As I was reading another member's story about weird phone call, I remembered another thing that used to happen in this house.
As mentioned in Pt.1, when I lived in this particular house I was a somewhat troubled teenager, but not to the extreme. I remember I used to always get prank calls during the time I resided here. Or so I thought until a few years ago.
Prior to this house I lived in an apartment and a fellow classmate, a.k.a my crush, would prank call me a lot. He would call and mock whatever I said or just make silly noises. So after I moved to this house I continued to get prank calls but they were no longer silly noises but instead just breathing or static. This would happen at least once a week. It got to the point where, when they called, I would just say things like, "Oh it's you again, long time no talk!" and the call would end after a second or two. It didn't happen to other people in the house.
Now years later and learning that spirits can use technology to communicate, I now believe it wasn't my then crush. Plus, years after when I would run into him I used to always give him crap for it and he said he only did that to me twice in grade 7. That would have made me 12 then. I lived at this house from 15-16. Most of the scary accounts that happened to me happened in this house, that's also why I believe the calls were from the entity that stayed there.
I have always been a strong person emotionally. Though I can cry at almost anything, I don't linger on it for long or usually more than a day (I cry watching monkeys use rocks to open nuts because it's so beautiful lol for goodness sakes). In other words, I'm pretty open-minded and know that life happens for me and not TO me.
But one particular night as I was waiting to fall asleep, out of nowhere I got a huge urge and image of going upstairs, get a knife and slit my wrists. Now I was not depressed or thinking about anything upsetting. I just got the thought and truly wanted to do it. I had no reason for it, and I knew it was not my own mind because I don't believe in suicide and nothing happened to me to where I would want to end my life that night. It actually scared me that I would have a thought like that. So I pushed it out and assured myself I was just being stupid, then I went to bed. That's it for this house, I think. Unless more memories come back to me, until then, take care!
I just know there was an evil entity there. I tried to look up the history of the house or anything related and found nothing online.