This is my first post and before finding this website I was a little shy of telling people about my experiences for fear that I would be made fun of and teased. This experience happened in the spring time in 2010 (forgive me for being so broad but since I've been going to school I go by terms). I had just gotten home from a long day of school and work and I was getting ready to go to bed. At this time it was 10 or 11 at night and unusually early for me to go to bed since I hate going to bed or sleeping.
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and going to the bathroom when all the sudden as I go to get off the toilet I hear someone call my name. Now I don't think anything of it because my friend was living with my mom and I at the time so I thought it was her calling my name so that I would come in her bedroom and talk a little before turning in for the night. Her bedroom is literally right across from the bathroom so I hurried in the door (which by the way was almost all the way shut) and call her name while noticing that she looks like she's asleep.
My friend turns over and asks what I want and I ask her right back what does she mean what do I want she was the one that called me first. I ask her again didn't she call my name and she gives me a funny look and says "I defiantly didn't". At first I think she's playing a joke on me because we had gone ghost hunting the other night (I know, I know I realize this is a stupid idea now especially doing it at the cemetery. Again duh on my part.)
So I say I'm serious she needs to stop messing around. Well this goes on for another minute and I start to freak because I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes down to it, so I throw my moms door open and come busting in the room begging her to tell me that she called my name. She says no and with the most alarmed face I've ever seen her make she asks me what the heck is going on. Well I tell her and no one of can come up with a reason for me hearing my name called.
I don't have any pets and there were no open windows for me to mistake my name being called, there wasn't even a television or radio on. And as far as I know I don't suffer from auditory hallucinations. I did do a house cleansing and it worked then something else happened but that's another story. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and any comments or help would be greatly appreciated.