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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 57
Foot Tickled And Wet Spots by glimmerjo
I have lived in my house for over 15yrs, just recently strange things have been happening. First my boyfriend about 5 months ago said he heard children's voices late at night. He only heard it once and I thought nothing of it. (I have no children or live by any) then just in the last couple of weeks...
Sleep Paralysis And Spirits by Rascojr
So, this being my first post. I have to include some minor back story about myself mostly regarding SP and Spirits. When I was younger, I would experience sleep paralysis, quite often. 99 percent of the time it was inconsequential. However, Once I woke up, on my back which is strange for me paralyze...
Lisa by hautsaki
My sister Lisa passed away in 1982. She died of chronic (controlled over a long term) Leukemia. Lisa's death was an eventuality and all of us knew it, including, of course, Lisa. Eventually Lisa went into a blastophyte crisis. This meant that the chemo drugs she was using were no longer working and ...
Blue Light In The Window by clairebear
It was 2008 and the day before I was moving to Brisbane to live with my dad. I was at my friend's house and it was late. Her boyfriend was in bed and we decided to go out at steal garden gnomes to have some fun because it was my last night and we used to do it sometimes, me and her went out her back...
Lady On The Corner by carrycat
This story happened to my step-dad. He is not particularly superstitious but it was scary for me to hear him tell this story. He thinks there might be a rational explanation for it. My step dad has two jobs; his second job is as a waiter at a local watering hole. He works the late shift and prefers ...
Ghost Followed Me Home by Kai-Kai
My first experience occurred when I was around 11. I was in Girl Scouts and my troop took a trip to Gettysburg for the weekend. It was lovely there as we toured the battlefields during the day, our motel was a bit creepy (it was next to a graveyard), but I never saw anything in our room. Our las...
Ghosts At First Job by Kai-Kai
My first place of employment was a REGAL Entertainment movie theatre, the one in Moorestown NJ to be specific. I had quite a few experiences while I was working there. I walked into theatre 7 to clean after a movie had ended to find the screen brightly lit, but the rest of the theatre was pitch blac...
Demonic Or Wild Imagination? by Bfolley
This is my first posting on this site; everything I'm going to write is entirely true. I am writing because I want to know if I should be scared or if I should just pass it off as having a wild imagination. My father and I bought our first house in Kansas after having lived in various apartments....
My Two And A Half Year Old Is Seeing Something We Cant by ashmill
My two and a half year old daughter has been seeing things. She will be sitting there playing and out of nowhere she will start crying or screaming acting frantic saying scary mommy or scary daddy and be pointing to nothing. When me and my fiancé ask her what is scaring her she just keeps point...
Little Girl Ghost Or Something Else? by dalva8087
When I was 16, I thought I had seen a ghost in my house. At first I thought it was just my imagination so I never really paid any attention to it, until I recently found out that I'm not the only one that has seen it. I've always been fascinated with stories about ghosts, demons, haunted dolls, etc ...
Dark Hooded Figure Following Me Through My Life by Julesco2
I was about 6 years old when this all started. My uncle passed away and I was devastated. He was like a father to me so I indeed was very hurt. As I slept in my living room with the other cousins (6 of us) on the floor I heard this noise like someone dragging their feet. I looked down the hallway to...
The Bad Man by Ghostgirl24
I have a story which I am sure will freak you guys out... My little girl is 2. She loves to play and carry on like any normal 2 year old but something happened yesterday evening that made me wonder what she is seeing that I cannot. I was cooking dinner yesterday evening while my little girl play...
White Rose by vanillaflavored_16
My mom works in a hospital as a nurse-midwife here in Manila, and because of this, I was used to seeing a hospital and everything in it-- I mean EVERYTHING. As I said in my previous story here, I have had my 'gift' ever since I can remember although I can only have the best of them by seeing them an...
The Letter H On The Wall by freud1
My husband and I recently bought a new home and have since moved out of our first home and have found renters. We've spent the last two to three weeks fixing up our rental, painting, dry walling, installing new blinds, and ceiling fans. This past Sunday, we had patched up a hole in the wall that was...
Maybe Not Just A Dream by Temilicious
I am relatively new to the site and have not experienced much when it comes to the paranormal, although I have had a few encounters if I may call them that, which have left me baffled. Just a bit of history, the house I am living in now, in Midrand, was left to my brother and me by my mother who ...
Believable by carys
My mum had a car accident when she was pregnant with me. She had no idea that she was pregnant and that day she went home to the poltergeist, he was a boy and he died in the chimney (mum researched deaths in the flat). She had just had bath to calm down as she almost died and found out she was pregn...
Really Bad Luck by MadameMunster
As a child I did find myself very alone, a lot of bad things happened to me, and I was prone to seeing ghosts where ever we lived. We have lived in a few different places, and the one I remember more clearly was in an apartment in San Jose, California. I must have been around 8 years old. At the t...
Our Haunted House In The Poconos by seregirl
Everything that I'm about to tell is absolutely true and everything actually happened. I don't live in the house it happened in anymore, but I regret never studying the history of the property or investigating the haunting that took place (like if anyone died there). Here's a little history of the a...
The Haunted Office by CA_NJGirl
Twenty years ago I worked in a small agri-business in Salinas CA. The greenhouses and office were the first buildings on that site; no other structure had existed prior to its construction. The area had been mainly fields and ranch prior to the business being there. The location was very close to...
Dad Saying Goodbye by CFerri
Unusual ghost-like encounters have been happening to me since my father past away in November of 1996. I was just a young girl then and ready to celebrate my sweet sixteenth birthday until this tragic event happened to me. Learning of my father's death and how he chose to take his own life was mind-...
The Watching Woman by sameeca
I have had quite a few weird experiences over the years; I don't know why as I don't think I am particularly psychic. What is strange is that it has only happened since I moved to Ireland... And it's in every place that I have lived in since. These are some events that happened in my first house in ...
It's In The Genes by Zeno_ama
As previously mentioned in my first entry to this site, the ability to interact/see/hear/etc ghosts runs in my family (on my Mother and Fathers side, but my Father refuses to have anything to do with it). However, we have never simply sat down and talked about it. Yesterday on the 8th of November wa...
Succubus Like Experience It Seems by Tgunn
Very interesting stories I've read here, and I've oddly had a few strange things happen that I've always attributed to dreaming but makes me wonder now how can so many people share so similar experiences and there not be some sort of truth to it? I tend to be a skeptic by nature, and generally think...
Ghosts After Having Nightmares by timmafee
The first ghost I saw was when I was about 4 years old. It was a glowing white man that sat on my wardrobe staring down at me with a blank scare. I would have really bad nightmares if I slept with the lights off. The dreams would be of me dying, or being poked sharply in the ribs while someone was ...
Orb Or No Orb? by portia311
This isn't much of a story. I took some pictures, in my home, of my nieces and my children while my sister was visiting. My husband has, on numerous occasions, seen a little girl with long dark hair running in the house. He always sees her from the corner of his eye. He once mistook her for my daugh...
From Age 4 With Shaking Chandeliers, To 17 With Growls by Shooey
I was born in California, and we had a two story house. With the stairs, you walked up a set of stairs and there was a landing; like with most staircases. Above that landing was a chandelier. Sometimes, I would be up really late watching TV and stuff, and I'd have to go to my bedroom upstairs. That ...
Haunted Finds In The Woods by Hanbobs
When I was a child around the age of 12 me and a group of my friends would mess around in the woods near my mums house. We used to play in there often and build dens and tree houses. Naturally there were many spooky stories about the woods that the other local kids would tell us that we all used to ...
Lustful Ghost Or Demon by Trudy82
This is my first shared experience on this site. I suppose I'll start with a more recent encounter. This happened a couple years ago... I was on a date with my boyfriend at the time. Let's call him Eric. We only dated for about six months, and he was very into the spiritual world and energy work, a...
The Dole Mansion by Trudy82
In 2006, I rented a teaching studio at the Dole Mansion - a historic site in Crystal Lake, Illinois that had been bought by a non-profit organization and is now called Lakeside Legacy Arts Park. It's a beautiful, sprawling mansion built in the 1800's with a very long and huge addition added on somet...
An Unforgettable Night by jeetu
It was during the cold winter night of January this incident occurred, a night; we tried to forget but just can't get it out of our minds. It was a Saturday and the three of us, Sanju, Ajay and Jeetu (me) had been all day together, enjoying ourselves. 10 p.m. Was the time; we were at Sanju's hou...
Demonic Presence? by Lisa1974
Some 'thing' is awakening me at night and scaring me. It has been going on for about two months. Not every night but just sometimes. It starts with a really loud whistle or bell that awakens me and right as I come around and start to sit up I'm forced back by a strong wind that is coming in from the...
Five Year Old Mystery by ParanormalSpectrum
My mother and step-father and I recently moved into our new home. Around the time I got a new bed and a large box of free stuffed animals and that when ghostly things start up. First off, my home was built on the grounds of where a house from the 1800s was built once. Around six to eight weeks ag...
Several Stories by aja
My wife and I have been doing paranormal investigations for a few years now. We have both had experiences when we were younger. For her it was knocking on a wall of a friend's house after she and her friend used a Ouija board (something she regrets now). She also has sleep paralysis when she is alon...
Colmar Manor Nightmare by Pooch84
Ever since I was little I was always scared of my house in Colmar Manor near Bladensburg and Cottage City primarily because we lived right next to Fort Lincoln Cemetery. I was seven years old when we moved into that house and it was creepy and old. But as the years went by it was worse. Finally when...
He Wanted To Be There, Too by zzsgranny
I'm so happy to announce the birth of my second grandchild on October 26th. Her name is Emily Michelle, and she is perfect. She looks just like my daughter! My daughter had a c-section, so my youngest son and I were on the way to the hospital at around 6:15, or so. Since we would not be able to smo...
The Screaming Woman by seregirl
I've always been receptive to spirits since as long as I can remember. I also sometimes dream of them and dream of things that have happened or are going to happen, but in no way do I consider myself "psychic". Here is one experience that might creep you out, and I'm curious about other people's con...
Theres A Girl In Our Hotel by luv2luvu137
I went on a trip to Disneyland, Anaheim (LA) last year with my boyfriend and his family. I'm sorry that I don't remember which hotel I stayed in and what room number it was. I remember it being on the first floor and it was one of those cheap scary looking hotels (the ones you see in the movies wher...
Old Fort Hays, The House I Grew Up In by cmc77
I grew up in a University town in Northwest Kansas. My grandparents had bought this amazing house really cheap and let my mom and I live in it, when I was about 8 years old. My mom's boyfriend and his 3 daughters moved in with us. For awhile, just small things would happen and nobody would think twi...
The Little Grim Reaper by ashleydawn86
When I was 12 years old I experienced something that confuses me to this day. I was staying the night with my grandmother, who was going through a divorce and having a really hard time. She cooked a great dinner, I went to bed, and slept like a rock... That is, until dawn. I awoke with the sun be...
Angry Spirits Won't Go Away by KirkoBezerko
G'day I am an eighteen year old male and I live on the gold coast, Australia. This is something that happened only recently in my current house. My parents and sister were out on the sofa playing Uno while I was watching TV in my room when I herd a massive thud on my bedroom window, now at the time ...
Home Hauntings by Tamsa
I'm not sure if I ever actually got my story submitted to this site, but thought I'd give it a shot. I have already had one ghost team to my home last year who were hobbying it and didn't do much follow up with me though they apparently did find something. I suspect something frightened them away ba...
House Upon The Gallows by sameeca
If you have read my previous post, you will know that I used to live in an old fisherman's cottage, which I thought was haunted. My family moved from there in October 2002 from the beach to the town. It is in a housing estate, on a hill on the outside of the small town. It is about ten years old, wi...
Great Nanny by hholstead
My Great Nanny was about 80 years old and she was always quite and very opinionated. But one thing that she was great at was fixing biscuits and gravy. It became a family recipe and everyone would always fix it! We still do to this day. About 4 or 5 years ago my great nanny died in the hospital....
There's Someone Outside by cr233
When I was 14 I lived in Pennsylvania. We lived in a ranch house in a small development, where all of the nieghbors knew each other and were friends. We lived on a hill, so our neighbours weren't very close to us. Our front door opened into our living room. We would hear loud stomps walking up our f...
What Is This? by rache1020
Let me start by saying I am really not sure what kind of spirit I am dealing with, and that I did not summon it of my own accord. I am a practicing solitary; I won't claim any religion as my own. There is some truth in everything. It started around my birthday, October 20. I moved into a new hous...
Something Is Following My Mom And Is In My Room by Stonewall
First of all I'm a big fan of this site. I've never really had a real paranormal experience until a couple of days ago. This also includes some of my moms' experience that she is currently going through. The layout of my room is very simple, you go through the door and my bed is set against the w...
The Haunting Of Hayward by iscute11
When I was a young boy, we used to live in this old house that was at least 60 years old (maybe 70 now...) When we moved there, it was a big place with a big backyard. I thought it would be the coolest house ever, but it turned out not to be. The first year, everything was fine, nothing really h...
Not Human, Not An Animal by seregirl
I wasn't going to share this experience but after reading bluebelgianbeer's and deathcipris's stories, I've decided to go ahead. Their descriptions of what they saw are SO similar to what I saw, and I'm really interested to know if others have seen this or what other's opinions are. One night I l...
They Were Everywhere by TinaBug1975
I am not sure how much of this story was true and how much of it was "power of suggestion" but I know some strange things happened in a neighborhood I used to live in. The neighborhood was in Akron, Ohio, and was right along the Portage Trail, it seemed like the whole area was active, and I wanted t...
What The Hell Is It by kittiemoon
For years now I have been followed by an annoying pest who won't get the hint and get lost. It frustrates me because I unfortunately am the only person who can hear it or communicate with it. It has pinned me at night time when I have been awake laying on the couch, bed, and so on where I can't m...
Mom's Confronts The Dark Silhouette by Surya
This encounter did not happen to me but my mom. My mom is a very religious woman. So for her to experience what she did was a bit of a shock for her as I got a phone call around 7 in the morning. Putting aside my haunted life, this experience made my mom a believer. Up until what she experienced, sh...
The Door Closed by born2race87
When I was about the age of five years old I lived in the state of Anchorage Alaska. My family and I lived in an apartment on Donna Drive. At the time my dad was in the military and my mom had no job. The layout of the apartment was simple. We lived on the second floor and to the left when you walke...
Ghosts And A House by ParanormalSpectrum
A few years back I used to live in an oldish house. From what I remember it was rickety, creaked, and had a bad ghost infestation. We had a lot of... Odd activity. I remember one night it was really late for me (I was about 12 so staying up to eleven was late). I was in the living room with a lar...
Steps In The Sleeping Room And Another Story by Pou88
Dear readers, I hope my English is good enough that you can understand my story. It is completely true and happened to my mum. It is about 10 years ago, July 1999. I lived with my parents in a 5 year old 2 storey home. My parent's bedroom was on the first floor, just as my sisters' and my bed...
A Heavy Feeling In The House by michellelovesghosts
First of all I want to say, I absolutely LOVE this website! I work late and was bored one night and came across this website and have been addicted ever since. When I get into work this is the first thing I pull up and I spend hours reading it instead of working. It's bad I know, but it's like my da...
Figure Watching Me Struggle While Paralyzed by kimmie00160
Here's just some background information on me and where I live: I am 15 years old, I live with my mother and 3 older brothers. When my mother and father got our apartment in 1987 somehow they learned that a previous tenant died in here. I believe I have a psychic gift, When I was little (age 4-7) I ...
The Black Mist And The Grey Maid by Phillip1995
I live in an old Victorian Terrace and I know there are a few ghosts in my house because my mum can feel them, anyway on to what happened. It was about 2 years ago in the evening and I had just came out of the W/C and walked round into the bathroom (Our W/C and bathroom are in different rooms) and I...
Incubus Sex Past Two Nights by Ashleyhills
First and foremost, I'd like to say I was raised going to church and growing up I have witnessed spiritual warfare and demonic attacks. I have been attacked before, having a scaly blue fleshed demon put its hand over my mouth and sit on me so I couldn't breathe, needless to say I don't mess around w...
A Seance And A Warning by Jake_Da_Snake
A couple months back, I had my first experience with the paranormal. My roommate Jordan and I were bored one night, and decided to have a séance in my room. I thought it would be cool since I had never taken part in such things, but had always been interested. We arranged lit candles in a circle ar...
Am I Seeing Things Or Is This In My Imagination by spritelight
First of all I would like to say that I am new to this website and this is my first story, I hope you will enjoy reading it. I work as a security officer in the Olympic Park Site in an office where this experience happened. I was doing my night shift patrol around the building. Now this building ...
Sleeping With The Haunted 2 by Pete16
Not very long ago, I submitted a story regarding my boyfriend and a few experiences he has had seeing shadow figures both in his room and in mine. I write again this time as another incident has left me afraid of my own bedroom, questioning whether he is experiencing waking dreams and/or wondering i...
The Man In My Room? by Kiko
To explain the significance of the events that occurred to me, you have to understand a couple of things. First, I have been in foster care since I was 10. Another is that, with most of my experiences the sprits ghosts, whatever they are, have been really kind and protective of me. When I was yo...
Unsure by archiefj
Here's the thing my grandmother continuously tells me that I would describe people's clothing who were on the verge of death, for example a woman was in a car accident and she was wearing a white t-shirt and pink skirt and had blood all over her and she was standing outside than I went on playing bu...
My First Scary Experience by shweetgal
I've often felt crazy for such things that I have experienced through out my life. Some things are hard for me to grasp on whether or not my experiences are real or if I am just crazy. Which I guess I am if what I've had happen to me is not valid for I have no proof, but, only a story, my story. As ...
My Ghost by Abbysmommy
I am very involved with the Ouija board, so is my cousin Tammy. We play every time we can. We are both in our 20's and I have been playing since I was about 16 years old. When me and her starting playing it was always at her house, since my mother doesn't like the board. Nothing would happen just ma...
The Reflection Of The Girl In The TV by amb_123
My mom and Dad bought a new house about a year ago. We finally moved in it last February. I was so excited because I was getting a bathroom in my room, so I couldn't wait to move in. One day my mom and me were at home, I had missed school that day because I was sick. We were both sitting on the ...
Benning Haunted by Soldier1
This is a story I was told as I was walking into a fellow Soldier's home a couple of weeks ago. As I was walking into the home of my friend, I was stopped at the door by another friend of mine for a "briefing" before entry. "You have to know this before you come in, man." I was kind of con...
Big-mama's Babysitter by Soldier1
My Great-Grandmother (Big Mama) told a few stories as I was growing up about the strange things that happened to her over her lifetime. I'm going to try and fit the ones I remember the most into this one entry for they are all short. 1. When she was a child, she had an elderly male babysitter wit...
Am I Crazy Or Is There Something Following Me? by jessiofOZ
Ever since I was little I have always seen things that weren't there. I would see shadows and hands out of the corner of my eyes, I'd get very cold in warm places, and I would always hear strange creaks as if someone was walking. One time when I was little I was lying on my mom's bed, and I felt som...
Evil Apartment On First Street by Blackrose36s
It was about 4 years ago when my husband and I went apartment searching. We came across a 3 bedroom on First Street in Jackson, that just felt wrong, but due to our circumstances we didn't have a choice but to rent it. The price was right and it gave us the opportunity to get a dog like we'd been wa...
Timeslips by Whitefeather
I live in Snettisham, Norfolk, and walk my dog regularly in the nearby woods, known as Ken Hill Estate. I have had a few Time Slip experiences up there as well as an awful feeling of foreboding, panic and general unpleasantness. The first time slip I experienced was as I stood looking out toward...
Driving Through Corn Fields At Night by Trudy82
As you may know from my previous stories, I grew up in Illinois and I experienced many paranormal things there. What I would like to tell you about this time are the experiences I had during a period of six months in college (University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign or UIUC) when I was taking hors...
Footstep & Voices In My Friend's House by spritelight
This is my second story that I have posted, but this one took place at my friend's house where I had the experience. It was back in October this year when this experience happened. I was going out with my friend to my friend's house to stay over. I was feeling tired so I asked my friend if it wa...
The Entity That Liked Me by gyoza1216
I was stationed in Guam on the Naval base from 2004-2006. I've had a few paranormal experiences before but nothing prepared me for what would happen my last night on the island. I lived in Barracks 9 on the top floor, just down the hall from the kitchen. I can't remember my main room number but ...
Ghost Girl At Park 2 by tasuma
Hey everyone, now if you're reading this and you haven't read the first part it is called "ghost girl at park". After seeing the girl the first time I wanted to see if she would show herself again and she did. The first time was out of nowhere and complete form cloths and all. I saw and heard he...
My 1920's Home by kymba
I have been renting this really cool 1920's house for 7 years now. It is a cute little Spanish style two bedroom with one bath, a kitchen nook and an enclosed laundry room. Original hardwood floors and door knobs etc... I have experienced a few things since I have been here but more so this past cou...
Merry Little Orbs by NewsBys
I guess this is a ghost story, it's paranormal, and orbs are usually considered to be ghostly. On a late summer evening in 1995 around 11:00pm, (I remember the time because we were worried about curfew at that point in life) me and a group of friends, witnessed an interesting phenomenon. We had ...
My Lucy Things by kymba
I have mentioned in my first post I would tell you about this unexplainable incident that occurred in my 1920's home and my son saw it happen as well. I have this cute little wire coat/hat rack that hangs from my wall in the entryway. I have a wall that my big china hutch is against and a small ...
My 1920's Home 2 by kymba
My 1920's house I am sure make the normal settling sounds and creaks and such, but these sound like a person is moving things around in the cupboards in the kitchen. Bumps and knocks like they are busy. I was in my son's room with him and a couple of our friends and we all heard a strange noise ...
My 1920's Home 3 by kymba
I have been seeing shadow figures in my hallway, and bedroom at night. I have the bed in my room positioned so the foot is facing the door to the hall. As I lay in bed watching the TV next to the bed or just lying in bed I get a glimpse of a dark black shadow sometimes big as a man but not fully in ...
My 1920's Home 4 by kymba
One morning I walked out of my room and was hit by a smell of perfume which lingered for a few seconds. It was a perfume smell I did not recognize as one of mine. I have also got a whiff of a bad burning smell a couple times, gasoline like and on a few other occasions burnt oil smell. The gasoline s...
The Climbing Creature Or Childhood Imagination? by CA_NJGirl
As I have mentioned in other submissions, I have experienced paranormal encounters most of my life from the time I was quite young. There is one experience / memory that still has me confused from a paranormal context and I can't decide whether it was actually paranormal or just a confused memory. ...
Really Spooked, Please Help by creed-09
I've got a bit of a problem, I'm normally a rational person, you know the kind that hears a bump and puts it off to being the radiator. But I've found that this approach to life is becoming incredibly difficult. I'm 15, and I've experienced quite a lot of, unexplainable events recently. One of the b...
It Wasnt The Wind by cr233
Every year when I was a kid, my family (dad, mom, me and little sister) went to Wyoming to see our friends. They lived in a farmhouse with a huge yard and a ranch, so I loved going there. The only thing that freaked me out was its history. Their house was 200 years old, and had a graveyard in their ...
The Ghost That Saved My Life by PrincessLeah
Back in 2007 when I was 23 I moved in with this man that that I had known since I was a teenager. He had a sister that had recently died under some pretty tragic circumstances. He was very close to her and had a shrine of sorts dedicated to her. It was a large book case with lit candles, pictures of...
My Not So Gift by josh22395
My name is Josh I am 14 years old. Ever since I was eight years old I have been able to see and speak to ghosts. I know I am not crazy I am in all honors classes. I mean I have an anxiety disorder but nothing else, this is not a gift this is a nightmare. I need help though I get very scared and try ...
My Childhood Was Not Like Any Ordinary Childhood by SavanaAngelina
I grew up knowing that my mothers' family were gang people, so I literally had an out of it bringing up. Both my father and mothers sides were different. My father wasn't in the right state of mind when I was a little infant and my mother was too young. So I literally lived with different people fro...
Amy's Back by DPez
Recently, I've been having an up rise in paranormal activity which has suddenly caused me to rethink one of my other paranormal encounters. I published a story on this encounter (Abby called Amy and her Dolls). When I was younger, I believed Amy was introduced to me through a set of dolls I received...
Hateful Feelings by michellelovesghosts
I love reading everyone's stories on this website and I invite any skeptic to spend time reading some of these personal accounts from real people. This is my second story: As I mentioned I grew up in military household and moved a lot. My father was stationed this time in Salt Lake City, UT and w...
Living Enrichment Center by mrdeagle
As I have stated before, I live in Portland, Oregon. There is a town near the Portland area called Wilsonville. It's about a fifteen minute drive from where I currently live. When I was growing up I lived in Oregon City. I remember when I was ten or eleven one of my friends told me about a mental ho...
Living Enrichment Center 2 by mrdeagle
This is my second story about the Living Enrichment Center, an abandoned worker rehabilitation center in Wilsonville, Oregon. I had some bizarre experiences there before, which I wrote about in my first story. It actually took a little nerve to come back a second time after what happened the first t...
Now Do You Believe In Us? by NDstructible55
I was raised in a Christian home. My parents assured my brother and I that ghosts weren't real, that demons play tricks on us to keep us from believing in God. I never experienced anything paranormal as a child. As I grew older, it was almost as if the spirit world did not exist to me. The Poltergei...
Figure Of A Man At The Foot Of My Bed by sandeescare
This is just a little story about what type of ghost experiences I've been through. When I was about 5 years old my parents built a really nice house, this house therefore there should not be kind of paranormal activity. As I recall the first few nights were fine. I shared a room with my sister ...
They Keep Running Past Me by Surya
On more than one occasion I have seen what appears to be a person quickly walking or running past me either towards my bedroom or my son's bedroom. The first time this happened, I was in the living room sitting on the sofa. My partner was in the studio and my son was in his room. From the corner...
I Had Real Ghosts In My House by wendydash2
My Name is Wendy, and my story takes place a few years back in 2003 and 2004. Me, my husband and two children were stationed at MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) Miramar California, My husband was on Deployment overseas and one night while I was sleeping I woke up suddenly because someone was pulling ...
The Nun Of Gothic Drive by brainlessbandit
When I was two years old, my family and I moved into a quaint little neighborhood in a small city outside of San Antonio, Texas, where I still reside today. It is a quiet place, with virtually no crime (most of the people who live here are retired Air Force families from nearby Randolph AFB). The st...
Playful Ghost With Black Eyes And A Very Tall Man by xXelliemayXx
This story is about some things that have been happening in my friend's house that lives near to me. I have seen and heard a few things in her house. Her fiancé hears and see's things too so I have back up to what I experienced there. First off I started hearing things. I was in my friend's bed...
Car Crash by Autumn321Wicca
It was about a year ago today. I'm not sure what it really means, but I'm going to tell you about the car crash that could have happened right in front of my eyes. I'm not sure where we were at the time, but last year. My family and me were going to a hotel. It was a local hotel close to where we...
Unusual Experience by irish-guy
I'm a 1st time user of this type of site and to be quiet honest, I thought I'd never be posting or visiting this type of site because before the last couple of months of my life, I didn't believe 100% ghosts/spirits didn't really exist. I'll take you back a couple of months before my experience... I...
The Ghost I'll Never Forget by Timothy
When I was growing up my family and I lived in an old Victorian-mansion styled home in New Jersey which almost resembled a small castle. It was a unique experience looking back at growing up in that old place but there are dark things that I had experienced that will not ever fade away from my memor...
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