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Possible Incubus


Since I moved into my place, there has been pounding on the wall. It is extremely loud and yet I ignored it. Cabinet doors would open by themselves, shadows could be seen down the hall and if someone screamed or cried in fear, you could hear a laugh. I thought all of this was related. So, I did a ritual where I sent the spirit on its way. This did not help the pounding on the wall. Many people felt a presence in the closet of one of the rooms. It was just were the pounding was. While I did not relate this to any of the going ons in the house, I had almost nightly, extremely sexual dreams where I woke up orgasming. This I did not mind.

Then, I met someone who came to my house and told me I had an Incubus who was raping me at night. He told me that a bad witch was controlling it and it wanted my abilities. I'm just psychic, why would they want my abilities. Also, I used to be able to see the dead. I prayed to the Gods/Goddesses to take that ability away and they did. Do you think he is right and this is accurate information? I am looking for answers. Does anyone know about Incubus'? Please comment

When this all began, I was Christian. After much research and knowledge, I am no longer Christian. If I am dealing with a demon, why would it be here when I was Christian? I have had psychic abilities since I was about 6. I was raised Jehovah's Witness and told my abilities were from the devil. I just want someone with more knowledge on these matters to comment and help me.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rcdavis67, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

christbeliever (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
Hi Renee

my name is Scott and I am a Christian. I am not an expert but I do believe I can give you some good advice. You said you were a Christian but not anymore and the thing came when you were a Christian, well I believe it is a demon and without Jesus you can't get rid of it. It does not matter if a witch is using it, if you have Jesus that will have to go away PERIOD!

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at soulfoodshow24 [at]
ngute80 (220 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-20)
I was thinking the exact same thing! It sounds like to me LightDemonGirl is young with raging hormones. And because she is fascinated with incubus' and read a few stories, she thinks that makes her an expert.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-20)

I have to ask a question, I hope you do not mind.

Just how long have you been studying Incubuses?

You CLAIM to know quite a lot but the more you post it seems, at least to me, that you really do not know that much concerning them, or the Paranormal in General. Please take some time, read some books, read more true experiences and ASK questions. These are some of ways to increase your knowledge and experience.


LightDemonGirl (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-20)
an incubus dosen't care if you are christian or not, incubus is a demon who do sexual things to womens/teenagers, some peoples have a relationship/in love with an incubus, some peoples just want to get rid of them, and I don't really know what to say about this... Ask a medium if it really is an incubus there and if it is and you don't want to have it there, tell them to get rid of it.

MIkanekai (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-16)
that part about the thing raping you might be correct, but a witch controlling it...? And a person cannot "steal" others abilities. I suggest you get the house cleansed, and find a way to protect yourself. Just so you know, the ability to see the dead does not come from the devil.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-31)

I see it'a a lively post, and I don't have the time to read all the worthy comments from all these good folks, but I assert it's absolutely a demon. The signs are 100% demonic in genesis, i.e. Dark shadows, psychological warfare, vivid, sexual dreams, etc. As a demonologist, I'm getting real busy before Easter, but I counsel Catholic Holy water ASAP, especially on the beds and at night - for starters. I'm sorry for being brief, but I have a lot on my plate. The names of "Jesus and Mary" also help a lot. Email me at, if you need further.
Frostcore (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-14)
another possibility could be your shadow self reacting to your move/stress you are under (if any).

Or there may even be a weak spot in your house where energy can collect -if this is the case, I would recommend you cleanse your home.

Just my opinions. 😜

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-12)
Hey Puppeteer 😁

How has it been? I was just skimming through the site. I do not really be on it a lot anymore. My mouth might slip on some of the comments I read.

I also see that there are children here still abusing the voting system. Oh well.
arwengray (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
I agree with a lot of the other comments posted. There are many different possibilities for this phenomenon or entity that's plagueing you. It doesn't necessarily have to be an Incubus, although it could be. The most important thing to consider is how it makes you feel when it happens. If you don't seem to mind it, then you aren't scared when it happens. You may get freaked out but not out of fear. If it is a spirit or entity it may or not be malevolent. Listen to your intuition and if you feel scared, dread, suicidal etc. Then it is harmful and must be stopped. Since that doesn't seem to be the case, it may be repressed sexual urges. If it is an entity, keep in mind that spirits and entities including demons are not necessrily evil. They just may have malevolent or benevolent energies. I can't stress enough, pay attention to how the situation makes you feel. No matter what kind of entity it is, if that is what it is, it is not necessarily evil. If at anytime it starts happening while you are awake or starts becoming violent seek professional help. First, to make sure it isn't coming from you and next to rid yourself of whatever it is. The pounding on the wall may or may not be related but a simple house cleansing should solve that problem. The man who told you it was sent by a witch is probably lying. While it is possible, it is not probable. A witch cannot steal your psychic gifts because we all have them and a demon doesn't need them because they have their own. I am a witch myself so I know from experience. If you find that it is indeed an entity you can contact me and I will tell you how to exorcize it or if you need to do a thorough house cleansing I can tell you how to perform that. If it is enjoyable sex and isn't hurting anyone you should be ok.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
Greetings Rashidah long time no see smiles nice to see your still active on the site
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
Incubus are very dangerous. Please research on Google and act accordingly. Although you say you are no longer Christian, you then say why would a demon bother you when you used to be Christian?

Obviouly if demons exist they do not care what religion or non-religion you practice under.

My advice would be to seek some spritiual guidance if you truly believe this to be an incubus.

God Bless!
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
Good day rcdavis,

Can you give me the details on how you performed the ritual? Is it possible that the ritual backfired on you? These things are possible. You may have left a door open for other entities to infiltrate 😐

Thank you.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
ZiShu I am far from antichristian but again your faith will call anything it dosent see as an angel a demon two you have some gall doubting my spirtual sight and thirdly as I mentioned before their are many other entities outside the limited veiw of angels and demons so rather then attacking A person who is stateing a different posibility I sugest you remain helpfull and respectful you fight demons so do I when and if they arize but we have no proof that said entity is a demon you are jumping to an easy conclusion and ignoring all other possibilities oh and don't you dare call me satan its happened before by another "demon hunter and I simply laughed it off as to demons lurking inside my house you are the last person I would contact to help me get rid of them this house is clean if you are concerned demons lurking in houses may I sugest you worry about your own house and geusts

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
Aussiedaz said it in the only way I possibly could. All I can do is re-emphasize what Aussie said.

Being Christian or not has NO influence on whether or not a spirit/demon/whatever will bother you. Follow your instincts.
SucubussesSuck (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
I suffer at the hands of a succubus and I've encountered many christians online who have been tormented by them. And many Christians who have completely changed their mind about religion based on their experiences with them. And now engage in sex with their incubus succubus. I know my experience has actually brought me closer to god. I agree with some of the other posters that I would take what your friend said with a grain of salt. Some things that have worked for me are putting holy water on my bed before I go to sleep, saying the rosary (or as a non-catholic I would recommend any prayers you feel comfortable with), and sleeping near the bible. These have just weakened the attacks. Most succubus incubus attacks actually happen when people are wide awake from what I've found, mine included. So it might be building towards that. Anyway hope you are safe and good luck.
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
Puppeteer, I know what demons are, I feel, sense, touched, heard, and see them. I have fought enough of them to know what they are, and I can sense demons around this person. I am just stating that just because a christian is being attacked by a demon, it does not make the belief untrue. I have a right to defend my religion. In no way did I "torment" or attack this person. You just seem to be an anti-Christian if you believe me saying something isn't true is "tormenting". A demon does not have to be constantly on rampage. You'd be surprised if you could see into the spirit world on how much demons would be seen lurking in each household, especially your own.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
zishu that is what I ment by jumping to conclusions about it being a demon demon demon demon I laugh when I hear a post about a bible and the demons for heaven sakes your faith cryes demon if the shutters rattle if it were harmfull then I would advise for demon but it dosent seem to be now please stop tormenting the client if she is not a cristian and limited to that belief there are other possibilities besides angels and demons

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
Just because demons come to someone, doesn't mean Christian isn't true. The Bible speaks of demons all the time. Demons come to you for many reasons. Either you had done something that would attract a demon, or Satan had send one to you for a deeper purpose of stopping you. Most likely you did not lose your abilities to see spirits, its more like a powerful enough demon is blocking you.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
rcdavis67, reading your account I feel there are a few things you should consider and be cautious about before accepting advise from anyone... Firstly I would be suspicious of someone coming to your house out of the blue, proclaiming to know a witch is after your psychic gifts... If you have had psychic experiences you should know that those in the spiritual realm will rattle doors, bang on walls and move objects to capture the attention of the person they are seeking... Not always these experiences are for reasons of bad or evil nature although understandably mistaken by many... So I would be more inclined to throw salt at people giving you the wrong advise, rather than throwing it over your shoulder mate... Please, I'm not proclaiming to know all the answers for what you are seeking... I just don't want to see you talk yourself into something that becomes illusionary... You will create a demon by your own demise if your not careful... The sexual dreams ending with orgasms... Of which you don't mind? Your subconscious may be doing what perhaps your not so I wouldn't presume just yet that an incubus is causing them... Also these experiences do not related to religious preference at all, so don't feel no shame or guilt in regard to that, or any guilt at all about the sexual dreams that you are having, a lot of people experience what you've experienced... The question is do you want those dreams to stop?
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Yes I can tell you about incubi what do you want to know you are not curently christian are you well heres the trick depending it may be a god or any number of entities rather then an icubus depending forgive my doubt and I know some will doubt because of their chosen faith and likely kill this coment however if you are pagan or wiccian one can not so easily jump to the conclusion of incubus, if you wish to discuss this away from prying eyes and doubting minds my email is on my profile please keep me informed

Your freind,
The Puppeteer

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