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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 53
Great Grandfather's Visit by abbto
When I was little, my Grandmother threw Halloween parties for my sister, cousin, and I. My Great Grandfather never missed one, or any other family occasion, for that matter. Anyway, when I was in Kindergarten, he passed away. He was in his seventies. It was a very sad time for our family. At his ...
The Shadowy Tall Man by johnpie2
Basically, I'm a normal teenage boy. I stay in my room listening to music or watching TV most of the time. I don't smoke drugs are drink lots, but sometimes I get really freaked out by what I see. I have seen this 'thing' around seven times around my nana's house, It is usually when I am doing som...
Negative Manifestation by chunkygut1
Please before you read this, you need to read my other story Melanie, thanks. After the untimely death of Melanie my other friend Beth was completely grief stricken, she was in an even worse state than me she could barely speak she was that depressed. Every day I would walk across town to her hou...
Hallows Eve Ouija Experience by Jginkx94
This is a true story some don't believe me but I thought that I should share because I wanted a more vivid explanation of what happened that night. Note that I am 14 years old but this is a true story. It was Halloween, and I was visiting my grandmother and she is of Wiccan decent. She told me th...
Incubus Or Lucid Dream? by IntangibleEvidence
Just to start this out, I'm a very skeptical girl. Over time, I've come to look at the world with more logical eyes. When it comes to ghosts, demons, or any of that paranormal stuff, I just shrug it off and think, "Well until it happens to me, I'm not going to believe it." I mean, it's so easy to ju...
The Black Little Figure by Nely
Something totally strange and scary happen to me. It was sometime in January and I just got back from a long day at work, I took a long bath and went to bed. I turned off the lights and went to sleep. Suddenly I woke up, I didn't move at all (could not move at all!) I was lying on my stomach fac...
Ghost Lamp, Kitten, And Demon In Graveyard Experiences by Spazztasticgirl
Most of what I experienced happened in Virginia, but some has happened in New York. I moved in with my boyfriend and his family because I had no where to stay and we are attending the same college. I live in New York in an older apartment building. Our apartment has no central air and no heat. W...
I Love My Ghost, Nano by Lone_Tear
I read a lot of ghost stories about scary spirits that haunt you, so this might be a change for most readers here. At about 14, I lived in an apartment centre in downtown Norfolk with my mom. After a few weeks moving in, I started school, and I hated being the new guy. The first night was on...
Angel In The Snow by lankyloo98
The following incident happened when I was 11 years old and I remember it clearly. It was just before Christmas and my mom and I had decided to visit my Granddad and to put some flowers on my Nan's grave at the cemetery just round the corner. The day started clear but very cold and as we enjoy...
Ghost Of Avondale by Mariofan69
I'm 14 and have had one strange experience when visiting a friend Avondale, north of Bundaberg, Qld. My father's friend bought an old cattle farm outside the main urban centre, about 30kms. This place had served as a stopover area for stockman on the cattle route from Bundaberg to Mt. Perry. The...
Ghost That Stalk Me? by RosePetal
I am not sure if these were ghost encounters or not. When I was seven I was staying over at a friend's house for the night. She said she couldn't sleep, so she asked if we could sleep in her mom's room, we did. After we went there and fell asleep, I suddenly woke up. I looked over to my right, and t...
Station House Haunting by jv
I've been bored at work recently and read a lot of the stories here. Some of them seem to be written by kids practising their writing, which is cool but this is not the place. I can assure you that what follows happened for real. In the mid 1990's my mother bought an old Victorian railway station...
Unforgettable Experience In Oregon by vulcan10
This took place shortly after I had turned 16. My dad was working up in Oregon and Washington but was based out of rainier. I went up to live with him I guess just to do something different. I was used to being around the city type of atmosphere and it wasn't to long before I grew bored. (Not that t...
Latenight Lake Experience by vulcan10
In the early 90's I lived in Oakwood harbor and the guard at the little guard shack was a rather attractive tall slim woman and I happened to pass by on several occasions late at night on her over night shift. One night, I don't remember what day but it was a week day in the summer time, this ca...
The Shadow In The Dark by Thealoneone
I, as a person, have always believed in ghosts and the supernatural. I have had experiences in my dreams that shock me and wake me up, I have had sleep paralysis, but the sleep paralysis was in another home that I was in, that really turned me into a believer, I have tried to talk to ghosts, read ma...
The Hanged Man by monoxide
II wish for some advice on cleansing my house of spirits. My parents got divorced a year ago so I moved out with my mum and my dad stayed in the house we had lived in for the past nine years. The house was a barn conversion, when we brought it. It was just ruins and animal troughs, however with t...
The Mary Dean House by tasgea
As noted before, we (there are two of us) created this online persona to share some of the creepy things that have happened to us. This particular account is not a solitary story of strange happenings, but a collected description of some of the very real and very scary things that happened to us and...
The Persistent Spirit by marie123
This story begins 21 years ago so please bear with me. In 1988 my husband and I rented an old farm house from his boss. The first week or so we were there was fine then I began having experiences when my husband would leave for work. I would be in a state of half awake and half asleep and wo...
Unusual Activity From My Ghost by BabyBoo
We have lived in our condo for over 3 years now and have had what I consider ghostly activity since we moved in. I have contributed a couple of stories about the happenings in my home to this site. Things had pretty much continued on like they started--lights going on and off, toilet seats that were...
My Ghostly Saga 4 by bozoe6
I moved to Naples, FL and in the apartment that I moved into had me feeling like someone was watching me or someone else occupied the room. Nothing really happened in the year that I lived in this apartment just the uneasiness feelings. We moved to a condo closer to where we work, and things immedia...
Green Vests? Help I Need Opinions by inJanuary
I'm not really posting my ghost story here - just a portion so that I can get some ideas and advice etc. Okay, so we saw tons off odd things. It was not just me. I lived in Edmonton Alberta on the military base when this happened. One of those odd things was images in our unplugged TV; s...
Children Playing In School Yard by moonshadow
This happened to me in the early 80s in Dublin Ireland where I am from. I used to often stay in a friends apartment about a mile from the city centre. The apartment was in an old building converted into apartments and he lived on the top floor. His bedroom was fairly big and had two beds he slept be...
The Crying Ghost by otisian8
I have always experienced paranormal phenomena ever since I can remember; I am 22 years old. It's only lately within the last few years that I have come to the conclusion that I am haunted, rather than the places I am at! If I'm at a reportedly haunted location then my experiences get stronger and...
My Cat Thomas by Big_J
My name is Jens Wardrop I've just witnessed the ghost of my cat... Or I think I did anyway read this and tell me what you think, I'm open to anything right now. This actually happened about 15 minutes ago. I got so freaked out that I searched up cat-ghosts and found this site. 1 year ago my c...
Still Hanging Around by lexie4308
This goes along with one of my other stories about my aunt's house which is haunted by my grandmother. My fiancé and I had to house sit (which really meant dog sit my aunt's baby) this Labor Day weekend because my aunt and uncle were going out of town to Indiana to visit some family. We were supp...
Ghoulish Encounters by TigerLily
I have never experienced any paranormal activity of my own. I'm not usually a person to jump to the conclusion of ghosts at every little noise, but I am still not quite sure what these were. Case 1: Near the end of last month, August, I was sitting at my computer one night. My computer is in my par...
Sleepless Night by scaredjules
My husband and I used to live in an apartment building that was over 100 years old. It had been different things threw out the years. We moved in August of 2007. We had a lady that lived across the hall that claimed she had seen things and heard things in the hall way and in her apartment but we jus...
Sophie's Ghost by otisian8
This is my second post of a paranormal experience that happened to me, I can't remember this directly myself and has come from five reliable witnesses, my mum, dad, gran, great aunt and great uncle. It was around Christmas and I was about 4 we were visiting my great uncle and aunt's house with m...
Row House by mangadanga
The below incident has no conclusive evidence of influence of any supernatural presence. But when looked at closely it brings out a picture that made me very uneasy. Moreover all this has been happening right in front of everyone without a slightest attempt to disguise or hide the facts. To a certai...
She Whispered Into My Ear by -_Syeetaque_-
We've been living in our current house for almost six years now. The house is new. We are the very first owners. However, my family and I have been experiencing some scary occurrences. But luckily, the happenings are not frequent. Let me start with my own experiences. Once, I was sleeping soundly...
The Music Room Spirits by ChildOfTheLotus
This happened to me when I was five or six years old (I'm now 20). It's the first experience that I have had with a HUMAN entity (or entities in this case), and only the third paranormal experience I had ever had in my life. Before you decide to comment saying that I don't know what I'm talking abou...
An Incubus Or Just A Dream? by ChildOfTheLotus
This took place when I was 16 years old. I had gone to bed exhausted one night after having a day full of semester exams at my school. What I am about to describe is strange but true. I have no reason to lie about it. When this first started happening, I was so confused I thought, "I must be sti...
Eerie Feelings by tonied
I've always believed in ghost but my now husband does not and didn't at the time this happened. We were in Shorewood, WI at my boyfriend's (at the time) place on Oakland Ave in his apt. I had always felt weird being there, never felt comfortable being alone. One night after we'd gone to bed, I w...
Village Of The Damned by otisian8
I have always seemed to live in a haunted house (see my previous story) this is the second house I am living in at the time of this story, we were living in a little village in Leicestershire called Ashby magna, it's a very old village and featured in the doomsday book. The house always had a s...
Footsteps In The Attic by SNICKERS
When we lived in Germany for 6 years I would always hear footsteps in the attic of the house we lived in. I would be so scared to go up there and check so I asked my mom if someone was up there and she would say no. She would always tell me that it was my imagination, but I knew it wasn't because wh...
The Flash Of White by XxgummybearzxX
I was around the age of 6 when I had my first experience with the "supernatural". Now I honestly believe that this thing that me and my two sisters, my brother, and my mother saw was something protecting us. This was in our old house in Grafton where we saw it. We where all in my parents bedroo...
My Grandparent's House by shellybelly
It's been four years since I've had any supernatural experiences that have scared me; I guess it's just part of getting used to the fact you're not always truly alone. However, growing up in my grandparent's house I had plenty I'm sure to never forget! I lived there with my mom and younger bother, a...
Ghostly Woman Seen by canadian123
I have a true ghost story to tell told by my father recently. This horrible story happened in Picto County Nova Scotia, Canada. Many years ago, before the 1930's there was a family that lived near this brook. There was the husband, wife and their two sons and for some reason the husband and his ...
Johnny by WIckedWitch2000
I'm Rhiannon, and I was 4 when this experience happened. I was in my room playing dolls, when suddenly I looked to the right side of my closet, without even wanting to see there, and saw a little boy looking quite messed up. I don't mean punched up, like his hair was messy and his clothes were w...
Haunting All My Life by shadowfang153
Where to start... Ok, so here it goes. When I was little I used to see this ghost dog around my house between the age of 3 and 8. I told my parents but they said "just ignore it" or "it will go away" but it didn't. So a few nights of the years when I was small there would be this black shaggy do...
They're Everywhere 2 by Hanbobs
Since me previous story 'They're Everywhere' I have experienced even more strange goings on. For those who have read the first part of my story you will know I was experiencing paranormal behaviour and a lot of strange things had happened to me, within the past week a few more things have occurred.....
Grandma's Still Here by Taylor
The year was 2005; I remember lying on my bed listening to my CD player when I smelt a scent. The scent was very familiar. It was the perfume my grandmother wore on my mom's side of the family. She loved that perfume and she wore it everywhere she went. She died when I was only six years old. I ...
The Suicide by paranormalpest
I was a deputy for the Salt Lake County sheriff's office, and one day I was approached by 2 young women I was associated with. They were worried that something bad had happened to their friend, a co-worker. He hadn't answered his cell, texts, or communicated with them in days. I felt the young man w...
The Heater Man by AlwaysHaunted
It has taken me a long time to be open about what happened to me when I was 5. But I guess it's better now then never to share my story. Before my father committed suicide, every late night/early morning it would start as what looked like eyes on the basement door. They were very evil looking eye...
A Late Night Visit by vulcan10
I was just reading, " A sea of voices in the night" by Ant 1111. You know, that story brings back a memory of something that happened when I was around 16 years old. We were house sitting for a friend of my dads. They had been family friends all my life and seemed like family. His friends mom ha...
I'm Not Alone by CFerri
I believe I have an extraordinary sense and ability of being able to see spirits around me at any time. I even have memories that date back as early as when I was 7 years old and having feelings of a "presence" around me or "angels". Anyway- I'm not only able to sense they are near me, but I als...
An Odd Happening At College by vulcan10
The happened when I was in college, this was a primarily Indian college. It was a Friday evening and a couple of friends and me were going to join others from the college, at the river partying. I don't remember why we hadn't gone with the main group but it must have been about 10pm or later and alr...
The Earthquake Ghost by cosmogal926
This story takes place in late September of 2001. My ex-husband John (not his real name) and I lived in a 3 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, NY. We never experienced anything paranormal until we had an earthquake. One night I was torn out of my sleep by a very loud cracking sound and then an eve...
Im Actually Very Scared With My Experience, Please Help by Alaina55
I'm very new to this site and to be honest I have read a few of your stories to comfort myself these past few months. After an experience last night I felt I needed to share because I'm desperate for advice... My boyfriend moved into an apartment about a year ago. It's pretty old. I basically liv...
My Ghost Saga Follows Me To Back To Texas by bozoe6
After 5 years of living in Florida, I moved back to my hometown, Corpus Christi, TX. We bought a newly built home just on the outskirts of town. Now everything that has happened in this house has happened over the course of 4 years. One night I was in the computer room, and I had called my son a...
Hauntings In A Small Texas Town by jazzeyjay
My story began in the small country town that I was born and raised in out in West Texas. I will not give the name of the town, because the home that these things happened in is still there, although vacant and has been for a few years now the house still haunts me in my dreams. I was raised in a Ch...
My 2 Year Old Son Is Scared To Be In His Room by fashbro11
My 2 year old son woke up last night in a fit and he couldn't get out of his room fast enough, it was odd because he never wakes up at night, he's a really good sleeper. I asked him what's wrong and he pointed to the ceiling and said it hurts, I tried to put him back into bed and he kept pulling...
The Little Old Lady by mrsmla4ever
Although I have had many "ghostly" experiences, the one that I am about to share has always stood out in my mind the most. When I was younger, I used to spend the night at my grandma's every once and a while. It was something that I always looked forward to because we would stay up late and play ...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by lolzy_34
If you've read my previous stories then you will know I have heard and seen some odd things and have a strange feeling about my house, but this has to be one of scariest and downright creepiest things that has happened to me yet! It happened on the 22nd of August (four weeks ago on Saturday) at a...
An Elf Tale by AlexB24
From what I can remember it was never a scary house. From the outside it looked normal enough, a little one storey with a well manicured lawn, fenced in backyard and garage. It was owned by my mother's friend, who I lovingly called my Aunt. As far as bad experiences go, I have none to recall prior t...
The Elks Lodge And A Cry Of Help by danigotfaith
I belong to a group of paranormal investigators, GRASPP (Gathering Research and Stories of Paranormal Phenomenon). By the way, I love hearing other's experiences which is why I love this site. Anyway, back to the story. We had been called to investigate a local lodge; this had been used many yea...
Never Provoke A Graveyard Spirit by LordOfDarkeningShadows
In my earlier story "Dream of A Funeral That Turned Demonic", I talked about having a dream about a cemetery near where I live. This story takes place at the same cemetery but was all too real. I was meeting somebody in town and had time to spare so I decided to go to the cemetery for five minute...
My Gettysburg Experience by GettysburgGhosts
It was July 19 2009, my family and I were on our way to Gettysburg, PA and I was excited to go! After 2 hours we finally got there. We went to some of the Monuments. Then went to our hotel room to unpack our stuff. I couldn't wait for that night because we were going on a ghost tour. I kept askin...
Is It A Ghost Or Is It Just In My Head? by Fate14
My Mum and Aunt have a history of seeing ghosts and have a lot of stories about it. A couple of weeks ago, me and my Mum were watching TV late at night and all of a sudden we hear a something growling (it sounded like a person). We instantly looked at the hallway door. My Mum said she had felt a col...
My Beautiful Uncle Ron by ashi
I must admit I am an only child from Australia, in fact I lost my beautiful mother when I was 11 from kidney failure and I am 20 now! I also have a beautiful father who has gone blind because of diabetes like my mum and I'm an only child it effects me deeply. My story is about my uncle ron. I was...
Read House, Room 311 by AllenCowling
I have been many times to the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, the Crescent Hotel in Eurika Springs, Arkansas and many other areas reported to have been haunted and experienced absolutely nothing. I recently returned from a 2 night stay at the Read House in Chattanooga, TN and the infamous room, ...
The Old Lady With A Smile by ChasingDownTheDawn
When you're young, you're shielded away from the nasty world that's around you by your parents, so no wonder at some point you start to become curious about everything. In need of answers to the many questions you have. One of the many questions for me was what does and doesn't exist? Back in the...
The Suicide 2 by paranormalpest
In the first part you read about a young man I found as a deputy, dead one evening from a gun shot wound, and 2 young girls who were his friends. What happened next is stranger than the first part, and it involves three young women. Tom had been buried about three days now, one evening I was aske...
Thing On The Porch by ChildOfTheLotus
This story is actually a little bit complicated to tell. First, I have to explain that I used to have dreams about my guardian spirit. At different times, he would guide me through problems in my life, give me strength or explain things that I couldn't understand while I slept. I have only lived in ...
The River by Webbstain
This story was experienced with one friend, even though there were about 8 or 9 of us at the time. It was March 10th 2009, me and a number of friends (specifically Brandon) were all on a bike ride in north Birmingham (Britain). We began our bike ride at the top of a very steep hill that led into bi...
People In The Car Windshield by ChildOfTheLotus
I was living in a trailer park with my husband, right before we got married. I was about 5 or 6 months pregnant with my son at the time this happened. Just to note, nobody died in this trailer. I lived in a very small town at the time (before finally moving back to my childhood home), less than 2000...
That Black Thing by ChildOfTheLotus
This is my very first experience with the paranormal. Sorry if this is kind of short, but it was a rather quick happening. I was four years old when this happened and I was playing outside of the house that I currently live in. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I think it involved m...
Man In My Room by CiaraFarrelly_
I'm from Dublin and me and my big sister used to share a room together. She used too have really bad nightmares. She said that there was a man was in our room. Years ago my dad and ma stayed in the room and my dad said he seen two old people at the end of his bed! They seemed nice but he started to ...
Round Two by FATMIKED518
I lived in a very haunted house for eleven years until I was sixteen. I had a lot of experiences in that house over the course of all those years. But after my mother, my sister and I moved out, almost three years ago, I have not seen heard, or felt anything. That is until last week. I am now living...
Grandpa Says Goodbye by xtxmariexgx
Today I cannot remember much about my grandfather, but I will never forget the way he said goodbye. My grandfather had struggled with cancer for some odd number of years until he passed away in November of 2000. I know now that we weren't extremely close, but with me being only five at the time a de...
My Aunt's Freaky House by bozoe6
I was 15 living with my aunt and uncle in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin back in 82-83 school years. There would be times when I would end up being alone in my aunt's house. She has a large split level home, downstairs she has another living room, and then in the back there's a small kitchen. In that ...
Whats's Wrong With Me? by johanna34
I know it's a lot but bear with me please. Ever since I can remember I've have had paranormal experiences and they still occur even today. I don't know if I'm physic or if I'm attracted to things or even imagining them. I've had some really scary experiences I have never shared them with anybody...
He Was There by chance_is
My first encounter with a ghost was when I was about 7 or 8 years old. My parents had purchased an old chair with a wooden frame and cloth covered cushions. It was late one night and I had woken up to go the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door and in the hallway where the new old chair had been place...
The Old Lady With The Pale Blue Eyes by Jackashton
This story took place in the early summer of the start of the year 2000. I was going through an emotional time to say the very least. It was less than two weeks since Id buried my mother and just over a week since Id celebrated my birthday. After two weeks of unpaid leave, I was heading back to my t...
A Message From The Dead To The Dead by Hopeful23
A boy that used to go to my school had committed suicide just this school year. He had been with my class for about 7 years and switched schools the year he killed himself. For safety purposes, his name will be changed, as will everyone else's in the story. A week after he committed suicide me and a...
My Experience With The Ouija by tiny
My name is Teresa and I guess my story starts when I was still in high school. I always thought the Ouija game always sounded kind of neat so I borrowed a friends game for a couple of days and me and another one of my friends played together at my house just the two of us. We asked various questions...
Shadows In The Graveyard by moonshadow
This event took place when I was a young teenager an actor had died who acted on a long running drama on Irish television a drama that I very rarely missed so I decided to go to the funeral and I had found out which graveyard in Dublin he was being buried in. So I went along on my bike to pay my res...
My Experiences - To Date by laniparis
Although, I've always been interested in reading ghost stories, I must admit I have never actually seen a ghost but, I have felt and heard them... When I was about thirteen years old, I was at home with my older sister and her partner (while my parents were out shopping); they both went downstair...
Sis I Think She Looks Strange by walangk3
This happened a while ago when my family and me were in our car and we were on our way to our family's friend's house. They lived outside the city and there weren't many houses about anymore. It was pretty dark outside, but also quite warm really. On our way there we saw a girl about my age walk...
Lingering And Confusing Paranormal Experiences by DL
My initial story with the paranormal begins in New Orleans, Louisiana where I was born and raised. The family dynamic is fairly typical... White trash upbringing with a much too young mother from a dysfunctional family of her own which gave her little guidance on how to make appropriate choices in l...
Follower? by intense05
It was about year ago maybe longer. I was sleeping in my room and I could feel someone holding me down on my bed. It felt like my eyes were rolling in the back of my skull. I tried so hard to call for help but I just couldn't speak it was weird nor move any muscles in my body. So I did the only thin...
Afternoon Adventures by Phoenix77
Because I have been reading a lot from this site and enjoyed all the different stories, I began to really think about my past to see if something "strange" had happened before and I didn't notice. Sure enough I found one and still do not know what to make of it. At the time I was around 10 or 11 ye...
Ghost Who Wanted To Watch Tv by snowflake
It has been awhile since I've had any "experiences", until two days ago. All four of my children were in school, my husband was sitting at the dining room table with his laptop, and I was in the living room on my desktop, when all of a sudden my son's TV. Switched on by itself. It startled me, s...
The Haunted House I Lived In by tiny
This story took place in sweetwater texas where I was born and raised. I had written a story before about using an Ouija board in the house after some time the house became very haunted. It was a pink 2-storey house with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in it. I believe the house wasn't haunted when we fi...
Shadow Person In The Window by mista_fyed1
This happened when I was 10 years old. 25 years ago. It was winter and we were living in a house where my room was in the basement. It was a nice, finished basement though. I would sometime stop playing or doing what I was doing abruptly just to listen; I would hear people whispering a lot. It w...
The Presence In My House by tk421
It has been a month or so since I published my last set of findings about this entity. It seems as though I have stopped receiving dreams, voices etcetera. Things still seem to move themselves on their own, and I guess I've grown used to it. It is kind of hard still saying I see things have moved...
The Dark Figure In The Doorway by Jackashton
This story is set in my family home in a little town called Wishaw in Scotland. My parents bought the house nearly thirty years ago, and my brother and I spent most of our childhood years there. The house is not that old it was built in the 70s, but the land it was built on used to be part of an old...
Great Grandma by ohyesazombie
In 2006, when I was twelve, my mother, grandma, and I moved into my great grandmas house because she was in her last stage of Lung Cancer. One night my great grandma told my grandma, her daughter, that she had to go to the bathroom. Of course, my grandma took her. That was when my great grandma died...
Grandpa Checks In by xtxmariexgx
This story is a somewhat of a sequel to my previous story "Grandpa says goodbye" I'm not quite sure how long after my previous dream I experienced the one I am about to tell you about, nor do I exactly remember every detail, but I'm sure of this dream being a way of my grandfathers way of checking i...
Moving Furniture And The Man In The Window by mable1127
I have lived in my current home for just over a year and a half. The first year, I saw nothing. This was actually strange to me considering I have had paranormal experiences in three of the last four places I have lived. About three months ago a door knob turned on its own. I dismissed it as a figme...
Sal by trademarkamanda
Ever since I moved into my house 10 years ago, I have been experiencing the paranormal here and there. I was unaware at first seeing my first encounter was when I was still in elementary school. Now, almost 18, I have researched and what not about the paranormal and who it could be in my house. S...
Very Intelligent Haunting by FATMIKED518
This story happened to me when I was fifteen years old. My stepbrother and I had talked for a long time about investigating the haunting in our attic. Our bedrooms were in the attic. I finally got the courage one Wednesday in September. I wrote a note to the spirit, telling it to contact me. Three d...
Fracisco Go To Sleep by Tuto69r
About 4 summers ago I was with the family on vacation in Culiacan, Sinaloa.Mx. That Part of Mexico when its summer is very hot but it also rains. In the house we stayed in they left the doors open every time it rained but it was fresh and we slept in the middle room. That night I slept on the fl...
Is It A Ghost Or A Doppelganger? by ElinaIoneki822
This happened just recently and it involves me and my really good friend. His name is Dan. A little background on him, he is the friend that can see the ghosts that I mentioned in my previous story. He has had 3 death experiences and is on his 4th life (so-to-speak lol). So he can definitely see spi...
Collection Of Events by Hopeful23
Many of you probably know that I have had some pretty odd things happen to me. From Ouija boards gone wrong to being woken up at 3 am night every night I've had a lot of occurrences with the paranormal. Now I'm about to share some smaller experiences with you. I seem to attract various kinds of thin...
Ghost At My Friend's House by MizLiz
This story happened at my friend's house in the spring of 2008. Me, and two of friends, Marc, and Travis, were at Marc's older brother's house playing Ocarina of Time. They were helping me play it, and we got hungry, so we decided to order pizza. While we were eating we noticed strange things starte...
Watched In The Hallway by The_Spooky_Kabuki
When I was about five years old, my mother remarried the father of my elder sister and we moved into the house that my stepfather's parents had given us, after they had built their new home across the street. We lived at the end of a dead end road, with only four other people occupying homes on said...
Scared Half My Life by LadyTam
When I was eight I experienced death for the first time... When my baby brother passed away. Every since then I feel like I've be tortured. The first time it happened to me I was nine. We lived in Caruthersville MO, I had just taken a bath and I was reading before I went to bed. I put the book on my...
Haunted Painting? by Joanne12316
Not too long ago, my aunt, who lives in Birmingham, England, purchased an oil painting by Sep Milner. I do not know this artist, but I believe my aunt bought the work in Holland. Anyway, ever since she put it up in her office at home, strange things started happening. It began when my aunt...
Shadow At Grandma's by StMikal
When I was younger and living in Philly, I had many experiences that shook me. These days I still think about them and am not scared anymore but curious. I'm 25 and different things continue to happen now but all this started to happen when I was about eight or nine. My grandmother had moved away ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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