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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 58
Lonely by TAD
November 23, 2009 This is my first attempt at describing a ghostly encounter, so please indulge me some. And I'm not so sure it could even be called an encounter. My wife and I relocated to Oak Ridge Tennessee to fulfil employment requirements. We rented a condo on the west side of town and I...
The Beach House by mrdeagle
My grandmother owns a beach house in Lincoln City, Oregon. My family has been staying there for vacation since I was born. It has always been my favourite place to go in the world. The house is very small and old. It was built sometime in the 50's and has undergone many repairs in the past. I person...
Game Room Shadow People by EmeraldFlash
I was inspired to share this story after reading about several similar experiences on this site. This had happened to me about 12 years ago, and it wasn't until very recently (2009) I realized others had been through the same frightening and confusing experience. I have had other paranormal experien...
Grandpa, Stop Misplacing My Stuff by ParanormalSpectrum
This is a mixture of two stories. One's my mothers, the other is my own. My great grandfather died when my mother was eight years old. Shortly before him my great grandmother died as well. For forty years from the time he woke up to the time he went to bed, he would rock in his rocking chair. He...
Shadow People: Night Terror Or Is It Real? by Shannanigans707
I have always experienced weird things when I sleep but there is one thing that happens to me that I can't help but wonder if it's just a night terror (which is what I have always called them) or if it's real. It basically started about 5 years ago (I'm 26 now) maybe longer where I wake up and ...
The Man In A Trench Coat by Temilicious
I come from a family that experiences a lot. It's a very interesting life, which, while growing up I thought it normal; 'til I realised my friends don't have so much activity occurring in their households. Don't know if I envy them or what. Luckily we have never had anything bad happen. Only to my g...
Odd Occourrences At The Old Victorian 2 by caspertheghost
My family and I moved into this house five years ago, and since then we have been having some slight haunting. But recently we have discovered that not only is the house haunted, but our barn is haunted too. To start at the beginning I must start at the most recent haunting because most of the t...
Above The Head by GhostMe111
When I was 11 years old, I was like everybody else. I had friends who would help me out a lot and play with me. My best friend David invited me to come over to his house. This is where it all started... David has a cat named Coco and she would act very strange sometimes. So I came over and s...
Our Hotel Stay Off Toulouse In New Orleans by Erte4879
This will be a rather interesting story, or at least I hope it will be, because it happened to me and another friend without us knowing it and were told about it by another friend who saw the whole thing as it happened. We had stayed several days at this hotel with no incident. About an hour bef...
The Haunted Villa by ghostsarereal2
When I was younger I remember going to Spain a lot with my family and my aunt's family, as it wasn't too expensive and it was nice to get away from the usually cold British air every once in a while. We would sometimes go into hotels, but usually we would stay in Villa's. There was this one time...
I Told You There Were Shadow People by lilith2136
I would like to start by saying that I am a fairly logical person in my thinking. So when my husband told me that when he was coming to bed one night, he saw shadows in the shape of humans outside our bedroom door I told him that it was just a light trick. He neglected to tell me that these didn't j...
My Dog Khaire's First Bark by evilmonster
I used to work late during the days and I would arrive home around 10 pm after a long hard day at work and would usually watch TV until 2-3 am until I fell asleep. We had this dog called "Khaire" (translated it means browny) and he was adorable but he had one peculiarity and that was he never bar...
Incubus, Demon, Ghost, Or Imagination? by Meghan
First off I'd like to let you know that I've always been sensitive to ghosts and demons alike. Ever since I can remember I've always been able to sense them when ever they're around me. Though I've never seen a ghost with my own two eyes and haven't really ever cared that much about supernatural hap...
Not The Kitty by Hecata
All my life I have had three entities that have been with me, I call them... The boys! They can be very mischief makers but at times they can be entertaining too! My husband and I and four grandchildren lived in this old two-story house. I have always kept a special place for the boys whether it ...
My Brother Watching Me by Katieheswatching
I'm only 15 and I have already had my first ghost experience. I'm supposed to have an older brother, about two years older than me My brother died when he was a baby. I have never really thought anything of it. About a year ago, we moved into our new house. Everything was fine until three mo...
Invisible Hosts by samarana
My stepdad, who raised me all my life, had been transferred to NYC in 2000 as a journalist correspondent. My mom and I soon followed him and lived there from 2001 to 2002 and had to return to our country, Brazil, because of our jobs and school. But in January, 2003 we went to visit him again. We wer...
Upon Moving Home by MattBradley
As a child I grew up in Stony Stratford; a rural area to be precise. Here is a little history on the area and house. In 1736 there was a raging fire and another in 1742. In this fire the house I currently reside in was one of the only houses left although everything around my house had been burn...
Incubus, Demon, Poltergeist, Or My Imagination by Dracosgirl
My name is Alex. During the past week, I have been having some difficulties with unexplained phenomenon. I have come to a conclusion that these experiences may be the result of an incubus attack. No, I am not a 12 year old girl seeking attention; I am a 17 year old in need of help. I have read that...
The Ghost Knife by Grolarg
A few days ago I was lying in my bed and was almost asleep when I heard a strange noise in my kitchen. I ignored it at first because I thought it may have been my dog. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't so I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink. When I got into the k...
A Voice From Hell by GhostMe111
On November 28th, my 2nd paranormal activity had happened, and I was shocked. 2 weeks ago we moved to a new house that we have been looking forward at. But yet we didn't know that the house owner had died of a disease, and was 78 years old. It was an awesome house, it was big and just perfect...
Cat As Protection by TheOneAndOnly
This even took place a few years ago. My brother was on the beach with my cousin and a couple of friends after they had been drinking. One of them came up with the bright idea to mess around with a Ouija board. All that was to hand was a pizza box and a shot glass that they had been drinking from. S...
Lady On The Wall by bri22500
This was to me a really weird thing. This happened to us on Thanksgiving of this year. I was sitting in the living room and had a feeling someone was staring at me. I looked over to my right and saw a shadow of a woman and above her right shoulder is Jesus Christ (I think). This was there long enoug...
What Are They? by TTraveller
I am actually not very comfortable sharing my experiences so openly, but my curiosity got the better of me to find out more about one type of spirit that I have seen. A brief background - I have experienced two types of spirits. One is what you would call the "shadow people", which are rather well-d...
It Don't Matter If Your Black Or White by Just_Mwah
My little brother of 9 has always been scared of things. Up to when he was about 6 or 7 he was afraid of the dark (and normally you stop when you're about 5.) Now he is scared at everything, even all the posters that are up on my walls because he says that the eyes follow him everywhere and they jus...
Spirits In My Flat by wendymneil123
I met my partner about 9 months ago, even though I have moved in with him now, I knew his flat was haunted as soon as I first stepped foot in it. Even though I have never seen him, I know it's a male who is quite tall and over 50 years old. You see him pass the doors in the hallway from the corner...
This Little Boy Must Have A Past Of Torture by xXelliemayXx
As promised I'm going to post the story about the little boy in my bedroom. This is a very emotional subject for me because I feel so helpless and I just NEED to help this little boy. He appears to me vey much in detail... But in two ways. Normally when I see him he is crying, his eyes red raw fro...
Full Bodied Apparition Sighting by Ibelieveinghosts
This is a true story that happened on May 15th, 2006 in a small Illinois town where I grew up. I have always believed in ghosts ever since I was a little girl because for the first 10 years of my life, my family and I lived in an old spooky house where many strange things happened that were unexplai...
Possible Start Of Succubus Activity by Yoda1
Let me first start out with, I have had a variety of paranormal experiences in my life, not a lot just a variety. I am learned to the paranormal and know the differences between demons and ghosts, etc... My Story: Last night (11/30) I stayed up to watch the football game Saints beat the Pats. Sinc...
Using A Ouija At My Friend's by seb94
Ever since I felt the cold touch at my friend's house I've been very wary of going back. I only go during the day time, and I never let her leave me alone. Seriously, I make her stand outside the bathroom if I have to go. No luck with anything on the property either. I recently acquired an Ouija bo...
Man In The Hallway by alexakae19
I was 3 years old and I was lying in bed. It was pretty late when my mother would wake up to me screaming her name. She would come to ask me what was wrong and I would tell her that there was a man in the hallway. It wasn't really a man though. I can still see the image in my mind until this day. H...
Harmless North Louisiana Ghost? by bayouboy
Compared to some of the accounts I have read on this site, I am sure my story will sound tame or even boring. Yet someone may relate. When I was two years old my father purchased some land in West Monroe, La. He then purchased a home, which was moved to the land, where I lived until my 20s. I now re...
A Visit To The Graveyard by sanjubhat
In early 2009, I changed my job and joined an Organization which had its Head Quarters in Bangalore (India). Though I was based out of Pune, I was called to Bangalore for an Induction session and meetings with the Company's Senior Management. The whole schedule was for around 5 days. After I reached...
Voices In The Dark by emily17
For my junior English class I have to write a research paper in order to pass for the year. I was required to pick a topic and I have always been interested in the paranormal since my experience with my mother. I decided to research spirits. I had to narrow it down to one specific thing and in the...
Presence In My Apartment? by mikupgirl
I've lived in this apartment complex for over 2 years. The first apartment I lived in with my husband, and I'd sleep at the edge of the bed instead of against the wall. I'd always feel really weird about turning my back to the edge of the bed, like there was something behind me, and there were a cou...
The Reassuring Light by Hanbobs
My Grandma died around 7 years ago now. For those who have read my other stories you will know that she spent her last 6 months in Hospital. My mum, along with her brother and sister, sold my Grandma's house not long after she had died. My mum experienced a lot of spooky stuff while she was sorting...
Overactive Imagination Or A Paranormal Experience? by RachH
I would say this is more of a few experiences I've had and things that are still happening than a 'ghost story' as some would put it. The first thing I think is worth noting is when I was younger, I would talk to people I thought were there but who nobody else could see or hear. I think my mum hu...
Unsure Of Our Safety by Jess0625
To start off I have had paranormal experiences occur randomly since the age of 13 when I lived with my grandmother. I would hear footsteps, hear whispering and see shadows. That always freaked me out so badly that I would go for days without sleep. My experiences as a child have turned me into somew...
The Shower by mrsmla4ever
About ten years ago, when I was 15, I moved to up north Michigan to live with my father. He lived on the upper floor of a cute home that had been converted into two apartments. While we all encountered many unexplainable experiences there, the one I am about to tell has always stood out to me the mo...
The Tall Skinny Man by Erte4879
Before I begin I would like to exclaim just how addicting this can become, darn it. The more I think about it the more confused I get about it. I've tried FOR YEARS analyzing it, deconstructing it, putting it back together what I saw but I never seem to get any where. So I guess I'll write it down a...
My Grandparents Or My Imagination? by brooklynbaby97
This happened when I was about 8 or 9 years old, I was sleeping on the couch in my living room. It was about 9 or 10 o'clock and I was having trouble sleeping, so I turned on my television and watched TV for about an hour. As my favorite show was about to end, two figures appeared in front of the TV...
Using A Ouija At My Friend's 2 by seb94
I think that I'm being followed. I don't know if it's by a spirit or what, but I can never see who it is and whenever they sound closer the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms stand up. I'm severely regretting using the Ouija at my friend's house (last weekend). She says everything is normal fo...
A Frightening Experience by marijun
Two nights ago, I felt restless as I lay in my bed. My husband was already asleep, beside me. The time on my mobile phone said 2:34AM. I decided to listen to some music on my iPod with the hope that I would eventually drift off to sleep. I popped my earphones in my ears and wriggled away to a hip ho...
Many Actual Ghost Apparitions Captured On My Camera by Ladycatlove
I am a 50 year old mother-grandmother-greatgrandmother. For the past 12 months, I have been capturing actual ghost photos on my digital camera. Not orbs or lights, actual people. They are not visible to me when taking the photos, just when I upload or develop. One girl I have captured in two diff...
Ghost In The Studio? by alicia123
This is my first post, though I have been reading and enjoying the stories on here for a while now. This photo (single photo, taken four times by my phone for different views) was taken by a good friend of mine for her art coursework. It involved taking a photo of a convex mirror that reflected surr...
Ghostly Experience At Funeral by aussiedaz
Ghostly Experience at Funeral I'm 44 years old and my paranormal experience spans over 41 years. There is so much for me to write and truly by the time I'm finished writing I'd probably have forgotten just as much all of this is true and I will tell you as best as I can remember. My first experi...
Possessed Teddy Bear, Or Something Else? by EternalLotus
I don't really know how to start this, other than the fact I've come to find that a favored teddy bear of mine seems to have a life of its own. Donnie, as I've come to refer this stuffed toy along with such things as 'he' and 'him', isn't all that special actually. My mother bought him at the mall f...
Haunted Pocono Vacation by cosmogal926
During the summer of 1990, my friend Tracy and I were 14 and the best of friends. We went to the same high school, liked the same music, and spent countless hours and weekends together. Naturally we were thrilled when Tracy's mother won a trip to the Pocono Mountains and invited me to go along with ...
Shadow People Or Demon, Can I Defend Against Them? by Allemande
The following experience isn't the first paranormal one I've had in my life, but it is the first one that I am at a loss when trying to rationalize it. It happened after the holiday party at my company, I was exhausted and decided to take a nap on my couch for a while, it was 3:30 PM. When I woke...
White Figure And Poltergeist Activity by mark
I haven't posted a story here in awhile, because the activity has actually decreased significantly, or has become tolerable. I moved into my new house 1 year ago. Ever since I've moved in, I've had activity from noises, to keys moving along countertops without me seeing the movement. It's a two ...
Am I Hearing And Seeing Things That Don't Exist? by michaela1993
In 2002, my parents had a baby, a little girl. Three months later, she died. They said it was SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), that she simply stopped breathing while she was sleeping. No pain. I was nine years old when she died. For the next few weeks, I didn't actually believe that she was de...
The Creature by gvf7225
I had a different experience from what I usually have. I stayed up late this weekend watching a movie. The movie was almost over when I heard someone in the hallway. My hallway is "L" shaped. From my couch you can look down the long part of the hallway that leads to my room. The smaller part of my h...
Noises On The Stairs by StrawberriesandBananas
This is my first submission... Sorry if it's slightly confusing. My cat died recently and I happened to find her when she was in fact dying. She was about 17 years old and blind. She would make very distressed meows, if you own a cat you will understand. Anyway when I found my cat on the stairs of m...
Pictures In Nevada's Towns by cmpshn81
My son, some of his friends and I recently went to a place called the American Flats just outside of Virginia City, Nevada. I had heard stories of this place and wanted to go see what all the hub bub was about. Upon arrival along with the history and the decrepit look of the place, you definitely go...
Connecting With Karen by Hanbobs
A couple of months ago I met a woman who is friends with my boyfriends mum. Her name was Karen. The first time I met Karen was at her own house, me and my boyfriend had gone round to collect some stuff off her. As soon as I saw Karen she looked very familiar to me, even the tone of her voice sounded...
Dream Turns Scary by VampireGee
Firstly I'd like to say I'm terrible at spelling and punctuation and secondly I've just moved to Wales, Wrexham around two months ago. Since moving into my new home I've started having these weird dreams; I was sitting on a chair in a white room not able to move. After about 20 minuits (as it see...
A Message From My Deceased Grandmother by Timothy
This story I am about to share with you the reader happened in early 2006. My Grandmother, God rest her soul died of an acute form of cancer which since the her time when she was told she had cancer and until her death was all within a couple months. It all happened to fast and she died on new years...
Grandpa Watches by Jamie247
To give you a little back round behind this story my father's father (my grandpa) died while my grandmother was pregnant with my father, so my father never met his father which means I've never met him and we didn't have a picture of him until I was about 14. I don't remember this ever happening, bu...
The Bathroom Light & The Tall Thin Shadow Man by kelsea159
It was about 2 in the morning on a Saturday morning, and my family and I were headed to my older sister's rugby game in Toledo. We were all really tired and needed to rest before the morning, so we stopped at a tiny motel in the country, about 30 minutes from a town. Upon walking into the tiny room,...
Hearing Voices Late At Night by Dracosgirl
This only happens at night. You might remember me while I posted a previous story about an "Incubus" which is titled "Incubus, Poltergeist, or my Imagination?" or as some of you suggested, my experiences could be occurring sleep paralysis attacks. These attacks, however, have come to an end. This st...
Ghost From My Army Days by moonshadow
To tell this story I will have to tell you a few things about where I was based during my 9 years Irish army service. First of all I was based in a military camp in Donegal Ireland. The accommodation was long wooden cabins divided in the middle by a partition and another door at the partition leadin...
On And Off Encounters by Cindy17
To start off with I've been having ghostly encounters ever since I can remember. When I was about 2 months old my parents set up a video camera near my crib, the recording was pretty much all they suspected, I was laughing at a random spot in the dark, my toys were moved from one side of the crib to...
Everything Was Going Great by mrdeagle
At the age of eight I lived in Milwaukie, Oregon. My parents decided to move the family to Milwaukie from Oregon City, following a big promotion for my dad at his job. My two brothers were excited about the new place and my parents were the happiest I had seen them in a long time. Everything was goi...
Shadow People At Work by michellelovesghosts
I started my job 3 years ago and I eventually got tired of working days and moved to nights where it's less busy and more relaxed. That's when I started noticing more 'things' like dark shadows passing by other desks out of the corner of my eye. I would just blow it off. I started to hear tapping no...
I Should Just Accept It by BriFischer05
I have come to the conclusion that I must possess some type of ability or sixth sense. If you have read my other stories you'll probably say, "DUH!" Here recently, I have been experiencing a surge of activity, not at my residence but my girlfriends. I'll start by saying that she has never experience...
Thats My Chair, Guy by Soldier1
So, last night I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when I kept hearing the sound of the loose spring in my chair popping. I'm upstairs and the light is on downstairs creating a glow up through the stairwell. I lay there debating with myself whether or not I should go look. I look at my open do...
My Dark Follower by morgansarmy
My name is Ana, I am 16 years old, and I have recently been having some experiences that I believe to be paranormal. Four different times, I have seen a dark, cloaked figure in the shape of a man. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I don't want any of my family to know ab...
Sleep Paralysis by lazria
Last night (Nov 7th, 2009) I think I've had my first case of true sleep paralysis (night hag)... If I'm lucky. But before I go into this, let me state that I have recently moved into a new place (a trailer) in another city so I no longer have to deal with any of the paranormal stuff that had been go...
Can It Be A Ghost? by Ibelieveinghosts
I had published this story before on my old account and am resubmitting it. I recently moved into an upstairs apartment over a store. There is one other apartment along side mine but it's empty and has been for months. Shortly after my son and I moved here, I started hearing what sounded exactly lik...
I'm Terrified Of My Stairs by Idle
I'm 19 years of age as of writing this, and I've been an atheist and skeptic since grade 7. I've never believed in ghosts, and have always considered the stories of such to be embellished fabrications (which grew even more embellished over time) or just hallucinations brought on by alcohol, medicati...
The Man In The Black Coat by Chris
I've never told a living soul about my paranormal experience for fear of ridicule and social rejection. I feel that now I am older and have the intelligence to thoroughly tell my story, I can let others know what happened. I've lived in this house with my great-grandparents for about fourteen years...
Something Freaky And Unexplainable by Panda06
First of all I want to say that I am scared to death just anything that deals with ghost or just hearing the word ghost, entity etc... This thing that happened to my sister she can't recall but the people around her can! Someone like me! So, My sisters and I live together, (I'm the youngest out of u...
Freaky Freaky Freaky by FrankieFatality
Pretty short and simple really, I woke up at about 3.00am this morning to something trying to push me out of my bed. When I awoke it continued until I started freaking out and crying then it just stopped. I also hear scratching on the walls and floorboards of my kitchen sometimes and my bedroom do...
Using A Ouija At My Friend's 3 by seb94
I said I would update, and here it is. I dealt with the Ouija board according to one of the suggestions on my previous post, but I still feel things are getting slowly worse. I don't consider myself easily scared, and everybody always tells me how stubborn I am. Whatever was following me seems to st...
Harmless North Florida Ghost? by bayouboy
Hey, y'all. I finally got time to write about some of our more recent happenings. My wife and I live in Jacksonville, Florida in a wood frame house. Our previous home here was of similar construction and size of this one and with similar activity. About 5 years ago we moved into the first of these...
Pregnancy Ghost by Firice
My story happened last year (2008), beginning in approximately mid February and ending some months later when we moved house. The house in question was a rental, so we would have moved on anyway, but I was still quite relieved to go. I was about three months pregnant at the time, and we -myself, ...
Haunted By A Stranger by syriakid
My haunting started when I was around 17 in my mum's house in Scotland. At first, I thought it was my imagination. Photos would be moved around in my bedroom and I'd find doors and windows open when I was sure I'd closed them. Things gradually got more pronounced - the TV and lights started to switc...
An Electrifying Night Experience by GhostlyImage
It was a warm June night in l985 at my Old Victorian Home on Liberty Street. My wife and I were a sleep in our room, when something awoke me around midnight. As I sat up in bed, I looked to the ceiling at the right side of our bed. There was a large green glowing light, with like electricity energy ...
Ghostly Encounters Since 13 by nikki88
My name is Nikki I'm 21 years old and I come from a small town called Banff in Scotland. When I was 13 years old I had my first encounter with a spirit, whenever I was alone in our new house, I could hear footsteps running around upstairs (the landlord told me and my mother that we were not allow...
Sister by dismay
This story was told to me a few years ago by Jody Ballenger of Birmingham, Alabama. She swore it was "gospel truth". Jody Ballenger said that many Christmases ago on Christmas Eve, she and her husband of many years Johnny were doing some late afternoon last minute shopping. As they drove to the s...
Wolfe Island Romance by maggie-b
In the summer of 1983, when I was 23 years old, myself and four of my friends sailed to Wolfe Island to spend the weekend. We landed on the island in the late afternoon and quickly set up our tents and began meal preparations After dinner we set a fire and sat around telling stories until late in th...
Bright Purple Light by DaisyD
My sister has always had difficult pregnancies and she always ends up having miscarriages. So we were all excited when she was able to last 5 months being pregnant. We thought this baby would survive. Unfortunately, her pregnancy became very difficult and she gave birth to her son when she was only ...
Overcrowded Apartment by EternalLotus
When I was younger, around the age of three, I lived in a haunted apartment with my mom. However, since I was so young and only remember a few things, such as the ghost that would play with me in my room, most of these experiences are relayed to me from her. The apartment is a part of four buildi...
A Dark Figure & The Unexplainable Whisper by ashkac11_
It was just like any other bland March night. I had just completed an essay for school, and began preparing for bed. The time was around 11:30 -11:40 give or take. I had crawled into my bed which faces the door; my parents had made it a rule to sleep with the door open. Just like any other teenager ...
Cowboy Killer by snms234
Up until I was about five or six I lived in a small town in West Virginia. At one point in time, pretty much everyone in my family had lived in the house my mother, father, brother and I were living in. Coming out of my room there was the bathroom to the left and then across the hallway was my broth...
Male Voice by _edana_
I used to hear a strangled muffled male voice when I lived with my parents. No matter how much I searched I couldn't find a source and when I tried contacting a spirit I never got a response. The first time I heard the voice (age 15) I had just walked out of my office and into my bedroom across...
Breath On My Neck & Loud Exhalation by honey91
I was staying at my best friend's newly built house a couple of years ago; we were down stairs playing on the computer in the basement. She told me she had to use the bathroom and she would be back soon. I stayed down stairs still playing the game. A few seconds after I heard her go upstairs, I ...
Pictures Turned Face Down by Soup13
About 5 or 6 years ago, my fiancé (now husband) and I moved into this teeny tiny little apartment in a town called Sharpsburg, which is a part of the Pittsburgh area. We had only been living there for about a week when we had our first experience. When I arrived home from work one day, I noticed th...
My First Haunting - The Hostel by Roro
I've never actually seen a ghost, but have felt them several times. But there are two incidents in particular that I'm quite confident that the encounter was real. I'm a resident of India, currently in high school. When I was in junior high, I went to a boarding military school. When I came for va...
Great Great Grandpa's Buzzkill by Erte4879
This was one of my Grandmother's favorite stories, now it's important to note she would clearly make the distinction between a legend and a factual story when she told both. To her this was a factual passed down family story and so it shall remain for me too: This woman had a real knack for telli...
Moving In To Grandparents House by janny
My first experience was many years ago. I was in my mid-twenties and recently married. We had moved into my husband grandpa's house. Sometimes, at night when the house was quiet, we would hear noises of footsteps, which sounded like someone entering the backdoor and walking into the bathroom and bac...
The Silent Stalkers by Emily-TheParanormal
My name is Emily and I am from New Orleans. About 5 months ago, my husband and I had just settled into our new home. It wasn't until about one week later that I had started to sense unusual activity. I have experienced these unusual occurrences three times. The last occurrence was one 6 days ago. I...
Stop With The Scratches by Hopeful23
Recently my parents have decided to get the basement carpeted. You might remember this basement from another story I submitted about hearing footsteps on the concrete and having paint can knocked over by an unknown object. I assume that the ghost might be at it again. With all the workers going down...
Cat Call by see27burn
My husband and I live in an apartment right now. The same apartment complex me, my mom and dad lived in when I was 3 [and I am 23]. So they're not brand new apartments. We have been living there for 5 months. Weird things started happening about a month ago. Just so you all know I am familiar with t...
One Wild Night... I Will Never Forget by xXelliemayXx
Hey guys, This story is about something that happened in my grand-dad's house one night. Now if you have read my previous stories you will know that I have seen and interacted with my grandma on many occasions in my grand-dad's house but I believe that there is someone else there other than her....
Man Tresspasing Wall And Other Weird Things by BlackValkyrie
This is my first time here so I apologize if I make any mistake, also I'd like to state that English is not my native language, so please be patient if I don't write very well. My stories are not big ones, not absolutely scary, I have seen many strange things in the former house I lived in, and n...
My Second Vision by honey91
A few days ago, my step brothers, my boyfriend, and my nephew were in the living room playing the Wii. My step mom and my dad's friend were in the dining room, sitting at the table, talking about a woman whom my step mom knew years ago. I stood on my knees beside them, listening to the conversation....
Jeremy by Rain101181
I like graveyards, during the day. At night, I won't go near them. One summer day, I was walking around the one down the street from where I live and I noticed a stone with pictures. I walked over and noticed one of the pictures had fallen down. I tried to stick it back in the ground but it was plas...
A Night Of Terror In The Bush by AussieRedDog
My tale takes place a few weeks back while camping in the bush. This was my first break in several months from work as I'm now a roadie for international bands (like Pink, Nickleback etc). I decided to go camping with two old mates up in the bush for a few days, far away from the world as possible. ...
Black Figures With No Facial Features by hannahbanana
My name is Hannah, I am thirteen years old. My first experience was when I was at least seven. At night I would turn off my TV. And obviously go to sleep. I would always every night, wake up and see black figures with no facial features walk around my room. From this point on I slept with my TV. ...
Strange And Paranormal by skayee
On the night of Halloween my house burnt down, so my family and I moved in with my step-dads mom. The house we moved in was built in the early 70's. It had this haunting feel to it. There was one room no one ever would go in and it was the attic, it was refinished and everything. Living here some ve...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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