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Water Droplets


I have been experiencing (phantom) water droplets that are being dropped down onto me in my home. I say they are phantom because I have yet to find the origin of them. When the drops fall, they always fall on my right hand and they keep form and do not roll off or diffuse. I have touched them and rubbed them between my fingers. They feel like water but I have yet to taste them and I don't think I will.

The first two I had noticed happened in my living room. I was standing in the room, catching a glimpse of a TV program when I felt the water drop land on my (right) hand. After I touched it, I looked up and saw another coming straight down. I followed it with my eyes and it landed again in the same spot on my hand. Both water droplets were big.

My ceilings are 10ft in height, so when I looked up I only saw the second drop coming from about 8ft. After the second drop landed and I inspected it, I grabbed my 6ft ladder and inspected the ceiling. The ceiling was not wet and didn't have any pooled water in it. It also doesn't have an air vent in that area.

It happened again last night but in a different room. I was lying in my bedroom reading peacefully when a droplet of water came down and landed on my right hand. I looked up but saw nothing. At that point I didn't inspect because I have the feeling now, I won't find anything.

The only thing I have come across that attempts to explain this (spiritually) is that it's the sorrow of a deceased or the repressed emotion of the living. I'm sorry but neither one of those explanations "fit" with me or how this feels. First off, I don't believe that anyone I have lost would come to me and give me their tears on something I have no way of helping or understanding. Second, if it were repressed emotions, than many homes would be raining. I'm not dismissing anyone's opinions; however, I just don't feel it's that complicated (in my situation).

When it happens it feels very intentional and pointed and I am the only one that reports this happening in the house. I don't know if there is significance with the right hand or if it is just coincidence. Any thoughts on that?

Has anyone else had this happen to them too? Any help is really appreciated.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, webbie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

SMK33 (1 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Yes just this morning as I'm folding laundry a water droplet landed on my right hand so immediately I look up and inspect the ceiling but no cracks or wetness. There's not even a way for water to get where I was infrom the attic. The droplet did not roll off of my hand it sat in form until it absorbed into my skin. It didn't have a smell of any kind. About 3 days ago while walking out of my bedroom it felt like someone sprayed me in the middle of my back with a water hose. The sensation was so intense I jumped forward and yelled as if I really had gotten sprayed but no physical signs of water. Over my lifetime of 43 years I have often felt sensations of water being dropped down on me but this morning was the first time ever that there was physical proof of a water drop. It did not feel like anything evil or benevolent. So curious as to what or who does this to me
ghostfacep (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Ive had this happen a couple of times myself when I was younger. For some reason it always reminded me of my Grandmother on my fathers side.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Wow incredible! After reading your experience I couldn't help but feel absolutely fascinated. So I did a little research online and you're right, many other people have also experienced this strange phenomenon. Still not sure what it means but I found a few people (mostly from a religious point of view) saying that it was a good omen which made me think your post -"I have noticed when the droplets come, I am calm and peaceful and I don't get a feeling uneasiness when it happens." I don't know something to think about I suppose.
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Thanking you Kindly Pjod.
Will have a look asap... Gotta be a master of sly at trying to evade the boss to look up info and have chats on the Unknown. 😆

And they always seem to walk in... And ask for something stoopid right when you are totally involved!
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
I'm not sure of a link- but a basic search would give you a result. "Rain Man" episode of Paranormal Witness on the SyFy channel. As I recall, nothing about any "water demon" -the subject did mention a deceased uncle who tormented him in life, and seeing the apparition of this uncle before these events occured. I don't mean to compare the above experience to that particular case- only common in the way of "water drops" appearing where none should. The "Rain Man" case from Pennsylvania, was an extream intense pouring of rain indoors- with the rain coming up from the floor/sideways as well as down. The priest who exocised the young man involved, was battered by this rain as well, yet the bible he was holding was untouched by the water.
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
This is extremely Fascinating! And for me totally unheard of...

Is there any possibility Pjod and Whitewolf that you could hook us up with a link to that episode when you get a chance?

Would be most appreciative.

Thanks Guys
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)

I have seen the episode that you mentioned it was a water demon that was possessing the man and the rain would rise instead of falling plus the water was sticky and the man would not have a single drop on him.

I am sure that what the man experienced in the show is the same thing that this author is experiencing.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)

Yeah, I was looking forward to that one, it is a shame they decided against an investigation. In that case there was no falling water though... Just the puddles and footprints. Their house was a corn field away from a pretty significant river, and we suspected the spirit may have been a drowning victim; or a victim of something else that ended up in the river. But we will never know for sure.

MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Love your thought... Drool... *Rofl*... It would be interesting if it was... If not totally hilarious.

It is one of the strangest things I have ever heard. Its nice that you have tried to work out what it is... And seperate out what it couldn't be. Have you ruled out condensation. I know its a long shot... I'm trying to think it through too.
Ive heard about raining purfume, holy water, blood, cooking oil and sewage (in various homes I have helped clense in the past) ... The sewage one was the worst... The ghosts haunting the home thought it was funny. And the holy water was in a converted church now how, done by a spirit that was a former Priest come spiritual caretaker of the former church who was very upset that the family who bought the church and turned into a home... An appology to all the spirits in both cases stopped both problems.
Maybe if you offered up your house a general spirtual appology you might have your problem stop. Your house might just be in spiritul unrest.

Also I believe their is a really good poster on here called Rookydginn (sp?) that from what I have heard has a brilliant cleansing you could do for your house. It sure would do all better and be more helpful than what my idea is I think... As I'm still learning and getting used to my gifts.

Kind Regards,
webbie (4 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
Grimm-Reaper24 - LOL I know it's not slobber, as gross as that is.

LouSlips - Oh I wish the investigation would have been done so people can find out more about this. It's a shame because many people report it but nothing concrete has been found for it.

Pjod - Thanks for the case info. I will research it too. The last thing I need is a demon hanging around. I have noticed when the droplets come, I am calm and peaceful and I don't get a feeling uneasiness when it happens.

I have read that spirits can manipulate water, although I don't know why. Next time it happens I thinking of putting the drop on a test strip. I just want to confirm it is water since I refuse to taste it. Thanks for the insightful replies.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
There was a case in the state of Pennsylvania, late 70's or early 80's. It was recently featured on the show "Paranormal Witness" SyFy channel (Rain Man). I had read about this case a few years back, but there was a rather disturbed young man who could basically, make it rain indoors. Many witnesses to these events, including law enforcement, prison guards and inmates.
Not comparing that case to yours, as there was "evil spirit" involved in that particular case- just thought I'd throw it out there for you to take a look at.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)

I had this happen to me three or four times over a couple of days. The drops hit my head and shoulders. At the time, I was part of a paranormal investigative team and I had been talking with a client over the phone regarding puddles of water and wet footprints they were finding in their home, when none of its living occupants could have made them. I assumed it was the spirit they were experiencing "coming through" to me. We never did do the investigation, so I have no other info to share... But it was interesting, to say the least.

Grimm-Reaper24 (1 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
maybe its some sort of slobber or drool, could be that there's a being or creature on your ceiling that is kind of drooling on you
webbie (4 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
Thanks for the article link zzsgranny. I never thought to add the temperature of the water in my details. When I touch the droplets they don't feel cold though, they feel lukewarm.

😁 I'm glad you found it interesting. I'm surprised there isn't a lot of info out there on it. I checked my local library website in hopes of finding books on it, but nothing is written on the topic. I know more people are experience it too.

Thanks for the comment.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
Here's an article that supports a different theory than sorrow/repressed emotion... I think it makes sense 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
Webbie: I haven't experienced this on my hands, but on my face and then only once or twice... Let me ask you: how would you describe the temperature of the droplets?...

This is really interesting and Google's gonn'a get a work out from me tonight 😆 😆

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