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Ghost stories from New Zealand: Page 1
Waikumete Cemetery by Joelstrong
I wanted to start a ghost channel on you tube with a friend, so we spent 3 consecutive nights/ mornings walking around the cemetery recording and taking pictures. What we captured was truly terrifying, but that was just the beginning, as I was about to realize is that these demons/ entities can move...
Māori Tapu In The Far North by MichaelMorris771
I first met Milan as a shy thirteen year old. Milan was a lecturer in history at the University of Auckland. He was one of my father's drinking mates at the Senior Common Room Club, the drinking hole at the Old Government House that was set aside for academic staff. My father had introduced Milan...
I Am Not Insane by sane_psychopath
Honestly, I've never really been interested in paranormal activity until now. I read books about murder and crimes, but never GHOST stories. Let's just say, I never thought much of it. I'm part of a religious family that believes in angels and demons... Etc. But not like... This. You see, ever...
Ghost Girl In A Window by Ghost_In_My_Shell
It was back in 1994, Forrest Gump was the best movie at the time, I was about 14 years old at the time, I am now 41 and have never forgotten this moment. I was working a summer job at one my uncle's workshops, they were engineers. It was about a 20 minute walk back to my house, I was walking a c...
The Prankster Gets Pranked by Kezza011
This story happened in the late 80s when I was around the age of 16, I am now in my mid 40s. Around 6 of us girls were having a sleepover at our friend Monique's house. Just a side note as its important to the story, Monique's family were Dutch and all spoke Dutch fluently. She lived in the mid...
There Is Something In My Office Building by Whatdoido
My account is about the building I work in (Thorndon, Wellington, New Zealand in case any of you have knowledge of it that might be helpful). There has been talk of haunting type activity for over a year now. At first just a few people and we thought they were crazy. Then a few more people. Most di...
Mum Says Goodbye by Ray1
I have been reading the amazing stories on this site for a year now and thought I would like to tell mine. Apologies in advance as I am not a great story teller, but here goes: My mother passed away at the young age of 39. She would always tell myself and 2 other siblings that she didn't want to li...
Great Grandfather? by koa
My story revolves around a flat that I moved into with my best friend a few years ago, in Auckland, New Zealand. The flat that we moved into was on the back of a building that has been in my family for years, it was originally owned by my great grandfather (who has since passed away and the buildi...
Ghostly Car Sound by sheld999
This took place back in 2008. I was in Venture Scouting (ages 14-18), the time of season was winter cold and stormy but this night it was clear. Five of us chooe to stay at the other den in middle of a small town farming area. The den is halfway up a farmer's paddock. There 2 gates to open to rea...
Is This A Spirit? by KiwiGuy
So my story starts about 21 years ago when I was 18, I had moved into a flat with another person and about a month after I moved in he claimed there was a female ghost in the house. I never took much notice of this, however one evening when I was home alone I swear I could feel something moving towa...
Demon Is Hiding In My Brothers Body?! by elhat1
Some weird stuff has been going on and I need some input as to what it could be. I live in New Zealand and there isn't really anything weird or airy in New Zealand so spirits and demons aren't really talked about here I guess and I've told a couple people about these few odd experiences I've had...
Voices, And A Bang by sheld999
It was a Thursday December Evening, Its summer a cool night not too hot or too cold. It wasn't too late into the night when this encounter well not really a encounter but the incident that happened. I'll will try to write it with the correct way of trying to explain what happen as its still fresh in...
In Pakuranga by Fergie
It has been two years since I heard this account, but it still sends a shiver of terror down my spine when I think of it. It was told to me with such conviction and gravity. I hope my puny effort to reproduce my nephew's words can convey his feelings. The weekend before we left New Zealand, our ...
Knock On Window by sheld999
This encounter took place in July. I'll start it off with few events before hand. 2 months earlier I was on meds for health reasons I was having bad side effects which took awhile to get rid of. Roughly a few months. At the same time my childhood friend died. At same time I was feeling sad and was g...
First Possible Ghost Experience by JustAPrankBro
This is very recent. In fact I made this account just to write about it. It happened last night in the early morning probably between 3-5am. I had woken up and jumped out of bed to go to the toilet as I was having a few beers before bed. Once I got back into bed and settled in, though, my bed shook ...
The Bridge Between Two School Camps by Macknorton
I had a very bizarre and at the time, very unsettling experience happen to me when I was 12 years old. I have decided to share this experience on YGS for two reasons really, one is that it was just totally baffling, and the second is in the hope that someone else may have experienced the same kind o...
Walking Shadow And Standing Smiling Shadow by sheld999
These encounters took place during my childhood, in my town of Kaiapoi a small but growing Riverside town with great history of trade and culture of the old but gone swamp that once was there but now long drained and built on. The Town is based in the South Island of NZ roughlu in the middle to the ...
Unknown Force From The School Toilets by sheld999
This encounter took place at My old primary school (same school from my other story, With the animal ghost/alarm encounter) The year was around 2001/02 My classroom was in a old building block. (Old wooden/timber with boys toilets on one end and the girls at the other. With three classrooms with...
The Vanishing Boy by itsMiatch
This literally just happened and I made an account to post it. I was at my old Primary School and I thought I was the only one there. After a couple of minutes of chilling out I see a boy walk past on the other side of the playground. He's about my age and wearing a dark blue hoodie and tan jeans...
Voice That Pretended To Be My Father by sheld999
This encounter got to my nerves. Well not really, like it made me feel uneasy and confused about it. The event took place Winter 2015/16 April-July (can't remember what year thought, that's why there two there). It was either a Thursday night or a Saturday night. Mind's a bit hazy on it. It was n...
Ghostly Voices And A Crash Or Was It A Warning Of The Future by sheld999
My town is not that old at all. Roughly 1800-1890s establish, (European settlers), Before them were the Maori people living in the town. (Which was a swamp/island area surrounded by rivers. So this encounter took place sometime in the year 2008 around June/July. Me and my mate were hanging out a...
Hand In The Closet/wardrobe by sheld999
This event took place when I was young from memory between 5-9 years old of age. The season was around Autumn/Spring (can't really remember as I was young). It was around early evening/almost dark outside, I was just relaxing as a young kid does after a busy day. I had to put something away in my...
Little Girls Voice by sheld999
This story took place when I was 14, back in the year 2007-2008. From memory it was a winter's night (June-August). I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep but couldn't. I was wide awake and thinking as usual. My bedroom was bit cold as expected. So as I was lying their I heard a strange buzzing ...
Phantom Cat/jaguar by sheld999
This story took place when I was 5-6 years old. It was weekend and summer, I was outside playing with a friend of mine (who I no longer talk to). The day was quiet and still. Warmish breeze. I was outside with mate playing then I stopped for some reason. I then went to the gate by the footpath. To w...
Strange Figure Of Animal/creature by sheld999
This sighting took place not too long ago. From memory it was a Thursday night at around 11pm - 12am (nz time) So let's begin with what happen before the sighting took place. Me and my mate, who is 3 years younger than me, were walking around the town playing Pokemon go (yes at night as there less p...
Our Family Home And My Old Workplace by ilovesodawater
I come from a town in the central north island of New Zealand and don't have a scary story as such, just a few things that have happened over the years. Background first... When I was around 8 years old we moved into a big old house (apparently the oldest one in our town). My class mates used ...
Nana (grandmother) Having The Last Laugh by sheld999
The story I'm going to tell you is about an enjoyable,. Aughing encounter. The year of it happening was 2012. My Nana was in the final stages of passing over. So me and my mother flew up to Palmerston North (North Island, NZ) to see her final days. She passed away after seeing most of the family...
Ticking Sound by sheld999
this story I'm going to tell you all is kind of short but I'll try to make it fit into the limit of words allowed. From around when I was 7 years of age, every time I went to bed for the night and lay there before sleep I will always here this faint sound coming from the corner of the ceiling. Th...
The Blue Lady And Other Events by 2nd1st
It's time for me to tell you all about my experiences. First I'll tell you a little about me. I am what I call an open-minded sceptic by nature and that is how I approach all accounts of potentially paranormal events, including my own. As I do not believe that it is possible to confirm with cert...
Long Term Haunting Type Events- Would Like Your Insight by Emma_girl
I've been wanting to talk about my experience for a long time and this seems like the right place to do it. I will have to limit some of the details quite severely as the site says it won't publish accounts that have certain aspects to them as they attract the wrong kind of people and create discord...
Boots And A Bluish Blob by Fergie
About halfway through 2015, we (my husband Ray and I) received an invitation to my brother's wedding in New Zealand. After some deliberation, we decided to take the long plane trip from South Africa to attend this momentous occasion. I won't bore you with details of a family wedding, nor of all t...
A Glowing White Figure by sheld999
This is my first story here. I have had many encounters in my life so far so I'll start off with this one. The year was 2005, I think the month was December. Summer was just starting and I was staying at a friends of mine. So we decided to hang out at the park in Rangiora (in North Canterbury, N...
I Seriously Angered Something by Macknorton
My experience took place when I was about 10 years old. My brother, who was a couple of years older than I (and funnily enough, still is!), and I were sent to stay with our Uncle Ron who lived in a small town called Temuka, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. Ron enjoyed his fishing and...
Strange Events At My Aunts by jba
When my Uncle and Aunt lived local to my family I would often house sit when they went away on their adventures around the world on the Catamaran they used to work on. This was always something I loved doing for them. I would look after their cat Floyd and their Golden Retriever Pup Benji. The la...
That Lady With No Face by Line03
This happened when I was around 8ish or 9? I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. We had just moved into this big apartment in a small suburb in Auckland it was so old, every wallpaper was mouldy and hanging off the walls and the ceiling was full of brown stains. We ignored all of those and just admired h...
Quietly Watching by jba
This is one of the two experiences that I have had, this one being my first when I was fairly young. I don't remember how old I was exactly but I remember the experiences so vividly. The first house that I remember living in was in Auckland, New Zealand. I would have a few days a week where I co...
Impeccable Foretelling by DrShivago
One evening in October 2012, I was at home pondering my life as a single 32 year old male. I was asking questions like "When will I meet Miss Right?" A thought came to me make my own Ouija Board. I'd played with one when I was 13 and it scared the pants off me but I'd learned that if used for the...
It All Started With A Cat by DrShivago
I would call myself a somewhat superstitious person but a recent bereavement in my family was, I believe, foretold by several aspects. I work rotating shifts days/twilight and nights, that particular week I was working the 11pm-7am shift and a lot of the time we're outdoors. One particular day it...
Deep, Heavy Breathing Ghost by Waikaka
When I was young (I am now 30), I lived on a sheep-farm in a small town called Waikaka, New Zealand. The house we lived in was built by my grandfather (my dad's dad) and we had lived in it since at least from when I was born. I don't think it was always haunted, or maybe it was but the being was nev...
A Click In The Bathroom by ghostieboo
Before I begin my story I would like you to know that this is one of my first ghostly encounters I have experienced. It was nothing too big but up to this day I find it extremely creepy. It was an ordinary day at school, kind of rainy. No one goes to the bathroom during class time - the bathroom...
What Is With This Tapping Noise? by Dont_give_up
Ever since I was about five I've heard this odd tapping noise from the walls in my bedroom which is always mystified me. It is usually only at night when I'm in bed. I clearly remember the night I first heard it. My parents were out and my uncle was around with his two dogs babysitting us. I tho...
Over The Rainbow Bridge And Odd Happenings by CDubber
This is a collection of all the odd happenings that have accumulated over the course of the end of last year and the beginning of this one. I will give you all a brief summary- Last year by all means was a difficult one for my family and i. We lost three people (all in different circumstances) whom ...
Follow You Home by CDubber
It's been quite a while since I've posted last, as I like to space out the events to keep my stories fairly interesting. All was quiet for a while until activity started up again in the recent months. Though, that is a story for another time. Firstly, I'd like to direct everyone to what happened...
House May Be Occupied By Something Other Than The Living by Sake
It has been several months since I posted a story about our shed. At the time I wasn't exactly what you would call a believer of the paranormal, but we were rattled to say the least and I was willing to try anything. I performed the cleansing rituals that were suggested for our home and shed. I hope...
Presence by Davetje
I am 35 years old, raised in the south island of New Zealand born and bred there. I moved to the lower east coast city Dunedin in 1998, and moved into the affected house about a year later, in with a new girlfriend who owned the house. Almost immediately she told me after a couple of nights about th...
Flying Skull And Other Strange Occurances by dreadedcarnage
This is my first time submitting a paranormal experience, so bear with on the details. I'm a big believer of the paranormal and have had quite a few experiences throughout my life. This is just one of them that I'd like to share with you all. This experience happened a little over four years ago ...
My Shed by Sake
I have never seen a ghost nor do I wish to see one. I am very sceptical about anything to do with the paranormal. I like mundane explanations because they are answers I can understand and get my head around. However, recent events have led me to searching the internet for not so mundane answers and ...
The Voice Calling Andrea by tawa
This happened just a few days ago when I was wandering around my garden. I was just in my own world really and wasn't paying much attention to reality when all of a heard a male voice call "Andrea" and her surname (which I've omitted for privacy reasons) I snapped out of my daydream startled bec...
Evil Feeling 2 by Ojjo19
So I should have put this in my original story but thought it was long enough as it is. Last week was when the sound of the light switches started, me and a different friend were down in the garage playing pool and when we came back upstairs she went back into my room while I stayed in the kitche...
Evil Feeling by Ojjo19
So my dad and I moved into this flat about 2 years ago and right before we moved in we got given a key each so I went to see the house for the first time with my two friends. We stupidly tried to communicate with anything that was there and nothing happened so we just left it. After about a mont...
Ghost Bugs? by Grav3yardgirl1403
This happened about two or three years ago. When I move furniture in my room something odd tends to happen. Things will fall off my walls or desk and I have restless nights from things constantly making noises. I recently moved more furniture and things have been happening. That's another story t...
Noises, Shaking, Flying Stuff, And Shadows by tawa
Greetings Your Ghost Stories readers. Before we get into this I'll just let you know I'm not the best with punctuation although I'll try my absolute hardest so please bear with me. Other than these experiences I haven't had any other major dealings with the paranormal. So let's get into it...
Cheeky Ghost by jarq4
My experience of paranormal activity happened in 2009 when I was flatting as a second year university student in Palmerston North. Now I am not even sure if it's paranormal but there sure is heck no other explanation me or my flat mates or partner could find. Now enter my story... I was 20 at th...
Silhouette Stalker by MitchHBA
This happened quite a while ago, and it still happens to this day. I'm sick of it, I want it to die. I first remember seeing it around the age of five. I'd had a rather interesting dream about skittles, and how they were planning to take over the country when I was jolted awake at 2:00 in the mor...
The Events That Took Place by Haggis
Some years ago I purchased a nice wee 2 bedroom house in Rotorua for myself to live in and all was well for a few years then suddenly some strange things started to happen. It started one night some hours after I had gone to bed. My bedroom was at the other end of the house to the lounge and about 2...
Need Help, I'm Getting Scared by SummerinCali
A few years ago me and my family moved into an old house. Everything was fine until we redid the back section. I started noticing, especially when I was alone, footsteps and quiet knocking. I am 13 and live with my parents and two sisters. My room is the coldest in the house ever since I moved in...
Strange Experiences Of Mine by Daniellerw
To start off, I'm 17 years old now and have a brother and a sister who are both older than me. I never lived with my dad. So when I was quite young we lived in a different house with a long hallway and me and my sister shared a room right at the end. I was always the first to be put to bed (I sle...
My Visitors by Ronapony
I have been visited by spirits my entire life. I'm 16, and they honestly still freak me out when I see them or can feel them there. The first one that I can remember was when I was about 7 or 8 years old, and at the time I had thought that I was only daydreaming until I properly thought back on i...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Visiting Me? by TNZ
Hey guys, This is my first post and I am wondering if any of you will be able to help me understand what happened last night. It was a really stressful experience once I realized what had happened. I awoke last night (not sure what time and I'm definitely sure I was awake) and felt really heavy...
Shadow Man In Top Hat by Lilady4
This story takes place in my new house and was from a few months back. I have always heard Spirits (I hear them "telepathically" in my mind), and I sense them, but I had never before seen them. That is, until now. I was lying down with my 15 month old son with the light off to get him off to s...
Hand Behind Head by Caitliiin
Earlier today, I was walking past one of my best friends' house. He was standing at the window pulling the finger at me (being his usual self) when I saw a hand from behind his head and it looked like it was about to grab or slap his face. I turned away at this point and quickly walked away, as I wa...
Nice To Meet You, Granddad by CDubber
Side note: Since this story took place I have sadly become estranged from my father's side of the family, so this was a short yet meaningful experience. I was staying at my fraternal grandmother and father's house for a short period in January this year. Sadly my grandfather had passed away year...
Humanoid And The Candle Thrower by CDubber
Since my last story my mother and I have moved to a nice modern flat a block away from our old house. Here's me thinking "Ah, a nice new house. This surely won't be haunted!" Well, I was wrong. Though I can say activity has definitely decreased since living here, I believe we have some residents her...
D Is For Doppelganger by CDubber
As would be expected, a lot has happened since I was last on here, which looks to be 2 years ago! In due time I'll explain my absence, but for now I'll start with what is troubling me the most. I have been with my partner (whom we'll call Michael for privacy reasons) for nearly a year now and th...
Man In The Woods? by rawrimalion
At a school camp when I was ten, we stayed in cabins in the woods. On Thursday morning I was lying on the bottom bunk in the cabin, engraved in the wood on the top bunk was a message. It said that a man had died on the bed (where I lay) and every Thursday night he came back and haunted the cabin. Th...
The Bright Man by TheBrightMan
First of all, this happened somewhat five years ago in the autumn of 2007. I've been searching the internet since to try to find anyone who has had even a slightly similar experience. So far nothing quite matches what happened to me, but lately I've been reading the articles here, and looking at som...
What Was The Little Boy I Saw? by unsure1
This is completely new to me and really want your opinions on what you think. Last night I was lying in bed and reading as usual using my phone as the source for reading articles etc. It wasn't too dark as there was a light on further down the hall way and also the light of phone lit up the area ar...
Haunted Cat by Ghost772
I am 17 and live on a farm in New Zealand and have recently had a stray cat show up at my house and made its self at home. My mum took the cat to the neighbours to see if it was their's and she got told it was his flat mates cat who had died the week before. I saw the story in the news paper and he ...
My First Story by ASH4321
I have not really thought about sharing some of the things that happened to me and still are going on, so I will just do a basic explanation and maybe go in-depth later with a story for each one. One: I see these things. They're like tall black shadows. They appear out of nowhere and when they a...
The Devil Or Angel? by KiwiGal
This is an experience that my mum has told me, so it is not my story. This happened in New Zealand, up north in my small hometown Panguru. My mum told me that she was in a car with 3 of her mates and her cousin driving back from some event at their high school. They drove across the bridge, but then...
Whistling Calls For Ghosts by KiwiGal
Heyyo! My name is Mary and I would like to share a true paranormal event I had experienced about 2-3 years ago in the beautiful country New Zealand, Auckland. I use to have a habit of whistling, A LOT. My mum would always tell me that I shouldn't whistle so much, especially at night time because it ...
The Miner by AussieRedDog
I've just returned from NZ no more than a week ago and I can't stop thinking about the strange man I saw while tramping through the forest. If you know New Zealand then you would know about the Fox River. I joined a walking tour which took 15 days tramping through the South Island exploring. It was ...
More Life, Less Ghosts? by Cadarvel
My parents used to be into a lot of weird spiritual stuff, they are now Christians and prefer to avoid the topic of the paranormal. Sometimes they are willing to share a few details about their experiences with the paranormal, how my dad used to be some kind of psychic and could somehow channel mess...
Visit At Work by epiphany
Around 1999-2000, I used to work for a large newspaper. At the time, the department I worked for was an open office/cubicle-type affair in the original building (nearly 100 years old at the time of this story. It has since been pulled down). I was standing at one end of the room waiting to make m...
Ouija Board And The Teddy Bear by dannybouma
About a month ago my 3 friends and I tried our own Ouija board and we contacted a few different people. We thought it was really fun and nothing bad happened at first. We thought every spirit we talked too was only wanting to chat. About a week after doing it, we started hearing some funny noise...
Electric Touches by MoonlightShadows
If you read my other stories, you will know I often see my "protector," the black wolf, but things have been very weird lately and I have not seen this spirit since the graveyard incident. For about two months now, I've felt a presence in my home. A strange presence. It isn't negative nor positi...
Ex Boyfriend's Ghost? by mslees
I have many experiences with the paranormal. I have nothing to gain from making them up, the earliest I can remember hearing or feeling strange "things" was at the age of about 6 or 7. I come from Zimbabwe where tokoloshis (African trolls) terrorise the locals, wizards, warlocks and witch doctors...
The Shadow Was Watching Me by Skelopatch
I was awoken from one of those horrible dreams where it feels like you are falling out of a helicopter, and just as you are about to land, you wake up. So first I need to say, my bedroom is quite large, my bed is facing a window, so as soon as I wake up, I'm facing this window. As I was still fo...
The Stalking Wolf 2 by MoonlightShadows
I hadn't seen this spirit for a little more than a month... So I decided to visit a graveyard because every time I've been at a graveyard the dog was always there. It was a calm day, the sun wasn't out but it was fairly warm. I decided to go to the oldest graveyard in my hometown (I had only been th...
My Turn Now by chase88
My name's Casey. I'm 24-years-old and this is my first time submitting a story. I have a funny feeling that it's highly likely this won't be the last! Okay, so I'm from New Zealand and I am part European and Part Maori. Our family really takes in the Maori cultural side as my mother and father ar...
The Stalking Wolf by MoonlightShadows
Ever since I was a little girl, I've been followed by a large black dog that looks rather similar to a wolf. If I'm going for a walk it will follow behind me, a couple of times it has actually walked beside me. No one else sees it but me, sometimes I think I'm going crazy. Every time I visit the gra...
Gifted? by Tenacious
My name is Tesha and at the time being I am 18 years old. Turning 19 in two weeks time. My age has a little bit to do with my story. I have been having paranormal encounters since I was around 4-5 years old so my family has told me. My sister was there when I had my first encounter, I have no me...
My Favourite Patient by Nurse1992
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Nursing. For our first year, we had a placement at a rest home where we were allowed to interact with patients and nurses alike to help us learn new skills. Among all of our duties, we each had one patient who we were to care for throughout the duration of our s...
Succubus Vanessa by OliC
My name is Oli and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm 18 years old and need your help. As of recently I have encountered what I believe to be a succubus. I searched it online and read a majority of similar experiences to that of my own. I can feel my succubuses energy in the room as if it were ...
Aj's Strange Paranormal Experiences by tornfromreality
My name is AJ and I'm 13 years old. So far I have had 2 paranormal experiences that I can recall. The first paranormal experience I can remember happened when I was 6 or 7 years old. I was living with my mother at the time (my parents divorced when I was 3) and we lived in a house about 50 years ...
Scared Cats by mrsullivanniall
I am new here so I thought I'd share my story of when I was younger. When I was 11 years old, my family and I moved to the small bay of plenty town of Kawerau. The house we rented there would of been built in the late 1980's. We were all excited about the prospect of moving into this house becaus...
Crystal Baby by WondaStruck
My mum has always called me a Crystal baby, meaning that I am very spiritual and connect with the dead. I have had a lot of experiences with the paranormal. I was born in 1994 and I wouldn't have even been 9-months-old when stuff started to happen. It all started when my mum and I moved into an o...
The Man In The Flannel Shirt by charlottetybalt
I'm 18 years old now, and for the past few months I've had this one man appear in my bedroom. I don't know exactly what he is. I heard from some people that this man might be my spirit guide due to the fact that whenever I see him I don't feel afraid. I had this experience a few weeks ago which m...
A Frightening Childhood by SophieFfion
I remember being frightened all the time. Scared. Like something was always waiting for me in the next room. It all began when I moved into an old Villa, built in the early 1900's. I was 7 years old. My brother (who was only 5 at the time) and I were so excited. My father renovated the house shor...
The Man In The Other Room by Puss49
When I was little I would lie in bed and wake up with faces jumping out of walls I could only describe these as faces like the group band 'KISS'. I would also have frequent dreams which would repeat itself every so often, but as I remember it felt like I was awake... A little man that looked like an...
An Evil Impostor by CDubber
This story is not one of my own but belongs to my mother, whom is happy to share her experience to forewarn anyone tempted on performing a séance. This story has not been fabricated in any such way, although some events may be slightly off tune due to the recollection of my thoughts. The story ...
Small Red And Hooded by bjtc1
From the age of 7 until I was 14, I lived in a large house on a farm with my parents and my 4 brothers and sisters. This was on a farm just on the outskirts of Hamilton in New Zealand. My elder brother had the upstairs room and the rest of us were downstairs. I used to like going upstairs to sleep i...
Leaving An Old Life Behind by CDubber
For those of you who have read my two previous stories you will know that my family and I are gifted with the ability of sixth sense among various other physic abilities. This collection of assorted stories are based over a period of the recent ten months around my family and i. I will pick up f...
Ghosts By My Bedside by LittelReD
Firstly I've been somewhat haunting this site for a few months, there is nothing dramatic about me or my story but I have finally decided to share it with you. I live in New Zealand, in a small town in South Taranaki, I have always lived in this area and I have always seen and felt things slightly ...
Childhood Home by TIGERKING
This story is going back to when I was a kid. I grew up in a house that was over a hundred years old. It was a really spooky house and it looked the part. The yard was quite large and was full of trees. The weather boards were rotting and the tin on the roof used to bang in the wind along with all t...
Are Aliens Really Ghosts? by Bodhisattva
I would like to start by saying I do not require any advice, I share this story for the purpose of provoking discussion, and for allowing people to share similar thoughts or experiences. Ever since I was a child, living with my parents, I was very curious about 'aliens' and the thought that there...
Golden Demon Dog by TIGERKING
When I was 21 (I am now 28). I had gone from the south island, to the north island of New Zealand to visit my father and my brother who lived in the city Auckland. My brother was living with some flatmates about half an hours drive from my fathers house, where I spent my days, and slept at Dads at n...
The Mysterious Hooded Figure by vivalav
This experience happened to my younger brother. This happened in our second house, many years after my experience with the young boy in my room. Just quickly, I will describe my brother's room. My brother had a single bed that faced his doorway, so you could see into the hallway if you were to lie o...
A Warning Or A Threat? by thetruthisoutthere
A few years ago I and a couple friends were into the whole ghost hunting deal. We had 2 video cameras and a tape recorder. We just went around everywhere trying to capture some kind of evidence. What was funny about it was, the guy who's idea it was to go to these haunted locations would always wait...
The Unexplaned Banging In Waikumete Cemetery by Kosti_Ghostgirl
I go for walks in the cemetery often and would hear voices of people talking and when I try to look around to see anyone or find someone there is no one to be found. I never get scared in the cemetery, to be honest it's quite peaceful, but this day about a year ago it was different... Me and my c...
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