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Visit From Dead Soldier


I'm new to this site and after reading some of the stories here I decided that I wanted to share my experience. This happened when I was 4 and lasted until after I turned 5 years old.

I was living in Mexico City at the time my encounter happened. (I currently reside in the US). When I was four, I had my own room while my sisters shared a room together. My parents room was at one end of the hall, and if you went down the hall my room would be the first room on the right and my sisters room would be at the other end of the hall. We lived in a two story house and my room was located on the second floor right in front of the staircase. Every time you went up the stairs when you stepped on the last step you would hear it creak under someone's weight. Also at the top of the steps, we had a gate that we closed and locked every night so no one could get in any bedrooms.

After I turned four years old, every night I would hear someone coming up the steps and stepping on the last step. I always assumed it was my dad checking that no one was there and then locked the gate (I never realized how late at night it was when I heard these footsteps). I heard these steps every night, and after about a month, after I heard the creaking of the last step, I heard footsteps coming toward my room, and then I felt as though someone was sitting on the edge of the bed. At first I thought it was my dad checking to see if I was fine, and stroke my hair (he always did that before I went to sleep). I waited for like 5 minutes and he didn't stroke my hair and I just raised my head to see why he wasn't stroking my hair and when I looked up no one was there so I covered my head with a blanket.

After a week of this happening I asked my dad if he was the one sitting on my bed late at night and he said no, that he went to sleep at the same time we did. I became really scared, and told my mom about it. She didn't believe me at first and told me it was just my imagination. These visits from an unknown stranger kept happening every night for like two months (and he would just sit at the edge of the bed for a long time), until my mom decided that I move in to my sisters room so I would be accompanied through the night. Me and my oldest sister switched beds (so she got her own room where my room had been and I shared with my other sister.

At the far left of the room there is a door that led to the play room and there was another staircase and therefore there was another gate there as well. My mom hoped that by changing rooms I would stop having these visits. This was not the case. I kept getting visited every night by the same thing (I could never see him), and I would feel it sitting at the edge of the bed, and staying there for the longest time. After I kept telling my mom about it, she decided that she needed to call a psychic to see if we were dealing with a spirit.

When the psychic came, she saw our fish tank and said that the fish were keeping the balance in our house. The she saw our painting of Mary holding baby Jesus and said that that painting was protecting the house from the spirit that lived there. The psychic I told my mom that the man that used to live there before us was a German soldier, that fought during world war 2 and that the soldier was a pedophile when he was living and that he would bother the youngest child of the family (which was me). The psychic cleansed our house and the soldier never bothered me again.

To this day (I'm 19) I'm still terrified at what happened to me. I was very thankful that when we moved the US the spirit didn't follow me. I am also thankful for my faith because without it something worse could've happened.

Thank you for reading and I welcome any comment or questions.

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Jpsych (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-10)
Yeah by it I meant the experience.

And as for the fish, I honestly don't know how they kept the situation from escalating... But the painting with Jesus and Mary has a lot of meaning for us (its been in the family for years), so I feel that because of that painting I was protected. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-10)

Your reactions seem natural enough and you were young enough its hard to ask for 'more details'.

I do want to ask about this statement, at least part of it...

"I remember feeling really creeped out by the situation, I wasn't calm but at the same time I wasn't screaming my head off when it happened (so somewhere in between) . I also knew at the time that whatever was happening wasn't right."

You said you knew it wasn't 'right'... Is this a reference to the whole experience or an observation about the spirit 'itself'?

I can understand how 'Faith' could keep things from 'escalating' but an 'aquarium and a painting', I'm not sure how they 'play' into things... Interesting.


Jpsych (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
I honestly don't know why the psychic felt that he was a pedophile, just that she did. My mom also told me that the psychic said that because we had the fish and the painting, that the spirit didn't/couldn't harm me because they were a sort of protection. She had said that if we didn't have those item or faith that the situation could've escalated and I could've possibly been harmed.

I remember feeling really creeped out by the situation, I wasn't calm but at the same time I wasn't screaming my head off when it happened (so somewhere in between) . I also knew at the time that whatever was happening wasn't right. I don't think I processed that what was happening was a paranormal event, like I don't remember thinking "omg I'm being haunted by a ghost!" 😜
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)

Thank you for your answers. This experience is going into my Fav's list...

I think its great that your Mother was able to verify the information from the psychic and that she was not 'hired' but rather a friend of the family.

The big question that remains for me is... Why did she feel this spirit was a pedophile in life?

This 'finding' just doesn't seem to 'jive' with what you were feeling when you had these experiences. You said you asked your Dad if it was him 'checking on you' at night, this does not sound like you were afraid of this spirit. Do you remember any feelings you had during these experiences? Calm/Peaceful? Creepy/Something 'Not Right'?

Thanks again for Sharing.


Jpsych (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
When my sisters were born my parents lived in an apartment it wasn't until I was born until we moved to the house I described. As far as I know, they didn't have any experiences with the spirit.

And none of my grandparents died when I was that age.

When I asked my mom why she believed the psychic, she told me that after she had told her about the german soldier, my mom researched who lived there before us, and sure enough a German man retired from the war lived there before us. Also the psychic told her things that she couln't have known, like my mom never mentioned who this spirit was bothering, juts that it was bothering "one of her daughters," the psychic knew it was me.

The psychic was a friend of my grandmas (and shes experienced paranormal things as well) although my mom didn't know her personally, but she didn't pay the psychic, the psychic just wanted to help.

And thank you for bringing it to my attention that the spirit may not have been malevolent because I actually never wondered whether it was malevolent or benevolent 😊
Narella (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)
Maybe the psychic picked up on a former German soldier who emigrated to Mexico well after the war.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)

I have a few questions,

Did your older brothers or sisters have similar experiences as you, or were you the first one to hear these foot steps and feel the 'spirit' sit on your bed? I ask because if the 'soldier' was from WW 11 he may have (would have?) done the same thing to them... If not Did a Grandmother or Grandfather 'pass away' near your birth or between your being born and being 4-5 years old?

Did your Mother or Father do any research prior to or after the psychic's visit? Either to learn the History of your home or to verify the psychic's findings?

Last, and the question you are least likely to be able to answer, Do you know if your Parents (or Mother) paid for the psychic's services? Did your Parents know the psychic?

I ask these questions because this spirit, as you described it, did not seem 'malevolent' in nature (scary sure). You even thought it may be your Dad at first... The 'psychic's' cleansing may have caused a benevolent spirit to realize it was scaring you so it stopped.

You say this happened when you were 4-5 years old, you may not know the answer to any of my questions... I can't help but wonder about the spirit of a German WW 11 Soldier in 1999 (ish?) in Mexico City... Yes some of the Germans escaped to South and Central America... But they were not 'common' soldiers. They generally were High Ranking Officers...

Thank you for sharing, you obviously experienced something that stayed with you all these years...I'd just hope a 'fake psychic' didn't take advantage of you and your Family.
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-05)
Hey there! That was really an awesome story. Amazing how you can remember things when you were just 4. Glad that things are pretty much on the good path now and of course, always keep faith (: Be good, be blessed. Thank you.
Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Dear jpsych,
Thanx for your reply. Bad spirits hate good smells like sandalwood. And are scared of certain spells/chants.Thanks again.
Jpsych (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
MrMojoRisin93: yea i've heard the story of la llorona... In mexico its common to have maids, and the maids we had would all talk about different experiences they or their friends have had with la llorona

Valkricry: the neighborhood we lived in wasn't very safe, so the gates would prevent any robber or bad person from getting to any of us and potentially hurting us. That's why when I first heard the sounds I thought it was my dad locking them up because no one could get past them 😜
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
I guess I really don't understand about the gates at the top of the stairs.*shrug* It didn't detract from your story any though. All in all you're probably very lucky all he did was sit on your bed! 😨 That would creep me out too.
At MrMojoRisin93: La Llorona is indeed a very sad story.
MrMojoRisin93 (1 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Hey, cool story! Have you ever heard about the legend of La Llorona? A friend of mine actually told me an experience of her and The Weeping Woman. She said she heard a lamenting cry from afar. The place in Mexico where she's from, La Llorona tales are common.
Amie_16 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Wow scary story it was! I enjoyed reading your story alot...

Thanks for sharing
Jpsych (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Rockangel: no, I would just hear him come up the stairs and feel him sit on my bed

Merlyn: she cleansed it with some sort of incense and was muttering something, although I can't remember what exactly she said
Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
How did the psychic cleanse your home?Like,did she smudge the place with sage
And such?
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Wow...that was really interesting to read! I have a similar situation where I feel as though somebody is watching me at night.
rockangel13 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Wow, strange and scary story. I guess sometimes, young children are more vulnerable to the paranormal. Was he bugging you in any other sort of way?


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