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My Uncle's Visit


After reading through quite a few stories I have decided to submit mine. My moms side of the family has always had a paranormal vibe to it, like my aunts see family members and feel things etc. I have always believed that I am prone to feeling when something isn't right or when something is around.

In my family we also have the belief that when a person passes away (Naturally or Otherwise) you might get a visit on the third day/night after their passing. I do not know why this is the case or how we came to this understanding, but there it is... Back to the story though.

I cannot remember exactly what year, about 4 years ago, my uncle (my mothers sisters husband) was diagnosed with Emphyzema. He went from bad to worse really quickly. I remember being at home playing Sims I think on the 18th of December when my mom comes in to tell me my uncle has passed away. So, as we do in our family, we all climb in the car to go and pay our respects and make sure my aunt doesn't have to do anything.

So we arrived at the house only to find out that my uncle hadn't died from the Emphyzema, he had in fact shot himself. This is the first (so far the only) time that I have been so closely related to a suicide.

Anyway, for some reason I ended up staying with my aunt afterwards to help around the house as my cousin was away and her brother was busy with the legalities of the situation.

At some point me, my aunt and male cousin, her son, (he is around his late thirties) are sitting at the kitchen table just chatting before bed when suddenly I think to myself... Oh crap, tonight is the third night. Keeping in mind I have never really had a major experience up until this point, so I think to myself, its cool, you probably won't be affected as you aren't immediate family and you just feel, you won't see anything...Sure!

I went to sleep in my cousins room as she wasn't there, and her room is right next to her parents room. So at some point, I do not recall times, I wake up to hear my aunt calling me (urgently) but I pretend I can't hear her because I am too scared to go see. At this point I hear what sounds to me like the cocking of a gun.

Eventually my male cousin comes through from his room at the back of the house and he asks his mom what's wrong as she is crying and shaking. She says to him "Your father is here", now he isn't a believer so I nearly had a heart attack when he answers her saying he knows.

They went through to the kitchen and I eventually get the nerve to go sit with them and just as I am about to get off the bed the dog is standing in the passage looking into their room and growling. I hit panic mode and start shouting for my cousin to come. He comes and we all end up in the kitchen. I asked my aunt what happened and she said my uncle was sitting on the bed by her feet and whenever she moved her feet he would move to sit on them.

I called my mom and said my cousin is bringing us home as I am too S...T scared to stay. We asked my cousin to run around the house and collect my things, shame he was cool about it, and then he came back into the kitchen and asked who got sick? We looked at him very confused and said no one, why? And he replied that it smelled like someone had vomited. He later told us that he could smell this until he was out of the driveway and then it was gone.

That is the extent of my strongest experience yet. I had always wanted to be gifted like that, but since experiencing it first hand, I am thankful I can only feel them.

My male cousin later told us that for a while after my uncle passed, he would hear his dad working on the car in the yard or opening his bedroom door. As I said before, this cousin would never believe in this stuff so for him to admit these things. Well they aren't made up.

I hope that it was an okay read, I am in no way a writer so I have tried to put this as plainly as possible.

Any comments are welcome.

Ps. My aunt had the house blessed by a priest from her church and I think my uncle has left now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SpiderZA, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Has anyone ever had an experience with spirits communicating via Pc's etc? I know you get a thing called automotive writing or something like that but I was just remembering a show I used to watch years ago, I think it was called Ghost Writer, where a ghost would communicate to a group of kids by making the pc screen go black and typing letters in green text?
Just curious...

SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Oh yeah, at the end I was like...What?!
Was a pretty good plot though, the moms images made me think of a few stories I've read on YGS...
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Spider: I saw that movie a couple months ago, and I loved it. The ending was pretty awesome.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Hey guys, just thought I would share a movie I watched last night that was pretty creepy/cool and gave me the heeby geebies... Its called INSIDIOUS
Its about a little boy and astral traveling to "their" realm but I can't say too much or I'll give it away.
Hope someone else will watch it, its pretty well put out.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Please ignore the typo's, I guess I need to hurry up and drink this powerade, so my brain can work properly haha.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Miracles: I'll check that story out later, but it does make you think. I mean the first few times I saw a spirits, my nose would bleed. My ears would make a 'popping' sound when I felt like they were trying to communicate as well. They need energy for certain situations, and like "man, I head hurts from trying to know what's going on in the spirit world " 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Jesus_soldier - some of us have thrown that theory around many times. I have a story on here, "My Ghost Who Cussed" that sparked the thought in our heads: what if? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that we hadn't already wondered it many times before, I just mean the story got us thinking and talking about it in a group 😆. Lots of crackpot theories 😉. How much different is their time from our time? What if it takes awhile for the sound to get to us from them? Those kinds of theories.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Spider: That would be cool if they did ask. I think more paranormal investigators should ask certain questions about the spirit world.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
I'm not really sure of the device you mentioned, but I don't really have a clue what gadgets get used in these tests.
Ye I think we're onto something those that do active hunts can ask the next time they record?

Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
You knows those spirit voice boxes they use in some paranormal investigations? It's like a radio clicking over to another channel in a high rate of speed, and spirits are able to talk through this instrument, in a normal way. It just got my wheels turning and it lead me to think that the time is way faster in their world. I have to go, but ill reply back asap.

Thanks for your time
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Thanks for the reply, how did you come to that conclusion? Sounds interesting...

Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
That may be true Spider. It reminds me of an observation i've made, but my was the opposite of your time frame. I thought maybe 7 days is our 7 hours. It's cool that you pointed that out though.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Glad the story made sense:)
I guess we can't really understand the time frames for the departed, maybe our realm is three days longer than theirs?
Like to them it seemed like a few seconds but to us it was 3 days?
Just a thought.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
You wrote this story pretty good. That's a good theory chibear6902. I hope that isn't all the way true, because Jesus was in hell those 3 days before he rose. I enjoyed the story Spider.

Thank you for sharing
chibear6902 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
Hi to both of you... Ever think that maybe the 'three day' thing is tied into Jesus Christ rising on the 3rd day? It makes sense to me. It was three days from the time my Dad died that my Mom and Sister saw him at the foot of their beds. Just thought I'd throw that out there.:-)
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
Yes, like I said, I'm not sure where that idea came from, and after submitting I thought about it and I couldn't remember if it was within 3 days or after 3 days... Oh well, maybe its one of those 3am things, group thought etc? Haha
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
SpiderZA: I've often wondered about the "three days" thing... I mean, why not five days, or a week? 😆...I don't know, but I have a theory that perhaps it's because it takes that long for the reality of the situation to sink in for the survivors...

I'm glad things have calmed down for your family... The hardest part about losing a loved one is the fear they're not at peace... Thank you for posting!

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