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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 92
Rabbit Year Ghost Month, Swimming Hungry Ghosts by soyjuice888
This is my first post, I've been lurking for years and finally decided to join. I've never actually experienced anything paranormal until now, but have always had a lot of relatives/family members who are in touch with these happenings. I write today because I really like this website and the commun...
My Aunt's Ghost by Nicole141983
I am going to tell you happened to me when I was around 10 or 11. I am much older then that now. To give you some back story, this happened at my aunt and uncles house. We loved going there since our cousins were similar in age to us. My younger sister and I were playing original Nintendo with my ...
A Murder? by texangirl94
This event took place last year during the winter time. I was 16 and I was at home alone. I absolutely hate being alone in my house because it is 100 years old. I always have this fear that I am being watched as I walk out my door. The morning was fine and it was time to catch the bus so I walked ou...
Something Or Nothing At Work? by Greeny
This is my 1st story on here. So tell me what you think? It's only been my 2nd day on the job so I don't know much about the store, apart from the building is 120 years old. It was about 5pm and I was working alone on the very top floor of the store, which is technically an attic but we use it...
Since I Was Young by kathwitt
I have greatly admired and enjoyed this site as it brings people with similar experiences together and helps people feel like they are NOT alone and NOT crazy. I just want to give kudos out there to everybody who has been brave enough to post a story, and here I go posting my own: I was born to p...
Voices In The Basement by deejayy53
I just moved in with my boyfriend at the beginning of the summer, and even before I moved in I had strange experiences in the house. Just some background info, the house we live in is 100 years old. Just about everyone in the little village that I live in has either lived in it or had a family memb...
The Black Butterfly by Taylor
Let me start off by saying that I did not feel threatened by the "butterfly" that I saw, and am posting this story because I wish to see if anyone has any ideas on what it could of been and if it was a spirit, why it would take said shape. About a month ago, I was just finishing up my nightly Sc...
Homey Spirits by rjay99
My story is from a few years ago when I lived in my old home. I'd never experienced anything even slightly paranormal before so I was a little unnerved when strange things started to happen. The house was only 3 years old and we were renting it. So as far as I know nothing traumatic had ever hap...
Baby Brings Ghost by zetafornow
When we brought my daughter home from the hospital, my son was four years old. The labor and delivery was much less stressful than my first. My daughter also slept very well through the night, for the most part, and I remember thinking that I deserved this after the hundreds of sleepless nights I sp...
Black Shadow Looking Out Of The Window by bratslovergirl2011
When I first lived in Virginia we had a house on an airforce base, because my dad was in the military. Well it was a week or so before Christmas, and my 2 sisters, my parents and I were decorating the outside of the house. My 3 brothers and our dogs were inside of the house, and our dogs were in the...
Grandma, Danny, And Norman by CronishaxGurl
I have several stories to share. Some from before my time, but I feel like I should still share. I'll begin with my Aunt Holly. Her first husband died in a drunk driving motorcycle accident in 1987, approximately 6 months after my grandma (her mother) died. My Aunt Holly re-married and gave birth to...
Ghostly Lesson by Tempe_Toxic
A little lesson, it is kind of what I feel like my life has become. Almost like one of those History Channel specials, Histories Mysteries. Haunted History. I have a long history with the paranormal. My family included, but since my great mother passed I seem to be the only one who embraced it inste...
The Haunted House Next Door by Charmsdes
I've read a lot of the stories here and I am really happy I can get a chance to share my experiences. I have had a lifetime of experiences. Some good and some not so good and some absolutely terrifying. I will post all my experiences bit by bit but I will start with the earliest one. I've lived ...
Living With The Afterlife by 87calais
I am about to share my life experiences of growing up in a haunted house. I am currently 38 years old, so my memories of some of these stories is hazy but I'll do my best. My first encounter was when I was 3 or 4 years old. I was in my bed and where my bed was situated I could see all the way down...
Ashes by FallingInLove19
Before we moved into my house about a year ago, we came one night to put something in the house, and this was before we had carpets and it was wood floors. Well my sister and I went to look in the hallway to see our mothers room, and we looked on the ground and saw about four wet feet print in the d...
The Green Room by GMFPiglets
As my cousin was visiting me in the UK from the USA, we were staying in my grandparents house for the week that she was over. The house itself is extremely old as it used to be a Lord's house many years ago and is known to be haunted by everyone who stays up there. My cousin and I, already having di...
Goofy Ghost Chase by quixoticqt
Two years ago I used to live in an apartment in Kenai Alaska with my mother and kid. Kenai is known for having quite a bit of ghost activity especially in "old town Kenai." Random things would happen in Kenai. My kid would constantly see things that adults couldn't. Like when we were at the Toyatk...
A Roommmate by JarMan
In 2010 I lived in the bottom of a two apartment duplex. During this time we had a series of several tenants coming and going in a matter of weeks. I didn't think much of it, I just assumed it was the nature of the rental business. Eventually we just didn't have a neighbor upstairs. So the begin...
Poltergeist, Ghost Or Guardian Angel? by Shadadae
I live in Estes Park, CO. Me and my partner moved into an apartment home that is located downstairs from the business we opened. Recently, I was wakened at about 2:30 am by the sound of the washing machine running. Also, a small alarm to a 02 concentrator nearby went off. That wasn't it. I c...
After Hours by JarMan
At the beginning of this year I lost my job, after several months of unemployment I ended up landing a job with a local cleaning company as a general cleaner. A few months before I started, one of the buisnesses we clean for had a tragedy. It resulted in a hostage siutation and in the end only t...
Friend Who Sees Ghosts by paragon7
The events from this story took place while I was in the latter half of 3rd grade; I was 9 years old at the time. I had a friend (who I will call John for the sake of this story) who I hung out with every day at school during lunch and recess, as well as after school a couple times per week. We beca...
Strong Spirit by mellybarr
This is my second story entry and I must admit that it belongs to my husband, but I feel the need to let you all in on it as it's pretty amazing! Years ago my husband lived in an old century home in Kingston with three other friends of his from Queens University. The rent was unusually cheap for...
Tall Dark Shadow by kathy1432
I was on vacation wit my family for my cousins sweet 15. One night there was a thunder and lighting storm and in the tropics lighting is very bright and can be seen every direction. So this one night I was getting ready to go to bed. I said good night to my sister and headed to the room. Once I got ...
Haunted House Complete With Haunted Refrigerator by eloquentimagery
I have had many paranormal experiences since I moved into this house, but the strangest is my haunted double door refrigerator. It reacts to emotions with agony, empathy, anger, sadness, etc. Moans. A psychic who came in to investigate the paranormal occurrences in this house recorded the sounds. Wh...
Angel Or Mayan God? by Bonifaz
The story I want to share with you took place in 2004. I was 30 years old then and working in quality control for a big hotel chain. I am male and have always been sensitive to spirits and a firm believer in the paranormal. My colleague and I were sent to this large hotel on the island of Cozumel...
Our Haunting by turfster
It's been a while since I posted anything, but I wanted to add another story of the haunted house I live in now. Sorry but this is going to be kind of long. My wife and I moved in to this house in 2004, it was built in 1956 so it's older. When we moved in, my wife and I and her son were sitting do...
Scent Of A... Ghost? by zzsgranny
I don't know when I actually started smelling ghosts. I do remember, when I was a kid, I would smell all kinds of things that no one else did. Onions cooking, flowers in the dead of winter, unfamiliar perfumes (my mother never used perfume, allergy), and sometimes I'd wake in the middle of the night...
The Unexplaned Banging In Waikumete Cemetery by Kosti_Ghostgirl
I go for walks in the cemetery often and would hear voices of people talking and when I try to look around to see anyone or find someone there is no one to be found. I never get scared in the cemetery, to be honest it's quite peaceful, but this day about a year ago it was different... Me and my c...
It's Just The House Settling Right! by JayAreGee
Currently, as I type this I am visiting family in the UK. The house we're in is an old converted barn, a "Tudor home" as it is called. My wife and I just remarked that for such an old place the house has a very "empty" feeling to it, unlike our house back in Texas, where in the dark you're always pl...
Early Morning Bed Vibrations by EdgeOfFear
Before I do any posting, I would like to clarify one thing: I am not sure at all if this was a ghost or not, because while I have experienced various hauntings personally, I still can never be sure. But still, this seems... Shall we say, appropriately paranormal. It was this morning, and I woke w...
Hospital Ghosts by InnerMomentas
I'm a Security Officer. However, I will not mention the company I work for. I don't feel it would be appropriate to do so. For the sake of the story though it was a hospital. That's all I can say about the facility I was assigned too on that peculiar night. As a Security Officer, I have no more a...
Something Is Touching Me And Leaving Bruises by angiejose12793
Since I was about twelve I have felt watched in my own home. When I am in bed at night (alone), I feel like someone is underneath my bed pushing up on it constantly. I also feel like there is something watching me that wants to hurt me. I do not feel safe at all. I am now seventeen years old and I w...
Unexplainable Ability by curious123
Is it possible that some people have an influence on their environment? Although most of my brushes with the paranormal made me assume that it was a separate entity that was haunting me, I've recently reconsidered this. To elaborate, one major event completely flipped my perception. One night, my...
Angel Or Demon by coolskool
This happened a few months ago... Well maybe more like a half of a year? I really can't remember when. I had just gotten back from the mental hospital for my Bi-polarism which was triggered by a BAD encounter with a person online. I was REALLY depressed and feeling sad/angry. I was lying in bed t...
Strangeness by owlette
These are things that happened to me in my current home. I don't know how old my house is but I've been living here for 4 years now. It's a small duplex with a garage. One evening I was taking a nap alone at home. I think it was around 5 or 6pm. My mom was at church because we're Catholic but I'...
Our Office Ghost Makes Me Feel Uneasy 2 by Chris004
Hey everyone, some of you might remember my story about the Office Ghost I posted a couple of months ago. Well, here is the follow up, as I promised to do. "Alfred", is still very much active in the building. All the activities explained in the previous post, still happen. A couple of weeks ago,...
The Introduction by VincentBernier
I will be posting a lot of stories about my life as a boy who can see ghosts. First, I will start by telling my name; I am Amkawa Fangshang. Although my nickname is Vincent Bernier because it is the name y mother gave me the day my life started as her life came to an end. I lived for five years in...
Ghosts In The Old Creepy House by zapamay
I have had many ghost experiences, so has my mom, and both of us have experienced evil and good. When I was little I lived in this creepy old house by a river, and it was a pretty nice house inside, but from the outside it was just creepy. I remember the time when I got my "Big girl bed" and my ...
This Scared Me Silly... Not Sure Why by alandhopewell
During the last eighteen months I lived at 1444 Broadway, all kinds of strange things happened, from the cold spot in the vacant apartment across the hall (if you stuck your hand in it, it felt ice-cold, although a thermometer registered no change in temperature) to the shadowy figure I'd seen walk ...
The School Ghost 2 by applemunchkin18
You probably read the story I first published. Here's another compilation of my unfortunate experiences... Ever since those stories started to bother me, the reality becomes very clear to me. Let's start with my Math teacher, well, let's call him Richard. Teacher Richard stays inside the classroo...
Minor But Unexplained Occurrences by BlueTurtle
Since the 'hauntings' that my family and I have experienced over the years are minor in nature, I've decided to compile just a few to avoid multiple, very short stories. First, I want to share what my mother described to me while she was living in the family home in northern New Jersey. She was alo...
Being Touched 2 by luvparanormal
On my fist story "Being Touched" I had told the incident that my mom and aunt had while I was a kid. Well, not too long ago the same thing happened to me. I was in bed when I was suddenly awoken by the feeling of someone touching me. I opened my eyes to nothing there. I looked toward my husband's si...
Out Of This World Voice by BlueTurtle
This happened at my current residence, a small, one room apartment within a housing community. I live there with my fiancé and our cat and haven't had any experiences before or after this one. It was the middle of the night and I'd just woken up from a dream, one I couldn't remember. I know I wa...
My Husband Might Have Invited An Incubus by little_ol_me
So this story begins about a month ago, I had been on the internet looking up something about the band Incubus when I came across a page about what a real Incubus is. At this point I had never heard of one before, and upon reading the experiences of others I thought maybe I had experienced it in my ...
Is Something Trying To Keep Us From Being Together? by Mel143
I tried to research this subject as I am somewhat confused as to what is actually happening in my life right now in regard to my new boyfriend. Since we met two months ago, there are very strange things happening in my home which has been witnessed by my 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend. It is...
Can't Sleep At Night by CelticPlatero
Since I was a kid I have had what people have called "night terrors". I kept blankets rolled up under the edges of my bed to keep things from reaching out and grabbing me. I heard people talking and laughing that did not seem friendly to me. I do not use, or allow Ouija boards in my house or aro...
Such Is My Life by J-Lee
About a year ago, my sister Kay, her son, and I felt the activity in our house was growing out of... I hesitate to say 'control' for obvious reasons. More like, it was growing out of reasonable tolerance. Ever since we moved into our grandparents' two-storey house on the farm three years back, t...
Frightening Shadow Man At My Bed by elise24
One night, a few weeks ago, I got up in the middle of the night (around 3 AM) to use the bathroom. Then I came back into my bedroom and shut the door (I usually keep the door open when I go to bed because I always get an eerie feeling in there at night, like I'm not alone). Since I was going to be g...
Strange Green Lights by alyon2002
Of the several unusual things that I've had happed to me this was the first and probably the most terrifying. I was a young boy of about 4 to 6 years old. At the time this happened we had another family that was down on their luck staying with us. They had a son about my age and naturally we ended u...
Predator Of My Nightmares by chunkeylumpkins
This story is more recent, maybe two three years ago. I had gotten super sick and had been going to the hospital several times from dehydration. Nothing had happened for a while and I figured that the thing that follows me around had gone away. But one day I was all by my self lying on the living ro...
Let Me Sleep by Will0w
I'm not sure where to start with this. Firstly I will say that I have been in this property for 8 months now, and up until 4 months ago everything was going great. However recently I have been experiencing strange noises a voice and things being moved around. Although this past week things have go...
My First Encounter With A Ghost by sherrysmith1981
I would like to talk about my first encounter with a ghost, I was 17 years old, and it was 1998. I was in my laundry room washing cloths when I heard a noise coming from the room next to me; it was a banging sound like someone was beating on something. So I opened the door and all I saw was the gl...
Disappearing Man by BlakeBeatdown
This story takes place during one of my common hunting days. I was in a tree stand waiting, and then I hear a stick break. I look over expecting my next opportunity at a deer. Instead I see a person walking on my private property. I call out "hey" this person stops, and slowly looks at me with this ...
Brother's Demon Hauntings by Delta412
Hey everyone, I've been on this sight for a while and I was hoping some of you might have some insight on my problem here. So here goes. I've always been able to see things out of the corner of my eye, when I was younger, however in my teenage years these abilities have persisted to the point where ...
Haunted Casino by generalchaos
Hello. I've been reading these stories for a while now, and I suppose it's time to share one of mine. This isn't my first experience, nor is it my most recent. Some of it is second-hand, but from a reliable source. Enjoy! Quite a few years ago, I took a job working at a casino in Colorado. The area...
Violent Camping Trip by Delta412
I remember what had happened during a camping trip about eleven years ago when I was around four years old, and yes, I can remember that far back, just another one of my gifts unfortunately. Anyway, my mom and dad had bought this used camper and they decided to bring me and my brother Pat, the broth...
Young Girl by Elenam8
Around six years ago my sister's friend stayed over. Her room was downstairs; she woke up during the night to go to the toilet. As she walked out of the bedroom to the toilet, on the landing was a young girl with light brown hair and a white dress on. She asked her if she was okay, she replied yes a...
Little Girl Giggling Inside My Room by dodgehodge
Two years ago, I was 13 at the time. I sat up from my bed and checked the time on my digital clock, 5.30 so I sat back down and began to ponder what assignments were due in etc. After about 5 minutes I begin to hear a baby crying from a house close-by and after a few seconds of listening to the cryi...
Is Something There? by Wardo
My wife and I moved into our first purchased home about two and a half years ago. To be honest I was never really impressed with the home, but she loved it and the area is nice. So we decided to purchase it and move in. Since then it feels like home now, but there are some strange things that have h...
Old Farmhouse by Nysa
The following experience was not my first encounter with unexplained events, or my last, but it is the one I would most like to discuss with others. I consider this to be unexplained and though I suspect "ghostly" activity behind it, I am not by any means 100% sold on that explanation. Further, if i...
Funny Lucy by sylunedarkchylde
This happened just yesterday. I want to share this to everyone, especially those who have read all about our friend, Lucy (read my other story, Older Sister Lucy). Lucy did something funny yesterday. The subdivision has houses right next to each other. Over time, everyone had done renovations ...
The Black Lady Figure by Sami2x4
Let me start again with some more info. I do live in the same place as mentioned in my previous story. For those of you who haven't read "Little Girl: Jane" I'll let you know that I can and very often do see spirits. This story starts off 2 days before I actually see the Black Figure. One night,...
Something Following My Or Just Weird Coincidence? by hiya_hayz
This may or may not have something to do with the figure seen in my bathroom . These things always seemed to happen a night. Usually when I am trying to sleep. None of what has scared me horribly, but has given me the creeps. The first thing that happened was when I woke up one morning and the first...
James Dean Look Alike In My Closet by Alyssa11
This incident happened when I was 17 years old. I was always aware of a certain sixth sense in me. It was never really strong, but then again being 17, there were many other important things in my life. So it could be that I just choose to put the "sixth sense" on the back burner. However, at times ...
Sleep Over Visitor by Aprilsnanny35
I am a new member but like many others have enjoyed reading the varied experiences expressed on this site for quite some time. Thank you. Although it seems like many moons ago now, I have had an interest in the afterlife since I was very young and have been fortunate enough to have some of my ow...
Brighter Than Light And Darker Than Black by Medial
I'm a very new member of this site, and I'd like to say that I'm very grateful for the kindness and empathy from the members of this community. I am a 22 year old male from northern Iowa. I was born in Minnesota, went to college in Florida and currently live in New York City, but all of my exper...
Getting So Sick Of This Game Now by Worriedorparanoid
Once again I am back with another story to post. So since my last story, we have now moved into our own place but nothing has changed at all. We have been staying in our new townhouse now for a little less than a month and just to let you know it is relatively new complex's that have been built....
Morning Guests by SoulSeeker
It was a cold, dark winter morning in Bremerton, WA in the year 2002. I wake up to my alarm at 6:00am and begin getting ready for school. I was in the 7th grade and it had been 8 years since my last encounter. The house I lived in was built in the 70s with floral wallpaper, orange carpet and a we...
Kumonthong by ChangYai
I am a farang. A white boy. My skin is so white, it blinds people when I take my shirt off. I came to Bangkok to train in Muay Thai. Let's just say it didn't work out so well. While shopping, I found an amulet that I thought looked "cool". It was about 3 inches tall, and appeared to be the image of ...
Haunted Trailer In Louisiana by cherokeekydd
I have lived in the same trailer for the past 10 years just different areas in Louisiana. The first 5 years seemed to be going well. There would be times that I would hear a door knob being jiggled or hear someone call my name, but would just shrug it off as I was hearing things since when I would g...
My First Shadow Person by hippiechick83
My interest in the paranormal didn't come about from one specific incident. I can't really pinpoint the moment that I was completely sure that there was life after death. I grew up believing in ghosts and goblins and had an amazing imagination as most children do. I loved sitting around with my frie...
Strange Experience? by munchie
So after having a deep conversation about Christianity with my boyfriend I found myself alone downstairs doing work because I had a deadline today and had a lot of work to do. But I was quite upset because he was asking me these questions and I feel like I've missed out on something everyone should ...
Hide And Seek Hauntings by EvilMadness
So it was a sunny day in August and Me, my little brother and our two cousins were playing hide and seek. Very not spooky right? This isn't the first time I've seen a ghost but that is different. Anyway, it was my turn to count so I picked a really obvious place so that I could see everything. So I ...
Ghost Of Dead Husband by priestessblue
I rented a room from a woman in central Connecticut for a period of time. The house, which was built in the 30s, had a bad vibe that revealed itself over time. The woman had been married to a man who evidently abused her. I spoke with her current boyfriend who described the man as having an "aura of...
Night Terrors? by believer008
These events I'm about to go into happened around 7-8 months ago. I was and still am slightly apprehensive about sharing this, as its of a sexual nature. I was embarrassed and ashamed but having read others experiences on here of a similar nature I'm ready to share and get some advise on how to hand...
Haunted Dining Room by blood_barbie
I know there are ghosts in my home. I've seen & heard a few. But there's one in particular that I have mixed feelings about. One night, after I got out of class, around 9:30pm, I went home & one of my friends came with me to sleepover & to study for exams for the next class. After a late dinner, ...
Green Flash by Janetmbau
On Monday this week I woke up at 3.12am and couldn't get back to sleep. I lay awake for a while and think I was just on the verge of falling asleep when I heard the sound of what I describe like a camera shutter. There was a green flash (the green colour was like the colour you see on the news when ...
The Titanic Exhibit And The Broken Toy by PrettyInPain
I was visiting family in Missouri years ago, when I was still a teenager. Finding things to do for the majority of your extended family can prove burdensome, so a lot of us were happy to go to the Titanic Exhibit. It was in town at the time, so my aunts, mom, and cousins headed in that direction. ...
Hand Print On His Chest by rachael-lucas
I've been dating my boyfriend for two years, I had never had any sort of experience until I met him. For a while now we've had a lot of things happen to us. He's woken up with scratches, bruises etc. Those things never overly bothered me until something that happened the other night... This is w...
Clean Clothes Dumped On The Floor by sanjdee3
I am 28 years old and have been interested in the paranormal since an early age. I have always had vivid dreams and many time experienced dejavu from experiences I know I have dreamt of in the past. This particular story has happened to me over the past seven or eight months. My boyfriend lives in...
Voices In The Basement 2 by deejayy53
So my last story talked about how there were voices in my basement. And I did include some of the comments that whatever it is it likes to run up and down the basement stairs while having a good laugh. I also said I was going to tell it to calm down whenever it started up again, but boy was that the...
Sleep Disturbance by Lydia050
I'm 20 years old and live with my parents. Every day of the week, my parents go to work and leave me home alone which is amazing in my opinion lol. This morning I had something very disturbing happen to me. Let me say first, I am NOT a person who likes to be touched like at all and I have my reasons...
Am I Being Haunted? by confused-31
I was looking around for ghost stories to see if anybody else was going through what I've been through since I was a little girl. All the stories I read, the person will usually have one experience that will be associated with the house or a loved one. Then there are those that are considered polter...
Even After Death, She Still Watched Over Us by Vatishi
This particular experience occurred while I was still living at my parent's house in Perth, Western Australia and it started a few days before my Nan's funeral. She had had a major stroke the week previous and never woke up. When I found out that my Nan had died, it finally sunk in. I hadn't cop...
Historical House by Reallifeexp
As I mentioned in another story, I once did a co-op at a historical site. This tale is about a house on that site. It was an original house built there. Basically it was like a barn. You go up the steps to the front door and inside is a big space with a bigger loft/floor upstairs. This happened a lo...
Moonlight Encounter by Aprilsnanny35
After the experience of my first encounter (Sleep over visitor) I became friendly with an older sister of another friend who was at the time delving into White Witchcraft which I knew very little about but I was fascinated by her stories of going to cemeteries late at night and doing little rituals ...
Pigtails by Reallifeexp
This happened around the time of the "hand" story I wrote. I never watched the news because it's always so negative. I also know that we are not supposed to write about dreams. This particular night I had a disturbing dream that seemed so real. You know the ones that seem to be taking place in your ...
The Shadows Are Talking To Me by Blyth
My husband and 3 year old son moved into a great home built in the 1900's. When I became pregnant with my daughter my son was 3 years old. One night he came in to me and my husband's bedroom and said can I sleep in here the shadows are talking to me and I can't get back to sleep. The next da...
The Stomping On The Roof by suneyedgirl
This is definitely not my first experience with things that can be described as "paranormal" or "unexplainable". However, this is probably one of my scariest experiences regarding "paranormal" activity. I had recently started dating my boyfriend, although we've been friends since we were childre...
The Last Time by mb89
I am the daughter of a pastor and lived in the parsonage right next to the church where all of these events took place for four years, between the ages of 8-12. This story is from when I was either 9 or 10. I would often go over to the church for various reasons, this story relates the last time ...
The Wailing Lady At School by zerocool_29
This is my first story to submit, so please forgive my grammar and I'm not a good story teller. Hi I'm R-J and this happened in Philippines when I'm in 3rd year high school when we are having our computer class. Our computer class is being held around 3:00 pm on a different building beside th...
Something Grabbed The End Of My Blankets by LoveBirdii
I was lying in bed one cold night in winter, I'm pretty sure, I was sleeping when I woke up because it felt like something grabbed the end of my blankets and folded them over so my lower back/body was visible, I remember that I couldn't move, I think I might of been sleep paralysis or just really sc...
Heavenly Scent by Akatsuki07
It was September 2009 when the wife of the eldest brother of my father died of cancer. When she was still alive, she was known in their place because of her hospitality and kindness. She was also the closest to my mother among my mother's "aberat" (aberat is a term here in the Philippines used to ca...
Barking Dog, Siren And A Plea For Help by Anbre
So, I have been reading a lot on this site but have never submitted my own story and why I believe paranormal things can be real. This might be long but I want to get it all out now. My first experience happened about 13 years ago. I was 11ish at the time. I used to live in Southern California an...
Mildred And The Footsteps At 2:20 Am by Medial
Seven to eight years ago, my mother and step-father had just divorced. We moved into a new house, the place that my mother still lives in today. It was a rough time for the both of us, and moving into this new place was incredibly refreshing! A very old woman had lived in the house before us. Her...
Salalah Experience by Bliss006
Oman, is known for its history in black magic, spirits & jinns, recently I had the opportunity to experience this first hand. My boyfriend, another guy friend and myself decided to drive to Salala which is in Oman, Salala is a beautiful part of an otherwise dry mountainous country, it known for t...
My Experience With Negative Energy In My House by Trix
I'm not sure on how I'm going to write about my experience or if YGS will even publish it. I'm going to try my best, because the person that helped me through it told me that my experience and actions can help other people without this type of knowledge too. I feel he is right so I'm going to share ...
Warped Screaming Face by superconfused
I've had a lot of various ghostly and paranormal experiences since very young, from ghosts that cause no harm and sometimes have made me recheck something that was dangerous, iv also had the malevolent types that groan beside your ear at night and cause fear and anxiousness. But the experience I had...
My Son Saw Johnny In The Hole In The Wall by Cincinnatian
This story happened at the beginning of August in 2011. My son who turned 3 in September made me a true believer of spirits when this incident happened. I've always believed in spirits (Human/un holy if you will) but never actually experienced anything personally, my dad was a minister of a stri...
Fort Benning Georgia by olepapajoe
About ten years ago, I was stationed at Fort Benning Georgia, which is about ten miles from Columbus Georgia. My family and I lived in some old housing on post which was built in the early years of the FDR Administration, around 1934. At the time, my youngest children, a son and daughter, were two a...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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