash. I was extra tired that night for whatever reason, but that's beside the point. I was laying in me bed, the television off, drifting into sleep but still very much awake and aware of wha...
Protecting My Dreams by Shia453
Those who have read my first story will remember the ghost in my backyard who visited me one morning and pinned my head to my pillow to get me out of bed. I wondered at the irony of that tactic, until I realized: he probably knew that I would have rolled over and tried to ignore him otherwise. We...
Heavy Smell Of Tobacco by hazzardsyndrome
Don't judge but I'm quite a heavy smoker, please before you jump to conclusions this story has no "smoky entities" in it. I was round a friend's house quite late one night; it must have been well past midnight. My friend's windowsill is large enough to comfortably sit on and it's a tall sliding ...
Was It Just A Dream? by Carlyxo
I've never witnessed anything that has shaken me so, nor have I have thought that I would ever possibly witness anything. Last week, on Sunday night, I was trying to fall asleep because I had school in the morning. Mind you, I didn't get comfortable until around 2:30a.m, and even then, it took me...
What Was On The Railroad Tracks? by texicana76
I've posted this story once before on another website, so those of you familiar with ghost story websites might recognize this one. This happened to my husband back in 2007 on Halloween night of all days. My husband called me to tell me as soon as it happened and it's been boggling his mind ever...
Don't Joke About Ghosts Or Spirits by Carlyxo
I moved into this house with my mother back in June of '08. We're renting, and when we moved in all I could think was "This place isn't haunted.", because that was the feeling I got. Am I a sensitive? No. I just guessed, because my dad's house has a couple ghosts, and they let you know they are ther...
The Shelter by SarahS
It was 1987. I moved from Indiana to California. I was 21 years old. I had my son with me. I was no longer married. I came out to California so that I could get away from the strong religious background I grew up in. I was raised Jehovah's Witness. I never adhered to the religion. No offense to Jeho...
Was It My Aunt In The Mirror? by KittyK
I recently had an experience that I have a hard time understanding. I had been seeing this figure (the typical black, not a shadow but not solid either, figure) for a few months and thought nothing of it. I could often explain it away but after it had happened too many times to explain away, I would...
Was It My Daddy Smoking? by dreamergal72
The last first story I wrote was about my daddy's death and hooded figure. This story is about my daddy smoking. My Step-father smokes cigarette brand Western. My Father smoked Marlboro. This is significant to my story. It was last year before summer time. One night as I was sat in front of the ...
Why Was She Trying To Hurt Me? by charmed_1
This story happened way back in college. I used to study in one of the country's oldest university so I had been hearing a lot of ghost stories, urban legends etc. Not just in school but also in our dormitory, stories such as walking nuns without a leg, a floating lady who would stare at you if you ...
Sathyamangalam Forests by PSN
This happened to my and a close friend back in 1987. We were at college in Bangalore city, on Karnataka district of India. We are both from the Kerala Dist and were staying at the college hostel. One late night my friend's father who at that time was working in Kuwait telephoned him and asked if he ...
Walking Spirit Or Guardian Angel? by tigzy
Before I was born my family lived in a block of flats in the Sydney in the suburb of Fairfield which was built where an old house used to be. The house burnt down years before my family moved there. My sisters were only in their early teens when they noticed a presence inside the house. My older sis...
The Boy And My Glow In The Dark Muppet T-shirt by ghostchaser489
When I was seven years old, my mother, my brother, and I lived in a small three bedroom house in a nondescript little town in west-central Illinois. I'd been 'aware' of the paranormal for quite some time, as we'd lived in a house that in the 1800's had been something like an abortion center. The...
Strong Smell Of Cigar Smoke And The Knock by Canyouseeme
I've read a number of stories on this website and compared to them, mine is not all that good. I have two stories to share. My first story happened to my mother and sister more so than me. We moved into our second house when I was around ten or eleven years old. The previous owner was an old man ...
Guardian Angel Or Ghost? by Tufty
I am writing about all my experiences, past and present so you can weight them up yourself. I have had lots of experiences with ghost or supernatural. So please bear with me. My first experience was when I was watching a film in my room. I heard someone going through drawers in my parent's room, ...
My Uncle's Guardian Angel by Isabelle261
My mother's side of the family is very religious. Many of my relatives have premonitions and visions, especially my late grandmother. My mother started to get them when she was young, but then prayed that she did not want them and has not had them since. This story is about my uncle, my mom's brothe...
Should We Be Worried - Possible Angry Haunting? by arielb670
This all started a few years ago. My sister and I started to feel that there was something in our house. Our parents didn't believe us at all. My sister has never told me exactly what has happened to her but I do know that her bed would shake at night. About two years ago is when the most activi...
The Hostel And Dark Figure by Shiva
Honestly, I am not the one for believing in things without seeing them, or at least experiencing them myself. What I am about to write about is something that made me believe in spirits, if not ghosts. It was December 2002. I was at that time studying my Bachelors degree in IT from Dehradun (a hi...
The Male Figure In The Hallway by savypickles
Very funny I say... I was reading stories off this site like I always do when my computer shut off. I was like what happened? I went to check the braker and it was off. The braker does not shut off by itself (it's hard to turn on and off). So I turned it on and went back to the computer. Put the ...
The Two Men And The Dancing Boots by Angelofmusic
From as far back as I can remember there have always been the two men in my dreams. No matter what I dream about these two men are in it. One is dark, Italian looking. Very tall with dark brown eyes and caramel skin. He has slicked-back black hair and a tiny strand hangs over his face. He wears old ...
Lamp Chain Swinging Back And Forth by witnesser241
The Story I am writing about happened in November. I can not remember the exact date but it was very unusual. My mother and I were lying on the couch watching TV when the lamp right beside me on the stand flickered. Now that's not what the freaky part was. The lamp is one of those where you have ...
Strange Occurrences At Home - Help by Alex9494
When I was four we moved from an apartment in New York City to a house upstate. When we first moved in it was kind of funny. One night my sisters and I were all sleeping together we heard someone walking up the stairs, so my big sister says to my little one "Why's Alex coming upstairs this late?...
Trouble In An Abandoned House by AmberMoonPriestess
I was living with some friends on 500 South and 400 West in downtown Salt Lake City during the summer of 1996 when we heard stories about an odd house on 900 South and about 1100 East. Me, my Boyfriend Shawn and our 2 friends Shane and Tina decided to go check the house out. I knew right away somet...
Surrounded By White Lights by imyoproblm
Me and my friend, Ruthie, were walking home from school one day. She's my next door neighbor and we live about three miles away from the school. We were on the side of the road, it was dark outside. We were coming back from detention for skipping under the stairs. So there we were walking down t...
Hush Little Baby by imyoproblm
I have always heard that babies see things different from adults. And the reason I think people believe this is because at an early age, babies don't know how to lie. They always tell the truth. The reason I think babies can see this stuff is because they can't really be expected to tell it to the m...
Night Strangler by DPez
This happened very recently, just this past November of 2008. I'll start off by saying I'd been restless because of the June 2008 floods. In September we learned that my mom was losing her job as a result of the floods which resulted in a stressed induced insomnia stage. I fell into a good sleep in...
Seeing My Momo by tobgirl22
Hey... Well I haven't written anything in a long time. So I have lots more to share. The last story I submitted was about my brother "Halen" seeing my Momo, who has passed away. And now that my little brother "Locke" is 1, he cooperates better and listens, but if your trying to talk with him, or pla...
House Visitors? by cyndit
I'm not very good at telling stories by writing them, but I will try my best to describe what happened without rambling on too much. My husband and our two children moved into our newly purchased home approximately three years ago. We were so excited and absolutely loved it. I had been very sick s...
A Soldier's Story by shypo
This story takes place at my grandparents' home in a small town of Moosehorn, Manitoba in 1984. My grandparents had nine children in all but only two lived at home now as the others had grown and left home. My grandparents bought a smaller farm and moved to a new house on the property. My u...
Electronics Problem Or Ghost by Emileah
We've lived in our one family house for a little over 5 years. The house was built in the 1970's. About 4 months ago, I found my 16 year-old daughter sleeping on the couch one morning. When she woke up, I asked her why she wasn't in her room. She said she woke up during the night to find her TV ...
Heart Pounding Experience by stjepan15
In the summer of 2008 my family and me took a trip to Croatia to visit our other family. My family in Croatia lives near the capital, Zagreb. When our family was given our rooms my older brother and me were given the room on the first floor. Well during the first week we would hear strange noises li...
The Woman's Voice And My Step-dad's Brother Henry by JessicaWishon1989
My name is Jessica. I am now 19 years old, and this is my first story. My mom and dad divorced, but were separated, when I was about 4 years old. My mom met my stepdad when I was 3 and was moving in with him by my 5th birthday. We moved into a brand new house, we were the first owners. Just to...
Apartment 25 by restlessspirit20
I had just moved into an apartment with one of my friends. We both have experienced multiple "encounters" from ghosts (or spirits if you will). It started in late October around the 26th of the month. My roommate and I were at the apartment getting ready for bed when we heard a noise in the livi...
I Was The Spirit In The Police Helicopter by SarahS
On a sunny day I was sitting on my bed doing my college school work. I had a full schedule a Cypress College (Cypress, California (U.S.A.). I lived in Anaheim with my 2 little boys. I had them go on vacation for that last semester. I sat reading my journalism text book. I was sitting up with the ...
Is My Grandma Following Me? by charl2008
I was in grade school when this happened (maybe 3rd or 4th grade). By the way this is my first actual experience of seeing an apparition - a full bodied one at that. My story happened during one of those lazy summer vacation afternoons. I was in the Salas (living room) of our ancestral house in ...
Collection Of Little Things That Happened by freakygirl1411
Of all the stories I have read mine isn't that good since my story is a compilation of all the different little things that happened. Well the first time I found something strange is about 10 years ago. I was 6 or 7 years old and I stood up every weekend around 8 o' clock to watch a cartoon on te...
Somebody There by Missmelanie04
One night in the summer of 2006, when I lived with my grandparents, I was up late on the computer. It was around 2 am and I was busy searching the net and getting sleepy. I started to feel like somebody had entered the room and I heard a voice whisper loudly, "c'mere" (come here). Thinking i...
Ghost In My Apartment by Missmelanie04
My boyfriend and I moved into our duplex apartment in East Camden, Arkansas around Feb. 2007, 2 months before I gave birth to my son. About two weeks after we moved in, he was at work and I woke up around 8:00 am and was watching TV in bed. I heard a loud knock on the front door. I'm a very ...
Ghost In My Apartment 2 by Missmelanie04
After the knocking incidents, there were a few more events. We were having trouble getting Micah to go to sleep at night and so my boyfriend started sleeping on the couch not to get away from us, just to get some sleep. He leaves for work around 5:30 am and had been getting irritated that his...
Ghost In My Apartment 3 by Missmelanie04
After the knocking and the other incidents, I stopped being afraid by whatever or whoever is in this apartment. Since we moved in, I have felt presences enter the room, like energy waves go over my body. Most of the time it's when I'm alone and watching TV or reading. I'll be lying in bed or on ...
They Looked Real 2 by nich
This happened on the same day I went to my best friend fiesta (For those who have read my other story "they looked real" this is the continuation). I thought that would be all, after seeing a lady and a kid that looked real, nothing worse could happen. But I was wrong. This incident was reall...
Ghost's Playing With My Lights by IlikeNumbers123
Lately my parents have been yelling at me for leaving my bedroom light switched on. But the problem is that I don't leave them on. This started last year. I was getting ready for school when I heard someone whisper my name. I thought it was my nana but she was downstairs and when I asked her, sh...
My New Apartment by ghostgirl445
This is actually the first time I have ever actually had a ghostly experience. During February I moved into an apartment. I was told that strange things happened in this apartment more to the point ghostly encounters. Back then I never actually believed in ghost but now I do from my own experienc...
Unexplained Encounters by JessicaWishon1989
This story is kind of long, but in my opinion, it's well worth the read. Seemingly, I have read a lot of stories that may be like this one. Over the last few months, I have moved to Michigan with my husband, I have been really interested in finding more out about the paranormal. It all started w...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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