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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 73
The Goblin by Silene02
First of all thank you for letting me share my paranormal experiences. I also like reading about other people's experiences as well. The story I'm going to tell you about sounds incredible but it happened to me and there are several witnesses when it happened which was in my home at that time, among...
Orb Of A Dancing Boy & More by Mandy_Candy_52
This is my first story so it might not be that good and some of these experiances are with my family but I've had some to. This first one is with my mom. She saw a glowing orb and took a video of it. The orb went to the top of our bathroom door and took the form of a little boy dancing. Then at t...
Is The Devil Watching Me? by leafsrock
Bear with me, after reading SO many stories, some related to me. I'm here to share my story and please, reply with seriousness, because I want to know what you think what happened, if it was demonic or not. This was years ago to, it rarely happens anymore but, as a paranormal fan I would like to sha...
The Old Schoolhouse by HannahLouise1
When I was around six years old, me and my family moved into a beautiful Victorian house known locally as 'The Old Schoolhouse'. It was built in the 1820's and was used as, surprise surprise, a school, until the 1960's when the school was closed and the building made into three separate properties. ...
Man Next To My Bed by Jookie
I have had many experiences throughout my life with the paranormal, be it visual or spiritual. This story relates to a time when I was living with my parents and sister. We lived on the outskirts of a suburb in Broome, Western Australia. Behind the back fence was bush land and my father would tell u...
Little Girls And Paralysis by Redsphere
Now I've had a few experiences in my life but this little adventure has left me stumped and somewhat confused. I am currently 20 and live in Pennsylvania but these events take place from my freshman year in high school to the point where I was a junior. For the record I never sought out ghosts messe...
Strange Night Time Visitor by roseinbloom
I told everyone that I would soon submit my paranormal experiences, so here is another one. I hope you all like it. Growing up my mother always talked about one of the first houses, she, myself, and my dad had lived in. This particular house was very small. It had a large living room, which was par...
My Dad Got The Shock Of His Life by Andy24uk
I don't remember this happening as I was only three and a half years old. This story is what my parents have told me happened and they would never ever lie to me. I, my mum and my dad were living in a small house in Scarborough, north Yorkshire. The house wasn't very old and to my mums knowledge no...
What's Crawling On My Face by chat234
This story takes place back in my old duplex; I was 7 years old at the time. I shared a room with my older sister and we slept on the same bed. I usually sleep on the edge of the bed. One night while I was lying in bed I felt something crawling on my face, I brush it off and it was nothing. As the...
Ghost Of My Backyard by telamarie73
One night my husband and I were sitting on the back porch with no lights on. I told him someone or something was on the property. He said it looked like what seemed to be a deer. Which is not uncommon here being I live in the woods. I let it be just that, a deer. On another night sitting out back t...
Strange Happenings In Our House by Trix
My husband and I bought a very dirty old house in Brakpan and renovated it. This house has a history of very wild people who lived here but nothing evil as far as our neighbors can tell me. When we moved into this house both my sons begged me:" please mom not THIS house". Unfortunately we have stay...
Shadow Man In A Cowboy Hat by micheofmonmouth
My husband and I were both sitting in the living room on our lap tops. All of the sudden we both said "what the hell was that"? We both got chills all over our body. Then we got up and started looking around to see if we could see him again but he wasn't there. It was a shadow of a man in a cowboy...
The Music Box And Other Things by Childehaus
This is the telling of on going incidents I deal with, at my home and my parent's home. In November of 2007, I moved in with my great grandmother to help take care of her. She owns a moderate sized folk Victorian house in Milton WV. It consists of 2 floors and an attic space, in an 'L' shaped plan...
Haunted Flat by SuperHBK
Good day all, before I start my story let me give you a little back ground about myself. I am 23 years old and live in Polokwane South Africa. I am open to paranormal activities for a few things happened in my life that scared the hell out of me. I recently moved into a nice 2 bedroom flat with my f...
Mentally Ill Or Possessed? by AgatheFielding
Note: I have not used my real name for identity reasons. I am not using my friends real name, I am going to call her "Lily Rose" Me and my friend are very close and have been since we were children but recently she's been acting very strange. It all started when we both began using an Ouija board,...
Mysterious Whispers by isabella8
I had earlier posted this story "The Stone Cold Figure" where I had mentioned that there were no paranormal activities in my house... But I remember being pestered by a strange whisper. This happened in my bathroom. I think I shall give you a description of the structure of the bathroom. That will h...
Sleeping Habits by Char89
This is the first time I have posted anything. I don't know if its worth sharing but the last couple months have been very strange. The earliest strange experience I can remember would have been back when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I lived on my family's farm that is over a hundred years old....
Old Man Charlie by EvilPixie62379
This story isn't really scary although when it happened it scared me half to death. I was around 10 or 11 years old, I am now in my 30's. My family and I (mom, dad, and younger brother) moved into a nice white house in a little bitty town called El Portal, it's in the Greater Miami area. I was asl...
Angry White Lady Hitched A Ride by japsmeister
Have you ever seen a white lady? I've always only seen one in horror movies like the ring. I never thought I'd actually see one in person... Much yet have the white lady hitch a ride. I've always been able to feel spirits or other entities, a few times see them but not to this extent. This happe...
A Friends Silhouette by WReck72
I've been reading stories on this site for a long time but I have never posted any because well, I think all mine are rather boring, but I figured I would try to put a few up for people read. I grew up in a small town in Wyoming and like many of teens when there was nothing to do we'd go walk the ...
Not So Typical Sleep Paralysis by firefly8
I have had experiences of sleep paralysis before this particular experience. It started when I was around 18. At first the SP would feel like a dream, but then I would realize that they weren't dreams, because whenever I would open my eyes, everything in the room would be exactly how it was when I w...
It Called My Name by Kalli_psy90
This is my first post and before finding this website I was a little shy of telling people about my experiences for fear that I would be made fun of and teased. This experience happened in the spring time in 2010 (forgive me for being so broad but since I've been going to school I go by terms). I ha...
Mt. Lebanon Cemetery And Farmhouse by BrandonCR
Sorry I haven't posted any stories in a while, but I have been super busy lately. This is a story about a ghost hunt me and my ex girlfriend Mariel went on, and then later another ghost hunt to the same places with my Fiancee Caitlin, my friends Laurel, Colton, Kelly, and myself. Now a few years ...
Spiritual Warfare by vm50younglane
I was raised in a devout catholic household and have been close to God all my life. I was playing with summoning spirits as a kid and that's when I started to see the devil. Later I believe the enemy tried to kill me for many years. Later in life I started to be close to God again. I have felt somet...
Haunted Plot by Indigo_Child
In the year 2000 my mom, dad and I moved into our newly built house in an area called Parklands in Cape Town South Africa. I was 15 years old going on 16 at the time and an only child. I was very excited to move into our new house as my dad had designed it specifically so that my room was built on t...
Something Strange by joey0045
I have no idea if this is a ghost story or not, I just don't know what or who it was. I do know it was very frightening. Twenty years ago I was living in Australia working on a tobacco plantation. My boyfriend and I lived in a few rooms 20 feet from the main worker's cottage. We had no bathroom and...
Skull Faced Boy? by Gemmab619
I often have paranormal experiences and do consider myself a tiny bit of a psychic (I see souls [more like energy] of those who recently left their earth bodies), but this experience is completely alien to my normal gift, it's very mundane; if you will! (I live in Sydney, Australia by the way) Wel...
Has My Baby Been Here Before? by lankyloo98
During a previous story I submitted I explained that I had walked in on my youngest daughter talking and playing with a ghostly lady on the bed. Well during the past weeks she has been telling me things that have made the goose bumps on my arms rise. My youngest is a twin (which may not have any t...
I'm Not Sure If The Three Boys Are Ghost? by maisie_wu
It started when I was still in Canada, Mississauga. I was about 11 years old at that time when I first experienced seeing ghosts. I remember I was at an amusement park with my parents one day. We were lining up for a ride at this roller coaster, and it was nighttime. There were a few little kids...
A Shadow In The Dark by PurPleSkieS23
I used to live in a duplex apartment at this old school building with my dad and older sister, that was very old and I heard was haunted. It used to be a children's hospital for children that had polio. I heard that many children have died there. I don't know if that automatically means it's haunted...
Tall Shadow by eskenney
Disclaimer: I promise you this story is not fiction, it is a true experience and I did not make up any of it. It started I would say back in like maybe January of 2010. Every kid or teenager likes to be a little frightened here and there right? Well, one night, me, my sister, and my friend were f...
Observing Ghost by cguerra
I haven't bee able to post for a while because this page is always busy! This story is one that occurs in my apartment. My kids and I have been living in the same place now for about 6 years. The apartment is nice, small and comfortable. I have a 13yr old boy and 11yr old girl. Like I've mentioned b...
Shadow Man In Doorway by valdez85
I come from a very small town, Jal, NM, where my home is located kind of on the outskirts of town. Growing up I do not know if it is just because I love paranormal stuff or if it was just my imagination, however, I have always experienced strange situations in my parents current home. I have to e...
Saipan Airport WW2 Bomb Shelter Soldiers by AzulWater
In May of 2008, I went to the island of Saipan. Saipan is near Guam and Japan. Before World War II, Saipan belonged to the Japanese. The Japanese had an airport there that had military buildings and bomb shelters. In WW II, the US military fought for the island of Saipan and took it away from the Ja...
Ghost Family by erjen28
Me and my mother were the only people in the house at the time. My mother is active in our church activities. She's always present in any church meetings. It was 7pm when my mother told me to accompany her to the church to attend prayer meeting, but I didn't want to come because early in the morning...
Imagination Or Real? by mai05
I have had a lot of paranormal activities that have happened to me since I was 20 years old. Ever since the major incident that happened when I was pregnant and with my father whom passed away 5 months before my first child was born, that was my first experience and now I see shadows once in a while...
I Thought It Was Cinnamon by KimSouthO
As you may remember (if not, all of my previous stories are on this site under my profile) I have had many experiences and seem to be cursed (or blessed, depending on your opinion) to be susceptible to things paranormal. Now that I have finished my background, on with this tale. We had a cat name...
Black Smoke Filled My Room by japsmeister
A long time ago when I was in college, I got home late... Sometime around midnight, I went through my usual routine, brushed my teeth, washed up and went to bed. It was a full moon that night, so when I turned off the lights, a few seconds later the light from the moon slowly crept inside and dimly ...
The Shadow Man by rez-girl
I am not very good at writing stories. I am sorry that this isn't good but I am doing my best, ok. I was in Elementary when I first saw the Shadow Man, I was sleeping one night and I heard someone calling my name. I got up and he was standing at the end of my bed. He held one hand out to me and i...
My Brother's Last Request by Jookie
On the 10th of November 2006, my little brother passed away at age 7. It was a tragedy that affected the very core of who I was, and am. My brother and I were always close (me being the oldest and him being the youngest). I have always had the ability to sense, see and communicate with spirits. ...
My Uncle Bert by highpriest314
When my Uncle Bert was alive he was very kind to me and would always ask me to play with him. I was only about 10 years old when he died. He died of an overdose of the medicine he used to make his bone pain go away. He never told us that he was sick and when we all found out about his illness, it wa...
My Grandfather - My Guardian Spirit by Jookie
When my boyfriend and I decided to move in together, we thought it financially suitable to move into one of the houses my grandparents owned. It is a very old house, and I've been living there on and off ever since I was born. The house is built on land that used to be a small hospital in World W...
The Laugh by Milly416
One night, about five or six years ago, I sat in my room in the middle of the night. I was about thirteen years old. I was the only one awake in the house. I was supposed to be in bed a few hours earlier but I stayed up watching TV. When I turned the TV off I got up to change my clothes and I sat ba...
Haunted Flat 2 by SuperHBK
Right if you read the first story you will know what I am talking about. After that night that the person stood at the foot end of my bed everything got worse. Cupboards would open violently; cups would fall on their own. It was as if that person did not want us there... (Sorry to say this but I am ...
Dad's New House by irvin000
I grew up in a family that believes in the spirit world that much. Most members of our family see things and we often talk about it. I was still very young when I started to realize that I see things. My third eye was very active back then and luckily now, I only get to feel them but still see them ...
Imagination Or Real? 2 by mai05
Before I talked to my sister that day and told her what had happened to me I came down to my apartment and told whomever is here, in a clam loving way, letting it know that this is my house, I was not here to harm them in anyway, and to look for the light, go to the light as there are loved ones wai...
Saying Goodbye In A Dream by mellyanne
First I would like to say, thank you for reading my experiences. I have had many but these are the two that mean the most to me. Second, here are my experiences with Nate. Nate was my best friend. We lived down the road from each other and any time we needed someone to talk we were there for each...
The Walk I Shared With An Unexpected Guest by ShucksCrossroad
It was sometime in the Spring, I remember because the days were rather warm and the house martins flew around the timbers of our secondary school, me and my friend Anna were sitting in our arts class chatting when she received a text from her mother saying that because of work she was un able to pic...
My Family And Our House by Han
I am 20 years old and I live in Heswall in an ordinary house with my family it's a small house it's not big or scary or that old. I moved to Heswall in 1996 with my family, I have 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters a mum and dad and my dog. We moved in to Heswall in 1996 and it was about a y...
What Is He Trying To Say? by Emo_sharky
My story begins when I was 11, I was watching a show talking about spirits in the house and stuff like that that night, I went to sleep that night, I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move at all. My eyes were open and I couldn't feel my self breathing, there was something forcing my...
Grandpa And Sleep Paralysis by Battle_Warrior
My parents divorced in 2004 when I was 12. The main reason for the divorce was because my grandparents (on my Dad's side) would get involved in my parents marriage. Anyway, my Grandpa died in 2001 and soon after he began haunting our house. The water would turn on by itself, the TV would turn on, ...
My Morning by xoxorissaoxo
I've been experiencing paranormal things in my house in the mornings. I do believe in ghosts and most of the time I am not scared of the encounters with ghosts. I have a thing for ghosts. Since I was three years old I've encountered paranormal things. But, one morning it was about 5 o'clock and I ...
I Think My House Is Haunted by BrittanyD
I have lived here for a year and there have been some interesting things have happened. First the cabinets ALWAYS open by themselves even if you just shut them. One night, I was home alone and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a floating blob of black air and then it vanished. It also always look...
My Third Time With Sleep Paralysis by seventhz777z
This happened over this past weekend. My wife and I were invited to visit with some friends of ours who had just recently moved up to Washington State for a new job. We packed our bags and took the 4 hour drive to their place Saturday morning. We arrived shortly after lunch and were greeted with th...
Angry Jealous Man by Melime
I recently finished my internship at a hotel in Sweden, and this is a story about an angry, jealous spirit that is said to haunt the hotel. Funny enough, after a couple of days of this 10 weeks internship, I told one of my colleagues that "every hotel has a ghost". So she told me the story about wha...
Is Wally Visiting? by dmo1996
My family and I had got a golden retriever. He was dark brown and named Wally. We got him from a golden retriever rescue when he was 6 years old. He had to be put down about 6 months ago he had cancer in his leg. But he was the kindest dog in the world that never bit or barked, and accepted cats and...
A Ghost Cat by norwegiancat
I used to live next door to my neighbor who had a black/white cat. I just adored this cat, and he just loved when I would come over for a visit. My neighbor told me that her cat had a malignant tumor. The cat was still fine the last time I saw him. We got a two-bedroom apartment in the next build...
Ouija Ouija Ouija by lauren318
I guess I should start from the beginning. Since the age of two I have always experienced ghost, spirits and so on. The first experience I can remember clearly and precisely was at the age of six while sitting outside on the swing set in my backyard. I remember having a conversation with my deceased...
Babysitting My Cousin by KMGx3
I have only had a few experiences but this one took place a couple of weeks ago when I was babysitting my cousin. It was 10:30 A.M and I decided to take my little 2 year old cousin to the park, to tire her out for a nap. We were there for almost 2 hours when I figured it was time to leave. Me: Sh...
Haunting On Lincoln Street by Iluvanimals8
It all starts when I lived in Carrollton, Missouri. Carrollton is known for its ghosts. We had just recently moved there, and a week after we had moved in, the strange things had begun. My first encounter with a ghost was when I was in my bed. I was just about to fall asleep, when I heard what soun...
Was That A Ghost Cat? by norwegiancat
I used to live next door to my neighbor who had a black/white cat. I just adored this cat, and he just loved when I would come over for a visit. My neighbor told me that her cat had a malignant tumor. The cat was still fine when the last time I saw him. We got two-bedroom apartment in the next buil...
The Giggling Little Girl by freddysgirl1984
I can remember this strange occurrence happening to me a long time ago, when I was only a five year old girl. I was out for walk with my grandpa, whom I called Papa, in my old neighborhood. Where this neighborhood was, it was a lot different than others; it contained a lot of trees, making it seem ...
My Ghost Child by The-Red-Daisy
I've always wanted to be a mother, though I never expected I'd be one this early in life. I'm 17 years old and I have an 8 year old adopted daughter. Well, if you want to be technical, she's 138, having been born in 1872 and dying in 1880 from cholera. Her name is Sarah. Being a clairvoyant medium,...
Working Men From The Past by acennis
I've lived in the same house in Southeastern Pennsylvania for the past twenty years. The stone farmhouse was built in two parts, the older half dating to the 1740's and the newer to about the 1850's. My great-great grandparents obtained the property toward the later half of the 19th century and it h...
My Mom's Haunted Childhood by aherr
My mom's story took place in Laos, A country between Thailand and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. She and my aunt have always been telling how haunted their family and how scary it was. I felt bad my mom and her family went through this and her relative disown them. Back when my mom was younger, her da...
Figures And Help by Ghostkid123
First off, I live in a 1 story house and this was built on one little lot with no history... Lot's of people say oh it's your deceased relatives watching over me... Is it true? I was sitting in the basement watching on the HUGE T.V. When I feel something just staring down on me... So stupidly I loo...
I Think I Might Be Haunted by KingSesmu
I've read a number of stories where a person rather than a place is haunted, and I think I may be another case of this. My father, until a few months ago, was employed by the military, so we've lived in a number of different places in my life. We'd typically move every two years, and as far as I can...
Mind Pulses And Demonic Pressure by scuba03
So this happened a few nights ago around 3 days after my auntie died from a stroke. I was lying in bed next to my partner and she was asleep. I started to drift off to sleep and the next part happened to me like an out of body experience (OBE). I was still lying on my bed and I started to feel heavy...
My Mom's Haunted Childhood 2 by aherr
I hope you read the first story to understand what happened to my mom's family. My grandfather had a dream about crippling my great grandmother. She was really disappointed and told to him in a dream that she was unable to look for food and now he is going to pay her back. She would make sure that m...
The Boy Who Had Something To Say by legaltidbits
When I was a child of about 11, I had a friend and his name was Alan. Alan would sing me songs, and bring me candy. My father owned a gas station combination store. My father never told me this but he had caught Alan stealing from the store, and was not allowed to come there alone. My fathers store...
A Presence Following Me by seregirl
I had just moved to Colorado from my parent's house in Pennsylvania, which has several stories of its own. I had always felt threatened and constantly watched in my old house, but the feeling was lifted after I moved away. Yet, it wasn't completely gone... I could still feel something, like as if s...
I Will Never Kick A Ghost Again by Trix
This happened in 1990. My ex-husband and I moved from Witbank to Pretoria. He got a new job there as a prison guard at the Pretoria Prison. We were waiting for accommodation supplied by his employer. Meanwhile we stayed at my aunt's house with her while waiting for a flat. She enjoyed it because she...
Hospital Ghost by applerose
This could not have happen at a better time, last year (2009), about a week before Halloween. My sisters and I got a call that our grandmother's health had taken a turn for the worst and that the doctors were calling the family in. My grandmother was in the La-Grange Hospital and we were in Newna...
The Entity Behind The Door by mischief
I was around 7 years of age when I experienced these ghostly encounters. I have two sisters, I being the youngest in the family am also the bravest among my two sisters. My father one night called for a contest. He told us whoever stays longer in our bedroom with the lights out will win P100 peso...
Health Farm Apparition by ashleigh_may_xx
This is my first story! If you met my family, the first thing that you would probably comment on is the appearance of the females. All of my aunties and cousins are absolutely stunning. It can be very intimidating at times, but there is always someone that can sort you out if you have a bad hair...
The Presence That Follows Me 2 by seregirl
If you read the first story, you would know that I've had something following me around and it often makes me feel uncomfortable. But it's like watching me from a distance, I can feel its presence but it rarely makes itself known. Sometimes, like I said in the first story, I hear three soft knocks f...
Incubus Or Imagination? Help by FrankieRawrr
So I just wrote this and my internet cut off before I could post it and I lost it all. Not happy! So basically I always feel like I'm being watched, it always feels like I'm with someone. Sometimes I'll find myself having a full on conversation with myself as if someones talking to me... Through ...
The Whirling Ghost by Iluvanimals8
These are truly my sister's stories, but my sister requested for me to publish them for her. This took place in Carrollton, Mo. We were all aware of the strange things that took place in the house, but only us kids believed that ghosts were the cause. My sister often stayed home alone. We woul...
The Day My Infant Son Was Attacked by marlagx
I have been trying to get my nerve up for some time to write about a horrific experience that happened to my infant son when he was just two months old. This is extremely difficult for me since I don't even like to think about what happened much less write about it. In 1988 I was visiting my mom in ...
The Little Red Head Boy by Andromida
This happened about a year ago now and the image is still burned in my memory. Around 10 pm one evening my boyfriend and I were headed to a friends house. We decided to take the back way there because it would be much faster. This road was long and had quite a few turns, it was also pretty dark so t...
Roses Graves And Guavas by ikilledjulia
My house is in El Monte, California and it always has really weird things happening. Yesterday around 5:30pm I was outside getting some fruit from one of the many fruit trees outside. I heard a scream coming from within the bushes and it kind of frightened me but I ignored it thinking it was just th...
This Ghost In My House Likes Nine Inch Nails by xAdiiBabyDoll16x
I've had a lot of experiences with ghosts and entities, but nothing like this! For the first time ever, I think I may have met a spirit that likes music, especially Nine Inch Nails. It all began when I moved to a new house in the spring of 2010. My family and I had been (and still are) living in a n...
You're Going To Die by Iluvanimals8
I have had several ghost experiences, but I cannot explain this one. One night, I was in my room watching T.V. I had decided to record my cat, Torro (not real name), purring. Torro never stops purring, she is the kindest and weirdest cat alive. I say weirdest because Torro is what they call a Demon ...
Visit From Grammy by xoxorissaoxo
My grammy died two years ago, when I was 12. She was like my best friend and I told her everything. She died of colon cancer. Before she died I told her she has to visit me when she died to tell me she was okay. She said she would. One night in the summer, me and my stepbrother were in my room wa...
Ghost In My Phone Lines? by sandeescare
It was about 2 months ago, when the suburb that I had just moved to had a storm. A few trees landed on power lines, some houses too. But no one got hurt which is good. I was home with my mum, and our power went off an hour into the storm. Since there was nothing to do we just went to bed. At 11pm ...
Ghosts Cheering Cheerleaders by RonYP
Baguio City, a city of cool breeze, warm hearts and exotic beauty is apparently also a city of ghosts. I am on my fourth year college now at one of the best educational institutions here in Baguio City (which name I cannot tell). I mentioned in one of my stories before that I was a choral singer,...
My Cousin's Vision by amit1807
I am narrating an incident which is now almost 30 years old. We live in Delhi, capital of India. My father has three sisters. At that time two sisters were married and one was unmarried. Out of the sisters who were married, one was based in Delhi too. Since both she and her husband were working, the...
Kroonstad Hauntings by SuperHBK
Good Day... The story I am about to tell you happened in one of South Africa's most haunted towns Kroonstad. The town is very popular for its antique buildings which dated back to 1855. During that time the Anglo Boer War was still going on. Now in this town you can experience a lot of hauntings, bu...
The Haunting At Ruby's House by kelliecrazy
One time I was at my friend's house, Ruby, and I swear there was someone, or something living in her house. It was about a year ago, and I was going to her house for the first time. We were playing around with her camera, and we heard the door shut loudly. I turned around to see who had shut the doo...
Disorientation by ALBA-GU-BRATH
I've never really thought of this as much of a ghost story until recently. This incident happened whilst I was living at my grandparents' house. Not long after I had moved in, so about 3/4 years ago I was sleeping in my uncle's old room, who had unfortunately died a few years previously. I woke ...
Cold Rooms And Ghost People by elementchaostwister
I was thirteen years old when I had a few encounters with ghosts or whatever you prefer to call them. I was getting ready to go to bed when I turned off the light and felt this freezing sensation come directly in my face. It was as if someone was breathing on me. When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing...
Grandma Is Just Saying Hello by JerseyGirl1125
I don't even know where to begin, but I have been seeing ghosts since I was 6 years old, it has died down a lot but I used to see them often. I also get strange feelings when someone I know has passed away before anyone is even notified. I just posted my first story on here about my Uncle Joe, now h...
My Family - The Farmboy And A Lot Of Ghosts by 18711
My family has lived in Kansas for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a small town with only a few thousand people living in it and we were one of the richest families around. Mainly because my great- grandparents had founded the town and it was even named after us. As you can imagine there was ...
Mystery Water Puddle by psychodawl562
Me and My boyfriend just moved into a new apartment. We live on the second story of a two story building. We noticed a puddle of water that keeps reoccurring in the middle of our linoleum kitchen floor. We noticed this only happens when we are away from our apartment or as soon as we wake up. We wip...
My House Is Haunted By An Intelligent Ghost by bdog188
I was about four when we moved into my current house I am writing about. It's an old styled rancher (it's pretty creepy just being in it and supposedly the previous owner's daughter died in it before they moved) but I guess the first happenings I can remember was when I was about seven and we left t...
The Laughing Child by Antionette
It was 1998. My friend, Nicolene and I, were 17 then and visiting her older sister, Lene, for the winter school holidays which falls under end June until almost end July. Lene had a little boy about 2 (I THINK), Mario. He was beautiful, dark hair and bright blue eyes. Nicolene and I went with he...
The Cold Wind by Trix
This happened in 1991 in a flat me and my ex-husband stayed in with my eldest son who was just over a year old. I never felt anything strange, in that flat when we moved in until one night something strangled me. I was fighting for my life that night... Or for me it felt that way, in that moment...
The Young Man With The Sad Blue Eyes by Trix
Me and my ex-husband moved to a flat in Sunnyside Pretoria. We stayed on the 5th floor. When we moved in nothing seemed to feel wrong there. This happened in the beginning of 1992. One night I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. This flat was very modern. The kitchen was very small and ope...
The Hand Under The Bed by ImSmiley
Growing up, I was always a chicken when it came to scary stories. My family and I attended church but back then as my sisters and I were younger we were not as spiritual as we are now. The first time I experienced this was probably when I was in 5th grade. It was a long time ago. I remember it was ...
The Story Of My Gift by Syn412
I've read many stories and felt the need to write a briefly about my life. Since I was born in Ecuador, I've known, by stories from my grandparents, that my family has had close encounters with the other side. Stories that used to scare me as a child now make me feel happy and connected to my loved...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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